CLASSIFIED ADS for sale FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat ing, Nausea, Gas pains, get free sample, I'dga, at ALLEN DRUG FOR SALE—Porto Potato Plants. See GRAHAM MOSS, Highway 150 Last ot Cherryville. 3t'p0 FOR SALE—House and several acres of land near Bess Chapel. See M. A. Stroup. FOR SALE or trade — 1940 Oldsmobile convertible five pas senger Coupe— Excellent condi tion HAL SMITH, 808 B Mam Street, Cherryville, N. C. rtp FOR SALE — Pre-war studio couch, and 5 burner Boss Oil stove, practically new. HAL SMITH, 808 E. Main Street, Cherryville, N.-C. It-po FOR SALE — Marglobe tomato plants. See A. V. KENDRICK, Cherryville, N. C. 2t-pd FOR SALE — Pre-war Studio Couch, practically new. See Earl Ledwell, on Carroll St., Cherry ville. LAND FOR SALE—Twelve Acres Good Land, suitable for sub-divisions into lots, edge of Crouse, on Highway. Well watered. Will be sold at public auction on Satur day, July 7th, at 2 o’clock on the property at the spring corner. S. O. Murphy, Crouse, N. C. 3t-pd. LOST FOR SALE — Rebuilt Bicycle at Bargain Price. VV. P. Lanier, Canady Stroup place, Dallas Rd. LOST—Ration Books No. 3 & 4 —Names Willie Oilkie, Annie Mae Wilkie and Alma Wilkie. Kinder please return to tlie local Ration Board. lt-pd LOST—Ration Books No. 4— Nantes Willie J. Little, Catherine Little and Odessa Little. Finder please return to Local Ration Board. lt-pd STRAY HOG at my house. Owner can get same by paying for this ad and keep, isee John Wacaster, Route v, Cherryville, N. C. lt-pd LOST—Ration Books N'os. 3 and 4. Names: Cliff Jenks and Airs. Cliff Jenks. Finder please return to local ration board, lt-p LOST—Ration Book No. 3. Name: Dorothy Ruth Beam. Fin der please return to local Ration Board. lt-p LOST—Ration books No. 4— Names Mary Bell Mackey, Jason Mackey. Finder please return to Local Ration Board. lt-pd MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT HOUSE— Four or five rooms in town. Will pay rent 90 days in advance. Ap ply at EAGLE OFFICE. lt-p WANTED. Reliable hustler to supply consumers with 200 house hold necessities. State age, occu pation, references. Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCE-43-Y, Richmond, Va. WANTED Saleslady for Woman’s Wear. HOWELL’S READY TO WEAR Mrs. W. C. Howell, Cherryville, N. C. 2t-pd WANTED — All people suffering from kidney trouble or backache to try KJDDO 97c. Money back guarantee. ALLEN DRUG CO., Cherryville, N. C. 20t-A16-p WE BUY CHICKENS AND EGGS-—Pay highest market. We •ell feeds of all kinds. DALION’S FLOUR AND FEED MILLS North of High School. tf ATHLETES FOOT GERM Kill It For 35c “Biggest seller in years” say drug gists everywhere. Why? Te-ol is more than a surface application. Contains 90% alcohol. MAKES IT PENETRATE. Reaches more germs faster. APPLY FULL STRENGTH for itchy, sweaty or smelly feet. If not pleased your 35c back. Today at Allen Drug Co MAN OR WOMAN WANTED. Good nearby Rawleigh Route now open. If willing to conduct Home Service business while earning a good living, write immediately. Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCE-43-45, Richmond, Va. We now have electric power to our Hamer Mill and can do your Hamer. Your business will be ap preciated. DALTON FLOUR AND FEED MILLS _ “SKI HI stops running fits in dogs or we refund your money. We know of no other guaranteed running fits remedy.” Houser DRUG COMPANY. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a DEED OF TRUST given by L. W. Musfcelly and wife, Elizabeth Muskelly to the undersigned as trustee for the Home Building and Loan Association, on the 3rd day of April, 1943 and registered in the Register of Deeds Office for Gaston County in book 417 at page 229 to secure the indebted ness therein mentioned and de fault having been made ‘r. the •.avment vb gk qj xzfiflff jqllfl fi* me and at tht request of the -Jome Building and Loan A - oda i on, I will sell for cash at public auction at Ute court house door in Gastonia, Cast a County, North Carolina on Monday, July 9tl» X• 45 at ten o’c’cck A.M. o>- wuh in legal h'urs the follow,ng de ,-i ibed rea. estate: BEGINNING at an iron stake ,n 'he East*rn .uargin cf Pincb back Avenue 300 feet Southei Iv lrom Rich Avenue, and runs Easterly at w'.t angles 150 feet to an iron *tai c; thence kuvtncr lv and parahe! with lb ichoaek Avenue 50 t'?et to a stake: i hr nee West :-lv and parallel win the first lin U feet to P>nch back Avenue, thence Northerly along the East margin of Pineh b--ck Avenue 5't feet to the l'E riNNING. Being in Block Six {6' ,f Mountain Section, according to map of Bts-cmer City, N C, v.bich map if recorded in Pla Book No. 1 a* xiage 75 in Regis iti of Deeds Office of Gastor. County, and hM.g the same i«t ' onveyed by -f. L. Stewi:- anti • ife to J. B. r;h. masson, Trustee, by deed, dated the 10th day of l •••tuber, 1:M» as will appeal uf i, < ord in the hegister of Deeds Office for (Wton County in uk 264 at P 'ge 306; I being tl.e identical tract of i land conveyed to L. L. Bovc1 and his wife, S. Louise Boyd, by A., H. Patterson and wife, as will ap pear by deed of record in the Of- | fice of the Register of Deeds of Gaston County. This the 6th day of J*me, 1945 B. S. NEILL. Trustee J. R. DAVIS, Attorney. GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Arnold Johnson, Plaintiff, -vs Edna Mae Johnson, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, Edna Mae rohnson, will take notice that an »ction entitled as above has been ;ommeneed in the Superior Court pf Gaston County for an absolute iivorce on the grounds of two gears’ separation, and the said de fendant will further take notice hat she is hereby required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Ga.-ton County at he Court House in Gastonia, N. 2., on the 29th day of June, 1945, ind answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain ic will apply to the Court for the elief demanded in said complaint. This 29th day of May, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk Superior Court ERNEST R. WARREN Atty. for Plaintic. 4t-Je 21 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer- j tain mortgage deed executed byi A. L. Allen and wife, dated Feb-1 ruary 23rd, 1942, and recorded l in Book No. 409, page 69, in the j office of the Register of Deeds for Gaston County, North Caro | lina, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured, and said mortgage being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned mortgagee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the , court house door in Gastonia, N. i C. at 11:00 o’clock in the fore noon on the sixth day of July, 1945 the property conveyed in the said mortgage, the same being defined and described as follows: Lots Nos. 4-7 inclusive Block F, as shown in Plat Book No. 1, page 124, in the said Register of Deeds Office. But the said sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes. This the 5th day of June, 1945. W. H. SANDERS 4t-Je 28 Mortgagee NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY. The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Aaron Q. Webb, deceased, late of Gaston County, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of June, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the I undersigned. This 4th day of June, °1945. J. A. WILKINS, Admr. 6t-Jy 12 (Gastonia. N. C‘.) NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE J. A. Wilkins, Administrator of the Estate of Aaron Q. Webb, Deceased, Petitioner, -vs Nettie M. Edwards, widow, Fran ces E. Johnson, widow, Helen E. Kahn and her husband, Allie Kahn, Alice Kane, widow, Ger trude G. Love end her husband, Sam Love, Rebecca P. Neely and her husband, Robert Neely, Tril by W. Patterson and her husband Phoenix Patterson, Aaron Q. Webb, Jr. single, George S. Webb and his wife, Beatrice Webb and Duella Webb, single, Defendants. Th defendants named and all other parties interested will take notice that a special proceeding has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, entitled as above to sell the lands of Aaron Q. Webb, deceased, to make assets to pay debts of the deceased. And said defendants will furth er take notice that they are re required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Caroli na, in the Courthouse in Gastonia North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition filed in >aid proceedings within ten days after the final publication of this notice, or petitioner will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition. This 7th day of June, 1945. EMMA CORNWELL Asst Clerk Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK Katherine B. Gladden, Plaintiff, Oscar E. Gladden, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defandant above named will take notice 'that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, to obtain a divorce; and the de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Gaston County, at his office in the city of Gastonia, N\ C. within twenty days after Cth July, 1945 and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plain tiff or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded. This 8th day of June, 1946. Clerk of Superior Court. W. H. Sanders, Attorney for Plaintiff. 4t-Jy 6 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Ethel L. Peck, Plaintiff William C. Peck, NOTICE The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been started in the Superior Court for Gaston County, for di vorce and the defendant will be required within twenty days of the final publication of this notice to appear before the Clerk of said Court, and answer or demur to i the complaint or the plaintiff will ! apply to the Court, for the relief, ! demanded in this complaint. This the 13 day of June, 1946. 1 EMMA CORNWELL , Ass’t. Clerk of Superior Court. O. A. WARREN, Att’y- for Plaintiff. 4t-Jy5 Having qualified as execluior of the last will and testament of i Nancy Carpenter, deceased, late j of Gaston County, North Carolina I this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the ; said deceased to exhibit them to j the undersigned at R F D No. 1,1 Cherryville,INi C., on or before j the 24th day of May, 1946, or ! this notice will be pleaded in bar , of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This May 23, 1945. ELLIS CARPENTER Executor of the last will and testament of Nancy Carpen- i ter, deceased. 6t-J128 1 XIA V* roa trM Sol* AA ht f or Ou oa !»«—«%. Soar Stomach. “Moral** After- endCoH DMmcV )\ k It not, why aotT-. ^ prompt (a actio*. iSartia Thirty con to ill 1. NERVINU FOR relief inn Functional Nor voo» Disturbance# auoh ae glue Uaeneae, Crenklneea, ticXwmr, Nerraae Headache and Nanai b> dictation. Tablet# Ilf and Liquid >5# and II.M. Rand dt tlona and naa only aa directed. A SINGLE Dr. Mile* Anti- 1 Pain Pill oftan raltavan 1 Haadaeha. Hmcalir Patna J ar Functional Moatfelr C Patna — It for **♦. IK / forll.O*. Gat tham at tout . drug atom. Raad diraetlona J andnsaonl»na>jdiroeta^j£ Milk and the Mayflower! • TV health value at milk haa hen known through the ages. However, a fatal mistake waa made by the voyagers on the Mayflower. They failed to make provisions for supplying milk for their children. As a result, no child under two years sur vived that first awful winter. Thousands of infants have known no milk except COBLE Melons pasteurised and homo genised milk with extra Vitamin D added. Truly, do we grow by helping others to grow. Milk—known os "The He-man's Drink!" Milk for our armed forces? Yes, and plenty of it. but with some thing new added, or rather, there is a new appreciation of its body and morale building qual ities. So many fighting men ask for it. first thing, after they come from battle lines. It is estimated that milk products make up as much as 25 per cent of the diet of our service men. Sons of returning veterans wiH doubtless re-discover milk as “The He-man's Drink." F*H H*« WMoiit! b skimmer” la the hones? Yn know, the per* ••• who skims the cream from (he top of the bottle of ordinary milk for his own selfish esc. Ton’ll foil him with COBLE heioua HOMO Milk because the «r*«m is sealed permanently into every drop. What — no ereom line? No. but the rich ness and the cream is still there, homogenized into every drop— mixed in so that the last drink is }nst as good as the first. And there is a new softness and digestabiHty of the curd in the stomach, especially good for children and the sick, and a new bln ad delicious-ness that will make your little “Johnny Homo” go for it in preference. Pictured below is the bottle top *f this finer milk—telling of its goodness Try it—Just once! Now, from home farms — FROZEN fresh MILK for our wounded on the 7 seas! It is comforting to know that some of our own boys, on returning hospital ships, may be getting plenty of FRESH milk right from our home farms. For Coble, working with our home dairymen, is shipping thousands of quarts of “Pure-Pak” FROZEN fresh milk, every day, to embarkation points for our hospital ships. It is the same COBLE-licious Milk so many of us know—except with a renewed appreciation by our fighting men for its wonder* ful ability to rebuild bodies and morale. New health-value ond economy Simply, Cobl« FROZEN milk begins with the best in fresh, pasteurized milk—plus the magic of the Pure-Pak machine. A flavor and leak proof paper carton is folded, filled and sealed in one continuous operation. The cartons of milk are quickly frozen, placed on hospital ships for use around the world, wherever our men are fighting- To our wounded. Coble froz en fresh milk is really a “drink from home,” quickly thawed, deliciously tasteful, wondrous ly health building. The Coble quality program We can’t improve on our “best health food” as it comes from our well conditioned cows. But, we can and do bring milk to you at its best with greater than ordinary health and safety pre cautions. First, there was the necessity for more sanitation in the production of milk. Then, came pasteurization—for killing and re* * tarding bacterial growth. Later, came hom ogenized milk—for improved digestability and for sealing the “cream in every drop” perma nently. And, after the war, fresh milk in paper cartons—with no bottles to wash or return and with more economy and storing convenience. ♦ • • On the Home Front, it is the Coble quality pro gram: (1) to supervise our dairymen more rigidly, (2) to pay them the utmost for their milk, (3) to build a finer family spirit and more careful methods among Coble Co-workers, and thus, (4) to bring you the best taste and health value in quality milk products. 12©BL? DAIRY PRODUCTS ^^Home office^LCTington, N. More Perfect Heolth And More Farmer Prosperity — From Milk! Pasteurized Milk Grade A mifc, with Hm far famed pra* cam far arresting bacterial growth. Chocolate Milk Gn4i A, pntiwM Hit, with CNN MM •d. Rick M Milk nUi wd AiIimi. - - 4 Cereal Cream Um Ut creamy rick mm end extra taut for coffM, cereal Weak feet foods, ate. Lactic Whola Milk Celtored whole mill that's tastefully dif ferent. Recommend ed foe digestability. Lactic Buttermilk toitwiiid, cultured buttermilk noted for it* delicious, full bodied flavor.