TODAY—570 of our boys will pay for war the HARD WAY American casualties now average more than 570 for every day of war. As the conquest of Japan advances, losses will probably be higher. THE BIGGEST JOB IS STILL AHEAD mm BUY BIGGER BONDS! It’s a BIG farm year-buy BIGGER Bonds! Here are 6 big reasons for buying the most you can—$100, $500, $1,000—in the big 6th War Loan. War Bonds give you: 1. The best and safest investment in the world. 2. At maturity, $4.00 for every $3.00 you loan. 3* The convenience of cash—plus increase in value! 4. Funds to replace and restore worn-out farm equipment, soil fertility, and buildings. 5. Funds for educating your children; a nest egg for your own security, travel,retirement. 6. The increased purchasing power vitally li needed to win the Peace. 7WEYsft//dre-m//,Y0U6#y? "3P T TILL you ban dollars, while they give lives? The oonquest of Japan will * * probably be the costliest war in history. Distances are enormous. The enemy is tough and fanatical. We have no reserves of supply within thousands of miles—everything must be transported. And war in the Pacific requires special equipment, not used elsewhere. Loaning money is the easiest part of the war effort; but it is no lews important than fighting. One B'29 Superfortress to bomb Tokyo costs $600,000. To train the pilot costs $27,000. Each torpedo costs $12,000. Because of the vast distances, it takes four to six ships, constantly in motion, to deliver one shipload per month. ( The Japs think our homa-front is soft. They think we’ll get tired of the war and quit. Well—it’s up to you. Our fighting men aren’t quitters; the Japs know that. It’s you they are counting on. % Let’s give them the answer—in the 6th War Loan! Let’s show Tokyo we can * “take it,” too! Buy BIGGER Bonds, and we’ll finish the big job faster. I BUY BIGGER BONDS NOW.' s\ This is an official U. S. Treasury advertisement—prepared under auspices of Treasury Department and War Advertising Council NUWAY SPINNING COMPANY