AT THE MOVIES IN CHERRYVILLE At THE LESTER THEATRE Thurs.-Fri. •* Levy ot beauties warble w ith the Voice, in "Step Lively," new music rring Trunk Sinatra, with George Murphv and Gloria DcHaset’ Coming Sun. Nite Late Show & Mon.-Tues.* 2 Day* at THE LESTER THEATRE •ine Hepburn and Turban Bex in a scene from "Dragon Seed, based ■ i the nos el l.v Pea;! S Buck, u ith S' alter Huston and Aline Mac*' LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS Davisville, R. I. j Camp Thomas | IIT Fred, It seems that I have waited quite a while before dropping | you a line or two. Rut I have j been pretty busy since 1 got back to this Yankee land. You see l am not with my old outfit any more. I was transferred out into station force. I don’t know how long t will be here in R. I. but 1 hope to be here until spring anyway, as that would be a good time to conn home on leave. If I would ua\ c remained with the 29th 1 would be on my way sometime this v. eek for the west coast., and I \ have a good idea where .bey aie I going after they get to Camp j larks. Fred, I guess you know tb < j without me saying it, but Die j Eagle reads just as good up heic as it did overseas, and I look for ward every v«ek for my cony. Well Fred, as time is short 1 will close for now, and hope the Eagle continues in future as it has in tlm Always a friend, PARKER GEORGE Mr. and Mrs. Sneed of Crouse have received the following letter from their son. Germany My Dear Mother and Dad, It makes me feel good to know that I can sit down and write you a few lines today. 1 pray that this letter will find both of you in the hest of health. For myself I am feeling fine, only a little tired. But I still have plenty of faith. That is what it takes in this horrible life we are living. I went to church services today to beat it all the Germans started to shell us in the middle of the sermon. We had to fall on the floor, till it was over. Then the preacher carried on. Thank God not a man was hurt. We have a wonderful preacher. The people in the States seem to think the war is over. 1 will tell you this for the truth, tier many is the sixth country I have been fighting in. W’e are doing t HEADQUARTERS In spite of shortages in many lines we have a rather large stock of Christmas toys and standard nationally advertis ed merchandise. WWAVA*AW.WA%,.VA,.V, GIFTS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY SANTA IS MAKINC HIS HEADQUARTERS HERE WWWVWVWWVWWW^ftrtftWWWVVW^WWWWWWWWWWVWWWWV WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE the hardest fighting we ever did. i have been fighting the Germans long enough to know what fight ing is. Especially in their home land. Every move you make is dangerous. We have no help from no one. I just read it. the paper that some one had wrote, wondering if the boys over seas were home sick, that sure did burn me up. \\ ho wouldn't be homesick after fighting at the front for two years. \\ e eat, sleep, tight in the rain and mud, we don t know what a good bed is. i thank ciod that he iius been with me aiiu kept mein good health. Mother, l know that you are expecting me home for Christmas. Cod bless jour soul, 1 hate to say anything to make you feel bad. l/en’l expect me until after the war. If it is the Lord's will, for he is the one that makes the preparations that a man has to do. • While lighting in the battlefield I nect r worry about myself. Von and Dad are my greatest won. and what I am fighting for 1 hau to see my home go through the same thing that is going on here, it is tenible. 1 would never start to tell yon about it. It might he a wrong thing to say, but I don’t have any mercy for this country we are fighting in. What hurts me so bad is the price we are paying m nice young men, to conquer the devil. 1 see it every day with my own eyes. If the people in the states only knew what it costs to fight a war, the suffering and ex posure of young men, they would get down on their knees and pray more to help us boys to light this horrible war. Mother, I'm sure your prayers have been answered, my consci ence tells me that every day. It is hard for a soldier to live the right kind of life on the road we are traveling. We pray and do the best we van. 1 had a new Bible today from the preacher. But 1 still carry the one you gave me I! 1-2 years ago. Hoping that I may carry it home before long. How do you like your new home these days? 1 guess I will have a lot of new things to see when 1 get home. 1 don’t have much more to say, so you keep praying and smiling. Hoping to be home with you be fore long with a world of love. Your son, Sgt. Marvin S. Sneed .34084015 Hq. Btrv. 05 A. F. A. Bn. APO 339-, cn P. M. New York, N. Y. Although a heifer may he well bred she ll be a scrub if not well fed, say Extension livestock spec ialists at State College. One of the outstanding faults in brooding chicks is overciowd ing. Not over 2 chicks should he started for each square foot of floor space, 's the recommendation of Prof. Hoy Dearstyne at State \ C ollege. Burning the woods destroys the food of birds and game. For good hunting, help prevent forest fires. WHEN NERVi PESTER (* I FIND THAT HELPS NERV to rela: AND LEAVEJ CALM,SERE WHEN Functional Nervoua Disturbances such as Sleep lessness, Crankiness, Excitability, Restlessness or Nervous Headache interfere with your work or spoil your good times, take Dr. Miles Nervine * (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) Nervous Tension can make you Wakeful, Jittery, Irritable. Ner vous Tension can cause Nervous Headache and Nervous Indiges tion. In times like these, we are more likely than usual to become overwrought and nervous and to wish for a good sedative. Dr. Miles Nervine is a good sedative —mild but effective. If you do not use Dr. Miles Nervine you can’t know what it will do for you. It comes in Liquid and Effervescent Tablet form, both equally soothing to tense and over-wrought nerves. WHY DON’T YOU TRY ITT, *Get it at your drug store, Effervescent tablets 35* and 75*, Liquid 25* and $1.00. Read direc tions and use only as directed. ,f REV. ROBERT H HARM t Christ in the Home. Lesson for December 10: Gen. 1:27, 28; 2:18; Matthew 19:4-6; Golen Text: John 15:17. II Timothy 1:3-6. Luke 10:38-42; Ephesians 6:1-4; In Genesis we learn that mar riage is ordained of God—certain ly it is necessary to the ongoing of the race, and it brings to man and woman the finest blessings earth can give and opens to them the obligation and the opportunity to live for good in their children. From Jesus we learn that mar riage is for life and the home to be permanent. “What therefore tod hath joined together, let not m put asunder.” The Master did it approve the easy divorce .. hich Moses had allowed, and He named only one cause for divorce. In the home at Bethany we find two sisters and a brother loving and devoted, with Jesus honored and a welcome guest. In Ephesi ans 6:1-4 we learn of the right relation between children and the parents — children should honor and obey, fathers should not deal harshly with their children, “hut bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Someone said a child's education should begin 20 years before he is born; another said it should be gin with his grandparents. Nearly 2000 years before these state ments were made Paul had writ ten Timothy of the faith of the young man’s grandmother find mother. It was an inheritance of faith which had brought Timothy to Christ; rather was it both in 1 er'tance and environment— for much was inherited and from a child Timothy was trained by pre cept and example to love God. \fit* pots' ^ TOP THAT /OkJi ' BY NEW YEAR'S '0mMm If Christ dwells in the home in all its relationships, the command to l<>ve one another, found in the Goiic-n I'ext, vill be fa/VuHy and gladly lo’iowed. Samples of bales of cotton go i n g through the Government classing laboratory at Raleigh are about 10 per cent higher than of last year. By actual measurement the temperature in the woods is about yO degrees lower during the hot weather and about the same am ount higher during cold weather than in adjoining fields. BUY BONDS Open evenings ’til 9 through } December 23. Ed. Mellon Co. 106-108 W. TRADE ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C. I i - Brotoorioo m Atlanta, Ckarlotu, CkWowga. Norfolk, Orlando I fyer&tlvu n^4o/ru CREAM OF ROSES CLEANSING CREAM We are Happy to Announce that We have been chosen Dealers of the Nationally known DORO THY PERKINS line of Cosme tics. We have the Complete Beauty Preparations: FACE POWDER DUSTING POWDER CLEANSING CREAM NIGHT CREAM ROUGE LIP STICK WEATHER LOTION MAGIC MAKE-UP EAU DE COLOGNE TALCUM PERFUME FOUNDATION CREAM COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE BELK-MATTHEWS CO. * CHERRYVILLE, N. C.