People You Know Society Parties, Clubs and News About People In Socfai Activities : The game tonight will sure be a whiz. See it. The many friends of Mrs. L.A. T. McGinnis will be glad to know she is improving after being con fined to her bed with Illbess the past two weeks. Mrs. Julian Dasher an d Mrs. Alvan Dasher of Charlotte spent the week-end here with the for mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hallman. Mrs. R. D. Lyles returned to Camp Blanding, Florida, Wed nesday, after spending two weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stroup. The many friends of Mrs. Lee Hallman will be sorry to know she is in the Gordon Crowell Hos pital, Lincolnton, for treatment. Misses Nell Beam, Merle Hud son and Ruby Payne spent the week-end in Charlotte, visiting Mrs. Shorty Corell. See “Sure |Shot“ Sox at the game tonight. Mrs. Vernon Harrelson is spen ding the week in High Point with her father, Mr. A. 0. Raper who Marine Corporal Lrewy W London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Drewy M. London, Route 2, Cher ryville, N. C., is home on a 30 day furlough after more than two years in the Pacific war zones. Pfc. Marshall Anthony, sta tioned at Kelly Field, San Anto nio, Texas, is home on a 21 day furlough, being called home due to the death of his father, Mr. John Anthony, last week. Harold Carpenter returned on Tuesday night from Washington, IJ. G., where he spent the past two weeks the guest of his sister, Mrs. Stewart Shoemake and Mr Shoemake. Mrs. Jacob Beam returned to her home Friday from Gordon Crowell Memorial Hospital where she has been for treatment. Her many triendR will be sorry 10 know her condition is little im proved. Miss Shirley London of Wash ington arrived home Wednesday to spend two weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. London. Miss London came especially to see her brother, Cpl. Drewey W. London who has been overseas for the past two years. Captain Tot Dellinger promis fun* bi* laUffh tonieht- See th* Little Tommy Houser, seven month old son of Mr. and Mrs Roy Houser was carried to the Gordon-Crowell Memorial Hospi tal in Lincolnton last Saturday treatment. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Houser will be glad to know he has greatly im proved and is expected to return home in a few days. Dora Woman's Club Has Second Meeting Members of the Dora Woman’s Club held its second monthly meeting Saturday night at the Dora Club House. Twenty-six members were present. The meeting was called to or der by Mrs. L». Trammell, presi dent of the club. An interesting program was presented as follows; Mrs. E. M. Devine conducted the devotional followed by pray er. An interesting talk on Homes and Gardens of the Biltmore Es tates in Asheville was given by Mrs. Guy Harden, Song—“America"—Club Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag—Club. Song—“Taps”—Club A short business session presi ded over by Mrs. D. Trammel and Mrs* George moore followed the program. Mrs. Moore offered sev eral suggestions for future club programs. It was decided a discus sion on the beautification of the Homes and Yards” would be held at the next meeting. Several oth er business matters were discus sed and four other new members were welcomed into the club mak ing a total of thirty-two members This was the second meeting of the newly formed Dora Woman'* Club and the interest and coop eration among the members is very pleasing. i^very one is wil ling and ready to do her share of work and to give of her time to make our club a success. All the members are very proud of the progress the club has already made and we know that this fine spirit of planning and working for the success of the club win continue in the future. In conclusion, the hostesses, Mrs. A. C. Suttle, Mrs. E. M. De vine, and Mrs. Guy Harden, ser ved a delicious salad course with c''Ve and coffee. Favors were tirty white hearts trimmed in red, rep resenting the Valentine motif. Quests were Miss Marseille De vins and Mrs. Glenn Jam** and little daughter, Ana, af Splndale. Mr. L. C. McGinnis left today for his home in Glenville, Ga., after spending several days here with his mother, Mrs. L. A. T. Mc Ginnis, who has been ill but is mproving. LITTLE KAY WATTS HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. J. D. Watts entertained six little friends at her home Mon day afternoon from 4 to 5:30 hon oring her little daughter, Kay Wat<% on her seventh birthday annioonary. The dining table was covered with a handsome lace cloth and the birthday cake in pink and green, topped with miniature pink and green lighted candles served as a centerpiece. Games and contests were en joyed during the afternoon. Little Anna Gail Camp was awarded the prize. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Howard W. Allran served deli cious refreshments, consisting of ice cream and cake, carrying out the pink and green motif. Little favors further emphasizing the oink and green color scheme were ■riven each little guest. Guests included Deanna Sum mer, Deanna Rudisill, Anna Gail Camp, Mildred Beam, Patricia Farris. Gav Beach and the hon oree Ksv Watts. Wayne Allran was invited in for refreshments. jacqueline potter HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Miss Eva Ruth Sigmon pave a narty at her home on Dick’s Hill Saturday nipht for Miss Jacque 'me Potter, in celebration of her 17th birthday anniversary. After pomes and contests were nlnved, coffee, cookies and sand wiches were served. Miss Sipmon was assisted in en ►ertnininp bv Miss Lona Hovis. Those present were: Misses Davlpta Wripht, Kat Sain, Loye Qi»,mon, Blanch Stirewalt. Ruby Weaver, Helen Rippy and Sue Frve of Charlotte, and Carye Alexander, Set. Gene Rvidpes, •Tohn Harrelson, Jack Sietnon. tlarol Wripht, Kirk Black. Harold ^iemond, Spt. Earl Atkins, and pvt. .Tnbn Retif. Jack Beam, Cpl. Tact- Michell, A. C. Beam and Dock Russ. ANTHONY-DELLINGER WEDDING ANNOUNCED Miss Marie Dellinger became the bride of Pfc. Marshall G. An thony at the home of Rev. Harold M. Robinson, 128 Gromer Ave., Charlotte, N. C., on Wednesday evening, January 31, 1945, at 7 o’clock. The bride wore a blue suit with white and brown accessories and a shoulder corsage of gardenias. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Coit Dellinger of Cherryville. She is a graduate of the Class of ’43 Cherryville High School and at the present is em oloyed by S. H. Kress & Compa ny, Charlotte. Pfc. Anthony is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John C. Antho ny of Cherryville. He received his education from the Cherryville Schools and is now stationed at Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas. MRS. HARRELSON'S CLASS HAS BUSINESS MEETING The monthly business meeting of Mrs. H. C. Harrelson’s Sunday School Class of the First Metho dist Church was held Sunday ev ening at the Hoyle home with Mrs. Hugh Harrelson and Mrs. Hubert Mauney as joint hostesses. Gladioli and potted plants were used effectively throughout the spacious rooms where the guests were received. A most attractive and tempting buffet dinner was served to the following members and invited guests: Rev. and Mrs. L. P. Bar nette, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harrel son, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allran, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Hendrick, Mesdames Clay Harrelson, W. F. Starnes, Hillard Hahrelson, Les ter Houser. Stacev Harrelson, Ployd Dellinger, Paul London, Jesse VanDyke. Odus Neill. T. A. Carter, Russell Boggs, W. T. Ro binson, Monroe Randall, T. C. Homesley, Rav Black, Hubert Mauney. Georgia Ledford, Thad Kilhv, Ralph Self, Grier Beam, Dudley Camp. Rupert Camp, G. D. Heafner. Hence Ouinn, Hugh ttorrelson. Hubert Mauney. and Misse^ Minnie Coleman, T une* Houser, Taw-ton Hovle, Edith Howls, and Bill Maunev. TM« being Mrs. Harrelson’* hlwfhdsv. tVa class presented her with a no!*- of French Prints in v«nd carved frames. Mrs. Allran -was also presented a nair of *Mnts as an appreciation from ♦ha class for her floral offerings to the oVnrrV each Sundew. *■ P*v. L. P Barnett and Mr. W. r Allran were called on to melee t«lk* to the class on “Cniaede fn^ Chrict*’. Both talks were r»rv snl!<*Vfoning and an earnest nl«a for the heartv support of this "rest cause bv the class. The usual offering w«s taken and $17.60 reported by the treas urer. There heing no further busi ness the class adjourned with a rising vote of thanks to the hos tesses for their meet greet out hospitality. Ann Judson Circle Meets The Ann Judson Circle of the First Baptist church met Monday afternoon at 4:00 o’clock with Mrs. J. M. Beam. The meeting was called to order by the leader Mrs. Ed Sain. What a Friend We Have in Jesus” was sung. After the devotional Mrs. E. S. Elliott led in prayer. ( Two chapters of the book, ‘ Woman’s Missionary Union at Work” were taught by Mrs. J. L>. Hobbs and Mrs. Click Beam. Minutes were read of last meet •ng, the roll called, and reports made. A party was planned by the Circle for the Intermediate G. A. to be given In the church basement Thursday night. The meeting was closed with a prayer by Mrs. Click Beam, after which Mrs. Beam served refresh ments to the follow'ing members: Mesdames E. S. Elliott, N. B. Kendrick, J. W. Kendrick, H. H. Allen, J. D. Hobbs, Click Beam, L. W. London, V. C. Peeler, G. Lee Beam, Alfonso Beam, Ed oame, Henry Carpenter, W. B Putnam, Guy Wells. Mrs. Eaker Honored With House Warming Mrs. Alonzo Eaker, Mrs. Colin Smith and Mrs. W. A. Hamrick entertained at a house warming Saturday evening honoring Mrs. Earl Eaker at her home. Games were played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Walter Peeler, Mrs. A. A. Moss, Mrs. C. A Self and Miss Mayzelle Upton Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. The hon oree received many lovely gifts. T,he„gu.ests deluded Mesdames I). L. Smith, Howard Anthony, T. A. Moss, Helen Crane, Gennie Bell Carpenter, Everette Melton, Walter Peeler, C. A. Self, Char les Sneed, J. G. Sellers, Dorothy Nolan, Cecil Jenkins, Bonna Yo Ralph Wise, Doris Sellers, Miller E. Sneed, Misses Laura fellers, TRelma Smith, Pauline Self, Dorothy Jenkins, Mayzelle Upton, Lovella Burroughs, Doris Sellers Shirley Sellers, and Dor kie Sellers. CIRCLE NO. 1 TO MEET TUESDAY Circle No. 1 of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service, of the Methodist church will meet on Tuesday afternoon, February Id, at 3:45 at the home of Mrs. W.J, Allran with Mrs. Allran and Mrs. Sallie Kirkpatriclc as joint Hos tesses. American Legion Auxiliary Meets The American Legion Auxiliary met on Tuesday evening, January 30th, at the home of Mrs. J. Ben Dellinger with Mrs. Dellinger and Mrs. J.P. Dellinger and Mrs. J. U. Sherrill as hostesses. The meeting was called to order by the President, Miss Helen ,\1nu tiey at whicn time the singing of “America” and pledge to.the flag am! Preamble were given. The devotions were conducted by Mrs. Ernest Sellers. IN* topic for the everir.g was Legislation and Education. Miss Helen Mauney and Mrs. W. P. tviurnes were in charge of the program and such gave a most in teresting talks on these two vital subjects. A short business session was held at which time roll call and minutes of last meeting were read Mrs. Sellers, Chairman of Reha bilitation committee made a re port on some work being done at The hostesses served a salad course with accessories to the fol lowing present: Mesdames J. 1). Hobbs, N. B. Kendrick, E. V. Moss, Hunter Carroll, T. A. Car ter, W. F. Starnes, Carr Black, E. M. Devine, M. A. Stroup, J. C. Stroup, Ernest Sellers, L. L. Sum mers, H. O. Halstead, and Miss Helen Mauney and Charles Sher rill. r * Need a LAXATIVE? llMk>Onu|hl io 1-Usually prompt 2*Uouatly thorough 3*Always oeonomleal 25 to 40 doses only i 256. 16^ BLACK-DRAUGHT ■tnmxacu'irria.1 wni in lm NATIONAL " FEBRUARY M it.*4 m FABRICS FOR YOUR SEWING PLEASURE Cottons Rayon Crepe Prints Woolens Shirting Spun Rayons Linens Rayon Jersey SEW NOW FOR SPRING BELK’S MATTHEWS Winners In ^ March Of Dimes Contest At No. 2 “Why I Should Give To The In fantile Paralysis Fund” —Veeais Jordan—Miss Allen’s Fifth Grade, I should give to the Infantile Paralysis hospitals so that they could do more for the boys and girls who are afflicted with the disease, and they could be more comfortable too. In the hospitals you see children paralyzed in the different parts of the body. Some of the children's arms are in casts and they have to hold then arms ud all of the time—for a long time. Some of the children are paralyzed all over and cannot even move. Others are paralyzed in the arms, others in the should ers, others in the chest, and some are paralyzed in the moutTi. There isn’t anyone who wants to take the Infantile Paralysis, so, I am going to do my best to help the terrible disease .disappear. "The March Of Dimes ’ — Joe David Wise—Mrs. Porter’s Fifth Grade. It should be with pleasure that i we give every dime we can spare I to the March of Dimes this month Last summer there was an epi demic of Infantile Paralysis over! most of our states,. If it had not been for the money given for this cause, through the March ol Dimes Campaign, many children would have been helpless cripples all their lives, because of the lack of funds with which to fight this dreaded disease.’ So, let us give cheerfully and willingly, thankiui that we have been spared this ter rible fate. “Infantile Paralysis” —La Rue Rrittian — Miss Hobbs’ Fourth Grade We must help crippled children In our town and everywhere, By giving them some money And ofFering up a prayer. We don’t know when we A ciipple may he too. So let’s think of others now Whatever we may do. Tf what we give is just a small amount, Remember all we give really counts. All we can do won't be enough. The crippled children really see it tough. Tune: Farmers in the Dell Donald Kester—Mrs. Hall’s Third Grade. We brought our dimes today, We brought our dimes today, Heigh-ho! America! We brought our dimes today, The polio to tight, The polio to light. Heigh-ho! America! The polio to fight. DIAL 4601 CHERRYVILLE, N. C. FRI.-SAT.—2 DAYS JOHN MAC BROWN RAYMOND HATTON —IN— RANGE LAW —PLUS— 2 SERIALS NEWS & CART. Comedy MON.-TUE.—2 DAYS SENSATIONAL— WOMEN —IN— BONDAGE —WITH— j GALE PATRICK NANCY KELLEY -PLUS KING OF FAIRWAYS NOVELTY BETTER FRIENDS Hey! Hey! Did You Give a Dime Today !-*-Billy Houser—Mrs.. Beam’s Fourth Grade Hey! Hey! bid you give a dime today? To Help the children play, That have Infantile Paralysis today. Hey! Hey! Please give a dime today, To run the disease away, So that the children of today Can throw their crutches away. Hey! Hey! Join the Ma ch of Dimes today, So that the tmidren of t< nay Can play as they did yesterday. Tune: Jingle Bells Give your pennies, give your pennies, Foi the eiipple children Oh how nice it is to give nil our pennies now. Give your pennies, give your pennies, Give your pennies now. Or. what icy it is to give all our pennies now. Give you: 0. . Give your mcki ! Give voni nickels now. How delignti'i.l it will oe to give our nicKtis now. Give your nickels, Give vour nickels your nickels now. Oh what joy it is to give all out nickels now. Give your dimes. Give your dimes Give your dunes today. Oh how nice it is to give all our dimes today. Give your dimes, Give your dimes Give your dimes today. Oh what joy it is to give all our dimes today. By Wade Harrelson, 3rd Grade Junior G. A.’s Meeting The Junior G. A.’s of the First Baptist Church had their monthly missionary program at the church Tuesday afternoon Feb. (1th. Pat sy Foster was leader of the pro gram. Subject of the program was “Foreign Girls in Other Lands.” The girls decided to send Valentines to shutins for Febiu ar.v. There were 25 girls present. Ruth Taylor was hostess for this meeting. A special Valentine party is to be given for the Junior G. A.’s Feb. 10, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. C. Jenkins. All Junior G. A.’s are invited, as well as Baptist Juniors who are prospective'members. Mrs. Herbert Hickson and Mrs. Guy Wells will be hostesses for this Valentine Party. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Worship Service. Mes sage by the pastor. 7 P.M. Baptist Training Union 8 P.M. Evening service. Mes sage by the pastor. Cottage prayer meetings 2:30 P.M. Sunday in the Howell and Dora communities. Associational Sunday School Meeting of all Gaston county of ficers and teachers at Mountain Side church near Gastonia. Monthly Missionary Meeting of all tlie W.M.S circles at the church Monday, Feb. 12th. Fannie Heck Circle will have charge of program. Sunbeams will meet Monday just after school. Hostess, Lynette Homesley Tuesday night, 7:30, the Y.W. A.’s will meet at the home of Mrs. George Falls. Monthly Workers Conference of all officers and teachers at 7:15 P.M. Wednesday, preceding prayer service. Midweek Prayer service 8 P.M. E. S. ELLIOTT, Pastor Pvt. A. G. Dellinger is spending, a furlough here with his parent* Mr. ami Mrs. A. S. Dellinger, lie will report to Fort JVleade, Mary land when his furlough is up. LOST — Ration Books 3 & 4 Doris Carpenter. Return to James Carpenter or Local Board, lt-pd. How women and girls mky get wanted relief [from functional periodic pain Cardui is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief j from the cramp-lllce agony and nef- I vous strain of functional perlodlo I distress. Here’s how it may heh>: I 1 Taken Uke a tonic. It should stimulate appetite, aid dilu tion,* thus help build re sistance tor the ’‘time” to come. itttrS \ O started 3 days be .1'™'“ 1 rnm fore “your time". 1» this 2-waul should help relieve 1 help * / pain due to purely func ^ tlonal perlodlo causes. Try Cardul. If It helps, you'll be glaa you did. p CARDUI ]k SCC LASCl OISICTIOM Phenothiazine, used as a treat ment for internal parasites of livestock, is now saving producers about $10,000,000 a year._ LESTER CHERRYVILLE, N. C. THUR.-FRI.—2 DAYS THE ONE PICTURE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING TO SEE —WITH— THOMAS MITCHELL ANNE BAXTER SAT.—ONE DAY ONLY U s a Hepc