AT THE MOVIES IN CHERRYVILLE THURS.-FRL—AT THE LESTER — “CONSPIRATORS” With PAUL HENREID and HEDY LAMARR MON.-TUE.-WED.—at THE LESTER “SINCE YOU WENT AWAY” at POP. PRICES Joseph CnlPiM* examination of her unromanlir mumps wreaks havoc with Jennifer Jones’ emotional stability in this merry scene from Davhl O. Sflntiok’t tiosewsrinln* panorama of the home front, “Since *Yo« Went A».a>.” oov {dawng at the .... The*.re through I niIeei y Artists release. Cotton and *•' »t Jones share stareinB tumors with Claudette Cel-ert, Shirley Te ip!e, Monty Woolley, Lionel Barrymora and h-. bert Walker. AT THE STRAND MON.-TUE—TWO DAYS With LAUREL & HARDY in “BEAU HUNKS” Peggy Ryan with your hit parade of young entertainers is Utuvctml’a latest filmusical, "Babes On Swing Street.” __ Auother election day has come and gone. In some personalities who were voted on today, it is to be a mem ory, to others, they have history to make—as a public ser vant to the town of Cherryville. Two sides are always the most interesting. But one side has to be defeated. In today's election, names appearing on the ballot were hard to decide upon. To vote for one and against the other was like taking a coat off a small child on a cold day and putting it on another. BUY MORE WAR BONOS AND STAMPS COMING TO THE STRAND WED.-THURS. MAY 2-3 JMl ^ -.Kn, Marguerite Chapman in a romantic scene from Columbia’s . omedy mystery yarn, "Strange Affair,” with Evelyn Keyes. SAID TO US BY OTHERS AND SEEN BY OURSELVES Uncle Nathan Anthony, who will soon be 96 years of age, casting his Oallot lues, evening, a short while alter lunch—Uncle Nathan is the oldest voter registered in Uherryville and in any other city or town we expect—He has been a good citizen and democrat all of his life Webb McGinnis talking while he cast his vote this after noon-All candidates standing around the voting place today-Hobson Hendrick, candidate for City Clerk was the first person to vote this morning when the polls open ed at 7:00 o'clock-Haulers for their candidates hauling voters to the polls all during the day-Jack Beam, using his hands to help him talk-Preacher Hawkins helping the Editor interview candidates for tonights “Extra”— Says the newspaper bug bit him years ago and he hasn’t .mite irotten over it—just has to get his finger in a news paper business once in a while-a five-ounce egg, pro duced by a New Hampshire Red, owned by Mrs. Lee Hall man—The egg is in the window at the Eagle Office Alfonso Beam hanging about the office and out in front, complaining about being tired—and who wasn't!-Uncle Jim Houser and son. Broadus, casting their votes at 5:00 o’clock this afternoon-Hundreds of people sitting on both sides of the street near the voting precinct at the City Hall.Another fight will be on next Tuesday, when the Sr-m-inl Board election will be held at the City Hall—The city election is over now and we can all get back to work again and quit talking about candidates-Didn’t see much of David P. Dellinger around the polling place, guess it is because he don't know who will win out and he wants the Solicitor’s job of the Recorders court back again Recorder Robert R. Carpenter was not seen on the streets at all today—What’s the matter with the Judge, indispos ed we suppose-Nothing preventing we will be back to see you again w'th another town “Extra” in two years from this date. WHAT CAN YOU ' ’'RE THAT THEY CAN' WEAR' . . . Used clothing is wanted lor overseas war relief. . . Take it to churches, schools, collection th pots. A temporary grazing crop of small grains and winter legumes planted by September 1 and well fertilized, will generally pay for itself with full grazing. Sprnig grazing is clear profit. MON. TUE.— AT STRAND BEAU HUNKS” STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY (Continued from front page) -MORE ABOUT Tuberculosis Assn. R. Hudson, Lowell; Professor H. i S. Blue, Belmont; Superintendent i of County Schools, Hunter Huss, Gastonia; Mrs. C. W. Pierce, Mt. | Holly; Mr. Edwin Rudisill, Cher ryville; Mrs. Hester Sawyer, Gas jtonia: Mrs. Ralph Summey, Dal I las; Mr. D. P. Stowe, Belmont; : Professor T. Jeffers, Gastonia, Dr. R. B. Groves, Lowell; Mr. Ed win Hutchinson, Mt. Holly, LV. C. H. Pugh, Gastonia. This committee also recom mended that the same officers and executive committee serve for the year 1945-194(5. The rec ommendation was unanimously adopted and the following were elected officers: James W. At kins, President; Mrs. Gordon A. Johnstone, Vice-President; Mrs. E. L. Patterson, Secretary; Mrs. W. L. Balthis, Treasurer; Mrs. F. C. Michael, Gastonia; Mrs. D. R. Mauney, Jr., Cherryville; Mr H. C. Sisk, Belmont, are the addi tional members of the Executive Committee. Serving on the Board of Direc tors from Cherryville are Mrs. Russell Boggs, Mrs. D. R. Mau ney, Jr., Miss Mary Mosteller and Edwin Rudisill. Last year Cherryville contrib uted through mail sales $425.52 and made special gifts of $525.00. This did not include the schools as the schools of the county re ported together and the white schools of the entire county con tributed $875.26 and the colored schools, $686.40. Pfc. Arlen Green Granted Leave Home AUGUSTA, Ga. — Pfc. Arlen Greene of Route one Cherryville has been granted a 30 day leave from the Oliver General Hospital, where he is a patient. Upon com pletion of his leave, the local man will return to the hospital here for further medical treatment by the Army Doctors. Oliver General Hospital has fa cilities for 2,240 patients, most of whom now arrive from overseas combat areas. For these wounded and sick men, the Army hospital here is the last link in the Medical Department’s chain of evacuation from the from lines. /fi !/ / PERfnADEflT CtumtKuM WAVE KIT ★ Compitta with Parmanant $mr MA i Wava Solution, curlara. ahampoo and warn aat - nothing ^ alaatoboy Raquiraanohaat,elactrirityorma ahinaa Safa for at ary typa of hair, thrar 6 mil Uoaaold. Mono? back guaiaaaaa Oat aCharaa Kaoi Kit today. ALLEN DRUG CO. CHURCH NOTICES CHEkRTVILLE FULL COS^fel CHURCH Rev. A. W. Rodgers Sunday School 10 A. M. Y. P. Meet 6:30 P. M. Evangelistic Service 8:00 P. M Prayer Meeting 8:00 P. M. Wednesday and Friday MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES Sunday School 10 A M. Dwight L. Beam, Supt. Preaching (Services each 2nt Sunday at 11 A.M. and each 4th Sunday at 8 P.M. There will b« preaching services Sunday morn ing at 11 o’clock. This being t regular 5th Sunday Service Th< Lord’s Supper will also be ob served at the morning service. The public is invited to worshij with them. Rev. J. W. Costner i: the pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 10 AM. Sunday School 11 A.M. Worship Service Message—Lack of Power 7 P.M. Union Service for Ad ults and Young People. Baptis Training Union will present . Special Program. Young peopl of other churches are invited. 8 PM. Worship Service Rev Luther Hawkins will bring th message. All churches are invited A Challenge for Christian Livim “If Christ is the Way, we are thi signboards; If Christ is the Truth, we are th< examples; If Christ is the Life, we are th< messengers; If Christ is the Door, we are thi doorkeepers, to open it for others; If Christ is the Vine, we are thi fruit bearing branches; If Christ is the Bright and Morn ing Star, we are to brush asijh the clouds that veil His beaut? from the world.” E. S. ELLIOTT, Pastoi SECOND BAPTIST ‘MAKING OURSELVES LIARS, “Making Ourselves Liars,, is th< subject announced for the morn ing worship period at the Seconc Baptist Church next Sunday Th« pastor, Rev. Luther Hawkins, say: that many times we make our selves out to be liars even when we claim to go to worship. The morning services begin a: Second Baptist with a prayer ser vice in the prayer room at 9:31 A.M. Sunday School follows at 9:45, and morning worship at 11 A. M. A welcome is extended to al who are not worshipping else \\ nere to attend the services at . s church. There will be no evening ser .ws at this church next Sunday . mining Unions will meet witl .lie Unions of the First Baptist ■ hurch, and the Second Baptisl cngregation is expected to at .end the union services at First Baptist Church for the evening worship. 5 OUNCE EGG LAID BY HAMPSHIRE RED Mrs. Lee Hallman sent to the Eagle ogice Monday an egg weigh ing five ounces laid by a Hamp shire Red pullet. The pullet had j one one better than that several days ago when she laid one weigh ing 8 ounces, but the eight ounce egg was broken. PKC JOHN HOUSER WOUNDED The War Department has infor med Mrs. Mittie C. Houser of Vale, Route Two, that her hus band, Pfc. John H. Houser, has been wounded in Europe. ALL YOU Extra Sugar for Canning is Available NOW i Fruits and berries canned NOW will mean points saved later enl Up to 20 pounds extra tugar per person allotted you for this purpose. Apply now to your Rationing Beard. Dixie Crystals Pure Sugar MONEY TO LOAN Drive your car to Homesley Chevro let Co.; and bring your title HOMESLEY Chevrolet Co. Cherryville, N. C. HERE ; AND j THERE: about: TOWN | ? By CARYE ALEXANDER 5 This week has played an impor tant part in the lives of the peo . pie of Cherryville. The town elec town. We hope that every one is have made their choice of the men , tion has been held and the people who are to be the leaders of the , satisfied with the outcome and ! will do his part in helping these men in improving our town. The Eagle office was the hang out for i the men voters until about 9:30 when the votes were counted and the EAGLE EXTRA was put out on the streets. It was just like an other Saturday night. The other night in the Ritz t Cafe the Hegar brothers Marvin i and lleman made a list of every , one who was in the cafe until 10 o’clock. Each name had a number and the number that Rev Luther » Hawkins wrote on a slip of paper received a carton of “Luckies,” ( the lucky girl was Miss Joyce j Quinn, lleber Baker’s name was also called but he was at home. . Too bad for you, Heber. The senior class really have a > set of good actors. Their play was* I given Monday afternoon and oso > Monday night. You should have seen Sebil Allran who was the colored girl, she was really good. ; She was seen on the Streets .Mon day night after the play with a • few of the CHS boys and the : people would turn and look twice ■ to make sure that they were see ing right. 1 think everyone got a • thrill out of seeing Tommy Sum mers kiss Mildred Cobb (Say Tommy you should belong to the “Smootching Club,”—Or do you already?) Kungo says they have ' a swell time. The service men are still com ing home. This week we have with , us L. C. Ford. He will be with us . 15 days. Johnnie Anthony will be here for 15 days also June Lail and Paul Levine seem very lijcky. Paul is here for 30 days again. Billy Frank Allen and Joe . Billy Putnam left Monday of last week. Adam Dellinger ir Ijere from the Navy. He will be with us 15 days. George Homesley is nere until Friday'. Bain Wise w ho was wounded in action has been gran ted 30 more days at home. David Pferier and Robert are among those who will leave Satutday :Do you think there will oe any men left if they keep this going? You boys will be surprised when you see the things that are being changed around Cherryville The new Presbyterian church is now being rebuilt and you should see the new neon sign at the How women and girls mly get wanted relief from functional periodic pain Cardul la a liquid medicine which many women eay has brought relief from the cramp-llke agony and ner vous strain of functional periodic distress. Here's how it may help: 1 Taken like a tonic, it should stimulate appetite, aid diges tion,* thus help build re sistance for the ‘‘time" to come. 2 Started 3 days be fore "your time". It should help relieve pain due to purely func r tlonal_ periodic causes. ^Try Cardul. If It helps, you'll *"» (lad you did. y CARDUI % 4»c tarntt pimccTiows ) Strand show. It’s lots like the on* at the Lester. It really helps out the looks of Main Street. Things around the Diner are pretty wild as usual. Mark is having a time trying to keep it under control. Just the other night a few of usual girls were in there dancing and I think there were just a few too many on the floor for all of a sudden theie was ! a crash and Nell Dellinger afk 1 Jackie Helms were seen com^V ! from a winder, one of them didn't cutch the other and so she landed winder that will have to De put in in the winder. This is just another It happens most every week I*etc Hudson is having to leave tor the Army Saturday Theio was a wiennier roast for him Wednesday night. I think every one enjoyed himself. The big. fire down by the Cool river made ev erything perfect. Ruby crowder is at homo to spend a few days with us. She is stationed down at Benning, Ga. She gets home real often. Says she likes it fine. Well, it looks like this is about all ihat has been going on arm-id lieie, so you boys hurry noma for the oamsels are without dates an,l without dance partners and without They sit alone by their own hearthsides and em broider frilly garments f >r their hope chest. But what profiteth it them though their hope chest be full if their hearts be empty and wc-aty with waiting. So hasten the day when their msn shall come sailing home, and the dam sels will welcome the day with ! hallelujahs and then their hearts I shall be glad once more. Sgt. L. S. Stroupe Back In States Sgt. L. S. .Stroupe who has been stationed in Anchorage, Alaska for the past eighteen months, arrived here last Tues day 1 oi u visit with ni3 mother, \li*s I S. Stroupe, and faintly, he lias been on a 21 day fu.lough h'-ving spent over two weeks at Arlington, Va., with his »v if a and little daughter, Mary Ellen. They arrived Saturday and Sgt. and Mrs. Stroupe left Monday after noon for Miami Beach, tla. where they will spend the next several " Little Miss Mary Ellen Stroupe is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. L. S. (Stroupe. I Raymond and Mrs, C. G. Hill of Laurens, S. C., spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. L. S. Stroupe and family. T Sgt. W. Hector Stroupe who has been stationed with the Eight Airforce in England, has comple ted his missions and writes his family he hopes to see them very FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE I hereby announce myself a candidate for election as a trus tee for the Cherryville Schoo^B District for a six year term. Elec-^ tion to be held Tuesday, May 1, 1945. Your support will be great ly appreciated. RALl’H HOYLE COAT ORDER YOUR NEXT WINTERS SUPPLY NOW CHERRYVILLE ICE AND FUEL CO. For Complete PAINT Information tee Charlie Baker or Robert Harrelton at HAR RELSON ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.

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