Gaston County Board Sets Three Elections GASTONIA, May 7. — Today was apparently “special elections day” with the Gaston County commissioners. Gathering for their regular first Monday meeting at the Gas ton county court ho -e. they or dered three special elections at the request of vi.-itn.g ieiegatiorn One is a 2 per cent per Sl'JO Gaston township tax elect.on. to be held June 10. when vdteis of the township will ballot or. the question of a two-' err tax to sup port a program * brir g new and diversified industry to the ■ GastOr nia area. Another is a Belmont school . district electior to levy a 15-cent tax for supplement.r.g teacher.-' salaries. The third’ - a -irr.iar eie ii 'n. for the same a. t • - M Holly school u.-ti. ", al.-o to be, levide for increasing teachers’ | Yank* Rescue King Leopold And Queen WITH THE U S. SEVENTH ARMY. Tuesday, .Md\ *th.—Leo pold III. King of Belgium, and his queen have been liberated by the U. S. Seventh Army, it was announced today. They were found near Strobl, eight miles east of Salzburg. The Americans had been told f. the whereabouts of the royal With the king and queer, were IS members of the-h . sta:f and >■_ r children. All were in goud h’h. Elements of the A' cibar, It1' Cavalry group had t verjowe.r German SS (elite gUa: o i tro■ : - i ier to make the rescue Seventh army troops are USE EAGLE ADS AT THE MOVIES IN CHERRYVILLE AT THE LESTER,— THURS.-FRI— 2 DAYS “DOUGH GIRLS’’ with ANNE SHERIDAN, ALEXIS SMITH, JANE WYMAN & JACK CARSON SAT—ONE DAY ONLY—AT THE LESTER With WALLY BROWN, ALAN CARNEY The Cuties—“GIRL RUSH” MON.-TUE.—AT THE LESTER—2 DAYS “THE HORN BLOWS AT MIDNIGHT’ with JACK BENNY, ALEXIS SMITH Surrender Occurs In Red Schoolhouse i REIMS. France. May j many surrendered ur.cor.a::: : a..;. ; to the western Allies aru Ru'.-.r at 2:4 1 A M. French ti.-.V (This \va> at »41 P.M. E. 'A. I. Sunday, i ^ The surrender U>> k ‘place at a the headquarters <_>J lienti'a* L; ' he T h e .-u d after iV .j Ivar d.ate.. after-a a: : ;]“dl a: j r.:. io'w delegate. t-ie; . Adh. a. Hi Georg Fri.eden... u. wer e : .ce. 1 i e\ vveie"a--c‘■ 7te"’ if-*; hvposed ’ Gem a: y :. d Germany which began Ine war with a ruthless attack up on Poland, followed by sue : • e»*ive aggression* and bru tality in internment eompi, turtendered with an appeal to tne victor* for mercy to ord the German people and >rmcd force*. After signing the full surren er. J> .1! -aid he wanted to speak '■i.t'.d was given leave to. do so. , this signature,'’ i.f said - ot-sp.'-o.-n German. the Ger ..a:, people and alined lot are . etter or worse deliveret in ' , the victors' hands. "!r this war. which has lasted : •;< re than five years, both have 1 i-ved arid suffered mote thin ■ • . ps any other people in the ONCE ALL-POWERFUL WtHRMACHT NOW DEAD LON'L