CLASSIFIED ADS FOU SALS SENSATIONAL—AMAZING— Startling the Sermon. “The Val ley of Dry Bones” by a national ly known evangelist. Please send 25c to the author. The Rev. A. P. Robinson, R. F. D. 1, Box 80, Roan Mountain, Tenn. lt-p Frying Size chickens for sale, near Howell Mill. C. D. Black lt-pd. FOR SALE!—100 bales of Les pedeza and grass hay. Mrs. Myr tle Helton, Overhill Terrace Apt. 8, Gastoina, N. C. FOR SALE—Electric Philco Ra dio, floor type, 1st class condition Also New Perfection 5-burner oil stove. See Will Wilson in apartment over Houser Furniture Company. lt-pd FOR SALE — 100 bushels of good White Corn. See, near Pay sour Mtn. L. T. WYANT, Rt. 1, Bessemer City, N.C. lt-pd We now have electric power to our Hamer Mill and can do your Hamer. Your business will be ap preciated. DALTON FLOUR AND FEED MILLS WE BUY CHICKENS AND EGGS-—Pay highest market. We sell feeds of all kinds. DALION’S FLOUR AND FEED MILLS, North of High School. tf The REA has announced a loan allotment of $o8,a50 to the Ucra eoke Electric Membership Corpo ration for emergency rehabilita tion and refinaneing. Get your Paper Clips at the Ea gle Office. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR ING INDORSED BY LEADING MUSIC TEACHERS. WRITE J. F. PECHE, BELMONT. N. C. tf Hickory Legs Wanted—V\ e are paying recently increased ceiling pr.cef. Cut seven feet long. Sou thern Desk Co., Hickory, NT. C. 'it-A ’.9 WANTED — All people suffering from kidney trouble oj- backache to try K1DDO 97c. Money back guarantee. ALLEN DRUG CO., Cherryville, N. C. 20t-A16-p WANTED—Light housework— , Apply at Eagle office. lt-pd MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Ca»e Seed. Ger mination test i« 96 per cent pure. | JAMES CARROLL. Cherryvilie. N. C., Route 2. 4t-M10-pd WANTED— Model T. Ford in geod running condition, state price, cio EA.GLJB OFFICE LOST LOST—Ration Book No. 4 be longing to Eloise Ross and Book No. 3 belonging to Mary Ann Ross. It FOR SALE — Tree Tomatoe Plants. Phone 4011. L. P. Dell inger, Cherryvilie, N. C. lt-p LOST — Ration books No. 3 and 4—Names Levenia McIntyre, Donald McIntyre and Linda Mc Intyre. Finder please return to owners or to the local rationing board. lt-pd LOST — Girl's Identification bracelet, yellow gold, lost at the Band Stand Saturday afternoon. ; Finder please return to Bonnie i Carpenter, Box 322, Cherryvilie, j The Bracelet has B. C. on the front, and Bud on the hack. Re ward^1 t-n LOST—Ration hooks No. 3 and 4—Name Helen McGinnis. Find er please return to owner or to the local ration board. lt-pd LOST—Ration Book No 4 — Name Dorothy Williams. Finder ninnse return to Ration Board. lt-pd. LOST—1947 Roger Silver Tea snoon, between Presbyterian Church and Post Office. Finder please return to Eagle Office and receive reward. lt-pd LOST — Ration book No. 4— Name Silas Crawford. Jr. Finder return to owner or to the locar Ration Board. lt-pd LOST—Ration hooks No. 3 and 4—Names Howard W, 4]|rp>i. Oorothv S. Allran, Gary L. All ran and Wayne S. Allran. Finder please return to the owner or to the local Ration Board. lt-pd : LOST—Ration Rook No. 4. Norn® | Alice Bush. Finder return to local j Ration Board. It pd j LOST—Ration Book No. 4, be-' longing to Bernard Self. Finder; please return to owner or local 1 ration board. lt-pd. STRAYED—Small white pig with black spots. Strayed on March 15th. Finder please notify Mrs. W. B. Putnam, Cherryv-itle, and receive reward. 2t-A26-pd WANTED — Colored boy to work at Homesley Service Station. LOST Ration book No. 4—Name Leroy Jewel. Finder please return to local ration board. ltp “SKI HI steps running fits in dogs or we refund j*tyir money. We know of no oj^pr guaranteed running fits remedy.’’ Houser Drug Co. 8W14pd LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF CHERRYVILLE SCHOOL ELECTION Notice is hereby given that the bi-annual Cherryville School District election for the Cherryville School Dis trict, North Carolina, will be held on Tuesday, May 1st, 1945, for the purpose ot elect ing three trustees to fill the vacancies made oy the expiration of the terms ot H. R. Harrelsou, L. L. Me umnas ana w. ti. nouser. Two trustees are to be elect ed for 6 year terms and one trustee for a four year term. Registrar and Judges of election are appointed as fol lows: Albert Hallman, Reg istrar; Roy Carpenter and J. Ben Dellinger, Judges. The polling place for this elec tion will be at the City Hall, in the Town of Cherryville, North Carolina, in said school district. The registration books will be open for registration of voters from 9 o’clock, A. M., Monday, April 14, 1945, to sunset on Saturday, April 28, 1945, dates inclusive. Registration Books will be at City Hall, Cherryville, N. C., on April 14, 21, and 28 for Registration of voters. Challenge day will be April 30th, 1945. Done by order of the Board of Trustees of the Cherryville School District in regular session, held on 13th day of March, 1945. L. E. RUDISILL, Treasurer .NORTH carollna 0ASTON CUL'NTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Horace Cecil Tidwell, Plaintiff -vs Hattie Bell Freeman Tidwell, Deftfidant NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commen ced by the Plaintiff in the Supe rior Court of Gaston County tor the purpose of obtaining an abso lute divorce from the defendant, and the defendant will further lake notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County in Gastonia, N. C., t»> file answer 1 r to demur to the . aid complaint of the plaintiff on or before the / th day of May In to or within twenty days after the final ap pearance of this notice, and that if she fails to answer or to demur to said -omplaint within the spe cified above named time, the said plaintiff will apply to the said Court for the relief demanded in. the said complaint. WITNESS: Paul E. Monroe, Cierk Superior Court of Gaston County, N. C. This the 5th day cf April, 1945 PAUL E. MONROE, Clern Superior Court Of Gaston County. Claude B. Woltz, Atty for Plaintiff 4t-M3 NO&TH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT YV. M. Bailey, Plaintiff Elsie Bailey, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, Elsie Bailey will take notice that an action entitled as above has been coirs ntfci'.ted in 'he Superior Court of Gaston County for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years' separation, and the said defendant will further take notice 'hat she is required to appt *.r be lore the Clerk of the ouperior Court of Gaston County at the i l uu House in Gastonia, N. C. on the 7th day of May 1945, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief This the 6th day of Apni, 1945 PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of the Superior Court. ERNEST R. WARREN 4t-M3 Attorney for Plaintiff. NORTH CAROLINA^ GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Walter L. Smith, Plaintiff, -vs Annie Mae Smith, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action for divorce has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, and the defendant will be required to ap pear before the Clerk of said Court within the time prescribed by law after the final publication of this notice in his office in Gas tonia, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in this Complaint. This April 9, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, r» „r't of t*le Superior Court P. C. Froneberger, Attorney for the Plaintiff. 4t-M3 NOT'CIS OF TOWN ELECTION Notice is hereby given thas un » .th