Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you iuffer from rheumatic. arthri* t is or neuritia pain, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of RuEx Compound, a 2 weeks' supply today. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It’s easy, pleasant and no trouble at all. You need only i tablespoonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes over night —L splendid results arc obtained. If the pains do’ not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an abso lute money'back guarantee. Ru Ex Compound is for sale and recommended ^y ALLEN DRUG CO. BUY BONDS In New Mexico 2ND LT. KENNETH MAUNEY 2nd Lt. Kenneth E. Mauney, 19 son of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Maun ey, 817 N. Andrew Ave., Kt. Lau derdale, Florida, after spending a short furlough there with his par ents, has returned to Albequerque New Mexico where he will be as signed to a plane. Kenneth recei j ved his commission and wings as ! Bombardier December 16, at De I ming, New Mexico, after complet ing gunnery school at Kingman, Arizona. He entered the army as an aviator student in September, 194;!, being classified as bomba* rtier at Santa Anna, California. Lt. Mauney is a graduate of l.au derlale High School._\ AT THE MOVIES IN CHERRYVILLE SATURDAY. ONE DAY. “LET’S GO STEADY” with SKINNAY ENNIS & BAND. PAT PARRISH JACKIE MORAN STARTS L- S. SUN. NITE IN TECHNICOLOR “HOME IN INDIANA” with WALTER BRENNAN JEANE CRAIN COMING TO LESTER WED. FEB. 14TH “SHADOWS OF NIGHT” with WARREN BAXTER NINA FOCH LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS 24 December 1944 Paris, Prance Personnel arlton Yarn Mills 'herryville, North Carolina Dear Folks Today I received your kind and houghtful expression of Christ ,»as good wishes in form of pack ge submitted thru American Le gion, Tryon Post No. 100, Cher lyville, North Carolina. We all wish it were possible to recipro cate these extensions of neigh borlfness and love for fellow man. But conditions are such that it is impossible to do this in a material sort of way. However we can and do assure you that it is gestures of this nature that make us realize how insignificant we are as indi viduals; but on the other hand be assured that our hearts are filled with joy and pride in the knowl edge that the people with whom we were reared and hold so dear have not forgotten their contribu tions to an Army so great that hardly an outpost of civilization is not iamiliar with GI uniforms and greasy fatigues. The fruit cake, candy, and ar ticles for Him are swell and some thing everyone appreciates. The real Down Home touch comes m the form of the raw goobers. The eating of peanuts in this form is strictly an old Southern Custom. Only people from down there know of such oddities. To send a Southerner a gift of this category makes him know that his people are what he has always been so proud of. Tonight when we open ed the package all the boys from our section partook greedily of these goobers. It was only alter we had assured the fellows from the other sections that peanuts were actually eaten in this form that they came in for the feast. Be assured they were not disap pointed. YYe all ate and we all enjoyed it, thanks to you people. in closing, accept, please, my thanks for your gracious overture on this perhaps our saddest Xmas. Let’s hope the next and all the rest can be spent in a manner that is a tribute to the One whose birth this date commemorates. Sincerely, PRATT QUINN 7 January 1945 Soniewreit ... Belgium Dear Fred: Perhaps the “Cheii.y ville Eagle’ has been read in ou.>. corners of the world, but 1 assure you that it receives a .si mum am ount of attention ,. >,n this “G.c " I feel certain tlia. .. ><u have re ceived lots of let,^- ■ of apprecia tion from the ''uo>s awa> from home” for bringing a touch of home into the toxnole and i wish to add my vote of thanks to tiiat list. Since the Army is highly “Mo bile,” 1 wish to make certain that my copy comes thru—Please for ward it to the new address, which is Sgt. Blaine W. Eaker 3461161)23 3421st Ordnance MAM Co, APO 226, c o Post Master, New York 4, N. Y. Sincerely BLAINE E. My comrades and I appreciated the package very much. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Forrest E. Hall Greetings from Germany and thanks a Million for the package. Cigarettes and candy are really scarce at the front and these it ems will be used by me on a rat ioned basis, and as for the fruit cake, it’s probably the only one in Germany. Hope the above ex presses my appreciation plainly enough. Russell B. Leatherman The package was sincerely ap preciated by my friends and me lighting in Germany. Marvin S. Sneed Received your package Nov. 28. I am sorry I haven’t had time to thank you sooner. Thanks very much for the package. The pea nuts were really good. Best of luck to all and thanks again for the package. Paul D. Kistler I can't express in words just how much I appreciate or how surprised I was to receive the package from you. I won't even try to because you men were m the last war and you know what the score is without me trying to tell you how good a guy feels to know that people are thinking ot him at home, James E. Black Thanks for the package. Wish ing you all a Merry Christmas. Howell iStroup. Enjoyed the gift very much. 1 wish I was there to thank you in person for it. 1 hope that day isn't so far off. So thanks again. Gene McGinnis Twenty years ago you in khaki were winning your battle on the front. The world said "Well Done.” Today the world sees you through courage and insight gain ed then, not only winning your new fight on the home front but also helping us who are in khaki to win ours. Thanks for the Christmas package. David faul Beam Christmas package Dec. 28rd. 1 Received your very welcome want you to know I appreciate this very much. I hope some day to thank you personally; at the present that is impossible, so I'll thank you by mail. Wishing you the best on the coming year. John P. Beam I received the package today, Dec. 20, 1944. Thanks a lot and 1 really appreciate it. Frank Newton I wish to thank you and the employees of the Carlton Yarn mill for the nice package that 1 received yesterday, Dec. 19th. It reached me in good condition, and I enjoyed it very much. 1 sure was surprised to get a pack- j age from the Legion and the Carl ton Mill being I hardly know any one in Cherryville. I want you to know though that I am grateful. Joseph Tedder I received your swell box the other day. Not only myself but a part of my buddies really enjoyed it. It came in an awful g*od time.* [ was good and hungry. 1 want to thank each one of you again. Joseph (Ovie) Heavner On the twenty-second of thus month I received the highly ap preciated package you sent me for Christmas and I want to thank you for your thoughtfulness. 1 find that I do not have at my dis posal words to express my heart felt thanks. I opened the box and shared it with all the fellows in my barracks and they all join me in thanking you for this box, 1 feel sure that we will all be just a > little better soldier. I know we all are happier than we would have been. So once again I will just have to say “Thank You”, because I can think of no better word to express our (and my) deepest gratitude. D. W. Jerome Italy Gentlemen: I received the package you -er‘ a few davs before Christmas. Was thoughtful of you to remem bei us bovs that are away at Christ mas time. Wish to assure you the Hongs you sent are greatly apt reeiated and added much to make Christmas a Merry one. There is but little I have to sa>. especially to you fellows who have had the same expereince as we boys are getting today. I’m sure you had it rough and tough as to the way we find it. Now the army has many conveniences that were missing when you were a member. I’m glad we don’t have to wrap leggins and a hieh neck blouse like you wore. This is only a beginning of how lucky we are. Isn’t any too much I can say •lbout what I’m doing. Since be ing overseas I have been with tl.is hallway Shop Bn, which operates what is known in railroad towns as a back shop. We do only the heavy work on locomotives. Thanks again for the nice pack ape. EMMETT H. HOUSER Meredith Opens Spring Term * RALEIGH, Feb. 3. — Enroll ment for the spring term will be held at Meredith College on Mon day and classes will open at 8:30 on Tuesday morning. Graduating exercises were held on Friday of last week for the January graduates, after a week devoted to first semester final ex aminations. The record student enrollment the largest in the 46-year history of the college, is expected to re main at the same level next sem ester, President Carlyle Campbell announced yesterday. The annual Founders Day exer cises are scheduled for Friday, February 9, and Dr. George War ton Cutton, President Ementus of Colgate University will deliver the principal address at the 11 o’clock convocation period in the morning. Contrary to the belief of most people, tight socks, rather than cause a child’s feet to turn in ward do just the opposite and do cause them to turn outward. Cherryville and Lincolnton Tie Game Once again the Cherryyille Lincolnton girls were in a mighty battle for the second time this year. The game proved to be the best played this season as Cherry ville Tied Lincolnton in the last few minutes of the game. At the beginning of the game Lincolnton outplayed Cherry villa but Cherryville got their spirits back at the half and tied the game 22-22. At the half Lincolnton had Cherryville 14-8. Then Cherry ville came back in full swing to make the score- 21-20 just a few minutes before the game ended. In the last few minutes the girls of both teams played hard. One of Lincolnton’s girls received a foul shot which was made good. The crowd began to roar as only a few seconds of the game was left and Lincolnton feeling they had won this game. Never a sec ond did the "Ironwomen” give up *>11 Dellinger through a nice pass o Jackie Helms which was made good just as the whistle blew, tie ine the score 22-22. Both Cherry ville and Lincolnton are still lead ing teams in the conference as both teams have lost only one High score for Cherryville were Dellinger, Nell, and Jackie Helms receiving 11 points each, while eich were outstanding players. THE BOYS Lincolnton Boys beat the “Iron men” 53-19 for their second vic tory of the season, although Cherryville was out weighted and smaller they showed the fans a thrilling game. Cherryville is proud of their team as thev have j 'ought hard in eah game and have •riven their opponents much troub ■ j le. The entire “Ironmen” team! were outstanding as Ed Elliott was high score for Cherrvville receiving 7 points while Bill El liott received 6. Yoder was high 'core for Lincolnton, receiving M points to his credit. Don’t forget the big triple -ame tonight as there will be a >t of fun in store for everyone. Cherryville teachers will play Capt. “Tot” Dellinger’s team as the High school will play the All Stars. IVANTS FRANCE INCLUDED IN RESHAPE MAP Britain Would Invite De Gaulle To Sit In On Plan ning: Conference; French Feeling High Since Hia Exclusion From ‘*Big Three.’ LONDON, Feb. 7. — Inclusion ,f France in a big power confer nce dedicated to the settlement • f “political decisions on the re drawing of European frontiers” was endorsed today by the Brit ish government. With French feeling running high over the apparent exclusion of General Charles da Gaulle from the Roosevelt-Churchill-Sta tin talks. Minister of State Rich ard Law told the Home of Com mon! that Britain believed the reshaping of the European map “muet be decided later by all the power* together.” Law made his statements as a substitute for Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and Prime Minister Churchill. The question was raised wheth er the British government endor sed what was quoted as the "offi cial statement made by General de Gaulle in Paris on Jan. 25 that both east and west banks of the Rhine must belong to France." Law replied that according to all accounts he had seen of de Gaulle’s press conference of Jan. 25 the French leader did not say both banks must belon«r to France but “referred only to the military occupation of certain areas by French forces.” Law did not elaborate on his re ference to a future big power con AUCTION SALE AT R. P. HEAVNER'S BRICK HOME HOWARD CREEK TOWNSHIP, Lincoln County, N. C. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1945 Of All Stock, Cattle? Automobile, Farm ing Tools, Hay, Corn, Pigs, and all Household and Kitchen Furniture. SALE TO START AT 10 A. M. TERMS: CASH CARL AND RAY HEAVNER, Executor* ference on redrawing frontiers and remained silent when Cmdr. Oliver Locker-Lampson, conser vative, asked whether there was “any permanent security for France until this traditional fron tier is safe.” In a later discussion of the rec ognition of governments of newly liberated countries,’ Law reitera ted Britain’s stand in favor of free elections as soon as possible. Law said the government’s pol icy was »based upon objectives iroadly laid down on thi Atlantic Charter, adding: “But the government does not regal’d any provision of the char ter as meaning that in no circum stances could anv change of ene my territory take place without the consent of the present inhab itants.’’ “Does not the interpretation of the Atlantic Charter make it sound a complete humbug?” asked LaDome n “No sir,” Law replied. The youthful minister of state also expressed the hope that Brit ain would not be invited often to supervise elections in countries taken from the enemy. Law said there was no intention of establishing diplomatic rela tions with Finland, Bulgaria or Rumania during the armistice /,/ ' 1/ / PERmnnEDT CmmKm mn kit ★ CompUU with Permanent atr tE^^A War* Solution, curler*, shampoo ud war* Mt - nothin* w -bar. Requires no heat. *laotridty at Ms ahiaaa. Saf* lor erarr type oi hair. Orar « mfl U on sold Money baolc (uaraot**. Get a Chataa lari Kit today. ALLEN DRUG CO. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The time for LISTING Poll and Property for Tarn ation has been extended through FEBRUARY 17TH. Without Penalty, After this date the Penalty as pro vided in the law will be added to your tax bill. T. L. WARE, Tax Supervisor J. C. JENKINS. Tax Lister U. S. APPROVED PULLORUM CONTROLLED BABY CHICKS NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS, WHITE ROCKS, ROCK-RED CROSSES Book your Baby Chicks now for Spring Deliv ery. Hatches every Tuesday and Friday — Hatch ery will be open on these afternoons from 4 P. M., to 6 P. M.f for bookings and deliveries. For Chicks or inquiries on other days see Bill Fitzhugh or He man Hall or call 4111. Fitzhall Hatchery CHERRYVILLE, N. C. PHONE 4111 NOTICE BEGINNING FEBRUARY 12TH Bring your Laundry to MODERN DRY CLEANERS. We have made arrange menu with the CRYSTAL LAUNDRY, Shelby; for you to bring your Laundry to US on Monday and Tuesday of each week and will be delivered back to US each Fri day and Saturday. WET WASH-6c Lb. THRIFTY WASH, or Flat Work Fin ished—8c Lb. BACHELOR BUNDLE, all finished 25c Lb. SHIRTS-15c Each Night Shirts-15c Pajama Suits-20c Socks, per pair-5-15c Handkerchiefs-3c Unionalls-30c-40c ; DRY CLEANERS PHONE 3431 MODERN

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