Society Parties, Clubs and News About People In Social Activities w Miss W. Jordan of Brooklyn, N. Y., niece of Mrs. A. Galloway is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Galloway. Little Judy Blaokwelder spent from Sunday until Tuesday with her grandmother, Mrs. L. S. Stroup. Mrs. John C. Allen has received word from her husband Pfc John C. Allen, Jr., that he landed safely in England. Lt. and Mrs. Ralph Newton spent a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Newton of Rt. 1, Crouse. Mr. Henry Hall of Fayetteville is spending several weeks here the guest of Mrs. Julia Hall and Mr. and Mrs. lleinan Hall. Mrs. A. Galloway will ie-ve on Tuesday for New York to purch ase spring goods for Galloway s Department Store. Mrs. Carlyle Browning and family of Summerville, S. C. are expected to spend the Christinas holidays here with her father, Mr. T. E. Summer. Miss Jane Allen Butler, who is a student at Draughon School of Commerce, Atlanta, Ga., will ar rive Friday night to spend the Christmas holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Butler. Cadet S. M. Butler, Jr., arrived hint Friday from Staunton Military Academy for the Christmas holi days with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Butler. Mr. Lawson Dellinger returned Sunday from the City Hospital in Gastonia, where he has Deen tak ing treatment for a back injury suffered from a fall several days Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blackwelder cturned Thursday from New York and Norwich, Conneticutt. They spent the week-end in Norwich, fhe guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Smith, formerly Cherryville resi dents. Sgt. John I. Payne, stationed at Goodfellow Field, San Angelo, T exas, arrived Monday for a fif teen day furlough with his Wife and children who are making their home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mauney. Miss Gwen Hobbs attended the wedding of Miss Shirley Sander lin ami Johnnie Wooten, Cadet Midshipman, U. S. M. M. C. C., in Louisbtug, Thursday night. Miss Hobbs was a bridesmaid in the wedding. She and the bride were classmates aot Mars Hill and W.N. C., Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Loy Spargo and little daughter, Jane Wyant, of Charlotte, Loy Spargo, Jr., of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Spargo and daughter, Mrs. Bert Balow, Jr., of Gastonia spent Sun day afternoon here, the guests of their mother, Mrs. Eli Beam. Tommy Summer returned home Wednesday from the City Hospi tal in Gastonia, where he under vent an appendectomy several days ago. His friends will be g;lad ■ to know he is getting along nice ly S Sgt. William Yates Bookout who has been in the South Pacific ID E HOfffc old Santa will not forget you this Christmas of 1914, hut that he will cram that st< iking so full it ran hold no more. Good cheer. go< d fellowship, and Merry Christina; to you all! HARRELSON TABLE SUPPLY GREETINGS 4 A Merry Christmas MAY the blessings ol God be with you, our friends, and with all of us... in our souls and upon our hearths. We can offer no more gracious greeting this Yulftide. PEOPLES DRY CLEANERS He and Mrs. Bookout spent the week-end here, the guests of his sister, Mrs. W. P. Gray and Mr. Gray. NANCY BLANCHE SMI TH Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Smith, of Norwich, Connecticut, formerly of Cherryville, announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Blanche, on Tuesday, December 19th. SGT. CHARLES STROUP RECEIVES PROMOTION Sgt. Charles Stroup, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stroup, stationed at Fort Monmouth, N. J., has re ceived a promotion to Stair Ser geant. S Sgt. Stroup entered the service three years ago and is be ing transferred to Baltimore, Mil. Miss Wyant Announ ces Wedding Plans: Miss Janie Louise Wyant has j completed plans for her wedding to Mr. Malcolm Dupree Aiken j which takes place December 24th l at five o’clock in the evening at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Hickory. Dr. P. E. Monroe, president of Lenoir Rhyne College and former pastor of the bride, will officiate assisted by the Rev. Voight Cro mer, pastor of Holy Trinity Lu theran Church. Thomas Garden Bolick, nephew of the bride and Leon Huffman, cousin of the bride will light the candles. Mrs. Julia Hali of Cherryville will be the organist. Mrs. Elmer Hoskins, sister of the bridegroom and Miss Helen Troutman will be the soloists. The bride-elect will be given in marriage by her father, Garden Vance Wyant. The prospective bridegroom will have as his best man his fath er, James Thaddeus Aiken. Mrs. C. M. Bolick will attend her sister as Matron of Honor and another sister, Lois Wyant will he Maid of Honor. The brides maids will be Mrs. Emmett Houser and Mrs. Harold Hoskins, sister of the bridegroom. The ushers will include Clar ence Bolick, Richard Finger, Bun van Love, Howard House)' and Elmer Hoskins. December 23rd after the re hearsal, Mr. and Mrs. (’. M B die assisted by Mrs. Richard Finger will entertain at their home at a cake cutting for the bridal party and out-of-town guests. Holiday Bridge Party Given By Mrs. Beam : And Mrs. Browne Mrs. Robert H. Beam and Mrs. j u. D. Browne Jr. were hostesses: at a lovely holiday bridge party given last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. J. m. Beam. The homt was arranged through out with Christmas decorations and the party airangeinents weie t.'so in keeping with the Christmas motif. Five tables were arranged for bridge and one table for rum At the dose of the games prizes were awarded as follows: Mrs. W. T. Robinson high score at bridge, Mrs. Marshall Shives, rummie prize end bingo prize went to Miss Edith Hoyle. Miss Nelta Gates, bride-elect of January was pres ented a piece 6f crystal in her chosen pattern. A delicious sweet course was served with cake, sandwiches, mints, russian tea and accessories. The hostesses were assisted in serving by Mrs. J. M. Beam. Guests were Mrs. Robert Mc Neill, Mrp. J. Ralph Beam, Mrs. Hugh Putnam, Mrs. Marshall Bhives, Mrs. Ben Rudisill, Mrs. Ed Naylor, Mrs. W. T. Robinson, Mrs. J. D. Watts, Mrs. Robert Gurley, Mrs. Everett Ellington, Mrs. Floyd Dellinger, Mrs. Ralph Moseley, Mrs. Roy Carpenter, Mrs. Robert Rhea, Mrs. Johnnie Morgan, Mrs. James L. Putnam, Jr., Mrs. Dew ey Heafner, Mrs. Berge Beam, Jr. Sgt. Ruby Stroupe, Miss Janet Hobbs, Miss Nelta Gates, Miss Peggy Houser, Miss Edith Hoyle and Bill Mauney. Readers’ Club Mrs. Dewey Beam and Mrs. M. A. Stroup were hostesses to the members of the Cherryville Read ers’ Club and their husbands and friends Tuesday evening-, Decem ber 12, at a lovely’ dinner party given at the home of Mrs. Dewey Beam. Holiday decorations adorned the living room and dining room where a delightful three course seasonal dinner was served by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Olivia Martin and Mrs. Dudley Camp. Each table was artistically center ed with lighted red candles in crystal holders. Attractive place cards directed the guests to their respective places. Later bingo was in play at six tables. At the conclusion of the game, the members exchanged gifts. The club remembered Miss Louise Wyant, a bride-elect,with a lovely crystal gift in her wedding pattern. Books in the club were exchanged for reading in Decem ber. The club members and guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Hunt er Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Rudisill, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Heman Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Harrel son, Mr. and Mrs. M. A, Stroup, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allran, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beam, Mesdames Gar land Sherrill, John Beach, Emmett Houser, Lewis Doggett, Olivia Martin, Dudley Camp, Misses Louise Wyantt and Ava Houser. The Ground of Universal Joy. Lesson for Dec. 24: Luke 2:8 12 Hebrews 1:1*4; 1 John 1:1*4. Golden Text: Luke 2:10. The ground of universal joy is the salvation Jesus makes possible to all. The herald angels brought tidings of “great joy” to the shep herds, because of Christ’s birth, directed them to find him in the manger in Bethlehem, and said the joy should be to “all people.” The shepherds were honored in deed, but were only a part of the vast host for whom Jesus camt. And we should feel the responsi bility of sharing Him with others. In Hebrews we learn of the glory of Christ as the final and peufeet manifestation of God—a glory far surpassing thtt of the prophets and angels through whom God had spoken in time past. And 'tis joy enough to Christians to share in the glory of their Lord. From I John comes assurance of the joy which believers have in i their knowledge of abiding retlity | their fellowship one with aonther, and with the Father and the Son. John's expressed purpose in writ ing of such things is “that our joy may be made full.” No joy can equal that of the consciousness of good life which shall endless be. This is the joy of those who re ceive the tidings of Christ into their hearts. The gospel—the good news— should bring abiding joy. Culti vate the art of being happy, cheerful, content, through your faith and your service. Speeding the tidings of great joy to men, you will confirm and augment the joy of your own salvation. And this latest Yuletide may your faith be strengthened and your good deeds multiplied, that you may have a joyous Christmas and a happy New Year, Legion Auxiliary Has Christmas Party The American Legion Auxiliary held its annual Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. N. B. Kend rick Tuesday night with Mrs. Hen drick and Mrs. J. D. Hobbs as joint hostesses. A delicious salad dessert course was served. Mrs. J. Ben Dellinger gave the devotionals after which Christmas Carols were sung and games played. At the conclusion gifts were exchanged. Gifts were presented the war mothers, Mrs. Lee Mauney, Mrs. L.A.T. McGinnis, Mrs. J. P. Del linger and Mrs. N. B. Kendrick. NOTICE Wo undersigned merchants will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, December 25 and 26. HOWELLS TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE NUWAY Community Store CONLEY KISER CARPENTER FURNITURE KESTER GROOME FURN. HUGH HELMS WALTER HOUSER FARMERS UNION SANITARY MARKET BELK MATTHEWS GOLDINERS ROY & TROY N. B. BOYLES ROBERT HARRELSON ROBERT BALLARD w. n. McGinnis McGinnis grocery WESTERN AUTO ASSO. MODERN DRY CLEANERS BEAM BARBER SHOP SANITARY BARBER SHOP HUB’S BARBER SHOP PEOPLE’S BARBER SHOP UPCHURCH’S l. c. McDowell PUTNAM HDW. B. & L. OFFICE CHERRYVILLE BANK HOUSER FURNITURE CO. COLEY’S SHOE SHOP DELLINGER JEWEL SHOP ROSES 5c & 10c STORE GALLOWAY’S N_.* MORE than any other people on earth American people have much to be thank ful for this Christmas Day. On this beloved anniversary we can proclaim our loyalty to the standards of our land—written down by great citizens of the past for all prosperity, inspired by the teachings of the great Savior whose birth we celebrate. Those are the standards of liberty, equality and unselfish ness by which we can forever live in happi ness . . . for which we are fighting now, against the powerful forces of greed, tyranny and hate. It is our faith in true concepts and in HIM who invested them in us, that will lead us to | triumph . . . DELLINGER JEWEL SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Duke 1 Entert ain For Son Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Duke en* I tertained at a dinner for their | son, SSgt. David Duke and broth er, TjSgt. David Ware, .who is at home on a furlough. S Sgt. David Duke has been stationed in Panama 155 months. T Sgt. David Y\ are has been in the South Pacific for .'id months. Attending the dinner, were: T Sgt. David Ware, Mis. D.F. Ware, I Mr. Fred Ware, Hall Ware, Mr. i and Mrs. Marvin Caldwell and ! children, M. D. and Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Facian Clark and children, : Hilda and Don, Mrs. V. L. Cren shaw and children, John and Ter y from Gastonia, .or. and Mrs. C. E. Ware and daughter, Senoba ; of Statesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ruth McKelvey and daughter Rugh and Mrs. Muilis of Stanley, S Sgt. and Mrs. David Duke of Asheville, Mr. Wallace Littlejohn of Spin dale, Mr. and Mrs. Duke and chil dren, Ernest and Mary. We read that a group of Yanks in the Pacific, to turn a press on which they were printing V-mail Christmas cards, rigged up a mo tor “scrounged ’ from the outfit's washing machine. Apparenth no body wanted to dream about a tat tle-tale gray Christmas. Mrs. Lee Mauney, the only Gold Star mother received a special gift. Noel! Noel! While ageless t'hrist mas carols fill <h«> air Ibis thought routes In mind. We would like to share with you our Yuletide happiness, and to feel that in this year of graee, in ft, thrlslmas will mean more to you than it has meant for many years past. McD0WELL DRY GOODS CO DIAL 4601 STRAND Cherryville, N. C. DEC 22*23 — FRI.-SAT. WILD BILL ELLIOTT Ijj . —in— “VIGILANTES OF DODGE CITY” —plus NEWS CarTOON OVERLAND MAIL DESERT HAWK XMAS—DEC. 25-26 (Matinee & night) SPECIAL MUSICAL WESTERN RED RIVER DAVE —IN— “SWING IN THE SADDLE” JANE FRAZEE —plus COMMUNITY SING LITTLE ABNER WOMEN AT WAR DEC. 27-28—2 DAYS —added— SELECTED SHORTS HOLIDAY GREETINGS TO ALL LESTER CHERRYVILIJE, n. c. CHERRYVILLE, N. C. DEC. 21-22—2 DAYS JEANETTE MACDONALE —in— “NAUGHTY MARIETTA’* SAT—ONE DAY ONLY |ROY# ROGERS I', t INC Of 1*1 £ C * I o r . Si TRiGGER wh'M n ih; *ivm ttftNOS ACROSS fvit BORDET? A REPUBLIC PICTURE —added— NEWS, CART., COMEDY BLACK ARROW (1) DIAL 4601 XMAS EVE— DEC 24th 2 days, Xmas and Tuesday v Jodf); 4 sing:! | ■)} vlodil \ flings!' Joan ' slings | « 1 7/i ujoo! | LOWELL THOMAS MOVIETONE NEWS WED. 1 day DEC. 27th Smiley (FROG BURNETTE —in— “RAIDERS OF | SUNSET PASS’' COMING DEC- 28-29 Fibber McGee & MOLLY - in “Heavenly Days” NOVELTY — FUN SEE A MOVIE During the HOLIDAYS

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