VWVVVWVVVVUVVWVVVVVVVVWVWVVWUVVUV Society^ Parties, Clubs and News About People IWAHAALH-H-H-Wjju ■ .... - - Mrs. J. P. Keever of Washing-1 ton, b. C., spent last week here ji] with her brother, Mr. A. A. Noles 01 and Mrs. Noles. Pvt. Wilbur Newton is spend ing his furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Newton in Crouse. Cpl. Howard McGinnis ot Camp Shelby, Miss., spent Christ mas Day here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McGinnis. Pvt. Ruby J. Crowder, station ed at Ft. Benning, Ga., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Essie Crowder for 21 days. fc te ISi sr h< M Mrs. J. S. P. Carpenter of Ma con, Ga., arrived Friday for a two weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. P. C. Beam. hi F hi hi tt Lt. Howell Stroup of Albany, Ga., spent Christmas here with liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stroup. st Pfc. Ed Sullivan, stationed at Fort McClellan, Ala., is spending a few days here with his wife and children. Miss Velma Beam returned to Hayesville Tuesday after spending the holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Beam. K Mrs. S. C. Black and son, Her- ( man Black, attended the funeral s of Mr. John Beam in A«; eviile \ Wednesday, January 3rd. 0 tsns; a. 2 Pfc. and Mrs. Rupert Camp and - children, Anna Gail, and Douglas, Mra. Jack Houser, Miss Nelta Gates and Miss Lunez Houser spent Friday in Spartanburg with friends. Kenneth Stroun has returned to N. C. 'State College, Raleigh, after spending the Holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mis. M. A. Stroup. Deputy Marshall W. B. Beam spent the Christmas holiays at home. Mrs. Beam accompanied him brck to Raleigh for a two weeks visit. Mrs. Earl Cates and niece, Bet ty ®e(^mon 'eft Monday for Norfolk after spending the holi days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sipe. Mrs. Julian Dasher has returned to her home in Charlotte alter spending the Christmas holiday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hallman. The State College Extension Service is inaugurating a special series of corn demonstrations (his year through the county agents to combine all the latest improve ments in corn production. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Clappe of Greensboro and Miss Betty Jean Robinson of Gainesville, Florida, apcnt Christmas holidays here the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Robinson. An application of 1 1-2 pounds of 4-9-3 fertilizer per square yard is recommended for tobacco plant beds by the State College Exten sion Service. Topdress with nitro gen, where necessary. Robert L. Mauney S 2 C return ed to Solomon Branch, Washing D. C. Monday night afterspending 72 hour leave here with his wife and daughter, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Mauney. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McGinnis of Gainesville, Ga., returned home on Wednesday after spending the week-end here the guests of the mormer's mother, Mrs. L. A. i. McGinnis. Mias Bonnie Newton of Wash-1 ington, D. C., spent the Christ mas Holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Newton of Crouse. She had as her guest Miss Janet Williams of Washing ton. Platoon Sgt. Harvey Lank ford, who has been spending a 30-day furlough here with his mother, Mrs. John Lankford left Wednesday for Oregon, where he will be reassigned for further duty. Mrs. Ed Hartsoe of Kings Moun tain, mother of Mrs. Pink Mayhue, had the misfortune of being hit on the highway by a hit and run driv er Christmas eve, while on her way to church. Her many friends will be glad to know she is im proving. Sgt. D. C. DeVenny has recent ly returned from England and w spending a thirty day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. DeVenny of Waco. Sgt. De Venny spent ten months with a bomb group of the Eighth Air Forces in England. Mrs. J. W. Wise, formerly Miss Betty Kester has resigned from her work in Washington where she has been working for the past year. She spent Christmas Hol idays at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kester and has joined her husband in Dodge City, ” Mr. Pink Mayhue who has been II for the past week is able to be 'Wt again. S-Sgt. Charles Stroup of Balti more, Md., spent the week-end ere with his parents, Mr. and drs. J. C. Stroup. Pfc. Rupert Camp left Tuesday or Camp Gruber, Oklahoma, at er spending .the holidays here vith his wife and childreri. Miss Lucy Lee Howell returned lufnday to Atlanta, Ga., after pending the Christmas holidays lere with her parents, Mr. and drs. W. C. Howell. Mrs. T*. C. Beam will celebrate ter 85th Birthday Anniversary, ’’riday, January 5th, at her home lere. She is expecting several of ler children to be with her on hat day. Miss Edith Stroup of Charlotte ipent the Christmas Tiolidays here vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stroup. Mrs. Eli Beam had as her guests luring the Christmas holidays. Mr. Loy Spargo and daughter, lane Wyant of Charlotte, Mrs. Charles Stevenson and daughter, Judy, of Hickory, and Miss Billy Beam of Durham and Miss Virgin ia Fayseau, of Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Noles spent the Christmas Holidays with their son, Cpl. Johnny H. Noles in Washington, D. C., at the home of Mrs. Noles' brother, Mr. V. M. McAlister. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Huss aTid children, Jane, Hunter, Jr., Alice Marie and William Wade, of Gas tonia were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. A. H. Huss. J. C. Hayes, CPhM, United States Navy is spending a fur lough with his mother, Mrs. E. J. Hayes, after serving twenty months in the South Pacific. Miss Jane Allen Butler left on Tuesday for Atlanta, Ga., after spending the Christmas Holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Butler. Mrs. Dorus Huss, of Cliffside, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huss and children, Hoke and Mary Stevyn, of Linwood, spent the week-end here with Mrs. A. H. Huss and Miss Marie Huss. Cpl. Everette V. Harrelson left Monday night for Camp Springs Field, Washington, D. C., after spending a fourteen day furlough with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harrelson. Mrs. J. F. Troutman and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lynn Clyburn of Concord spent the week-end here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Butler and Mrs. Ben R. Kudisdl Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Howell, Jr., returned to Atalanta, Ga., Tues day after spending the Christmas holidays here with the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Howell. Mr. Howell is a student in Emory University school of dental surgery._ Cadet S. M. Butler, Jr., and Pommy Summer attended a din ler dance in Moiganton Friday .ight given by Miss Betty Gaston. Cpl. and Mrs. Everette V. Har relson spent Friday and Saturday in High Point visiting relatives. Mrs. Ruth Randall spent the Christmas holidays in Baltimore with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Noell. Cadet S. M. ButTer, Jr., return ed to Staunton Military Academy Staunton, V'a., Wednesday night after spending the holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Butlci. MR. SAM ADAMS RECEIVES WOODEN SANDALS FROM SON Mr. Sam Adams has received two pairs of wooden sandais from his son, Lee Adams who is sta tioned in France. Mr. Adams has them on display here at the Eagle Office. Presbyterians To Worship at Methodist Service* at MelhodUt Church Sunday School 2 P. M. W. W. Browne, Supt, Preaching 3 P- M. by Rev J. L. Shannon of Gastonia, N, 0, HARRY ALLEN. JR., CHAIRMAN PARALYSIS FUND Harry Allen, Jr., has been ap pointed Community Chairman fot the 1945 Infantile Paralysis Fund I Raising Appeal and Mrs. Edwin | Rudisill, was appointed Chairman of the Womens bivision. VICKY LEE HAGER Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hager announce the birth of a daughter, Vicky Lee, on Tuesday, January 2, at Reeves Hospital, Lincolnton. USE EAGLE ADS BELK’S AFTER INVENTORY LADIES WINTER COATS REDUCED 25 Percent to 33 1-3 Percent TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE UNUSUAL OFFERINGS ENTIRE WINTER STOCK REDUCED SPECIAL TABLE OF LADIES SANDALS NON-RATIONED $1.00 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON ALL MILINERY 1-2 PRICE BELK-HATTHEWS i (Continued from page 1) Eagle Subscribers iV. Jerome, V. Wilton Jerome, T. V. Bess, B. M. Witherspoon, S.E. Peeler, L. W. McGinnis, Pvt. Har y L. Camp, Mable Lee Huss, Ba sil Foster, Ben F. Baxter, C. L. Carroll, Kate Whitworth, B. H. Carpenter, J. Clyde Hayes, H. k. Beam, L. W. Short. MISS NELTA GATES u HONORED AT PARTY Misses Peggy Houser and Joan London delightfully entertained at a pretty party and miscellane ous shower at the home of the former on Friday night honoring Miss Nelta Gates, bride-elect. Potted plants were used in the decorations of the rooms where tables were placed for games. At the conclusion of the games Miss es Irene Hord and Dot Mauney were awarded the prizes, salad course with accessories. The hostesses served a delicious The honoree received a shower of lovely gifts. Guests Included the honoree, Miss Nelta Gates, Misses Camilla Gates, Mary Sue Beam, Irene Hord, Dot Mauney. Wanda Beam, Dot Beam, Ava Houser, Edith Hoyle, Janet Hobbs, Gwen Hobbs, Bobby Helms, Avalene Hallman, Ruby Weaver, Virginia Wither spoon. Bill Mauney and Mesdames J. A. Blackwelder, Hoke Black welder, Henry Michael, M. C. Beam, W. T. Robinson, Kenneth Dellinger, Bob Ream, W. L. Brown, Jr., Bob Rhea, C. C. Del linger, John Beach, Garland Hall man, J, D. Hobbs, E. V. Moss, Brice Gates, L, W. London and Walter Houser, NOTICE! FOR SALE- 1936 Ford, good condition, 4 good tires. Gaston Newton. lt-pd. FOR RENT: Garage and Service Station. See J. W. Kendrick. 2t-J 11 YOU CAN HAVE $70.00 FREE CASH AT THE END OF EAOtT MONTH! Essential permanent hospital work for while women and girls. Absolutely no experi ence necessary. Your monthly salary $77.50 Minus average withholding tax $6.50 Expense for room None Expense for meals None Expense for laundry None Expense for work clothes None Apply Supt. Springfield State Hospital, Sykesville, Maryland. DIAL 4601 STRAND Cherryville, N. C. FRI.-SAT.—2 DAYS PRIDE OF THE PLAINS ! A JOHN PAUL REVERE 1 PRODUCTION a - (Oft —added— News Cart. Comedy 3 SERIALS ZOROS BACKWHIP SMILIN JACK (1) MON.-TUE—Jan 8-9 DOUBLE SHOW —No. I— TRIGGER TRAIL ROD CAMERON FUZZY KNIGHT —No. II— SIMON SIMONE THE CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE Trappers/ /TPAYS 2 WAYS WffEV YOU SWP FURS TO SEARS-ROEBUCtU NEa^h^U ^ Experienced trappers will tell you 111: r :■ car; llucilucU gets you TOP juices, iir.r pell prices do not uepertd entirely on local conditions when you slop to S. u's— through Sears you re Cehc tins 1. ic.'.ts of dealing in. large 2 Extra! 942 cash awards, totalling $7,090.00, are offered t-i Sears ship pers in the 16th National Fur Show. F;rst avyard :s $1,000.00. Only pelt han dling it'd kind or value of furs —counts in tanning. So—get in the running! Sh';' fnr. l.-> SEARS-RO]r.Bl’CK, R jw 1 *■ VTnr1 rt me; Service, J rhrladelpma. I'ennsy! vania f W |" I" I "Tip* to Trappers” booklet i iiui- • te!!s hew to incrensa your trapping profits, and sliare in award*. Write for your copy’ / £ TRAPPERS SHOWN RIGHT WAY TO PACK, SHIP FURS Speedy Delivery Means Quicker Returns For safe, speedy delivery and quick cash returns, successful trappers are reconi- j mending these tried and tested meinoaa of proper packing and shipping of raw Be* sure all hcavv grease and surplus fat is rcmov ed to prom! spoilage en route, from w."'"; w eat her or warm express or post a. rooms. Whenever possij»:e. pack skins flat. one on top ol im^incr never one inscie another (lest it he overlooked • Avoid letting grease or skin-side ol one pell touch the fur side of another. Wrap in burlap or cloth, or a lx>x with a few ventilator holes punched in , the sides to prevent spoilage. Never • wrap green furs in paper or ship in air - tight containers! For either express or parcel poet ship ping: Sew or glue to the outside of your bundle a seakd envelope carrying first class post age and containing any in struct ions regarding the shipment. Make sure your name and address appear on the shipment Shi p by Express or /nsured Parcel Po9t. LESTER C If E R R Y VILEE, N. C. THU.-FRI.—2 DAYS Tomorrow’s LAUGH ond LOVE Story! —plus j NOT OVERGROUND j i SAT.—ONE DAY ONLY ROY ROGERS Ill Dell IVANS —plus NEWS, CS^RT. COMEDY BLACK ARROW (13) STARTS L. S. SUN. NITE & MON.-TUE—2 DAYS Don did all light but he computed —plus LOWELL THOMAS MOVIETONE NEWS ONE DAY ONLY Jan. 10th BARGAIN DAY SMILEY BURNETTE SUN SET CARSON —in— j “CALL OF THE ROCKIES* , —plus NOLVETY COMEDY MYSTERY of RIVERBOAT

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