classified ads FOR SALE FOR Sale—Model ‘A” Ford in good coi.dition. Will have 200 Fryers f *r Sale, Wednesday, July 18th. t. C. DEDMON, Cherry Ville, Rjute 2. lt-P FOR SALE—Radio and record player combined. Vv ill play from 10 'to 12 records. In good condi tion. Boyd Towry, 208 S. Fink Street. FOR SALE—Arvin Radio in good condition. Mew tubes, lias ton Newton, Cherryvilie, N. C. ltp FOR SALE—Five burner clos ed in Oil Stove. See John Hovis, Cherryvilie, N. C. lt-p FREE! it Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat ing, Nausea, Gas pains, get fre* sample, Udga, at ALLEN DRUG FOR SALE—House and several acres of land near Bess Chapel. Bee M. A. Stroup. 2t~Pd FOR SALE —Mai globe tomato plants. See A. V. KENDRICK, Cherryvilie, N. C. 2t-pd LAND FOR SALE—Twelve Acres Good Land, suitable for sub-divisions into lots, edge of Crouse, on Highway. Well watered. Will be sold at public auction on Satur day, July 7th, at 2 o'clock on the property at the spring corner. S. O. Murphy, Crouse, N. C. 3t-pd. LOST LOST—Ration Rook No. 4 be longing to Nellie Sue Dellinger. Finder please return to owner or to the local Rationing Board, lt-p —t LOST—Graduating Ring ot Waco. Initials in ring is M. K. K. Finder please return to Fred Black at the Howell Mill, and receive reward. lt-p LOST—Ration Books Nos. 3 and 4 belonging to /.Ifred C. Dell inger, A. C. Dellinger, Allie Lee Dellinger, Cuqumy Dellinger. Fin der please return £o owners or to local Rationing Board. 2tJyl9p WANTED WANTED—Man .10 years ol age or over. Married or single tO| work in Grocery Store. Good op-| portunity and good pay. SANI TARY MARKET. J. E. VanDyke. WANTED—To trade 8 room house, 401 N. Mulberry Street for a small farm or for sale. 2t-Jyl9p MISCELLANEOUS We now have electric power to our Hamer Mill and can do your Hamer. Your business will be ap preciated. DALTON FLOUR AND FEED MILLS “SKI HI stops running fits ii dogs or we refund your money We know of no other guaranteeo running fits remedy." House) DRUG COMPANY. FINE PEACHES (In season soon,) Bells, Elbertas, Hales, Slappys and Indians. NOAH HOUSER, BESSEMER CITY, N. C. 4t-pd MAKE SLIP COVERS - Make slip covers for any and all kinds of chairs. MRS. FLORENCE CRAFT, Cherryville. N. C. ltpd ATHLETES FOOT GERM Kill It For 35c “Biggest seller in years’’ say drug gists everywhere. Why? Te-ol is more than a surface application. Contains 90% alcohol. MAKES IT PENETRATE. Reaches more germs faster. APPLY FULL STRENGTH for itchy, sweaty or smelly feet. If not pleased your 35c back. Today at Allen Drug Co WE BU* CHICKENS AND EGGS-— Pay highest market. We Mil feeds of all kinds. DALltDN S FLOUR AND FEED MILLS, North of High School. tf P A T E W T C TRADE I A I MARKS Prompt, expert service, send •ketch or model for free opinion. Expert Washington associates — DAVID P. Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic, arthri tis or neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousand# arc using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound, a 2 weeks* supply today. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy, pleasant and' no trouble at all. You need only } table^poonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes over' night — splendid results are obtained, if the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru'Es will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an abso' lute aoney*beck guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound u for sale and recommended *y ALLEN DRUG CO. LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY. The undersigned, haring quali fied as administrator of the estate of Aaron Q. Webb, deceased, late of Gaston County, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of June, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 4th day of June, 1346. J. A. WILKINS, Admr. 6t-Jy 12 (Gostoma, N. C.) NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT George F. Roof, Jr., Plaintie Carol Roof, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, Carol Roof will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years’ sep aration, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is hereby required to appear be fore the Clerk, of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., on the 25th day of July 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 25h day of June, 1945 PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of Superior Court 4t-Jy 19 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having quailed as administra tor of the estate of Joha T. Sel lers, deceased, late of Gaston county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed at Cherryville, N; C.t on or be fore June 28th, 1946, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This June 26, 1945. RAYMOND BROWN, Administrator of John T. Sellers, deceased. 6t-A2 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK A. M. Whitener, Plaintitt, -vs Viola Whitener, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS Tlie defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the superior cocrt ot Gaston county, North Carolina, to obtain a divorce; and the de fendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the su perior court of Gaston county, at his office in the city of Gastonia, N. C. within twenty days after Ju ly 27th„ 1945 and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plaintie, or the plaintig will apply to the court for the relief deman ded in the said complaint. This 2nd day of July, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of Superior Cocrt. vV. H. Sanders, ■Vtty for Plaintiff. 4tJy26 VORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. J. D. Shedd, Plaintiff, Gladys M. Shedd, Defendant. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action for divorce has been started in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, and the defendant will be required to ap pear before the Clerk of said Court within the time prescribed by law after the final publica tion of this notice in his office in Gastonia, North Carolina,iand ans wer or demur to the Complaint of the plaintiff, or this plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in this Complaint. This July 5, 1946. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of the Superior Court. P. C. FRONEBERGER, Att’y. for Plaintiff. 4t-A2 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTT. Beatrice Blanchard, Plaintiff, R. B. Blanchard, Defendant. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, R. B. Blanchard, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston Cocnty, North Carolina for an absolqte divorce on the grounds of two years’ separation, and the said defendant will fur ther take notice tlfct he is hereby required to appear before the Clerk of the (Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., on the 10th 10th day of August, 1945 and ans wer or demur to the comg/aint in said action, or plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 10th day of Jcly, 1945. PAUL E. MONMOB, Clerk of the Superior Court. ERNEST R- WARREN, AWy. fur Plaintiff. 4t~A2 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNtT. Annia Deal Byrd, Plaintiff, -vs Austin Byrd, Defendant. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendan will take notice that an action foi divorce has been started in th< Superior Court of Gaston County North Carolina, and the defen dant will be required to appeal before the Clerk of said Cour within the time prescribed by lav after the final publication of thii notice in his office in Gastonia Noi tlx Carolina, and answer or de iniir to the Complaint of the plain tiff, or this plaintiff will apply tc .he Court for the relief demandec in this Complaint. This the 6th day of July, 1945 PAUL E. .MONROE, Clerk of the Superior Court P. C. KRONE BERGER, Att’y- for Plaintiff. 4tAK NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT William G. Burkette, Plaintiff, -vs Willie Mae Queen Burkette, Defendant. The defendant. Willie Mae Queen Burkette, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced, in the Su perior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, for divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the (Superior Court of Gaston County at the Courthouse in Gastonia, North Carolina, with in the time prescribed by law and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint. This 6th day of July, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk Superior Court U B. HOLI.OWELL, Atty. for Plaintiff. 4t-A2 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. T. A. Henry, Plaintiff, -vs Will Hallman, Margaret H. Beam and Husband, Loy Beam, John Hallman, et al, Defendants. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendants, Margaret H. Beam and Loy Beam, her hus band, and John Hallman, will take notice that an action entiltled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Gaston County for a sale of real property for a division of the proceeds among the tenants in common; that the lands and premises are defined and described as folio" - : Beginning at the in*ov> ection of a street opposite tl e Bron lot, and runs North 1 1 2 East 465 feet to a stake in t* ** line of the Modena Mill proneitv; thence with said line North 12 1-2 West 117 feet to a stale: thence South 1 1-2 West 475 feet to a stake in the edge of the street; thence with said street South 87 1-2 East 95 feet to the beginning, and being the same lands and premises mentioned and described in Book No. 97, page 157 in the office ot the Register of Leeds. And the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the clerk of he superior cocrt in the court house in Gastonia, N. C., on the 3rd day of August, 1945 or within twenty days there after and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said complaint. This 10 day of July, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of the Superior Court Att’y. W. H. SANDERS, Att’y. 4t-A2 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Thomas Love, Assignee, Plaintiff, -vs Maggie Harris, et al Defendants. IN THE (SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an or der of the superior court of Gas ton County, made in a civil action therein pending entitled as above, and signed by the clerk of the su perior court of said county, the undersigned, who was by said order appointed a commissioner to sell the lands described in the complaint in the said action, will on SATURDAY, AUGUST 11th, 1945 alt 11:00 o’clock Jn the Forenoon, at the court house door in Gastonia, N. C., offer for cash, to the highest bidder for cash, but subject to confirmation of the court, a certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in Gaston County, and defined as follows; Lot No. Ill, as shown in Plat Book No. 1, page 15 in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for said county. This 11th day of July, 1945. W. H. SANDERS, Commissioner. 4t-A2 ay * // / ftlfllADEIIT Chamml umiii ALLEN DRUG GO, How To Get Larger Fall Egg Production Putting pullets in summei range shelters on soybeans oi lespedeza and vaccination foi chickenpox are two of the best practices that can be carried out at this time for increasing egg production in the fall when egg prices are usually relatively high. T. T. Brown, .xtension poultry man at State College, suggests plenty of feeders and waterers, and also adequate shade, for the pullets while on range. Plans for building an outdoor, covered type of feeder may be obtained from the county agent or by writing the Agricultural Edi tor, St ate College, Raleigh, for a free copy of War Series Bulletin No. 5, entitled “Equipment for Poultry.” The county agent can also provide plans for a range shelter that is easy to build and economical as to cost. “As the chicks get larger, be suTe to increase the feeder space. Brown says. “Entirely too many growers are providing too little feeler space as the pullets devel op. Green feed and plenty ot mash at all times keep the pullets developing rapidly, which is just what is needed for early produc tion of eggs. ‘Keep mash in the feeders and, late in the afternoon, feed all the grain the pullets will lit. In ad dition, many poult lymen prefer to keep a hopper of whole oats available at all times. Plenty ot feeder and waterer space will not only give much quicker growth but will also reduce the number of runts and culls materially. “Pullets should be kept on. range that has not been used by ] chickens or received poultry ma nure for two years. If the field is sloping, put the range shelter RULANE GAS Can Be Used On The Farm As Well As In The Towns For Cooking - Refrigeration Water Heating PULANF Charlotte, N. C. Ph. 3-7447 GRADE “A” DAIRIES i The following is a list of the Grade “A” dairies under the supervision of the Gas* ton County Health Depart ment. CRAMERTON DAIRY EAKER’S DAIRY J. J. FRIDAY DAIRY Glenwood Farm Dairy KISER’S DAIRY NUBBIN RIDGE DAIRY STAMONT DAIRY J. L. Stowe & Sons Dairy SUGGS DAIRY Westland Farm Dairy J. G. PATTERSON Sanitarian of Gaston County. at the foot of the slope and mov< it up the hill a short distance ev' ery hree or four weeks.” FRENCH GIRL, 19 HELD AS NAZI COLLABORATOR PARIS, July 8—Pretty 10-yeai old Helene de Franze and 20 other members of the notorious Odicha ria gang will go on trial at the Palais de Justice tomorrow charg ! ed with torturing French Patriots I and turning them over to the I Germans. The band, named for its leader Chalga Odicharia, now m hiding in Germany, covered up its activi ties by operating as a purchasing and requisitioning bureau at "foil louse, Lyon, Pau and Montpellier. I MALARIA CHECKED IN 7 DAYS WITH 666 LIQUID for MALARIA SYMPTOMS Taka only a* directed NOTICE ! Notice to Charlotte Obser ver Readers. Glenn L. Clark is your new dealer and will make all collections. He cai. handle a few new subscrib ers at this time. D. L. CROOK, Supervisor When In WACO STOP AT THE SUTT-HUT j — FOR — Gas, Oil, Groceries, Cold Drinks, etc. -. i ALL KINDS OF Automobile Repair WORK GUARANTEED WACO’S ONLY Amoco Station N. C. SUTTLE, Manager Alka-S e11 zcr UAV1 too tried Alka-8«]t 11 aar for Go •• Btomack. Bear Stomach. “Moraine Altar” and CeM Platraaa T 11 not. whjr not t Pleoaant, ,v» prompt in action, effective. Tklrtp aaata and Uitr I mTLV. nervine pOR nllcf tM Tnaetiaoal Ner> 1 Tone Dieturbeneee such a* Sleep Uaaneee, Crenklnesa, Excitability. Nerreae leUedw and Nerreaa Iv llfeitlen. Tablet* IS# and TM> Liquid IS# and |l.#t. Read Una tiooa and dm oml/ ae directed. Htadaek*. Mucalu P«Im A •r FanctUnsl Monthly cS Palna —» for U«. >1* /M forll.M. Got thorn at rou* / truf •tor*. Rand'dlmtiooa M jtadnjjtonjyaatojju^^r mini !♦♦♦♦' NOTICE PAY YOUR TAXES ALL 1944 COUNTY TAXES NOT PAID BY AUGUST 1ST WILL BE :: COLLECTED ACCORDING TO LAW. ;: ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ WIHWW PAY NOW AND SAVE THE COST J. C. JENKINS COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Dr. W. W. Pierson, Dean of the University of North Carolina Graduate School, was called to Appalachian State Teachers Col lege this week by reason of the large enrollment of the Graduate School—more than 100 percent increase over the enrollment of | 1044. After consultation with Dr. Pierson, the college secured the sei-vices of two assistants in this department, Miss Louise Mobles of the DuPont School, Wilming ton, Delaware, and Professor Al bert Buchholz of Tampa, Klorida. While here Dean Pierson ad dressed the student body at the chapel period on the subject of “Research in Higher Trends in ( , Higher Education"; the facultj meeting on, “What la Research?' Sunshine increases the vitamin C content of tomatoes except where the plants are undernour ished, thirsty, and suffering from loss of foliage, say the experts. W. J. Laughton Beaufort OMtn. ty farmer, gives a grazing RLp ! of rye grass and crimson cnWer credit for saving one-third of the total feed required by his hogs during the winter. That large Scuppernong grape vine that has no grapes is proba bly a male vine and will never PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT Houser Drug Co. WE DELIVER PHONE 4771 xtfV Mezzmsm * (amlK Comfirnny—Prtrr-itt fa At'tntt, Charlotte, CkaiianMt*. Norfolk, 0-It nit »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»< < #»♦♦♦♦» WALL PAPER I t I have all kinds of Wall Paper for any ! I home. Samples can be seen at my home ! J | in the western part of town or see me and I will be glad to show them to you.ltf FLOOR SANDING I am prepared to do all kinds of Floor ; Sanding at reasonable prices. B. T. SELLERS Cherryville, N. C. P. O. Box 522 ;; They’re all big days for Long Iii :.:nce these days. Oar job is to take them iu stride and get your calls tiiroiign tviuiotit waiting. Most of the time it Kork« out thai ' ,>• .| sometimes there's an extra big crowu o.j some circuits. Then Long DI lance will sav— “Please limit your call to 5 min* utes.”

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