attheclub.. n ^ ATLANTIC Aiemttfm ChatlolU. CkaUanocta. Norfolk. Orlando AT THE MOVIES IN CHERRYVILLE THURSDAY-FRIDAY—AT THE LESTER—2 DAYS Artist Ralph Bellair; jeautiful but neuroth icene from Hunt Mi lo rapture the haunting expression of his interpreted by Anne Baxter, in this poignant ;'s thrilling drama, “Guest In lh* House.^ SATURDAY—ONE DAY—AT THE LESTER — -: —“** Ev/EKTWNGr'S GAV IN OlD SANTA Ff ! \ -i; ! 'N *. •*' ?.i\orilc entertainer RorROCriP.S -TRIGGER, lights of old and BOB NOLAN and THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS * A REPUBLIC PICTURE LATE SHOW SUN. NITE 12:02 & 2 DAYS MONDAY TUESDAY—AT THE LESTER Allan Lane, Twinkle Walls and Linda Stirling in a scene from ifThe Topeka Twror,1’ Republic’s thrill-packed new Western. CHURCH NOTICES CHERRYV1LLE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Rev. A. W. Rodgers Sunday School 10 A. M. Y. P. Meet 6:30 P. M. Evangelistic Service 8:00 P. M. Prayer Meeting 8 :00 P- M. Wednesday and Friday First Baptist Church 10 A. M. Sunday School, J. T. Alien. Snpt. 11 A.-M. Worship service. Sub ject: "Mother in the Home." 7 r.M. Baptist Training t'nion. Every member of the family is in cited for this service. Brotherhood meetii<g of men at this hour. ,s P.M Worship service. Pas tor's stti .ii ci — "Religion Gets people into Trouble." Wednesday: 7 : A l> Sunday Sundae School lessson. s P..M. Player service. Welcome to all of these servi ces. "And why call ye me ‘Loftl, Lord,’ and do not the things which I say? ' Luke tl:ln. E. S. Elliott Pastor Dellinger To Preach At Second 'Baptist At the morning service next Sunday morning. Mr. Coy Dellin ger, ministerial student at that Church, will bring the message "ITieonditioilal Surrender". Air. Dellinger has been holding regu lar services on Sunday afternoons a1 Rosebu d near Lincolnton for several months and has had re markable success in his work there. Everyone is invited to at tend this service. There will be a prayer meeting iu the i church prayer room at •a :;;<i Sunday morning after which at P :1'>. the Sunday School begins Under tlie leadership of Mr. John superintendent of the si hmd. Mr. Dellinger brings the morn ing message at 1 1 o'clock. 1’he Song Lovers ( hoir will give ji program at three o'clock. flaming l iiioir, under the lea dership of Mr. Henry Strolipe, di rector and Air. Coy Dellinger, as sociate director, meet at 7 p. m. Alls. Bessie Huss is leader of the Intermediates and Airs. W. B. Stubblefield is leader for the Jun At the evening service the pas tor, Rev. YV. Luther Haw kins will bring the message and perhaps draw a picture illustrating some well known hymn. The Second Baptist Church in vites all who wish to come and worship in these services, Wednesday night's prayer meet ing was well attend?' . ns. W.B. Stubblefield and ins. Nelson Brooks iiad charge. >. -a Wednes day evening at 7 ;.'l will be led by Mrs, Special prayer sc boys in service will day night at the Bessie Huss on Clu .lie sefvice ( Ila Hester. . ices for the neld Thurs >me of Mrs. ,-h Street. Word has been received by Mrs. L. H. Hughes of Elkin. N. C., of the liberation of her son. First Lt. George D. Hughes. He was a pris oner of the Germans for 13 months. He was in Stalag Luft No. 3 until he was moved to Sta lag No. 7-A from which he was freed. Lt. Hughes is a brother of Mrs! Hal Smith of ^ herryville. How women and girls owy get wanted relief \^romJFunctiona^^er!odi^^air^ Cardui is a liquid medicine •which many women say has brought relief from the cramp-like agony and ner vous strain of functional perlodio distress. Here’s how it may help: 1 Taken like a tonic, it should stimulate appetite, aid diges tion.* thus help build re sistance for the “time" to come. lOOKX O Started 3 days be , INTO \ fore “your time”, it Uhls. 2-waifi should help relieve * * pain due to purely func tional periodic causes. Try Cardui. If it helps, you’ll be glad you did. t ® CARDUI iVWVWAW HERE •: AND j; THERE ij about:! TOWN j: ? By CARYE ALEXANUtK * A%%WMWYWWVYVWIiVM Now that the war is over in Europe and we can focus our at tention on Japan, we hope that it will not take long to get it over with. We’ll be anxiously await ing tile home-coming of all our seivice men. V-E Day was just like another Sunday, very quiet and all the stores were closed. The program and the Band Music soon gathered a crowd at the Ban, Stand about 8 o’clock that even ing. Everyone enjoyed this ai.d 1 wish more of our service men could have been here to hear it The Ritz Cafe was really on the ball when they heart! the news, everything was on the house. Free food for everyone that got there before 2 o'clock for then every thing was gone and they took the rest of the day off. All the stores then closed all day Tuesday. Troy Carpenter was Host to a crowd of boys and girls of about 50 down at Mary Sue Beam's last Wednesday night at a Weinner Roast. Troy was dancing without music, yes, he was feeling jus£ as usual, altho it does sound fishy, Mary Sue has a swell place to have a weinner roast down at her pas ture behind the hill. It makes a real pretty view when the fire is burning. The Royal Cafe is still the hang-out of most of our service men. You hardly ever go in un less there is one talking to N'ell or Boot. The Royal is the place that most of you boys remember, the place we danced and went af ter ball games anil where the girls would just happen to be there the same tmie you were and would couple off and take off to some dance or show or another ball game. I've heard lot's of the hoys that come in ask about the dances we had in the cafes. They never forget them nor do the girls back here. Lot's of time we talk those days all over again. It has sure changed since you went away, we really miss each of you. Marvin and Heman Hager took a crowd of us fishing the other night. We, well they, caught a few and we fried them down by the river, it was my first fishing trip and boat ride. I'll never for get it. I only wish there had been a boy or two along, just in case someone fell overboard. Angelita Sain, better known as Ann, has had a rushing time this past week at Roses. A big ordei of candy arrived and it sure has gotten around town. Orders like those are few and very far be tween around here. The Carnival in town has brought it to life a little more than usual. It’s the same one and in the same place out beside the Post Office. It is a bad week for it too he here since we have our 7th War Loan Drive on. There's a Baby Contest for this purpose going on tho’ and I believe it will help lot's. You can find more atmut it in this is sue. Mark Black’s diner had the only ice cream in town Monday. Its no wonder tho, he has the biggest box. He’s really going places with his milk shakes. Have you tried any of them yet? I thirik most of the dancing has stopped iif the Diner. Too many windows and not enough room. I bet Mark has gone to selling them the window after break it. Don’t you? The Teen-Age Canteen got un derway again Tuesday night, it has been closed for three weeks, due to the Revivals at the church es here in town. MR. JACK W BEAM, as usual was fh caller and Woodrow Anthony and his string band played. We have a good many of the | boys at home this week: Glenn i Duncan is at home from Md. He was seen riding around in Ruby Paynes car this evening, enjoying himself. Paul McGinnis is at home also. He and Margie Mauney were doing a lot of talking com FRIDAY-SATURDAY—AT THE STRAND—2 DAYS Jon Hall and Maria Montez shown in a scene from "Gypsy Wildcat," In technicolor, with Peter Coe, Leo Carrillo and Gale Sondergaard. ing down the street last night, catching up the lost time 1 oet. Earl Propst is still here, Too bad his wife nad to go back to Wash ington and leave him. She's work ing for Uncle Sam and he kinda liked having her around, so chlled her back. Pete Hudson got home for the week-end. He looks swell in his uniform. He left Tuesday. Harlee Beam is in town, his stay will be very short, nice while it last tho. J. VV. 1-isher left Sunday night, he got to see his old iriend' Howard McGinnis who was in over Mothers' Day for three days. Forest Ross left Saturday, after spending a while at home, he re ported back to Gamp Gordon, Johnson, Florida. Buddy Beam has been here for 30-days, he re ports back to Camp Butner, N. C. Howard Harrelson is at home for 9 days. He is just out of Boot Training, his brother George is at home for 30 days. He’s a Lt. Bud Beam is home for 15 days. Forest Dawlton is spending a leave at home, and there are a few ethers that I don’t know just by sight. We have another policeman on the job now. He is Mr. Carl Short from Kings Mountain. Looks like he could handle most any of the men around here. More than 1,130 families in Ta os, a -ural county in New Mec:c. are members of a county hc-sl'h association, begun about three years ago. before late spring or summer of BUY BONDS Young Woman’s Auxiliary Celebrates Focus Week On Thursday night, May 10th at eight o’clock, the Attie Bostic Circle of the First Baptist Church entertained the Young Woman s Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. George Falls, Circle Chairman. The living room and the music room were attractively decorated with spring flowers. OHie Sue Hendrick gave an appropriate de votional followed by a series of games, contests and songs. The entertainment was supervised by Misses Kate Whitworth, Evelyn Roberts and Julia Renfro assisted by Miss Sadie Carpenter at the Mrs. Falls assisted by Mrs. M. C. Beam and Mrs. C. C. Stroup served a delicious salad course to the following: Misses Ollie Sue Hendricks, Carolyn Allen, Chris tine Carpenter, Marisel Devine, Evelyn Roberts, Sadie Carpenter, Geneva Rheuark, Margie Rookout, Ruby Rudisill, Janet Haynes, An nie Dover, Dollie Ledford, Mary Dover, Sue Lingerfelt, Margaret Anthony, Kate Whitworth and Julia Renfro. This was the final activity for the Y.W.A. during their Focus Week which was May 6-11. Their program for the week consisted of several events. Flowers and ushers were furnished for the Church service Sunday morning. May 6th. On Tuesday night the girl - had one of their regular iiiorirhlv meetings at the home of Miss Ollie Sue Hendricks with O' yVWWdVYVWVWUVVYWUVWVW^^V.VJ^VWWVWWW NOTICE I ;■ ij IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE MER i; CHANTS WE THE UNDERSIGNED ij ARE CLOSING OUR SHOPS ON j; SATURDAY NIGHTS AT 9 O’CLOCK j[: WEEK DAYS AT 6 O’CLOCK. \ J People’s Barber Shop | Hub’s Barber Shop HOUSER FURNITURE COMPANY JESTER HOUSER, Manager CHERRYVILLE. N. C. S. MOUNTAIN ST. -!. .. " 11 ■■■■■i.iiw"'—» lie Sue, Margaret Anthony and Geneva Rheuark as hostesses, and on Wednesday night, nine of the members attended the weekly prayer service at the church. The Auxiliary is making an en listment and welcomes all young women between the ages of six teen and twenty-five to visit or become a member of the Auxili ary. The girls are grateful to th^. Attie Bostic Circle for fostering the Auxiliary this year. ” Presbyterian Aux. Met Wed. Night The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church met Mon day night, May 7th, for its month ly meeting at the home of Mrs. Arthur Knight. .Mrs. Knight and Mesdames Erskine Carson and Joe Pharr were joint hostesses. The meeting was called to or der by the president, Miss Soonie Stroup and opened with special Thanksgiving prayer for V-E Day in Europe. Mrs. E. S. Sellers conducted the devotional after which follow ed the business session, including roll call and minutes of last meet ing. A report of officers and vari ous cause secretaries was heard. Miss Ruby Devine gave a very in teresting report of the splendid beginning of a Young Woman’s Circle. A request for a donation for the William Black Home at Mon treat was under discussion but it was decided to postpone the de cision until a later date. An announcement was made that there would he no Negro I Woman’s Conference this year, but they would encourage and promote a Negro Bible School this summer. Mrs. K. S. Sellers, delegate to the Presbyterial gave an interest ing report of the work of the Women of our church. The meeting was then turned over to the program leader, Mi's. Hunter Carroll, who was assisted by Mrs. TV. D. Brown and Mrs. Walter Houser. The topic was Congo Missions in Africa. A spec ial Birthday offering was taken for the benefit of this mission. The hostess served delicious re freshments. MRS. HUSS ENTERTAINS CLASS Mrs. Kelly Huss entertained the members of the Fidelis Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church on Friday evening May 4th, at her home oh East Main Street. After the devotions a Bible quiz was led by Mrs. Jarvis Wilson. Then the class meeting was turn ed into a social hour, duringwhich time the hostess served very tempting refreshments. The following members were present: Mesdames Guy Wells, ■ Russell Hoover, N. R. Rudisill, Yates Homesley, Roy Carpenter, Tula Huss, Ruth Camp, Jarvis Wilson, Grady McGinnis, and Misses Ollie Whitesides and Nora Reece. I MISS ALLEN MEMBER COLLEGE GLEE CLUB Miss Janie Sue Allen of Cher '•yville is a member of the Mere dith College Glee Club, which pre sented its annual glee concert this week in the college auditorium. Miss Allen is the daughter of Mr. i. T. Allen of Cherryville. Patriotic Minded The ship that’s on the front of this book, if you are not so sure take andth er look. ,t is a Red Cross ship, now you understand, And its sailing with supplies to a foreign land. Now that victory in Europe is won Let's help the hoys by buying more bonds. oo that the war in the Pacific, Won’t he so long and so terrific. —Julia Smith .CAN'T YOU SLEEP? * T /IXM W HEN the stress of modern living gets “on your nerves” a good sodntive c;<n do a lot to lessen nervous tension, to make you more comfortable, to permit restful sleep. Next time a day’s work and worry or u night’s wakefulnesss, makes you Irritable, Restless or Jumpy—gives you Nervoutfllead ache or Nervous Indigestion, try Or. Miles Nervine (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) *I)r. Miles Nervine is a time te.sted sedative that has been bringing relief from Functional Nervous Disturbances for sixty years yet is as up-to-date as this morning’s newspaper. liquid 39# and 91.00, Effervescent tablets 91# And 750* Read directions And ns# only aa directed. •

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