People Know You \ wvvwwvwwvww Society0 Parties, Clubs and News About People In Social Activities Wvuwmjmjuuuu Pvt. Grace R. Carpenter, sta tioned at Charleston, S. C., spent several days last week with her S-andmother, Mrs. L. Chance oyle and other relatives. 1-C Petty Officer and Mrs. K. B. Turner, Jr., visited Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Hendricks this week. Miss Katie Schronce received a $100.00 War Bond from her hus band, Cpl. Claude L. Schronce, for Christmas. He is stationed somewhere in Germany. Mrs. John F. Heavner and son, John F. Heavner, Jr., and his wite spent several days last week in Salisbury the guests of Ur. and Mrs. Charles C. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hull had as their week-end guests, Miss Louis* Moore of Charlotte, Miss yue Houser of Lincolnton and Mrs. Craig Hull of Shelby. The address of Corporal John nie H. Noles is Cpl. Johnnie H. Noles, 34609341, APO 16837, FA 26, cjo Post Master, New tork, N. Y. He would like his friends to write him. Cpl. Raleigh R. Haynes has been in Iceland for the past two years, is spending a furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Haynes. Miss Ettie Black, an employee Clinton Project, in Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent last week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Black. Mrs. A. C. Dedmon left Mon day for Baltimore, Md., where she will spend a few days with her husband. She will be accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Le roy Dedmon to Newport, Ark, where her son is stationed. John F. Heavner, Jr., and his wife, Sgt. Evelyn Heavner have been spending some time here with his mother, Mrs. John F. Heavner. iSgt. Evelyn Heavner is a recruiter and is stationed in De troit, Michigan. John has just completed a course in telephone and telegraph ai the Signal Corps School at Fort Monmouth, N. J., and left Tuesday to join his outfit at Fort Denning, Ga. Senior Class Elects Officers The Senior Class of Cherryville High School held a meeting Fri day morning, January 12th, to elect the class officers for the year 1946. Mrs. E. E. McboweT, class sponsor, took charge of the meet ing until the president was elec ted. The following officers were elected: Harold Wyant, President Ivarine Goldston, Vice-Presidt Molly Sue McGinnis, Secretary Doris Beam, Treat.urer YOUNG WOMENS AUXILIARY MEETS The Young Woman’s Auxiliary of the First Baptist (’hutch me* Tuesday evening January 16th at the home of Mrs. Pete McGin nis. Miss Ollie Sue Hendricks, presi dent, had charge of a short busi ness session. Carolyn Allen had charge of the program, “A Glimpse on tiptoe, which was cen tered around the things which we as a nation as well as V. W. A. hope to accomplish in the coming year. Those present were: Misses Maxine Dellinger, Sadie Carpen ter, Evelyn Roberts, Carolyn Al len, Margaret Anthony, Dorothy Hobbs, Myrtle Dellinger, Kather ine Dellinger, Gwenn Hobbs, Ge neva Rheuark, Ollie Sue Hend ricks, Marisel Devine, Julia Ren fro, and Mrs. Phillip Eaker. At the close of the program the hostess served delicious refresh ments. The meeting was closed with sentence prayers. Our February meeting will be held with Mrs. George S. Falls. Mrs. Dellinger Entertains Friday Book Club Mrs. J. B. Dellinger entertained the Friday Afternoon Book Club at the January meeting at her home at the regular time on Fri day afternoon, January 12th. The living room was attractively deco* rated in ivy, chrysanthemums,ann snapdragons. Mrs. Dellinger, the president presided over the busi ness session, during which flues were peid and plans made for the new year. For the program Mrs. .Sharpe read the life of Lieut. Gen. ■Alexander Ife Patch, and Mrs. D. Tt. Mauney, Sr. conducted a forum on “The Governor's Medical Care and Hospital Program,” which is to be introduced into the legisla ture. Mrs. Dellinger assisted by Mrs. J. I. Payne and Mrs. Edwin Rudisill, served a delicious salad course and accessories to the fol lowing Club members and visitors: Mo-dames F. M. Houser, Victor Btroup, D. A. Rudisill, R. C. Sharpe, W. F. Starnes, R. J. Mor rison, J. D. Hobbs, D. R. Mauney, Sr S. W. Salisbury, Edwin Rudi •ili, and J. L P»y»* Gates-Beam Wedding Plans Completed Plans have been completed for tiie wedding of Miss Nelta Jean ^.ites, daughter of the late Mr. und Mrs. W. D. Gates and Charles Mai tell Beam, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Beam. The ceremony will take place Friday, January 19th, at 7:30 o clock at the First Methodist Church. Rev. L. P. Barnett, pastor will officiate. The bride will be given in mar riage by her brother, William Brice Gates. Mrs. Jack Houser, 9ister of the bride, will be Matron of honor. Bridesmaids will include Miss Peggy Houser, cousin of the groom and Miss Isabelle Morrison of Winston-Salem. The groom will have as his best man, David Rudisill Mauney, Jr., and the ushers will be Ned Beam, brother of the groom, Hoke Black welder, Keith Loh.r and Harry Al len, Jr. Miss Gwen. Hobbs, will be the organist and Miss Joan London, cousin of the groom will sing. Miss Bess Honors Brother With Party Miss Betty Bue Bess enter tained at the home of her par ents, on Tuesday night at 7:30 honoring her brother SS.C. 3-C Hilliard R. Bess, who has seen ov ersea duty and home on a fur lough. Games were enjoyed after which the hostess served punch, sand wiches, cookies and cake to the following guests: S.C. 3-C Hilliard R. Bess, Betty sue Bess, Peggy Bess, Margie< Bookout, Beulah Gray, Annie Sue Pruitt, Jackie Jarrett, Margaret Carroll, Mrs. P. K. Bess, W. E. Carroll, Guy Beam, Jr., Preston Melton, Lefty Jenkins, J. C. Gray, Lawrence Murray. S. C. 3-C Bess is leaving Thurs day for Boston, Mass., to be reas signed to another ship. He has been home thirty days with his narents. Mr. an j Mrs. P. K. Bess. Mrs. Harrelson Hostess To Class Mrs. H. C. Harrelson was host ess to the members of her"Sunday School class and several invited guests on Sunday evening, Janu ary 14th, at an annual dinner party. The spacious rooms, thrown insuit were most attractively ar ranged with winter greenery and \andinas. Receiving with Mrs. Harrelson were the class officers, Mrs. Hugh Harrelson, President, and Mrs. Hubert Mauney, Secretary. A most attractive and tempting dinner was served to the follow ing* members and visitors: Rev. L. P. Barnett, Supt VV. F. Starnes, Mesdames Hugh Harrelson, Hu bert Mauney, W. F. Starnes, Jack Houser, John Beach, Rupert Camp \mbrose Hendricks, Paul London, Ray Black, Jessie Vandyke, Lea der Houser, W. J. Allran, Robert Carpenter, Hillard Harrelson, Robert Rhea, Clyde Lewis, Dewey Heafner, Clay Harrelson, Troy Homesley, Floyd Dellinger, Ralph Self, Monroe Randall, Carl Car nenter, W. T. Robinson, T. A. Carter, Troy Carpenter, J. A. Baxter, Georgie Ledford, Stacy Harrelson, Misses Minnie Cole man, I une/ Houser, Annie Shu ford, Edith Hoyle, Lawton Hoyle, Neltn Gates, and Ruby Devine. Following the dinner a short business session was held and an offering taken for the expenses of the orphan which the class is sponsoring. The Treasurer repor ted $27.00 collected. Mrs. Hugh Harrelson made an interesting re port on the lecture of Miss Law rence, a returned Missionary from Poland, which was enjoyed very much. The class adjourned with a ris ing vote of thanks to Mrs. Harrel «on for the delicious dinner and the most interesting meeting of the year. Girls Auxiliary Met Tuesday On the night of January I6IT1 the Girls Auxiliary of the First Bantist Church met at the home of Miss Joan London. Sixteen of the twenty-three members were present. Two new members, Colene Brooks and Bet ty T«an Husa were welcomed. The program waa a special stu dy of the Girls Auxiliary Forward Steps. They studied specific Bible passages. The Five Star* Ideals were also presented aa follows: Abiding in Him through prayer. Attempting to advance in wisdom In Bible study, acknowledging stewardship of time, money, and personality, Adorning ourselves with good works and seasonal ser vice, and accepting the Challenge of the Great Commission. The meeting was closed by re peating the Girls Auxiliary Alle giance and a series of prayers bjr the members. The hostess assisted by her mother, Mrs. L. W. Londin served delicious 'refreshments. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Ollie May hue the first Tuesday in February, N. C. E. A. Met Tuesday The Charryviile unit of the N.C.E.A. met Tuesday, January( 9th, at four o’clock at the high school building. The meeting was called to order by the president, Miss Irene Sox. Several items of business were transacted. The unit went on rec ord as endorsing the health pro gram as advocated by Governor R. Gregg Cherry. At this time the meeting was turned over to the chairman of the program committee, Mrs. Kaipn Hoyle, who made some very time ly remarks concerning the need ot more efficient legislation in the interest of our boys and girls. The following program on. Health and Community Education was given: 1— School Failures—W hat They are costing the State—Miss Mary Mosteller. 2— Home Visitation—An Aid to Child Health—Miss Altonia Beam. 3— Democracy in the Communi ty—iMrs. Hillard Harrelson. Miss Jean Gantt Celebrates Birthday Miss Jean Gantt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buster Gantt cele brated her 13th birthday anniver sary on Saturday, January 13th, at a pretty birthday party. Games were enjoyed after which the little hostess served delightful refreshments. Guests included: Shirley Humphries, Betty Jean Hartman, Charles Carpenter, Vivian Humph ries, Jeannette Gantt, Garland Fourshee, Miriam Allen, Billy Reynolds, Ned Reynolds, Fred Reynolds, Shirley Beam, Bessie McGinnis, Rachael Carpenter, Joyce Brackett, Brenda Heavner, Jackie Heavner, Alton Heavner, Peggy Jean Ellis, Dennis Humph ries, Johnnie Shufford, and Joe Billy Gantt. The little hostess received many lovely gifts. \jrates--tfleam Invitations Issued The following invitations have been issued: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Houser request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their sister Nelta Jean Gates to Charles Martell Beam Petty Officer First Class United States Naval Reserve on Friday, the nineteenth of January at half after seven o’clock in the evening First Methodist Church Cherryville, North Carolina CHERRY ASKS FOR SUPPORT FOR MARCH OF DIMES RALEIGH, Jan. 16.—Governor Cherry tonight called on North Carolinians for all-out support of the 1945 March of Dimes to fight the ravages of infantile paralysis. In an address broadcast, the Governor told his listeners that “Your dime helps to throw up a wall of protection around young children and the children of your fellow countrymen.’^ (Speaking of the epidemic of po lio in the state last summer, the Governor said that “North Caroli na parents put a total of 860 cas es of infantile paralysis to bed in 1944. The mysterious and terrify ing disease has never stalked the state to such an extent before,” he added. “To meet the monster, five mil lion dimes that had been given against this or some similar emer gency, were brought to North Car olina to be thrown into the battle. The Ann Judson Circle Met The Ann Judson Circle of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church met Mon day January 8th at 4 o’clock in the home of Mrs. N. B. Kendrick and Mrs. J. D. Hobbs. Mrs. Edd Sain was in charge of the program. Song— “Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us,' Scrip ture Psalm 19—14th verse. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Prayer—Mrs. Vernon Harrelson (•° study the book on Woman’s Talks and plans for the year were made and the Circle decided Missionary Onion At Work. Officers were elected for the pear as follows: Mrs. jgd Sain, lea*, ier, Mrs. J. D. Hobbs, assistant Secy, Mrs. J. W. Kendrick, lreas,’ Mrs. V. C. Peeler, Mission Chair man, Mrs. W. B. Putnam, Stew arasmp unairman, Mrs. Kobett Camp, Social, Mrs. Dolly London, Reporter, Mrs. Vernon narrelson. Those present were Mesdames N. B. Kendrick, J. D. rtobbs, lidd Sain, V. C. Peeler, Dolly London, )• W. Kenlrick, G. Lee Beam, *j. Beam, Guy Wells, Charlie Neil and Vernon Harrelson. Mrs. Thad Kilby has returned from Baltimore, Md, and Wash ington, D. C. where she spent the past eight days with friends and selativeg. The many friends here and •lsewhere of Mr. Clayton 0. Del inger will be glad to know that ie is improving satislaetorily, ifter undergoing an operation laving a cataract removed from lis eye at the Eye, Ear and rhroat Hospital in Chorlotte this week. Adams-Payseur En gagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Adams an rounce the engagement of their laughter, Kdthleen to Seaman First Class William S. Payseur, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Payseur, Sr., of Lincolnton. Tne wedding will take place in Febru ary. Subscriptions And Renewals To Eagle Subscriptions and renewals to :he Eagle received this week m :lude the foliowing: G. W. Beam, Cpl. Hubert A. i'oder, T-Sgt. Russel Leatherman Bert Stroup, G. C. McGinnis, Guy Sisk, Cherryville National Bank, Pvt. Robert E. Hallman, Mrs. Bill Wright, C. A. Self, Pvt. William E. Moses, M. H. Wilson, Cpl. U. L. Beam, Mrs. Leon Baxter, Rol and A. Goins, J. M. Leonhardt, Lt. (jg) W. H. Sellers, C. A^ Martin and Mrs. George Baity. DORA BOOSTERS CLUB MAKES PLANS FOR YEAR At its monthly supper meeting', last Saturday evening-, the Dora Boosters Club, composed of over seers of the Dora Yarn Mill ana several honorary members, in cluding several of tiie city minis ters, made plans for a number of community projects for the coming year. Mr. J. W. Suttle, president of the club, presided at the meeting At his suggestion the club unani mously voted to adopt the follow ing slogan: “Boost f ourself; boost your community; boost your tel lowman; boost your job.' After some discussion about things that may help tne commu nity, two committees were appoin ted, one to work on plans for or ganization of a Woman s Club and another to work on plans for tne organization and opeiation of r>oj scout and Cubbing. The committee on women's club is: Messrs. Lonnie Crane, Guy rianim, Ed Abernethy, Newman Clinton, and G. L. James. Committee on Scouting- anti Cubbing is: W. L. Hawkins, John McGinnis, Alonzo Stroup, aim Le v\ is Barrett. Mr. winchester, of the Lincoln ton ottice of War Manpower com mission, was presented to the club «nd made an interesting talk. 'iihort talks were given by a number ol the members oi the club and by some of the visitors including Kev. L. P. Barnett, Rev. E. S. Elliott, Kev. W. Luther Haw kins, Mr. G.L. James, Mr. J. flank Love, Mr. Falls of Shelby, and Air. J. Putnam. Committees on clubs and Scout ing will make reports at tne reo ruary meeting on Saturday even ing, February lzih. Cherryville Loses To Lincolnton W’hen tiie Cherryville High School Basketball team journeyed to Lincolnton Monday nite they dropped a double header to the Wolves High. jTTis was the fir t loss of the season to the “Iron women” which was a thuliing game from the start to the end. Coach Carson said to his girls af ter the game, "Go and play with all you got, then after the game is over forget it and play hardest the next time.” I agree but still our girls wasn’t up to par in playing. Coach Jack Kiser's Lincolnton Wolves sees it. “Kiser’s girls got off to a fast start and always stay ahead by one poiitt. After a pep talk to the girls by our Captains Jean Kandall anil Isabel Goins, they show much more spirit in them to fight for the game With Jackie Helms, Bobbie Bal lard and Nelle Dellinger good shots to count 22-21 by the third quarter in favor of Lincolnton. The “Ironwomen” couldn’t over come the one point by the first by the fast-jtepped Forwards, Aber nethy and Goodson when the game ended by 24-32 with the ball in Cherryville’s hands. Coach Carson has one of the best teams in the Western Conference and hope to be on top by the time the season is over. BOYS Coach Quinn’s "Ironmen'’ was defeated by 62-18 in a fast-step ped team of the Wolves. The star of the evening was Yoder ot Coach Jack Kiser’s Wolves that put Cherryville’s “Ironmen” in a hole. He sot 21 points for his team mate while our Captain Ed ward Elliott got 8 points. His shotsbrother Bill got 3 while Yates McGinnis long beautiful shots made 4 points. 'Ironmen ” hat a frreen team this year, only one etterman, Captain Elliott, Coach Quinn lost hie star, Tommy Sum mers. He will not play the rest of the season. Half time score 27-10. LINE UP GIRLS LHS124) (23) CHS B Helms 6 Ballard 9 Dellinger Randall Blac M F G Abernethy 12 Devine 4 Goodson 6 Hovis Dysart Clippard Sub*—Cherryville Dellinger, Reynolds 18 CHS BOYS LHS 62 i Elliott E P Yoder 81 Mrs. W. 0. Howell returned last week from New York Where she bought spring goods for How ell's Ready To Wear. Mr. W. O. Upchurch returned this week from Baltimore where he spent the week buying lor Up church Department Store. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for every expres sion of sympathy, in words, in deeds, and in flowers during the brief illness and death of our dar ling baby, Judith Elaine. May God's richest blessings rest and abide with you always. PVT. AND MRS. BASEL DEL LINGER; MR. AND MRS. AL FRED S. DUELLINGER AND FAMILY. MARIAN SUSAN FORD Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ford of Wilmington, announce the birth of a daughter, Marian Susan Ford, at the Gordon Crowell Me morial Hospital in Lineolnton, Tuesday, January 9th. For the past two years the Ford’s have been making their home at Carolina Beach. CHERRYVILLE TO PLAY TRYON HERE FRIDAY Cherryville and Tryon will play a double header here at the high school gymnasium Friday night at 7:30. A large crowd is expec ted to see this game. NOTICE! WANTED — Washing Machine. •Janies Homesley, City Market, lt-pd. LOST—$50.00 Bill somewhere around town Thursday night. Finder please return to the Eagle Office and receive liberal reward. It, 1 Henkle 4 McGinnis 2 Black Elliott B Subs Carpenter, Headspeath, Schurm 7 Carpenter Weaver 0 Elmore 2 Cochran, McGinnis, Hutt'stetler, Burum, Battie, McGinnis. DIAL 4601 CHERRYVILLE, N. C. FRI.-SAT.—2 DAYS OUTLAWS cf SANTA Ft DON'ferBARRY HELFN TALBOT WALL 1 VERNON TWINKLC WATTS REPUBLIC PICT UR £ —added— NEWS CARTOON 2 BIG SERIALS SMILIN JACK (3) ZOROS BLACKWHIP (3) MON.-TUE_2 DAYS 2 Big Features “PORT OF 40 THIEVES” —No. II— “TRAIL TO GUN SIGHT’ —with— EDDIE DEW LYLE TALBOT YOUR STATE FORESTER SAYS The average U. S. Farmer has 27 acres of woodland, enough to grow a new six-room house annu ally. Long before supplies of oils and minerals become tight, says Secre tary of Agriculture, different forms of wood wili increasingly be used to supplement them. Despite modern equipment and improved techniques, man cannot compete with nature in scattering seed for new forests. Timber feiled 35 years ago fur nished good plywood tins past summer. Logs had been on the ground all that time, but rot had touched only the outer few inches. The 1945 Census of Agriculture is now being taken and I lean Schaub of State College urges all farmers to cooperate with the rep resentatives of the Bureau m ob aining full and accurate informa Total farm employment in the United States has been at a record low every month since February of last year. Hired workers on the farms were 9 per cent less iast December 1 than a year ago. President C. S. Bunn of the S. C. Swine Breeders Association announces that this organization will hold its annual meeting this first week in February in Kaieign during the Farm Bureau Conven How women and girls nunj get wanted relief ^ron^J^JnctionaI periodic pain j Cardui is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp-like agony and ner vous strain of functional periodia distress. Here's how it may help: 1 Taken like a tonic, it should stimulate appetite, aid diges tion.* thus help build re sistance for the "time1* to cjme. 2 Started 3 days be fore your time”, « should help relieve pain due to purely func tional periodic causes. 'ry Cnrdui. If it helps, you'll he glad you did. > CARDUI SEE LABEL PlWCCTlON» It’s the Quality of leadership that viakes Leaders 8? 83 Atlantia Company -Bn Norfolk, Orlando LESTER CHERRYVILfc'E, N. C. THUR.-FRI.—2 DAYS ■ —plus “MARCH OF TIME” SAT.—1 DAY ONLY ij^OmimCM^TNBL IXmL RiVEbRSII FOMIM INTIKTHINI** O TAYLOR > RUTH TERRY -plus NEWS, CART. COMEDY “BLACK ARROW” (No. 5) STARTS L.S. SUN. NITE & 2 DAYS—MON.-TUE. DON AMECHE j DANA ANDREWS CHARLES BICKFORD SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE —plus LOWELL THOMAS MOVIETONE NEWS ONE DAY ONLY — WED. JEROME COWAN • FAYE EMERSON CHARIfS LANG • QEANOR PARKER Di'ectod by William Clamant Streen Ploy by Ric hard Weil and Joel MaHn** from u Novel by Geoffrey Wean —plua— DIZZY DAY SWING IT Chapter No. (7) "MYSTERY RIVER BOAT"