People You Know Society"> Parties, Clubs and News About People In Socfai Activities Mrs. Malcolm Aiken spent last week-end with her htisbaml in Creedmore. Mrs. En.mett Houser and Miss Johnnie Ballard 'visited Mr. ana Mrs. Kenneth Putnam in Chapel Hill last week-end. Mrs. Garland Clapp of Greens boro, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Beam of Charlotte spent the week-end here with Mrs. J. Lloyd Beam and Mrs. Jennie T.ineberger. Mrs. Howard Waters and lit tle son, Michael of Charlotte spent Sunday wiih her mother. Mrs. H. D. George. Mrs. Carl Summer and daugh ter, Miss Betty Jane Summer are spending several days in Wades boro, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilkinson. Lloyd Summer, .Jr., A S has completed his course at Duke 'University and been transferred to Cornell University, Ithaca, N: Y., for further training. Mrs. Ed Kmhree returned to Durham Tuesday aftei spending the week here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boggs. The many friends of Mary Frances Black will he glad to know she is able to be up and will probably be back in school Mon day after an illness. Mr. and Mrs. Bain Hallman ot Pirtsmouth left Tuesday after spending several days here the guests of their parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Payseur and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hatlman. S Sgt. Junius Lad son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Lad who has been over seas for three years is home for thirty days. He served nine months in England and twenty-six months in North Africa and Italy. James H. Potter has returned to Raleigh for reassignment i.ftetr spt.idin." a JO day leave with Mr. and Mis. . (hi lovis. He has been cverseas for !: months. Hj tame Dorn California by plane. > Miss Winona Summer, student at the University of North Caroli na, spent last week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. John Coley of Newton spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. Joe L. Rhyne, who has been in Salinn, Kansas with her husband, Pfo. Rhyne returned Monday night. Pfc. Rhvne has been transferred to Fort Benning. Ga., and Mrs. Rhyne is with his parents, at Yale. She spent Tues day in Cherryville. Cpl. John R. Black is spending a thirty day furlough with liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.l). Black. This is his first furlough since lie entered the service in September l!if2. He has been at Panama tor over two years and will report to Camp Shelby, Miss, the 2’Jth, for reassignment. AUXILIARY TO MEET TUESDAY The American Legion Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. L. L. Summer on Tuesday even ing at 8:00 o’clock with Mrs. Sum mer, Mrs. Lave Carpenter and Mrs. Carr Black as joint hostess es. All member sare urged to be present and please let the hostess know if you cannot be present. Music Club To Meet The Cherryville Music Club will meet Thursday night March 22nd at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. W. Payne with Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Dave Carpenter and Mrs. Vernon Harrelson as joint hostesses. Alt members are urged to be present and reminded to he prepared to answer the roll call with a short musical item. Cherryville Readers Club Met Tuesday I The Cherryville Readers Club held its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. Emmett Houser on Tuesday night, March 13th, at 8 o’clock. After the business meeting Mrs. Malcolm Aiken gave a most en joyable and informative discourse on recent books and the place ot books in the changing age. She pointed out that books are essenti al and gave an outline of books needed in every home library. The life of Kathleen U nisor. . author of “Forever Amber, was reviewed by Mrs. Hunter Kudisill Pictures of the young author add ed to the discussion. Following the meeting l e host ess assisted by Mrs. Aiken and Mrs. Heman Hall served a dessert course with coffee. Club members present were: Mesdames Malcolm Aiken. How ard Allran, Hunter Carroll, T. A. Carter, Heman Hall, Howard Rob inson Hunter Rudisill, Garland Shan-ill and Emmett Houser. Mrs. JVT.-ry R. Mauney and lit tle Miss Carole Mauney spent from Wednesday until Sunday at r,it'ip V.'hteler, Co., visiting the former's son, Pvt. John David Mauney who is stationed there. WOMAN’S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service of the First Metho dist church will have its quarter ly meeting at the church on Mon day night at 8:00 o’clock. Since this is the first meeting of the year each circle member is urg ed to attend. JANET CHAPMAN AND BOBBY CAMP HOSTESS AND HOST FOR SUNBEAM MEETING The Sunbeams of the First Bap tist Church met at the church on Monday afternoon just after school fop the monthly missionary meeting. Mrs. Ralph Moseley had charge of the program. Gifts were recei ved for Home Miosion offerings. The program was centered around the thought of "doing things that would help to bring about Peace." Songs, Bible verses and stories were given.. As hand work the children had a part in making some Easter flowers. Mrs. Ruth Camp assisted Janet and Bobby in serving lovely re freshments to 87 children. The next meeting will be Mon day, April 9th at the church. CHERRYVILLE UNIT N. C. EDUCATION ASSN. The Cherryville Unit of the North Carolina Education Associ ation met at the Elementary build ing No. 2 Feb. 12, 1945, at four o’clock. The teachers of this Build ing acted as hostesses. Miss Sox, our president, called the meeting to order, and the us ual routine of business was atten ded to, after which the meeting was given over to Mrs. Porter, the program leader. Mrs. Porter in a few well chos en statements explained the im portance of Child guidance as the task of the teacher. The program was as follows: 1. Song—America 2. A Concept of Guidance—Miss Carolyn Allen. :i. Guidance in the Elementary School in the Twelve tear' Pro-1 gram—Mrs. Ralph Beam. 4. 1’he Function of Guidance— Mrs. Heman Hall. 5. Special Projects for the Year of Elementary No. 2 Explained. —Miss Sox. These were, Achievement Tests, Spelling and Cleanliness. During fhe social hour we enga ged in contests and games. Delicious refreshments were then served. The , atriotic motif was used m decorations and menu. Baptist Missionary Society Met Monday The Womans Misisonary Socie ty of the First Baptist Church held their monthly Missionary meeting at the church Monday, March 12th at 1 P.M. The Attie Bostic Circle had charge of the program. The program was presented in the form of a discussion. The key thought was illustrated by a hig poster “How Can We Have Peace in Tomorrow's World?” Mrs. George Falls, chairman of the Cir cle, gave the Bible study and was le: der of the program. Others who had parts on the program were: were: Mcsdames R. T. McGinnis, Ed Hayes, I. C. Long, Tonly Kiser Guy llarrelson, L. L. Summer, M. C. Beam, and Do>a McGinnis. The business session was presi ded over by Mrs. R. J. Morrison? Reports were given from the var ious circles and chairmen of com mittees. Encouraging reports come from the Community Mission leaders and also from the reports concerning the Home Mission of fering. Ann Judson Circle will have charge of the April program Mrs. Butler Hostess To Friday Book Club Mrs. S. M. Butler delightfully entertained the members of the Friday afternoon Book Club at her home for the March meeting at four o'clock on March 9th. Mrs. J. Ben Dellinger presided ov er the business session and in the absence of Mrs. D. A. Kudisill presented the life of General Douglas Mac Arthur. Mrs. J. D. Hobbs read the life of A. J. Cro nin, author of “The Green Years.'' The hostess, assisted by her daugh ter, Mrs. Ben Rudisill, served de licious refreshments, consisting of assorted sandwiches, pickles, olives, coffee and dessert. Club members present were: Mrs. J. Ben Dellinger, Mrs. D. R. Mauney, Sr., Mrs. J. D. Hobbs, Mrs. H. H. Allen, Mrs. R. J. Mor rison, Mrs. W. F. Starnes and Mrs. R. C. Sharpe. Y. W. A. MEETS The Young Woman's Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church met Tuesday evening March 13th at the home of Miss Gwendolyn Hobbs. Miss Ollie Sue Hendricks, pres ident, had thfeige of a short busi ness session. Miss Margaret thony, as member of the Stew* ardship Committee was elected to serve as co-treasurer with Miss Christine Carpenter. Miss Evven: Marisel Devine “Godliness for Glamour'* Ollie Sue Hendricks “Courage for Cunning" Margaret Anthony ‘'Faith for* Fear” ""Gwendolyn Hobbs “Generosity for Greed’” Geneva Rheuark “Conviction for Convention” The hostess served delicious re freshments to the following: Miss es Margaret Anthony, Ollie Sue Hendricks, Matisel Devine, Julia Renfro, Geneva Rheuark. Evelyn Roberts, Kate Whitworth, Caro lyn Allen. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND RE NEWALS TO THE EAGLE Subscriptions and renewals re ceived to the Eagle during the month of March include the fol lowing: William Bradley L, Andrew Kiser Carl Hicks Pfc. David Saine A. C. Dedmon V. M. White W. W. Mauney S-Sgt. Fred Carpenter S-Sgt. Colon Carpenter John Hull J. S. Kiser If Mrs. Joe L. Rhyne J. W. Hughs J. S. Hallman ’* Tom Niell Nf Mrs. W. L. I,eonhardt Mrs. L. G. Smith >S-Sgt. Eugene H. Browne J. C. Mitchem Mrs. Hal Peeler S. H. Helton John Neill Hi Elmer Neill W. F. Huss *■ * T. E. Plonk «"w Adam Dellinger Rav Self S-Sgt. Clyde W. Gainey Oliver B. Carpenter Graduated March 8th Oliver llennette Carpenter of Crouse, Rt. 1, son of Mr. and Mrs. Berlin H. Carpenter, wa3 gradu ated from the U. S. NavalAeserve Midshipmen :■ school on March 8, 1045, at 11:00 a. m. m the Navy (frill hall on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. He was one of approximately 700 men graduated as Ensigns, USNR .liter having successful y comple ted four months training as Mid shipmen. Commander Maxweu F. White, V. S. N., MG, who ser.ed many months in the Pacific oi, an a.** craft carrier delivered an address to the graduates covering his ex periences. The invocatiin was giv en by the Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C., President of the Universi ty of Notre Dame. Captain J. Richard Barry, U S. N., Commanding Officer of the Naval Training Units at Notre Dame, complimentted the men on their completion of the course of study and wished them a success ful career in the Navy, The men were sworn in as Ensigns in the U. S. Naval Reserve by Captain Barry. The Drill Hall was crowd ed to capacity with friends and relatives of the Midshipmen and beaecked with colorful signal uags made an impressive setting for the exercises. The cloeing benediction «as given by the Rev. Unarles f. Baillie of South Bend, Indiana. North Carolina Urged To Meet Quota by 20 RALEIGH, March 12.— North Carolina women can ill afford to let the State fall short of its quo ta of 106 recruits for training: in the women’s Army Corps as hos pital technicians, it was stated to day by R. L. McMillan, State Di rector of the N. C. Office of Civil ian Defense. McMillan emphasized that the Army has requested the state to meet the quota by March 20, less than a week from now, in order to assure sufficient Army hospital technicians to care for the ever increasing stream of the ill and the ^wounded sildiers returning to this country from battlefronts abroad. “The lengthening casualty lists show many of these heroes to be North Carolinians, men of our own flesh and blood,” stated Mc Millan, a veteran of World War 1. “It behooves North Carolina wom en to consider seriously the patri otic contribution they can make by joining the WAC to serde in Army hospitals, where these re turning heroes urgently need their help. They have given the utmost required of thettn, and the least we can do is to see that tey get adequate hospital care." McMillan appealed to interested women to contact immediately the Army Recruiting Station nearest them for information about join ing the WAC. The State must provide about 25 additional .recruits to meet its *uota for hospital technicians. q* ths «n*om»snt *f Uavaj$<* rhe Meanest Word n Human Language As had been announced, the )astor of the Second Baptist Hhurch last week brought a mes sage at the evening hour on the , ‘The Meanest Word in the Bible or in Human languageA large number^of guesses came in ahead of time. Those guesses included such words as gossip, de vil, malice, hatred, temptation, no, tomorrow, unforgiveness and many others, but it remained for lie*. Z. v*. oetUemeyer to guess the correct word, fie was the only one who sent in the correct guess, and he gave the Scripture reference, which was Proverbs 16:28, which says in part, “a whisperer separaeth chiet friends." The pastor in his mes sage showed what a “whispering campaign’’ could do to undermine and tear down reputations, and how that the meanest thing a per son could do was to start “whis pering" about someone. Said he, “I’d rather face a Jap with a gun in each hand than to have someboly start whispering about bout me. 1 would have a far better chance with the Jap than with a “whispering person. ’ However, he said that there is a whispering campaign that would be good. Just whisper to that friend, “I heard something good about you today, or whis per to that lost person, “1 am praying for you for I want you to be saved," or whisper to the Master, “I am dedicating mysell and my all to Thee.” State Guard Co., Need* More Men To tre people of Lincolnton and Lincoln county, Cherryville anil Cherryville Township: 12th, 1941. During the past have had the time to write aboui our State Guard Company, but our Publicity Corporal has beeiT doing a fine job in reporting th? activities of the Company. i\jy reason for writing this is that / have something on my chest ana want to get it off. The 29th company of the North Carolina State Guard was muster happened. The first Commanding ken place and many things nave tour years many changes have ta March 12th 1941. During the past officer of the Company was Capt. Victor Fair. Then Captain John Morton. I succeeded Capt. Mike VVhitener who took over after Capt. Morton resigned. These men who preceded me had the same headaches that I have had and am stil. hiving. Our main problem is and always has been keeping the strength of the Company up to acceptance by the Adjutant Gen eral. At one time during tile ad ministration of Capt. hair the Company was up to full strength. The same was true once with Capt. Morton. I have done everything that I know possible but have nev er been successful in getting the Company to full strength. i he best we have had was 47 men, short of full strength. Several months ago Cherryville and the area around Cherryville was added to our Company area in the hopes that we could be able to build up our Company to full strength. I have met once with the American Legion Post in Cherry ville. I am hoping that we will get some recruits from that territory in the near future. We also need some more men from Lincolnton. Some times we are told that we do not have the men available. But we do have the men, hundreds of them. But there I called my First Lieu, Lloyd t. ser and my 1st Sgt. B. B. Cine Elmore, my Second Lieu, Fred Ki ts something wrong somewhere, berger in a conference and sug gested that one of them take over as commander and let me start back as aprivate and see if that would hi-lp the situation. As vet they have refused to do this. Now I am not talking through my hat, that is exactly what 1 will do rath er than see the Company lost to Lincolnton. it we are 10 nave a company something is going to have to be done and soon. We go to camp again in July and we aren’t going without a full Company. During inspecting last week the Colonel told us that we had the best Com pany in Camp last year but that we had to have more men this year. We have thousands of dollars worth of equipment now furnished by the Federal Government, they aren’t going to allow us to keep this property unless we furnish the manpower to use it. We celebrated our Fourth Birth day last Monday night with an oyster stew at the American Leg ion Hut. Mess Sergeant Zeb kee ver and his Cooks realy put on Hie mess for the men and they really enjoyed it. We will hold a special meeting at the Armory next Friday night at which time a social training cf ficer from Fort Bragg will be with us. Our regular meeting will be a. the Armory next Monday mgnC Any one interested m the com; pany is invited to meet with us and look over what we are trying t0 d°' WILLIAM F. HALL. Capi Commanding. Cherry, who designated OCL as the State agency to cooperate with the Army in securing the de sired number of recruits. Governor Cherry has urged ev ery eligible North Carolina woman to consider seriously the service she can render in the to AC as a hospital technician. USE EAGLE ADS C.4n.C Cr l H4.Nl I/ifc lainiues or airs. Jane har •elson Fisher wish to thank the i leighbors and friends for their j nany acts of kindness and sympa- 1 thy shown them during- ihe sick- ; ness and death of their loved one, and also for the beautiiul floral tributes. AWWWWWW. MONEY LOAN ■AVVWA TO j Drive your car to Homesley Chevro let Co.' and bring your title HOMESLEY Chevrolet Co. Cherryville, N. C. $ Get Your Spring Perma nent in i time to en joy it at ( EASTER MODERNETTE BEAUTY SALON MRS. M. CLEEK MRS. LESTER HOUSER 1 FOR SALE I'll* Mount Zion Baptist Church near Cherryville is offering tor sale, for cash, to the highest writ ten competitive bidder, all the wood on a 107 acre tract of land near Dallas, N. C, Gaston Coun ty. This timber is ideal for lumber cord or pulp wood. All bids must be in the hands of the Church Trustees on or before April 14, 1945. The Trustees reserve the right to reject all bids. See or write, Dwight L. BEAM, Cherryville, N. C-4t-A12 DIAL 4601 1 STRAND * Cherryville, N. C. FRI.-SAT.—2 DAYS "OKAY KILLER77. GRAB FOR THE SKY!" Johnny's six-gja taiks fast down Rio —Plus— NEWS 2 SERIALS CART MON.-TUE. — 2 DAYS 2 BIG FEATURES THE UNWRITTEN CODE BEWARE!!! BABY FACE MORGAN WED.-THURS.—2 DAYS John Hall Evelyn Ankers —in— “The Invisible Man’s Revenge’’ —Plus— IDOL OF CROWD! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, March 18, 1945 10 A.M. Sunday School. Let’s be on the March Sunday and make Cherryville known as a church going town. 11 A.M. Worship Service Join with us in morning worship | hour. Message by pastor. 2 PM.. Cottage Prayer services in the Dora and Howell Comniuni : ties. 7 P.M. Baptist Training Union. 8 P.M. Worship Service. Mes sage by pastor Wednesday: 7:80 The Sunday ! School lesson taught. I 8 P.M. Prayer service. “Christ in the heart, and His love in the nation, is the only cure for the ills which threaten us to day.” You are welcome to all our servicse. Keep them in (/ Ulity. Budtcht. and Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic, arthri t is or neuritis pam, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands •oe using. < let a package of Ru-Ex Compound.', a 2 weeks’ supply today. Mix h vs- ith a quart of wafer. add the nue of 4 lemons. It's easy, pleasant no tro ible at ail. You need only 3 t iblespoonfuls tw. times a day. Often • itlnii 48 hmi.' sometimes over nght — splendid results are obtained. It the p.uns J. nor quicMy leave . id if you do not feil better, Ru-Ex v ill v">t you nothing t> try as it is Id by your *;i ,;>t under an abso itc nioiiey-b.ick guarantee. Ru-Ex ( ouipound is lui suit and recommended hy ALLEN DRUG CO. TRIMS OWN PAY TO $1 PER YEAR NEW YORK, March 13.—Frank Phillips, chairman of the Board of Phillips Petroleum Co., has slash ed his own salary to $1 a year from $50,000 because of heavy tax deductions, it was disclosed today. ( In a message to stockholders m the March issue of “Philnews, the company’s house organ, Phil lips said that he did not see why the coirfpany should “pay out $50, 000 a year and benefit me by only $309.36.” Phillips explained that Ihe big shrinkage was due to high Federal income taxes and state levies. His pay on top of his other income, he said, is subject to Federal and state taxes which leave him only $300.36 from his salary as board chairman. The cut became effec tive February 1. BUY BONDS 0M IMttM III for Cooking * Water Heating Refrigeration * Spate Heating •After The War le Wee* KQ&E Charlotte. N. C. Ph. 1-844? How women and girls may get wanted relief I from functional periodic pain Cardul Is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp-like agony and ner vous strain of functional periodlo distress. Here's how it may help: 1 Taken like a tonl*, it should stimulate appetite, aid diges tion.* thus help build re sistance for the “time” to come. 2 Started 3 days be fore “your time”. It should help relieve pain due to purely func tional periodic causes. Try Cardul. If it helps, you’ll be glad you did. ) SCARDUI " " aft SCC LABCL OlWCCTlONg LESTER CHERRYVILLE, C. 1 FHURS.-rRIDAY—2 DAYS Aft IHER HIT FROM 20lft CENTURY-FOX —ADDED— i 1 SPORT REEL ^ ONCE OVERLIGHTLY SAT ONE DAY ONLY MUSIC COMEDY FUN “EVER SINCE VENUS” ANN SAVAGE ROSS HUNTER —Plus— NEWS CART. SERIAL 2 DAYS—MON.-TUE. , i\ Mitt isef\'