CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE 90 ACRE FARM 2 1-2 miles from Chenyville on Dallas Road, for Sale. See Eagle Office for in formation. lt-p FOR SALE:One mare horse, b years old. 1395 lbs. Also cordwood for sale. See Robert Wright, Cher* ryville Service Station. 4tM22p MENS SUITS Regular weight Suits in Blues, Browns and Grays. See them be fore vou buy. HARRELSON CO., Inc. It-P FOR SALE — Co be Lespedeza seed—Good Grade. See J. W. Kendrick. FOR SALE—Baled t.espedeza hay. L. CO IT DELLINGER, Rt. 1, 2t-pd. __ FOR SALE—Good wood range Call 2061 after 5 o'clock in the afternoons, lt-pd FOR SALE — Thorough-bred Bremmer eggs, $V.50 per setting. B. B. BLACK. Wayside Inn, Chenyville. X. C. 4t-Ab FOR SALE—14 pair Fairbank and Morse portable-plattorm scal es, gli metal with steal clad plat form. Weighs up to 1,000 pounds. Net price, $30.00 each. DEDMOX LIVESTOCK YARD Highway 18, Shelby, N. C. tf SHOES FOR WOMEN & MEN Let us fit you with shoes made to your own measure. Dress shoes, work shoes, cushion-insoled for extra comfort. Perfect lit guaran teed. 8t-M8 ABERNETHY SHOE SHOP MENS SUITS Mens all Wool Suits at Pre War prices—$22.50 and $25,00 HARREI.SOX CO.. Ihc, U-p WAXTED -— Light house work beginning after Easter or week betore Easter. Mrs. l.t na Huff stetler at Mrs. George Hallman t or will be at Mrs. 1 red Days next week. t2-pu* LOST LOST—Ration Book No. 4. Xante Melvin Sammie Lee Little. i‘mder return to local Ration Board. lt-pd. ___ Ralph Raytield. Finder Please re LOST—Ration Book Xo. 3— please return to local Ration Board. ____* t-P LOST—“A" gas rationing book Finder please return to owner Giles Xeill or local rationing hoard. LOST—Gas Book B for Chevrolet J. W. Homes ley. Cherryville. X.t . LOST—Diamond Ring between the depot and the school building Finder please return to Katie Schronee and receive reward, ltp MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU HAVE PIMPLES or blackheads? See us for your <k:n needs. MODERXETTE BEAL 1 t SALOX. u BICYCLE PAINTING I WILL PAINT AM' REPAIR BICYCLES AT A REASONABLE PRICE. ROY LEE WATTS. Nu Wav Village. . lt-pd Hickory Logs Wanted—V.e are paying recently increased ceiling pv ce:-. Cut seven feet 101 g. Sou thern Desk Co.. Hickory. N i ,*- a ;»? F O R S A I. F—Two Bond Mares, weight 1100 Ibs.,.si\ and seven years old. One pair Sor rel Mules, weight 1 TOO lbs., three and four years old. One Span ish Jack Cash or terns. JOHN W. QUINN. Cherryville, N Route 2. 2t-M22-l> FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers. Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat ing. Nausea, Gas pains, get free sample, Udga, at ALLEN DRl G COMPANY. _ ATHLETES FOOT Make This 10 Minute Test Get a mobile liquid with strong PENETRATING power. One con taining full strength alcohol is good. Powders, ointments and mpd solutions do not penetrate sutt'ici ently. To-ol is the only solution we know of, made with 90 percent alcohol. Feel it PEN h I R A I h. REACHES MORE GERMS Mast drug stores have, the test size. Small lot just arrived at rionser Ling Company. We now have electric power to our Hamer Mill and can do your Hamer. Y'our business will be ap preciated. DALTON FLOUR AND FEED MILLS WE BUY CHICKENS AND EGGS—Pay highest market. We sell feeds of all kinds. DALION’S FLOUR AND FEED MILLS, North of High School. tf PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR ING INDORSED BY LEADING MUSIC TEACHERS. WRITE J. F. PECHE, BELMONT. N. C. tf PATENTS mark! Prompt, expert service, send sketch or model for free opinion. Expert Washington associates — DAVID P. DELLINGER, Special At torney, Cherryville, N. C. LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of J. H. Morrow late deceased of Gaston County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said J. H. Morrow, to file same with the undersigned administra trix within one year after date hereof or this notice will be plead ed in bar of any recovery thereon All persons indebted to said J. H. Morrow will please make as prompt settlement, with the un dersigned as possible. This the 8th day of February, 1945. MRS. DAZY MORROW Gt-M15 Crouse,N.C. Rt. 1 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Garlas Johnson, Plaintiff Pauline Fay Johnson, Defendant ,N O T I C E The defendant, Pauline ray Johnson will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, N. C., said ac tion being for an absolute divorce on statutory grounds (Adultry/, and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court Courthouse, Gaston County, North Carolina, on the 21st aay of March, 1946, to answer or de mur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief deman ded in said complaint. This the 21st day of Feb. 1946 PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk Superior Court Gaston County, N. C. 4t-M 15___ NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Gas ton County, made in the special proceedings entitled,” John Vva caster, Executor, Louisa Wacas ter, and others, ex parte, the un dersigned commissioner, will, on SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, 1945, at 2:30 o’clock, P. M. on the premises, in Cherryville Township, Gaston County, North Carolina, after .ue advertise ment, sell at publ c auction to the highest bidder, f r cash, that cer tain tract of land adjoining the lands of J. Henry Dellinger, Mutz Dellinger, Lucy Harrelson, and others, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at a post oak stump north of the Chenyviiie-rallston road, old corner ami corner of Lucy Harrelson, arm runs thence with her line S 10 \V 1-2 pol es to a stone, the old corner; thence 'vith the bid line S 86 1-2 E 40 poles to a slake, a new cor ner, and corner of J. Henry Dell inger; thence a new line N 10 E no' poles to a slake, a new corner on line of Mutz Dellinger; thence with his line S 87 1-2 W 40 poles to the beginning, containing 21.50 acres, more or less. Same being a part of the lands of the late F. p. Wacaster. This February 22nd, 1945. M. A. STROUP, Commissioner. 4t-.M21 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT C. F. Carson, Plaintiff Dine Million Carson, Defendant. S U M M O N S The above named defendant will take notice that an action en titied as above has been started m the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, for di voice "and the defendant will be required within twenty days of tlie tinal publication of this notice to appear before the Clerk of the said C ourt, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the C ourt for the relief demanded in this complaint. This the 20th day of Feb. 1946 PAUL E. MCI.' Got, Clerk of Superior Court U. A. Warren, Attorney for Plaintiff 4t-M15 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Butler P. Smith, Plaintiff Geneva Wadkins Smith, Defend’t NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commen ced by the plaintiff in the Superi or court of Gaston County for the j purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the defendant; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Gaston County tn Gastonia, N. C., to file answer or to demur to said complaint of the plaintiff on or before the 29 day of March, 1945, or within twenty days after the final appearance ot this notice and that if she fails to answer or to demur to said com plaint within the specified above named time, the said plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief demanded in the said com plaint. WITNESS, Paul E. Monroe, Clerk Superior Court of Gaston County, at his office in Gastonia, N. C. This the 22nd day of Feb ruary 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk Superior Court Gaston County, N. C. Claude B. Woltz, 4t-M22 Attorney for Plaintiff NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Bertha McCully, Plaintiff vs John McCully, Defendant SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that action has been started in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, for divorce and the de fendant will be required within twenty days of final publication of this notice to appear before the Clerk of said Court and an swer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded in this complaint. This 6th day of March 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of Superior Court. O. A. Warren, Attorney for Plaintiff. 4t-M29 NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION __ IN SUPERIOR COURT OF GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DAISY TATE, Plaintiff, VS. PAUL 11. TATE, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that the plaintiff above named has commenced an action for absolute divorce in the Superior Court of Gaston County North Carolina, on grounds alleg ed in the complaint filed in the ac tion, in the office of the Clerk of said Court in Gastonia, N. C. on the 7th day of March, 1945. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to file written answer to said complaint in the office of said clerk of the said court in the Gaston County Court House at Gastonia on or before the 30tn day of April, 1945, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for such relief as she is entitled to under the facts as alleged in said complaint and du ly proven before the Court. Herein fail not at your peril. Witness Clerk of said Court at office in Gastonia, this the 7th lav of March, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE Clerk of Superior Court J. L. Hamme, Gastonia Atty. for Plaintiff 4t-M29 EXECUTIVE’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executive of the Estate of Callie C. Metcalf, deceased, late of Gaston County, North Carolina, notice is hereby given that all claims against the estate of said deceased must be presented to the undersigned on or before the 5th DAY Ob' MARCH, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This the 5th day of March, 1945 WILLIAM R. METCALF Executive Estate of Callie C. Metcalf, deceased. 6t-Al2 NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION Notice is hereby given that un der the provision oi toe charter of the Town of Cherryville, North Carolina an election is called and will be held at the v lty Hall, on Tuesday, May 1, H)46, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Re corder, Town Clerk and four com missioners, one Commissioner from each Ward. Registrar and judges are appointed as follows; Registrar, W. G. Houser, Judges: N. B. Boyles and J. A. Blackwel The registration books will be open for the registration of new voters from 9 o’clock A. M. April 7, 1945, through Saturday, Apnl 21, 1945 at sunset. During said hours on Saturday, the registrar will be at Houser Grocery Store on North Mountain Street, Mon day, April 20th, will be challenge day and the registrar will he a: the City Hall on that day. It is furtner ordered that a Rn mary election will be held or. Tuesday, April 24th, 1945, for tne purpose of nominating candidates to be voted for in the regular el ection. Said Primary to be con ducted and held under the general election laws of the State. Candi dates must file notice with Town Clerk on or before 5:00 o ciook F.M., Saturday April 21st, 194o. Done by order of the Board ol Commissioners of the Town ot Cherryville, North Carolina *r. rigular session Tuesday mgtu, Alaich 6, 1945. ALFONSO BEAM, ■ City Clerk 4t-A5 NOTICE OF CHERRYVILLE SCHOOL ELECTION Notice is hereby given that the bi-annual Cherryville School District election for the Cherryville School Dis trict, North Carolina, will be held on Tuesday, May 1st, 1945, for the purpose ot elect ing three trustees to fill the vacancies made by the expiration of the terms of H. R. Harrelson, L. L. Mc Ginnas and W. H. Houser. Two trustees are to be elect ed for 6 year terms and one trustee for a four year term. Registrar and Judges of election are appointed as fol lows: Albert Hallman, Reg istrar; Roy Carpenter and J. Ben Dellinger, Judges. The polling place for this elec tion will be at the City Hall, in the Town of Cherryville, North Carolina, in said school district. The registration books will be open for registration of voters from 9 o’clock. A. M., Monday, April 14, 1945, to sunset on Saturday, April 28, 1945, dates inclusive. Registration Books will be at City Hall, Cherryville, N. ! C., on April 14, 21, and 28 for Registration of voters. Challenge day will be April 30th, 1945. Done by order of the Board of Trustees of the Cherryville School District in regular session, held on 13th day of March, 1945. L. E. RUDISILL, Treasurer ,t REV. ROBERT H MAM t The Law Of Life. Leiaon for March 18: Matthew 22:34-40; 23:11-12; 25:31-46. Memory Veraes: Matthew 22: 37-39. The last lesson showed how ut terly the rich young man had tail ed to keep the law of love—today we consider that the law of life. After silencing the Sadducees, the Pharisees tried to entangle Jesus and when a lawyer among them asked Jesus what is the great com mandment in the law, He answeied “Ihou shalt 'ov'e.” Later Jesus spoke of true great ness found in great service. Seiiish ness leads to ruin, forgetfulness of self to exaltation. Truly some men forget themselves into im mortality.” Note the ditterence between :he Supreme court of the Universe ir. its last session and an earthly court—in the former the infalli ble Judge presides, no attorneys plead, no witnesses testify, no ju ' ry brings in a verdict. But tiie 1 great difference is in the charge made. The earthly court condemn a man because of the wrong he has done, the Supreme court lor the good he has left undone. And here is a vast difference. 1:, l is not enough just to abstain from wrong—men must do the good. This is doubtless realized by ov eiybody in a general way—think seriously of all the implications and of the utter ruin that comes at last to those who fail to do good. Also remember the blessed pri vilege offered those who do good. It is reward enough in itself for every good deed that in minister ing to the lowliest, a man is scrv ing Jesus Himself. Be QuickTo Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop If your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis Is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to oothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed onchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood eosote by special process with other me tested medicines for coughs, -t contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines -ou have tried, tell your druggist to ell you a bottle of Creomulsion with , ne understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) ITSTHETRUTH IT’S THE TRUTH If you have trouble with your feet, or can’t find good shoes that fit Let us measure your foot for a pair of made to mea sure shoes. Made by The Charles Chester Co. With Cushion Insoles. Arch Sup oorts. ABERNATHYS S. S. igHHKRIiSiBaftRK: It’s the Quality of leadership that makes Leaders ATLANTIC 4L€ahdw€€R are the Leaders AUmmMi Cmmpmmw-Brn—ri— in Atlanta ChmrirtU. OUommk, Norfolk, Orlmmdm BUY MORE WAR BONDS AND STAMPS Tests in Raleigh food stores show that growers can market five times as many sweet potatoes as formerly to home consumers, it they will grow disease-tree Louis iana Porto Ricos of the proper size. Nothing will raise the standaid of living of tenant farmers so much as a good soil building pro gram, says J. B. Jones, superin tendent of schools for Transylva nia county. He speaks from ex perience. Any Magazine Listed and This Newspaper, Both for Price Sho^vn 0 American Fruit Grower ..$1.75 □ American Girl .2.50 □ American Home, 2 Yrs... 2.95 □ American Poultry Journal. 1.65 L] Aviation in Review.3.45 LJ CTg All Cirls.2.35 □ Child Life . 3.45 * □ Christian Herald .2 50 □ Coronet . 3.50 □ Correct English .3.45 □ Country Centleman, 5 Yrs. 2.00 □ Etude Music Magazine... 3.50 □ Farm Jrl. & Farmer’* Wife 1.65 □ Flower Grower.2.95 □ Household . 1.65 □ Liberty (weekly) .3.95 □ Magazine Digest.3.45 □ National Digest Monthly. 3.45 □ Nat'l Livestock Producer. 1.75 □ Nature (10 Iss. 12 Mo.). 3.45 □ Open Road (12 Iss., 14 Mo.) . 2.50 □ Outdoors (12 Iss., 14 Mo.) 2.50 □ Parents’ Magazine.2.75 □ Pathfinder . 2.00 □ Photoplay . 2.50 □ Poultry Tribune . 1.65 □ Progressive Farmer. 1.65 □ Reader's Digest .4.25 □ Redbook . 3.25 . □ Science Illustrated.3.45 □ Scientific Detective .... 3.45 □ Screenland . 2.50 □ Silver Screen .2.50 □ Southern Agriculturist ... 1.65 □ Sports Afield . 2.50 □ The Homemaker.3.45 □ The Woman .2.50 □ True Comics.2.35 □ True Story .2.50 □ U. S. Camera .2.15 □ Walt Disney'; Comics-2.35 □ Your Life . 3.45 NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES 1 YEAR, UNLESS TERM SHOWN USE THIS COUPON Check magazines desired and send coupon to this newspaper today! Gentlemen: I enclose %.... Please semi me the magazine checked with a year’s subscription to your newspaper. * St. or R. P. D-— Pott Ofiee_ BEES NEED BUMBERSHOOTS 7 YES ^ NO □ ♦ □ They say that “bees never get caught in the rain.” Maybe you claim you’ve seen different. But the changed natural light as a storm approaches is supposed to make bees get busy and fly home. They may be weather-wise or not. But you’ve simply got to be!—for Spring weather demands an oil change in the car you cannot replace, and Conoco motor oil will oil-plate your engine for extreme resistance to wear— That’a really how to hold down carbon, gum and aludge. That"a really how to keep up engine power. That’a really how to get good mileage from your oil and your gaaoline. The special life-giving quality of OUL-PLATINQ comes from patented Conoco N*A oil’s additional ingre dient—a climax of notable re search. This effort developed the magnet-like effect that makes metal attract oil-plating—lubri cant fastened square in the path of friction. And you can credit the same intensive research with mak ing your oil-plated engine defy corrosion. Then both worst causes of wear are curbed. And you’re safer from lay-ups— j unking—walking! Surely Conoco is worth its slight extra cost. Oil-plate today. Continental Oil Company CONOCO CkvmKud ^wwe u| ★ Complete with 1’ermanent OHLT Wave Solution, rurlera. d9| ahamooo and wave act - nothing ’orl ■bampoo and wave eet — nothing cite to buy Itequirea no heat electricity chine* Safe for every type of hair. Over _ lion aold. Money back guarantee. (Jet a C'h Kuri Kit today. ALLEN DRUG*j THE BEST UNE ( GREETING CARI)] EAGLE PUB. CO I 04 Neighbors... Let’s fix up t r-T farm Telephone Mne... .dBfex RlGHT now, n^' Lt,ors/ bcf the busy planting season is on let's get together and put i farm telephone line in good pair. We can't afford the risk having our telephone line go d< right when we'll be needing most. So let's get together do the job now while we better spare the time. Coll secretary of your line tonight { fix a day to start the work. A FREE BOOKLET "How to Build and Repair Farm Telephone Line" »J for the asking of your teleJ office.

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