f In Social Activities J Society° About People Parties, Clubs and News | People ; Know j You Mrs. L. L. Self and Miss Min Coleman spent last week at Myrtle Beach. Miss Lucy Lee Howell left to day for San Francisco, Caljfor nia where she will enter Art School. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Dellinger report having fresh Roasting Ears from their garden, Monday, June 18th. Mr. Wilton Gerome of Carls bad, New Mexico, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Lester Dellin ger and Mr. and Mrs. J. E Van Dyke. Mrs. Dorus Huss of Harris, spent the week-end here the guest of Mrs. A. H. Huss and Miss Ma rie Huss. PLEASE NOTICE — BEAM’S INN will discontinue serving meals to the public on Sundav for the summer months. MRS TF B. BEAM, BEAM’S INN. Mr- and Mrs‘ M- c- Mauney, and Misg Nancy Ruth M^auney of Bessemer City and Lt. Robert V Mauney, stationed at Marianna. •IT’m wer£ Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Sherrill and Mrs. J. p. Dellinger. w„Mr’ ?U»1ter Huss of Gastonia, lfm ^ M«- Paul H Huss and Snilfd-l aUgMer’ Mar-V A]ie*’ of bpmdale, Mr. and Mr« Tank ”fUMrs°fACHmHt0n Wfre guests rie Huss SundayUSS ^ MiSS Ma' Mr. Evon L. Moss was a busi ness visitor in Oharlotte Monday. Henry Craig Harrelson of At lanta, Ga., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harrelson. Miss June Newton of High Point spent the week-end here the guest of Miss Marian Stroupe. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Howell, Jr., left Monday for their home in Atlanta after spending two weeks here the guests of the for mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. \v C. Howell. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McLurd and Mrs. lleman Eaker and little daughter, Anita, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Del linger Sunday. The occasion being Father’^ Day and also Mr. Mc Lurd’s birthday. A delicious chick en dinner was served with home made ice cream. Mr. Shirley S. Thomas left Fri day night for his home in Bell, California. He was called home due to the illness of his father, Mr. Arthur Hallman, Lincolnton, Route 2. Mr. Hallman’s piany friends will be glad to know he is improving. Mr. Vance Sellers of Key West, Florida, is expected to arrive here tomorrow for a fourteen day leave with his relatives and friends. Mr. Sellers has been on Key West for seven months without leave anl like air the rest, he will be happy fo get .home for a short time. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT Houser Drug Co. WE DELIVER PHONE 4771 LEGION BASE BALL Cherryville Home GAMtS NEWTON-FRIDAY, JUNE 22-5 P. M. DAVIDSON-SAT., JUNE 23-4 P. M. SHELBY - TUES., JUNE 26 - 5 P. M. high school park ADMISSION: 25c AND 50c Mrs. H. C. Harrelson returned Wednesday night from New York where she spent the past week buying summer goods for Harrel son Co., Inc. Mrs. Heman Eaker and little daughter, Anita, are spending a tew uays this week in Belmont with Mrs. Ed Eaker and Migs Catherine Eaker. Bobby and Tommy Hull hare returned to their home in Char leston, W. Va. after spending the month with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hull. Mrs. Heman Eaker attended the wedding of Miss Betty Victo ria ilolton, and Mr. Harold Ragan ening. Mrs. Eaker and Mrs. Howe Howe in Belmont last Friday ev worked together at the Rulane Gas Company in Charlotte sever al years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hobgood left Monday for their home in Kinston after spedning a week's vacation here with Mrs. Hob good’s mother, Mrs. Dora Helms and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Helms. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Wilkinson and sons, Jerry and Teddy of Wadesboro, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Wilkinson’s moth er, Mrs. Carl Summer. Mr. Wil kinson returned to Wadesboro Monday and Mrs. Wilkinson and sons remained for a three weeks visit. QUARTERLY MEETING OF WOMAN’S SOCIETY The regular quarterly’’meeting of the Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service will be held at the First Methodist Church on Mon day night, June 25th at 8:30 o - Each Circle member is urged to attend. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The American Legion Auxiliary will meet on Monday night, June 26th, at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. M. Beam with Mrs. Beam and Mrs. Bedie Stroupe as joint hostesses. All members urged to be present. Junior G. A.’s Met Tuesday The June Missionary Program of the Junior G. A.’s was given Tuesday night at the home of Patricia Foster. Those present were Betty Jean Black, Rebecca Friday, Shirley Allen, Shirley Whitaker, Miriam Allen Dorothy Robbs, and Patricia Foster. Mrs. Brit<e Foster served refreshments at tfhe <cilose of the program. The JuniiOir G. A.’s are having a Mis sion Study Program and picnic Tuesday afternoon June 26th. Royal Ambassadors At Ridgecrest The following Royal Ambassa dors of the First Baptist Church went to the R. A, Encampment at Ridgecrest, North Carolina, this Harold Homesley, Henry Yar borough, Bobby George, Lewis Dellinger, Edward Elliott, Wil liam Elliott, Buddy George, Jack Eaker, Ben Eaker, Billy Beach, Forrest Dover, and Dale Hen dricks. The following boys from the Mt. Zion Royal Ambassadors also weoit with this group. Thomas Wil lis, Jammy Helms, Chronson Beam, Bobby Fisher and Guy Beam, Jr. Rev. E. S. Elliott and Haywood ftendrkfc also went with the boys JUST DECEIVED A LARGE SELECTION OF Gold Trimmed Vases And Glassware SUITABLE FOR GIFTS OF ALL OCCASIONS BELK-MATTHEWSCO. THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES DIAL 2251 Perfect Record GERALDINE BAXTER Miss Geraldine Baxter, who was graduated June 1st, from North Brook High School, completed the eleven years course without having been absent or tardy, the principal, R. N. Wooten, has an nounced. The faculty presented her with a gift of recognition of her rec ord. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baxter of Cherry ville, Route 1, and will enter col lege in the fall. She‘hopes to be come a doctor. Pfc. Ch&s. Anthony Wounded; I wo Jima CHARLESTON, S. C. —— Marine Private First Class Charles An hony, 20, of Route 1, Cherryville V. C. never did see the Jap ma chine gun he was looking for on Iwo Jima, but the machine gun found him readily enough and he has three wounds to show for it—one in the left shoulder, an other in the left side of the head and the third in the right arm. The Tarheel Leatherneck is now a patient at the U. S. Naval Hos pital, Charleston, where he arri ved recently from the west coast He landed on Iwo Jima with the second wave on D-Day and wa wounded on March 11th. Private First Class Anthony, • the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Anthony of Cherryville. He enlis ,°f|d4.‘nlihe, Marine Corps in May, V 44- *ie has two brothers in the Army, Sergeant Guy Anthony, 27 who served in Italy and Private -Howe Anthony, 22, who is in Ger nany. B. T. U. ENJOYS OUTING The Training Unions of the Se cond Baptist Church enjoyed an outing at the Lora Park last Sat urday evening. Quite a few mem bers of the B. T. U. and their riends gathered there and enjoy -d an evening of games and whole '■'nie recreation. Among the guests were Sgt. James Hawkins, of Elgin Field Florida and Gas tonia, and Misses Rose and Daisy dawkins of Gastonia. Miss Dellinger Weds Olin S. Watts, S. 1 /C Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Daphine Dare Dellinger and Olin J. Watts, 1-C. The ceremony took place in York, S. C. on April 29, 1945. Mrs. Watts is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Dellinger. Seaman Watts is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob W'atts. Mrs. Watts will continue to make her home here with her parents on Pink Street while Sea man Watts is stationed at Davis Field, Rhode Island. Circle No, 2 Met Monday Mrs. W. F. Starnes and Mrs. T. A. Carter were joint hostesses to the members of Circle No. 2 of the Methodist Church Monday ev ening, June 18th, at the home of the latter. The meeting was called to ord<fr by the leader, Mrs. Robert Hairel son. Mrs. John Beach was in charge of the devotional service. Mrs. Troy Uomesley was pro gram chairman and gave a very interesting program on "Juvenile Delinquency." Mrs. Homesley was assisted on the program by Mes dames Beach, Carter and Starues. At the close of the program a short business session was held, the roll called, minutes read, and dues collected. The hostesses served delicious refreshments to the following members: Mesdames Grier Beam, Robert H. Beam, John Beach, Hugh Harrelson, W. T. Robinson. Robert Harrelson, Troy C. Home.-, ley, Milton Gold, S. D. Kirkpat rick, Jack Houser and Misses Ed' ith and Lawton Hoyle. RICHARD GLENN BEAM Pvt. and Mrs. Percy L. Beam announce the birth of a pon, Richard Glenn Beam, on Monday June 18th, at Gambles Hospital in Lincolnton. Mrs. Beam before marriage was Miss Ethel Mae Mauney. Gantt-Bess Announcement Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Connie Belle Bess and Pfc. Dwight Brown Gantt on June 9, 1946, at Gaff ney, S. C. The bride wore light blue with white accessories. Mrs. Gantt is a very popular doughtar of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. I«N «f Ckv*rW* b m graduated from North Brook High I School in Class of 1942. She s I now an employee of the Carlton Yarn Mill at Ohenyyiih Pfc Gantt is the son of Air. ! and Mrs Paul Gantt of Volt, and a graduate from Belwood High School in Class of 1941. Pfc Gantt entered service on 'sov.ent ber 29, 1942 and trained in Camp van Dorn, Mir-, and I.avvroh Gen eral Hospital, Atlanta, Ga., its a Surgical Tech. lie has woiked in operating room for the past fif teen months. After spending a 16 day fur lough here with his parents and wife he reported to Camp Crow der, Mo. Mrs. Gantt will continue to make her home with her parents while her husband is in service. Dora Woman’s Club Meets * Mrs. Max Rogers and Mrs. Gus Reynolds were joint hostesses to the Dora Woman’s Club, Satur day night, in the Dora Club Hall. The Cub Scouts Of the Dora Community entertained the Club with a very interesting program, after which Mrs. D. Trammel. President of the Club called the COOLED BY WASHED AIR FRI.-SAT. — 2 DAYS HE’S A SINGIN’, FIGHTIN’ S0N-0F DENNIS MOORE LEE "Lasses" WHITE —ADDED—i NEWS—CART—COMEDY 2 BIG SERIAL MON.-TUES. — 2 DAYS “ENEMY OF WOMEN” —WITH— CLAUDIA DELL DONALD WOODS WED.-THURS.-JUNE 27-28 mm ft r iMtei THRUlS THAN THE >HANTOM Of THE OPCRAI' SUSANNA FOSTER TUftHAN BEY KARLOFF SELECTED SHORTS meeting to order. The minutes were read and dues collected. A holt business session was held. Mrs t is, Elliott was special guc.,1 --peakci lux the evening, .dm i< a the i.iui- ,(i a very ihter tdiing devotional Imur and then u.tvc ,r niu-t. ni piling and tnought wiin eight poem' uluch she had m it-cied aim uliifli were very ap piopilaie, noth ill thought and wpids, lot hei object. Mrs. Elli ott presented to each member ol' .he club a typewritten booklet, which she had made, containing ful talk on the subject of ‘Work ing Together For Kicher Living.” in her most charming manner, Mis. Elliott illustrated her talk tile poems. The members enjoyed Mrs. Elliott’s splendid talk very much and appreciated her attrac live gilt to each ol' them. At the conclusion of the meet ing, the hostesses served a delici ous salad course with a frozen I dessert. Miss Pauline Boyd Wed Lt. Auchter BENNETTSVll-LE, S. C.—Sim plicity and quiet charm marked the wedding of Misg Pauline Boyd to Lt. Donald Frederick Auchter, which was solemnized at live o’ clock Sunday afternoon, June 17, in the Methodist church, the Kev. E. S. Dunbar, pastor, officiated at the double ring ceremony in the presence of relatives and close A background of pines, South ern Srnilax over white, baskets of white gladioli and floor candela bra with cathedral taperg formed the setting for the ceremony, preceding which a program of nuptial music was rendered by Mrs. Don Rogers, organist, and Mrs. Olin C. Covington, vocal so loist. Mrs. Rogers played Shubert’s Serenade, “Evening Star” from •Tunnhauger" (Wagner), and during the ceremony “To A Wild Rose” (McDowell), and Mrs. Covington sang “At Dawning” (Cadlnan). The traditional wed ding marches were Used. W’hile the couple knelt for the closing prayer, the Rev. Mr. Dunbar re peated the words of “0 Perfect The bride entered, with her father, Jesse David Boyd, of Cherryville, by whom she was given in marriage. Her wedding dress of brocaded organdy was made with a deep yoke outlined with a ruffle of the material. A wide* ruffle at tile bottom of the skirt ended in a short train. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a tiny hat of tulle and featured a face veil. .She carried a white Testament adorned with white rosebuds and showered with satin ribbons. Mrs. Jimmie Gibbes, matron of honor and only attendant of the bride, wore a dress of blue taffeta and net and carried a nosegay of deep pink flowers. J. Stackhouse Gibbes was best man, and ushers were Thomas L. Tiott. and Mabry Searcy. Following the ceremony a group of the bride’s friends entertained with an informal reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Gibbes The wedding cake formed the centerpiece for the lace covered table, at either end of which were lighted tapers in crystal candela bi a. The bride and groom cut the two tiered wedding cake, after which block cream, punch and cakes were served. Mrs. Auehter is the daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Boyd, of Cherryville. She is a graduate of the Cherryville High School and of Marlboro Business College. For several years she has Jield the po sition of clerk at the local Selec tive Service office, in which work she will continue for a time after a short wedding trip. While living in Bennettsville she has taken an active part in Young People's work of the Methodist Church and is president of the Young Adult group. . Lieutenant Auehter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Auehter, of Ev ergreen Knoll, Wilbraham, Mass, is a graduate of Monsrm Academy j and of Amherst College, class of 1942. While at Amherst he was active in Theta Delta Chi frater nity and for two years; was man ager of his chapter house. He en tered military service in Febru ary, 1943 and had his primary ! flight training at Palmer Field here receiving his wings and com mission at Moody Field, Ga. in May, 1944. He sailed in Novem ber for overseas and wag based in ‘ southern Italy. He returned in | May wearing the Air Medal with I two Oak Leaf clusters, Unit ci I tation with two Oak Leaf Clus I ters and ETO ribbon with four i battle stars. Lt. and Mrs. Auehter left for a wedding trip, after which he will report to Fort Devins, Mass, and i then to Sioux Falls, S.D. for re i deployment. For traveling Mrs. Auehter wore a two piece suit of blue crash with white accessories. Out of town guests sit the wed ding were Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Boyd I parents of the bride, and her sis I ter, Mrs. Lloyd Lease, and her ; grandmother, Mrs. Mattie Boyd, j of Gastonia; Mr, and Mrs. Fred j Allen, Elsie and Fletcher Allen, of i Hartsville; Air. and Mrs. Ralph Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gra ham, of Hamlet. & COMFORTABLE AT THE CHERRYVILfcE, N. C. CHERRYVILLE, N. C. : DIAL 4601 THURS.-FRI. 2 DAYS ITURBI ■ DURANT! ■ AllYSO' M.t*. —ADDED PATROLLING THE ETHER SAT. — ONE DAY ONLY i JAPANAZIS MRICAl —ADDED— NEWS—CART—COMEDY JUNGLE QUEEN (12) STARTS L. S SUN. NIGHT & MONDAY—TUESDAY N UNSUNG HEROES! t Uialiace BEERy THIS MAKS _ NAVY' L Tom DRAKE- James GLEASON 8 PLUS! LATEST MOVIETONE WAR NEWS COMING ONE DAY WEDNESDAY BARGAIN DAY “THE CRIME DOCTORS COURAGE” WARNER BAXTER, HILLARY BROOKS ADDED SELECTED SHORT UNITS CO-OPERATE WITH YOUR O.D.T. THIS SUMMER SPEND YOUR VACATION AT HOME—ATTEND THE THEATRE REGULARLY.

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