fftrlttoat KtV*. lot. Cop flight 1441—hom Atmt lip* back] the' AND HELP W ' W ■ • ' 6th WAR LOAN [DEFEAT JAPAN! REMEMBER the gaping holds of ships sunk without warning at * Pearl Harbor? Remember, too, the men killed during the in famous sneak attack ? This is the fight that Japan started ... the fight that we’re out to finish! Don’t fool yourself, the Japs are tough. It will take long, bitter, costly fighting to blast them out. It will take new and specialized equipment. B-29 Superfortresses . . . amphibious tanks . . . airplane carriers . . . P-47 Thunderbolts and new secret weapons. And a veritable Niagara of oil and gasoline! Your War Bonds helped train and feed and equip the American armies that smashed through at St. Lo ... Nancy... Sedan. Yes ... your War Bonds are helping to win the Battle