♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 11 >44| > | Vw»ww»< In j Social S t Activities I +♦♦♦♦♦♦< ***** 11 »♦»♦♦♦♦« i mm Society"> About People Parties, Clubs and News *********** People You Know Miss Buna Stroupe spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs C. C. Crocker and Mr. Crocker. Mrs. Paul Crocker and children Sebum, Dean and Gail spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Crocker. Misses Dot and Angelita Beam of Baltimore, Md., will leave to night after spending ten days here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Beam. Mrs. Howard W. Allran spent the week-end in Knoxville, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scan dlyn Miss Martha Beam of Charlotte spent the week-end here with her grandmother, Mrs. Charles P. Beam, and Mrs. J. M. Crocker. S. 1-C Keith Long returned to Quonset Point, R. I. Saturday af ter a ten day furlough here with his wife and children. Sgt. Evelyn Heuvner of Detroit Mich., and Pfc. John F. Heuvner, Jr., of Fort Benning, Ga., spent a three day furlough here with Pfc. Heavner’s mother, Mrs. John F. ileavner. Mr. and Mrs. Bergs Beam, Mrs. Ina Beam of Crouse and Mr. and Mrs. Thad Ford and Mrs. Ethel Porter and children, Robert and Mary, of Shelby, spent Sunday afternoon here the guests of Mrs. Charles P. Beam and Mrs. J. M. Crocker. MjSgt. and Mrs. Charles M. Wilder and son Eddie of Oklaho ma City, have returned to their home after a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spencer and other relatives here and in Lin colnton. Sgt. Wilder has been sta tioned at Will Rogers Field, Ok lahoma City, Okla., for the past four years. ALENE WISE ENTERTAINS WITH PARTY A birthday party was given at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. L. Wise, Saturday night, Apiil 21st honor or then uaughter, Alene, who celebrated her eighteenth birthday anniversary. Games were enjoyed during the evening after which deucious refreshments were served. Those present were: Alene, Gladys and boro^jy Wise, Louise and Pauline Sneed, Inez Crowd I er, Edna Mae Cask, Leona, Ethel Florene, Dolly, and Maggie Slaughter, Jean Huss, Ruby Jane Payne, Muriel Hudson, Coleen Beam, Frankie Jean Beam, Nellie Mae Bridges, Inez Ingie and Nellie Hoyle. Bill Beam, Harohi Jenkins, Lloyd Hallman, J. t\ . Homesley, Kenneth Carroll, Bill Crowder, Bud Gantt, Bill Gantt, Wallace Leatherman, Robert Costner, Winslow Wright, Hugh Lackey, John Z. Warliek, Joe Frank Dellinger, Glenn Huss, Clyde Yoder, Harold Bridges, Woodrow Black, J C. Yoder, Kale Hollands, Burley Craig, Junior Slaughter, Vlax Ledford, Barry Huss, Bill Hoover, Pvt. Hoyle Dellinger of the Army and Stowe Wehunt and George Homesley of the Navy. American region Auxiliary Meets Mrs. E. V. Moss, Mrs. E. M. Devine and Mrs. V.C. Peeler were joint hostesses to the An ericun Legion Auxiliary Tuesday evening ai 8 o’clock, at the home of the termer. The meeting was opened by singing “America,” followed by the Pledge of the Flag and the Preamble. The chaplain, Mrs. Er n st Sellers, conducted .he devo tion, using Matt 25:35-46; Matt. arm James 1:27. -n . Sellers states in a brie*' tell. children were the hope of the world. These passages «.)' scrip ture were most appropriate since the Child Welfare Topic was the theme of the program. A short business session w»i held at which time the secretary called the roll and read the min. tiles. Mrs. Sellers, chairman of the Rehabilitation Committee repott cd several notes of •ppreciation received from soldiers at Oteen for gifts received from the Aux iliary in March. . Miss Helen Mauney, President, reported $48 had been sent tc National Headquarters from the local unit for dues. The Auxiliary decided to buy a War Bond dur ing the 7th War Loan Drive. Mrs. L. L. Summer is Chairman of the Drive. The program on Child Welfare followed: Mrs. Hunter Carrol! was leader and gave a most in ^ spiring introduction to the Topic W Slogan: A Square Deal For Every Child. She pointed out suggested sources from which one may be able to derive help in locating children. Selective Service, Re Emplyoment Officer, Casualty list aie available at the Department Headquarters of the American Legion, and the American Red Crow who have records of dis charged veterans. Aid Child Welfare of World ' War Taio-vMra. 8911 Dellinger. Relationship of Family to the Community—Mrs. J. L>. Hobbs. Juvenile Delinquency — The Community problems and how to meet them—Mrs. L. L. Summer. Mrs. Summer gave some very helpful suggestions how we could help in this most vital topic. Education does not mean teach ing people what they do not know but it means teaching them to be have as they do not behave. It means on the contrary training them into the perfect exercise of and kingly continuance of their bodies and soul.—John Rankin. The hostesses assisted by Miss Nancy Devine served a most de licious salad course to the follow ing members present: Mesdames Carr Black, Hunter Carroll, T.A. j Carter, J. Ben Dellinger, J. P.' Dellinger, Albert Hallman, J. D. Hobbs, G. D. Heafner, N. B. Ken drick, M. A. Stroup, Cliff Stroup, Ernest Sellers, L. L. Summer, W. F. Starnes, J. Garland Sherrill, Miss Helen Mauney and Master Charles Sherrill. The May meeting of the Auxil iary will be held in the home of Mrs. Claude W. Beam with Mrs. Beam, Mrs. N. Lee Mauney and Misses Helen and Bill Mauney as joint hostesses. Mrs. Sherrill an> Miss Mauney will have charge of the program. The topic: “Poppy Day”. Home Economics Cluh Rflllv The Western Home Economics Club Rally met at the Black Moun tain High School, Black Mountain on Saturday, April 21st. Miss Margaret Sue Dellinger, represen tative and Miss Catherine Stamey Home Economics teacher atten ded. The meeting began at 10 o’ clock when Miss Sue Black of Waco presiding and Miss Dellin ger acting as secretary. The roll was called and minutes of the last meeting were read. Skits were put on by each club in the Western Rally during the morning pro gram. At the noon hour lunch was enjoyed at the country club. A business session was conduct 'd during the afternoon meeting and the group enjoyed a tour through the Moore General Hos pital and a trip to Montreat. Mary Grove’s Circle Meets The Mary Groves Circle of the First Presbyterian Church met Sunday night, April 22 at the home of Mrs. J. D. Thornbutg. Miss Ruby Devine, the President, naa charge. Roll was called and ninutes were read by the Secie „ury. After a short business ses sion ihe following program was riven. Mrs. Clyde Lewis had charge of the Devotional. The s ib.it ct >n “Because I am a Christian” was used for the program. I .ie meeting v. a. adjourned .v.n the Mizpah Benediction. The hostesses Misses Ruby and Jessie Devine and Mary Costner -erved delicious refreshments to .he following members: Mesdames Paul Kistler, Hoke Blau*welder, Arthur Knight, Buck Blackwel der, Conley Flowers, Clyde Lew is, James Harris, Bill Barber and Misses Margie Riddle, Dot Mau ney, Elsie Sigmon and Josephine Aderholdt. Visitors were Mrs. W. D. Browne and Mrs. J. D. Thornburg. The meeting for May will be held at the Nu-Way Club House on the 20th, with Mrs. Paul Kistler and Mrs. Conley Flowers as hos tesses. Cherryville Music Club Met Thursday , Mrs. S. M. Butler and Mrs. Hunter Carroll were hostesses to ‘he Cherryville Music Club on Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of the former. The Butler home was most ar tistically arranged with a profu sion of colorful spring flowers. The meeting was called to or der by the president, Mrs. J. W. Payne, followed by a short busi ness session. The program on “The Music of Fowers” was under the leadership of Miss Fannie Farris. Introduction of topic by the leader. Vocal Solos - Years at the spr ing—Nobel Cain, and Sing Me To Sleep, Greene—by Joan London. Vocal Solo — Welcome Sweet Springtime — Rubenstein— Mrs. Howard W. Allran. Piano Solo—Narcissus— Nevin Mary Etta Farris. Piano Solo — Country Garden Grainger—Mrs. R. B. Porter. Following the program a short memorial service was held in memory of President Roosevelt and Ernie Pyle. The hostesses served a delici ous sweet course to the following members anil guests present: Mes dames M. A. Stroup, R. B. Porter John Beafh, J. W. Payne, Julia Mall, Howard Allran, Clyde Car fcenter, L. L. Summer, William *Houser, Jr., J. Garland Sherrill, W. L». Browne, George S. Fails, Misses Minnie Coleman, Irene So* Faaiit 4aw» WM Miss Katherine Lohr Weds Mr. Van Dusen Mr. and Mrs. George V. Lohr announce the marriage of their daughter Katherine Lee Lohr to Mr. William Van Dusen of New York City. The wedding took place on Saturday, April 14th, ia a private but colorful ceremony at the Lutheran Church in Green ville, South Carolina. The Rever end Doctor Edgar Z. Pence, Rec tor of the Parish, performed the ceremony. The bridegroom, an executive of Pan American World Airways flew down from New York Satur day morning and after a family dinner at the home of the bride’s parents, the eouple motored to South Carolina, arrangements for the wedding had been made by a brother, George Shelton Lohr, who resides in Greenville. The wedding march was played by Mr. George W. Mackey and the bride’s chosen songs were sung by. Mr. Rudolph W. Moore, a friend, and the soloist of the church. The bride wore a smartly tai lored spring suit, of Schaiparelli pink, a matching hat of spring flowers, with patent leather acces sories and white gloves. She wore a corsage of red roses framing gardenias. The ring used for the ceremony was a plain old fashion gold band in which her maternal grandmother, the late Laura .Shel ton, of Dallas, was married. Mrs. Van Dusen’s brother, George Lohr gave the bride away. Mrs. Van Dusen attended the local schools and, upon gradua tion, took a position with the gov ernment in Washington. Last year she accepted an offer of the fam ous beauty specialist, John Pow ers, and went to New York as a photographic model. Choosing the career of wife instead of the more glamorous pictures, Mrs. Van Lu sen recently completed a screen test for 20th Century Fox, but elected not to go to the Holly wood studios. 1 he couple met shortly after Mr. Van Dusen, on leave of ab sence from the airline, returned to this country to report to the Secretary of the Navy upon com pletion of a special assignment under orders from the Secretary’s office. Lt. Commander Van Dusen now on inactive service took part in the final staging for the great invasion of Europe and served as n liaison with the army when the first beachhead was secured t# Normandy. A veteran airman, Mr. Van Du sen has, from its beginning, been the Director of Public Relations of the Pan American World Air ways, now the largest air trans port system in the world. He made many of the early exploratory flights with Charles Lindbergh, the late Captain Edwin Musick and other famous pilots and made the first flights across the Pacific to China and Australia as well as across the Atlantic to Europe and Africa. Many of the Pacific island on which Mr. Van Dusen helped establish pioneer air stations now serve as bases from which the war is being waged against Japan, all of them being in active service at the present time except the fam ous Wake Island, which is still in the hands of the Japanese. After the ceremony the couple motored back to Cherryville and departed for New York where they will make their home. They expect to leave shortly for Cali fornia and the Pacific Northwest. Mrs. Russ Entertains Mrs. Robert Ru99 entertained at n birthday party honoring her eon Harold Deon on his ninth birthday Inst Wednesday from 4 to 6. The The guests played games aftei which Ice Cream and Cake was served The h^noree received numerous gifts from his friendi Those enjoyed the party were Frank Alline and Elsie Beal Darrelll and Don Sigmon, Fred Joe Moss , Allen and Betty Seller? Norma Waters Kattie Cooke, Bud and Evelyneen Pruitt, Joe and Peggy Carpenter Brenda (Tatea Barker ,Margie Sigmon ,Reba Doves, Ruby Quinn, Nell and Alice Fay Rubs. Bruce heafner gets MERIT CERTIFICATE Mrs. Minnie Heafner of Crouse has received notice from the Wai Department that her son, Tech 5th Grade Bruce F. Heafner ol the Field Artillery, has been cited for meritorious service in connec tion with Military operations against the enemy in France, h« having received the certificate ol merit. Tech. Heafner was serving in a Bat allion Mail Orderly. Bubby George, small soa ol Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence George is improving after being sick for the past two weeks. Mary Etta Farris. The May meeting will be Qupst Artist Program. Miss Coleman wll serve as leader. The time and the place of the meeting will be ar ranged by the arranfemeot M|Sgt. and Mrs. Charles M. Wilder and son Eddie of Okla-, homa City have returned to their home after a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spencer and other relatives here and in Lin colnton. Sgt. Wilder has been stationed at Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma City, Okla. for the past four years. Cherryv^11 aiwi look me I'amc iium ruicsi city, when McGinnis knocked a home run scoring two men. McGinnis and “Speedy” Henk ei, both, have the honors of hav ing a home run to them credit in Ins game. We are glad to see .McGinnis and Henkel improving from game to game and are ex pecting- them to continu >. ‘ utstanding in this game were Blackwood, McGinnis, Henkel, Tom Quinn and Hugh Dellinger. • Blackwood receiving 3 hits and of 4, McGinnis out of 5, Tom Quinn 2 out of 4 and Henkel re-f tviving a home run. Dellinger, "Cherries’’ ace pitcher, did a fine job pitching as he allowed Forest City only four hits as the Cherries received 11. “CHERRIES ’ TO PLAY LENOIR FRIDAY P. M. Cherryville "Cherries” will ad journ to Lenoir Friday afternoon in their next Conference game— Due to the weather for the last few days, the game with Caro leen has been postponed until a later day — (this game will be played at Caroleen next Thurs day afternoon.) Cherryville s next home game will lie May 4th with Lincolnton. Coaches Carson and Quinn have been working the boys hard late ly and are ready for any of their opponents. We are expecting to have quite a few stars from the ' ''Cherries' team when tlit* season is over. Come out and give them vniiF xunnm-t LESTER CHERRYVIU F, N. C. THURS.-FRI— 2 DAYS —plus SPORT REEL MEMORIES SAT. ONE DAY ONLY (Cont. 1 to 11 P.M.) Jinx Falkenburg Dave O’Brien —in— “TAHITI NIGHTS" —add**d-— MGM NEWS CART. PLEDGE TO BATAAN JUNGLE QUEEN No. (4) MON. TUE. WED. No Advance in Prices! j 3 - DAYS ~ 3 i DUE TO LENGTH OF | SHOWS ATTEND AT 1 MONDAY lit A.M.. 1:51; 4:57; 8:03 Tue.-Wed. 1:30; 4:36; 7:42 “SINCE YOU WENT AWAY” —with— Shirley Temple Lionel Barrymore Jenifer Jones Monty Wooley Claudette Colbert Robert Walker Joseph Cotton —added— MOVIETONE NEWS , POP. PRICES J J STRAND DIAL 4601 THURS— TODAY ONLY “GIRLS ON PROBATION" FRI.-SAT. - 2 DAYS BILL BOYD Andy Clyde “40 THIEVES" i —plus NEWS, CART. COMEDY 2—BIG SERIALS—2 COAST GUARD (4) MYSTERY ISLAND (5) MON.-TUE. — 2 DAYS fin TH II YEAR .AHEAD OF THE FUN PARADE! dded— LAUREL & HARDY In BEAU HUNKS COMING WED.-THURS. May 2-3