# J | People j I You 9 J ; Know J Parties, Clubs and NewB About People In Social Activities .] Mrs. E. S. Elliott spent Tuesday in Statesville where she attended a Missionary Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huss of Spin dale spent the week-end here with Mrs. A. H. Huss and in Gastonia with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Davis. Mrs. H. H. Allen and Misses Shirley and Dorothy Allen visited Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Davis in Gas tonia Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Beam .and Miss Gail Beam of Charlotte spent Sunday afternoon visiting relatives here. Harry Heavner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heavner of Crouse is home on a 30-day furlough, after spending eleven months over seas. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Putnam returned Friday night from Atlan ta, Ga., where they spent the week attending a gift show. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard H. Hou ser of Newton were in Cherryville on business Saturday. Cpl and Mrs. R. H. Bess will leave today for Miami, Florida where Cpl. Bess will report for duty. Miss Frances Rudisill, student at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C. spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Rudisill. Harlee Beam, S 1|C stationed at Camp Perry, Va., spent a 46 hour leave here this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henkle Beam of Crouse. Rev. and Mrs. L. P. Barnett and daughter, Miss Jennie Lee Bar nett were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Jones, District Supt. of the Western Conference in Gas tonia Tuesday. Mrs. Judson Black left last week for Florida City, Florida, where she will spend several weeks the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. B. Car penter and Mr. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Hend ricks were the Sunday evening dinner guests of First Class Petty Officer and Mrs. Ralph B. Turner Jr. of Shelby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Turner, Sr. v Mrs. Dudley Camp returned ^iome Saturday morning from Leesville, La., where she spent five weeks with her husband, T-4 Dudley Camp. Dudley is being sent overseas. James Cobb, Mrs. W. D. Moser, Misses Louise Cobb, Mildred Cobb and Frances Cobb attended me funeral of their grandfather, Mr. W. F. Akard in Blountville, Tenn. today. Cpl. and Mrs. R, H. Bess, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bess, Betty Jean, and Gertie Frances of Narth Brook section and Miss Helen Sue Bess of Washington, D. C. were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Everette Tillman. Garry White, S. 1-C arrived home last night from overseas where he was stationed in France He will spend twelve lays furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reece White. Mrs. M. A. Stroup, Mrs. J. Ben Dellinger, Mrs. W. B. Rhyne, Mrs. Robert Carpenter and Mrs. J. D. Hobbs of Cherryville and Mrs. Hunter Huss and Miss Jeannette Mauney of Gastonia were dinner guests of Mrs. Claude Moser in Gastonia Friday. Mr. Ralph C. Hullender has been spending the past few weeks here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hullender. Mr. Hul lender has been training Army pilots in Americus, Ga., starting February 1st he will be employ.! 1 as a pilot with TWA Airlines in Kansas City, Missouri. CHANGES IN MILITARY ABSENCE PRACTICES ANNOUNCED FOR SOUTHERN BELL EMPLOYEES The Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Southern Federation of Telephone Workers announced today the re vision of certain Company practi ces with respect to employees on military leaves of absence in the Armed Forces or Merchant Ma rine. In effect, the revision provides, that employees returned to Com pany service following leaves of absence in the Armed Forces or Merchant Marine will be allowed full service credit for all such ab sence. As a result of this, such ) employees will be placed on the payroll at the rate of pay they would have been receiving if they had been continuously on duty with the Company in the job clas sification they were in at the time they left. The Company’s Board of Direc tors has authorized changes in the behcfit plan which will give em ployees on military leave of ab sence in the Armed Forces or the Merchant Marine full credit, tor all benefit and pension purposes, for time spent in these services. +♦ TTi't i r ♦♦♦ iti BILLIE FRANK BEAL CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Billie Frank Beal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beal celebrated his seventh birthday anniversary on January 25th with a birtnday party. The table was centered with a pink and white birthday cake with seven pink candies. “Happy Birthday’’ was sung by the group as they gathered around the table for their ice cream and cake. Those present were Alena Beam Elsie Beal, Harold Dean Russ, Al ice Faye Russ, Margaret Paige, Louise Gibson, Kay Henkle, Doro thy Boyles, Larry Boyles, Brenda Gale Barker, Nellie Sue Russ, Johnnie Stroup, Michael Allran, Bertha Peeler, Mildred Peeler, J. H. Peeler, Dyte Beatty, Madge Beatty, Amelia Ann McGinnis. Surprise Birthday Dinner Sunday Sunday, January 28th, the chil dren, grandchildren and the great grandchildren of Mr. David A. Craft, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Craft to honor Mr. Craft on his 88th birthday tinniversary, with a surprise birth day dinner. A bountiful dinner was served picnic style on the lawn. Those enjoying the occasion were M'r. David A. Craft, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Craft, Mrs. Marshall Davis, Billy Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Craft, Frances, Nelson, and Dav id Craft, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson ! Craft, Sara Nell Craft, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Beam, Madge and Inez Beam, Mrs. David Eaker, Mozelle Eaker, Mr. and Mis. War ren Smith, Mrs. Carl Eaker, Bruce Eaker, Mrs. Mamie Moss, Alma, Sue, Patricia, Cone, Paul and Joe Moss, Mr. and Mrs. T. A Moss, Cynthia, Linda, and Jerry Moss. Little Bruce Eaker, son of Pvt. and Mrs. Carl Eaker also has a large birthday cake on the table celebrating his second birthday annivehsary. Cherryville Music Club Met Thursday The Cherryville Music Club met on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. H. H. Allen, with Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Howard W. Allran as joint hostesses. The home was artistically arranged with cut flowers and potted plants After the guests were seated the hostess served a delicious sal ad course with accessories. The club was called to odred by singing the club hymn. The new president, Mrs. J. YV. Payne, presided over a short bus iness session. Roll was called and ninutes of last meeting were read by the new secretary, Mr. L. L. Summer. Mrs. Garland Sherrill past secretary gave a very inter esting report for the year 1944. Each member was presented with an attractive year book for 1945. Miss Irene Sox was leader of the program. Program — The Lilting Strains of the Waltz. Strauss, the Waltz King Piano — Blue Danube Waltz (Strauss)—Mrs. Clyde Carpenter Song—Old Fashioned Mother of Mine (Kountz) — Mrs. Hunter Rudisill. Piano Tales from Vienna Woods (Strauss)—Mrs. Julia Hall. Popular Songs in Waltz Time sung by Club. Piano—Value in A Flat Major —Opus 42—Miss Minnie Coleman Members present were:— Mes dames H. H. Allen, Howard W. Allran, John Beach, S. M. Butler, Clyde Carpenter, Hunter Carroll, Erskine Carson, Julia Hall, Ver non Harrelson, J. W. Payne, R. B. Porter, Hunter Rudisill, Garland Sherrill, M. A. Strouv, L. L. Sum mer, Misses Irene Sox, Fannie Farris, and Minnie Coleman. The guests were Mrs. George S. Falls, Mrs. E. E. McDowell, Mrs. Ralph Mosely, Mrs. Bob McNeill, Mrs. Dewey Beam and Miss Katherine Stamey. W. M. U. Of Mount Zion Meets The W. M. U. if Mount Zion Baptist Church held its first meet ing of the year at the home of Mrs. Glenn Hardin. In the absence of the president Mrs. Hugh Helms, the vice-presi dent, Mrs. Hallan Fisher had charge of the 'meeting. During the bnsiness meeting Miss Sally Huffman, secretary, gave a report of the work done by the Union last year. A very interesting program wa# rendered showing the work that the W.M.U.’s in the United States has performed in the last hundred years. Those present were: Mes dames Albert Hichs, F. L. Beam, Jr., M. D. Beam, A. T. Carpenter, Hallan Fisher, Misses Alpha and Sally Huffman, Vassie Lee Hicks, Alma Sue Hardin, Leitha Beam, Lola and Bryte Morrison, Mrs. Tommy McNeilly and Mrs. Glenn Hardin. At the close of the meeting a social hour was enjoyed during that time delicious refreshments were served. .«r. »tt» Wayne Allran And ... Nancy MGinnis Have Joint Birthday Party The Carlton Club House was the scene of one of the most en joyable parties of the season for the younger set Saturday after noon when Wayne Allran and Nancy McGinnis entertained a number of their friends in cele bration of their thirteenth and fourteenth birthday anniversaries The club house was attractive ly decorated in red and white. The table was covered with a handsome white linen cloth with a huge white birthday cake decora ted in candles and surrounded with white and red bows of crepe paper serving as a centerpiece. Red and white paper streamers hung from above the table. A number of games and con test under the direction of Miss Marseille Devine and Miss Nell Allran were enjoyed. Lovely re freshments consisting of cake, sandwiches, punch and salted nuts were served by the host mothers, Mrs. Howard W. Allran and Mrs. L. L. McGinnis, assisted by Mrs. J. b. Watts and Mrs. Kenneth Mayhue. Guests included Nancy McGin nis, Betty Jean Hu&s, Nancy De vine, Martha Taylor, Ruth Beam, Mary Grace Houser, Eloise Dellin Patsy Ruth Beam, Teddy Robin son, Judy George, Julia Etta Stroupe, Catherine Mayhew, Jackie Jarrett, Jane Beam, Janice Richards, Lorraine McCurry, Mar tha Richards, Frances Cobb, Kay Watts, Shirley Homesley, Miriam Allen, Shirley Allen, Sue Carpen ter, Aura Anne Davis, Helen Quinn, Frances Carroll, Mildred Duncan and Peggy Upton, Wayne Allran, Gary Lon Allran, Bobby Carpenter, Buddy Robinson, Joe Wise, Hillard Wise, E. V. Moss, Jr., Johnny McGinnis, Bobby Beam, Max Beam, Jimmy Helms, C. J. Hood, Carlyle Thornburg, Forrest Allran, Buddy George, J^ Billy Pharr, James Putnam, Wil liam Elliott, Howard Crain, Juni or Black, Billy Barker and Max Dellinger. Cherryville Woman’s Club Meets The Cherryville Woman's Club met at the Nuway Club House on January 30. After delicious re freshments were served, by Mrs. Hobbs and her committee, Mrs. J. W. Payne gave the devotion, centered around a standard for Christians, as criven in Ephesians. The fact that this is “D Day” for the advance of Christian church es, toward winning a moral victo ry, was stressed. Following the devotions the program committee, Mrs. D. P. McClurd, chairman, took charge. The first number on the program was a vocal solo, ‘‘Awake with the Dawn,’’ by Mildred Cobb. The topic for the afternoon wasi “Civics”. Rev. W. G. Cobb, of the St. John’s Lutheran church, was introduced by Mrs. McClurd, and made a most inspiring talk on “Improving the Community", by beginning with the foundation of the community, the home. Next, we should interest ourselves in our neighbor’s children. Miss Minnie Coleman gave for the last number, two piano solos, “Valse in E Minor”, by Chopin, and “Second Mazurka” by God dard. At the business session which followed, Mr. Hunter Rudisilf spoke in behalf of the American Legion, in the interest of the pro posed building of a club house, and community center, as a me morial to the soldieds of the pres ent war. He asked the club to ap point a committee to work with the Legion on this cause, and to endorse the project to the com munity. Mrs. Julia Hall read the com mittees to serve the Lion’s Club; the speaking contest in the schools sponsored by the club was discus sed and it was voted that thc( club buy new material for it; and it was decided to sell some elec tric stoves belonging to the club. Mrs. Leonard, the new nurse for the Carlton and Nuway Mills was introduced to the club, and Mrs. Wells was welcomed as a new member, after which the club adjourned. MR. AND MRS. WEBB BEAM VISIT CAMP WHEELER Mr. and Mrs. V. Webb Beam and children, Patricia, Laura and Agnes spent the week-end at Camp Wheeler, Ga., with then son, and brother, Pvt. Max G. Beam. Pvt. Beam was inducted into the service about three months ago. Mr. Beam’s reports an enjoyable trip having receiver, much hospitality from those with whom they came in contact. He also adds that Camp Wheeler is a beautiful place where lots of real soldiering is goin on. Mr. and Mrs. Beam returned by way of Thompson and Augusta, Ga., where they visited Mrs. Beam’s brothers H. C. Hawkins of Au gusta and S. R. Hawkins of Thompson. Mrs. Beam had not seen either of her brothers for more than seven yean. Natural Club I Vtet Wednesday The B. Natural Club met Wed lesday afternoon, January 31st, it 5 o’clock at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. W. A. Farris with Mary Etta Farris as hostess. The pres dent, Mary Etta Farris called the meeting to order and the Club sang, “For the Beauty of the Earth.” During the business session the roll was called and the minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. The Club voted to federate with the North Carolina Federate Music Club. During the afternoon the foll owing rendered piano solos: Mar garet Boyles, Frances Ann llar relson, Febia Eaker, Ruth Putnam and Rachal Pharr. Mary Jo Flowers gave a talk on the life of “Mozart”. Norma Ann Putnam gave a talk on the life of “Handel.” The hostess assisted by Rachel Pharr and Edwina Houser served cookies with drink. The meeting was closed by the Club singing "The National An them.” YOUNG WOMAN'S CLASS MEETING The Young Woman’s Sunday School Class of St. John s Luther an Church held its regular month ly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. G. Cobb on Monday night at 7:30 with Mrs. Cobb and Mrs. Law rence George, as joint hostesses. The meet ing was called to or der by Mrs. J, Ben Dellinger in the absence of the president, Mrs. W. B. Rhyne. Mrs. D. R. Mauney conducted the devotional and Mrs. Dellinger gave an interesting reading which gave some good thoughts. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and the finan cial secretary called the roll and collected the dues. During the business session the meeting places for the coming year were discussed and several other business matters were trans acted. At the close of the meeting, the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. W. D. Moser, served delicious refresh ments. Those present were: Mesdaincs Roy Jarrett, Rex Eaker, D. R. Mauney, Lawrence George, Grov er Beam, Perry London, J. Ben Dellinger, W. G. Cobb and Fred K. Houser. I Boy Scout Troop For Dora Mills A group of men from the Booster Club met at the home oti A. C. Suttle last Friday night, January 26th, for the purpose of organizing a Boy Scout troop for the Dora Yarn Mill village. The following officers and committeemen were elected: The Rev. W. Luther Hawkins as Scout Master, with John McGinnis as Assistant Scout Master. G. L. James was elected as chairman of the Boy Scout committee, with A. R. Stroupe as director of ac tivities and publicity. Lewis Bai rett, as advancement chairman and A. C. Suttle as secretaxy and treasurere. It is hoped that the troop will be under way enough by summer that the boys can attend the boy scout camp at Lake Lanier, for further advancement in their work. Mr. Frank Love, secretary of. the Dora Yaim Mill, has shown great interest in the troop and assured the committee that he is behind the movement to the full est extent. The Booster Club will be sponsor for the troop. FLAY NEWS We are having very damp fog gy weather the last few days anc a good many cases of bad colds. Mrs. J. Lee Beam has been or Che sick list with a had cold. Mr. Clarence Ceam was callec to Law no ale Sunday to s. -> h: ecr.-in-law, Elmer Warliok. who i; very ill. lie was carried Id bar lotte hospital for treatment. Cpl. i'ir.il H.eeii is b.u-' n the States af.ei six months o 'c.-eas He was i-i a wreck while jv r-ea' and spen» seveial ironth.- ir it-t hospital. His wife Mrs. Mi y Su< Greer vas g.me 10 August-i, Gn io be wih nun. Cpl. Ilal Hess, son of M.\ am Mrs. P. J. Less has letumM t the states after three years in the service. Thirty-live mouths of i1 were spent on foreign soil This is his first visit home after bein'! inducted into service Lecenibei 1941. Mrs. Laura Houser spent Tue< day with Ms. and Mrs. Ray Bean and Mrs. J. Lee Beam at Flay. Mr. and Mrs. Eskridge Hallmar and children, Mary Ann and Net ma of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. Den nis Dellinger and children, Bren dr and Mary Virginia of Louisville Mr. and Mrs. F.sper Dellinger anc children, Mary Ellen, Doris, anc Julia Ann of Fallston were dinnei guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bain Dei linger Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brown, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Hull and sons C. A. and Burl, Mr. and Mrs. R. P Houser and family were visitor; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boy1 Baxter Sunday. Mrs. Taxter Sain and ehildrer Shirley Ann and Keron of ToIuce spent Sunday with her parents,Mr and Mrs. T. G. Lackey. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lowe anc children of Cherryville spent Sun day with Mrs. Lowe’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hoyle at Flay Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hull and Bryan Jr. spent Sunday with Mr and lira. Sam Baxter. Aarch Of Dimes elementary No. 1 On last Friday morning, Mr. leach’s Seventh Grade gave three riteresting playlets for their chap ■I program. The skit “Ghost,” vas especially enjoyed by the chil lren. Following the program the chil dren of the school marcned a round and deposited their “March of Dimes” money in a patriotic container. The contributions by rooms were: Mrs. Sherrill—First Grade— $13.54. Mrs. Crocker—First Grade— $6.33. Miss Whitworth—Second Grade —$20.00. Mrs. Carroll—Third Grade— $18.10. Miss Beam—Fourth Grade— $20.72. Mrs. Carter—Fifth Grade'— $33.00. Mrs. Houser—Sixth Grade— $12.40. Mrs. Aiken—Sixth Grade— $10.00. | Miss Workman—Sixth Grade—' $14.65. Miss Farris—Seventh Grade— $16.53. Mr Beach—seventh Grade—i $16.00. The total contributed by stu- i dents and visitors at the Chapel1 program was $179.57. A prize of i a beautiful potted plant was pre sented to Mrs. Carters room by the chairman of the March of Dimes drive, Mrs. Edwin Rudisill, for raising the most money of any room. Harden Manufocturing Compa ny, located in Harden, started a pulpwood cutting operation rec ently on the company land of 3ome 1100 acres, being super vised by L. E. Summey, farm manager. As part of a farm p an worked out with the Soil Conser vation District Program, the woodland will be thinned during winter months, when labor i.s available, of the rough and poor quality trees for pulpwood. Pulp wood is urgently needed in the war effort and the removal of these rough trees will leave the woods in “better order” to really grow and still protect the steep slopes of the watershed. Mr-Sum mey also plans to gradually get kudzu and sericea established on the steep and eroding- helds. tie plans to plant 10,000 loblolly pines on cut-over and steep land —the trees to be delivered in a few days from the State Nursery Kenneth Friday and W. W. Rutledge, R-l, Dallas; M. L. Me-, Swain, Dallas; Marshal! Rhyne, McAdenville; F. F. Ritch, R-l, Gastonia; and Bill Harris, Dallas, are preparing land and have seed on hand to sow sericea lespedeza. All of this land to be seeded is steep and eroding and with per ennial sepicea lespededa estab lished will not only control ero sion, but will produce a splendid hay and grazing crop. j DIAL 4601 CHERRYVILLE, N. C. FEB 2-3 — FRI-SAT. SMILEY BURNETTE BOB LIVINGSTONE —in— “LARAMIE TRAIL” —plus-■ NEWS — CARTOON SERIALS SMILIN JACK (5) ZOROS BLACK WHIP (5) MON.-TUE.—2 DAYS DOUBLE SHOW PARDON US LAUREL and hardy:: No- II ‘ THE YELLOW CANARY” —with— RICHARD GREENE ANNE NAGEL COLEY’S FOR BETTER SHOE REPAIRING You Don’t Have To Wait a Week To Have Your SHOES Repaired WHILE-U WAIT SERVICE TRY OUR HEAVY LEATHER HALF SOLES We U»e The Best Material Available ALL WORK GUARANTEED LATEST EQUIPPED MACHINERY COLEY’S SHOP SHOP COLEY WOOD, Owner and Opeartor TELEPHONE 3431 - IU. S. APPROVED PULLORUM CONTROLLED ! BABY CHICKS NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS, WHITE ROCKS, ROCK-RED CROSSES | Book vour Baby Chicks now for Spring Delir* + ery. Hatches every Tuesday and Friday — Hatch* * ery will be open on these afternoons from 4 P. M., ^ to 6 P. M., for bookings and deliveries. For Chicks | or inquiries on other days see Bill Fitzhugh or He* | man Hall or call 4111. | Fitzhall Hatchery j f CHERRYVILLE. N. C. PHONE 4111 1 I l LESTER rHKBRYVIU E. N. C. THUR.-FRI—2 DAYS COMEDY—ROMANCE I MUSIC IN MANHATTAN I —with— ANNE SHIRLEY DENNIS DAY SPECIAL! “DEVIL BOATS” SAT. ONE DAY ONLY FIRST TIME SHOWN In Cherryville ROY ROGERS 1 —in— COWBOY and ENORITA —plus— NEWS EVENTS CARTOON SWEET SIOUX BLACK ARROW No. (7) STARTS LS SUN. N1TE & 2 DAYS— MON.-TUE. IN TECHNICOLORt GREENWICH VILLAGE’; —with— DON AMECHE CARMEN MIRANDA —plus LOWELL THOMAS MOVIETONE NEWS COMING WED I day ONLY MYSTERY & THRILLS! “ONE MYSTERIOUS NIGHT” CHESTER MORRIS JANIS CAREER —plus FILM VODVIL SWING VACATION MYSTERY RIVER BOAT

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