In Social j Activities j .1 Society> About People Parties, Clubs and News If.. I 9 \ People j ' You j Know Mr. Kenenth Stroup is spending the week in Sumpter, S. C., with Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Howell. Mr. J. B. Houser, Jr., spent Monday in town with his lather, Mr. J. B. Houser, Sr. Mrs. Loren Hord and fami'y visited Lucy Blackwood Sunday afternoon. Robert Russ S. S. M. B., 2 C is spending a 20-day leave with his wife and family. Mrs. Raleigh Eschenbaugh 01 Statesville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hilarld R. Harrelson and Mr. Harrelson. W. 0. Upchurch has returned fion) Baltimore where he bought merchandise for the UuChurch ^rpartmenr, Store. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McGinnis of Glenville, Ga., arrived Friday for a visit here with the formers mother, Mrs. L. A. T. McGinnis. Hilly Frank Allen, Phm 3|C 01 Bainbridge, Md., will spend the week-end here with his parents Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Allen. S. M. Butler, Jr., Woodie Lon don and Harold Long are spend ing this week at Myrtle Beach on a vacation. Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Elliott and sons, Edward and William are spending their vacation in Cleve land county with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Beam and daughter, Miss Betty Beam ot Plymouth were dinner guests of Mrs. W. B. Beam Tuesday. Little Miss Catherine Dedmon who is ill in the Mercy Hospital in Charlotte is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Will Morrow and daughter, Catherine, returned to Gastonia today, after spending the past month here. Miss Betty Jean Huss is spend ing this week in Hickory with her aunt, Mrs. W. K. Hovis and Mr. Mrs. John Corine, and daugh ter, Anita, of Atlanta, Ga., spent a few days last week with then aunt, Mrs. J. M. Leonhardt. /S Sgt. and Mrs. Carl Webb spenTSurulSy in Gaffnev, S. C.,| with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Webb and family. Pfc. Samuel W. Franklin has I returned to Fort Bragg, aftei1 spending a 30-day furlough here with his family. Misses Janie Morrison and Wil-1 lie Sharpe of Statesville spent Tuesday and Wednesday here, the’ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hillard R. Harrelson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Huss and little daughter Mary Alice ot Spindale visited relatives here Sunday. S'2 John R. Crowder arrived I home Wednesday morning to' spend a 9-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Essie Crowder. He has completed boot training at Bainb-idge, Md. Pfc. and Mrs. Samuel W. Fran klin and daughter, Barbara re turned home last Monday, aftei visiting the formers sister. Mrs Charlie Davis of Grier, S. C., am Mrs. Floyd Key of Spartanburg _ Mrs. J. L. Blanton <Jf Ashe ville and Shelby and Mrs. S. M.j Weathers, Sr., of Shelby were, guests of Mrs. C. E. McCurry and family Sunday night and Mon-, day. Lloyd Kevnolds S 1]C, of New York and Houston, Texas, spent from Friday until Sunday here and Hickory, visiting his grand mother, Mrs. C. E. McCui ry and other relatives and friends. Mrs. 0. F. Lackey, who has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Fisher and Mr. Fisher of Cherryville Route 1, is snending this week at Blowing Rock. Mrs. David Hallman and chil dren, Maxine, David Dean and Earnestine, returned to their home in Eastover, S. C., Saturday af ter spending a few days here with relatives. D. Glenn Stroup, CCM arrived ^ home Tuesday night from the South Pacific. He was last sta • tfoned on Okinawa. He is a son ol Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stroup and will have a 30-day furlough. His wife is making her home in Gas tonia. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Copple, Jr., and childrea, Jane, Martha, Julia and Henry of Monroe spent Sunday here, the guests of Mrs. Copples mother, Mrs. N. B. Ken drick. The children remained here while Mr. and Mrs. Copple went on to Pittsburg, Pa., where they will attend the wedding ol their niece* Donald Homesley is spending three weeks in Baltimore, with his sisters, Misses Mary Ruth and Margaret Homesley. W. B. Beam, Deputy Marshall, of Raleigh, spent several days here this week with Mrs. Beam. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Beam and daughter, Miss Betty Beam of Plymouth are visiting relatives and friends here this week. Miss Jerry Hobbs is spending this week in Statesville, the guest of Miss Helen Gillispi, a room mate at Mars Hill College. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blackwood spent last week visiting the for oi* i's daughter, Lucy Black vood and Harold. Little Misses Gail and Margar et Ann Baxter returned home Monday from Reeves Clinic, after having their tonsils removed, j They are recovering nicely. Robert Russ S. S. M. B. 2|C Mrs. Russ, Harold, Dean and Dock Russ, Mrs. Albert Brannon and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barker spent last week at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hager and Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth Dell inger returned home Wednesday nigin, alter several weeks stay at Hot Springs. Mr. Merton H. Beam of Char lotte spent Tuesday here with his mother, Mrs. Charles P. Beam. Mrs. Beam who has been ill tsj still improving. Harry Allen, Jj\, who has been the doctor in charge of the hos pital at the Piedmont Boy Scout Camp at Lake Lanier this sum mer will arrive home Saturday and after a weeks vacation will go to Watts Hospital in Durham. Woodie London and Sloan Sell ers. members of the 1945 gradu ation class will enter the Univer sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill at the beginning of the Fall' session which opens on Friday August .'{1st. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENJOY WATERMELON FEAST The Sunday School Class -ot Mrs. H. C. Harrelson enjoyed a watermelon feast last Tuesday night at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dell inger. About thirty-five guests, includ ing memners of the class and their husbands enjoyed the occas MISS EAKER ENTERTAINS AT WEINER ROAST Miss Matilda Eaker entertained at Weiner roast Wednesday even ing, honoring Capt. Grady Aber thy and SjSgt. J. D. Abernathy of Lincolnton. j Those attending were Capt. and SISgt. Abernathy, Harold j Abernathy, David Scronce, Misses] Marguerite Jenkins, Matilda Ea ker, Mozelle Jenkins, Mesdames W. S. Reep, Clyde Abernathy, and Clyde Knight, Jr. MR. AND MRS. JENKINS ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jenkins en tertained at a delightful dinner party Sunday evening, nonoring Capt. Grady Abernathy and SISgt. J. D. Abernathy of Lincolnton, who just returned from ove.* seas. Places were laid for Capt. Aber nathy, S|Sgt. Abernathy, Misses Marguerite Jenkins, Matilda Ea ker, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jenkins, Miss Mozelle Jlenkins, Mrs. W. S. Reep, Mrs. Philip Eaker, and Mrs. Clyde Abernathy. Miss Vilrua Dellinger spent the week-end in Burnsville, the guest of Misses Joe and Doris Brown. BIRTHDAY PARTY IN HONOR OF MISS JACKIE HUSS On Saturday evening, August 18th at the Dora Park, a surprise party was given in honor of Miss Jackie Huss. Games were played and short, talks made. A special made cake with “Happy Birthday Jackie" was presented to her with many other useful gifts. Invited guests were served with cake, lemonade and watermelon, which was enjoyed by all. Those present to enjoy the party in honor of Miss Huss were: Misses Lorene Sellers, Jackie Huss, Irene Huss, Ruth Hi i, At, nie Mae Huss, Dorothy Dellinger, Olivia Carpenter, Iva Sisk, Betty Jean McGinnis and Mrs. Donald Patterson and Messrs. Jack W. Beam, Coy H. Dellinger, Theodore Moss. Sam Kidd, G. D. Lingerfolat D. L. Sisk and Rev. W. Luther Hawkins. Circle No. 3 Met Monday Evening Circle No. 3 of the Woman s Society of Christian Service held it.3 regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, August 20th at the home of Mrs. J. N. Beatty and Mrs. Franklin Rhyne as ;*oint hostesses In the absence of the leader, Mrs. James L. Putnam. Mrs. Lester Houser opened the meeting. The devotionals were conducted by Mrs. Howard George. An interesting program followed the subject being Meth odists Co-operate in Latin Amen ca. Those taking part were: Mrs. Odus Neill, Mrs. L. P. Barnette, Mis. Hillard Harrelson, Mrs. H C. Harrelson and Mrs. Hugh Put nam. A short business session followed: minutes read, roll call ed and dues collected by the sec letary. Mrs. Paul Timmons was wel comed into the society as a new member. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses to the foll owing: Mesdames Mrs. Paul London, Lester Houser, Odus Neill, How ard Robinson, Paul Timmons, L. P. Barnett, HiUard Harrelson, Hugh Putnam, H. C* Harrelson, Hinse Quinn, Ray-^filack, Howard George and Dwight Harrelson. MISS MAUDE NEWTON GIVEN BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. T. C. Self and daughter Patsy delightfully entertained on Friday evening, August 17th, at their home with a surprise birth day party, honoring Miss Maude Newton. After many interesting games were played, the guests were invited out on the lawn where delicious watermelons were served to the following: Miaaes Margaret Anthony, Ol lie Sue Hendricks, Dorothy Dell inger, Eileen Parker, Peggy Wat erson, Ruby Weaver, Ollie White sides, Nora Reese, Moree Grigg, Mrs. L. C. McDowell, Mrs. B. M. Carpenter, Mrs. N. R. Rudisill, Mrs. Walter Parker, Mrs. J. M. Fronebeger, Mrs. Harold Grigg. Mrs. P. L. May hew, Mrs. Tula Huss, Mrs. Flay Huss, Mrs. Carl Hicks, Mrs. Grady McGinnis, Mrs. Eva Leatherman and Miss Fay Whitesides. Miss Newton received many beautiful and useful gifts. R. A. TILLMAN CELEBRATES 73RD. BIRTHDAY The family of R. A. Tillman met at his home Sunday, August 12th in celebration of his 73rd birth- j day. Dinner was served picnic style with a two tiered birthday, cake centering the table. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tillman, Mr. and Mrs.| R. J. Bess, Betty Frances and Helen Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Beam and Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Everette Tillman and Julian Ann, Mr. and Mrs. W’alter Tillman Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin Tillman. and Wyte, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dix-1 on, Barbara and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Tillman, Rhema and Loretta, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bess, Lyndia and Phrllis, Mr. ana Mrs. Hal Bess, Mr. and Mrs. John Lea Hicks and Nancy, Mrs. Blain Tillman and .Joyce, Mr, and Mis. Ben Tillman, Mrs. R. A. Tillman, Ruby Lee and Junior of the home. ODELL DELLINGER AT HOME Mr. Odell Dellinger returned home Wednesday night from Duke Hospital much improved. CHERRYVILLE MUSIC CLUB TO MEET The Cherryville Music Club will meet next Tuesday night, August 2Sth, at 8:00 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Clyde Carpetner with Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. M. A. Stroup, hostesses.^ WM. B. PAYSEUR, S HC ABOARD U. S. S. ALABAMA ABOARD THE USS A La. Ba.4 A IN THE PACIFIC—\\ illiam B. Payseur. Jr., seaman, first class IJSNR, whose wife Kathleen, lives at Cherryville, N. C., 15 serving aboard this battleship which in one month’s time raided the Ja panese mainland twice, bombardeu a Jfcp-held island north of Okina wa and rode unscathed through a violent typhoon. One of the raids against the Nip homeland was uneventful, but during the other operation the “Mighty A” as the man-o’-war is known to her crewmen, ran into a hornet’s nest of Jap suicide pi lots. Scores of the Kamikaze planes were shot down outside the task force formation, but at least four came in close enough to be splash ed by the guns of this and other ships. ALABAMA gunners claim credit for downing two of these planes and for assisting in des troying another. One Kamikaze, a “Zeke"—type fighter, flew through clouds 01 ack-ack before singling out this ship as his target, but as he turn ed to make his death run his plane was hit and crashed flam ing, a scant 300 yards away. During her bombardment as signment, the ALABAMA turnea loose her 5-and 16-inch guns to pulverize Jap shore installations. The typhoon the battleship ex perienced pounded the 35,000-ton vessel for hours, causing her to pitch and toss heavily, but she came through undamaged. MISS CATHERINE MORROW WINNER IN BEAUTY CONTEST Miss Catherine Morrow, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mor row, of Gastonia, who has been spending several weeks here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Hager was crowned “Miss Gastonia” in a Beauty Contest held in the Armory in Gastonia last Friday night. Miss Morrow was winner in sec ond place of the annual State beauty contest held at the Ar mory Saturday night. Miss Dor othy Johnston of Winston-Salem was crowned “Miss North Caroli na” by Governor R. Gregg Cher ry. This contest was sponsored by the North Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce. INTERMEDIATES ATTENDING SOCIAL The Intermediates of the First Baptist Church are attending a social tonight given by the Inter mediates of the First Baptist Church in Lincolnton. _ NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. James V. Loving, -vs Adel Loving IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, Adel Loving will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County for an absolute Divorce and the said deiendant will further take notice that she is hereby required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C. on the 22nd day of September 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint in the said action or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in said Com plaint. This the 22nd day of August, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of the Supenoi Court. ERNEST R. WARREN, tt y. for Plaintiff_4t-Sld i**ms to extend and improve gjarm telephone service^ Rural telephone service la more highly developed in this country than anywhere else in the world. There are more than four times as many Southern Bell-open ated farm telephones in the today as in 1935. Southern Bell now bn way a wide-range program to ex tend and improve telephone service to rural areas. Our tint Job will continue to he .# help win {he war in the Pacific, bu» o soon as conditions permit, the necessary manpower and equipment will again ae put to work on the job of snpandiug rural service—just as we wore bu-iiy engaged in expanding this servi" before the war. The goal is to bring the telephone to the grtrt.est number of farm families. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company * INCORPORATES SPECIAL SERVICE." AT THE C.OiiPEL TENT bpeoal services will oe nek: at • the Gospel Tent on North I tain Street. Evangelist Hay a I Page Will bring the in t me .a «■. j Lev. George Cooper who is he.trd over VV. S. K. ¥., daily will oe j there to bring a message. King I ers and Players from Lob Jones! (College will be present to ren der a message in Songs and Mu- j I sic. The service will si irt at 8 o’clock. The public is cordial);, l ' invited to attend. » STRAMP ♦ |COOLED BY WASHED AIR j FRIDAY-SAT. — 2 DAYS RAYMOND HATTON /JENNIFER HOLT —ADDED— NEWS—CART—COMEDY 2 BIG SERIALS BATMAN No. 7 MONSTER & APE No. 8 MON.-TUES. — 2 DAYS /t — PLUS — ADDED SHORT UNITS CODING—WED.-THURS. 2 DAYS—AUG. 2S & 30. BULLETS AND BATTLES FOLLOW BILLY AND FUZZY IN A NEW ADVENTURE i OF THE PLAINS. O^SSsEA^s '.L'fuzzyiST. JOHN by SIGMUND NEUFCLD Original Story tub Screenplay by rmo mvton \ •irettob byJMM »«WFIltD ^ NO. II THE GtRLIEST WHIRL Of MERRIMENT \ Sinet £ut “Ktctai Ovti tit \ ^ jdaiv AtiUcutt/ KIRBY GRANT LOIS COLLIER , ERIC BLORE CARPENTER TWINS Sylvia Ann and Sandra Nan Carpenter, attractive twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. D. Troy Carpenter, who celebrated their second birthday anniversary on Wednes day, July 8th. SGT. ROBERT L. LEDBE'TER WITH 17TH. BOMR GROUP A NINTH AIR FORCE SER VICE COMMAND GROLTN LINZ, AT'STRIA: Sergeant Robert D Ledbetter. Rural Route 2. Cher ryville, North Carolina has been ns-lg'ied to the 17th Romo Group AAF's oldest medium bomber or ganization, now disarming Nazi Germany as part of the 2nd Air Disarmament Wing. Sergeant Ledbetter has 18 months of overseas service as an airplane engine mechanic ant has been stationed in England, France, Belgium and Germany. He has been awarded the Good Conduct Medal and is authorized to wear Hie European Theater Ribbon with 1 stars. As long as he is a member of the 17th Bomb Group be is authorized to wear the Dis tinguished Unit Badge with one • laic Leaf Cluster, representing j ’lie two Presidential citations the 17th received for exceptional bombing over enemy targets in Itely and Germany. MISS KILLIAN UNDERGOES OPERATION IN CHARLOTTE Miss Mary B. Kililan, manager ess of the Lester and Strand Theatres here, underwent an op eration at the Presbyterian Hos pital in Charlotte last Thursday and is getting along nicely. Miss Killian has many friends in Cher* ryville who will be glad to know of her improvement. UNCLE AND NEPHEW MEET IN PACIFIC Mrs. E. G. Greene received a letter from her husband stating that he spent a Saturday night with his uncle, Harley Greene. He and Harley hadn’t seen eacn other in over three years, 'they met in Mbr.ila. IT’S COOL & COMFORTABLE AT THE THURS.-FRI. — 2 DAYS IT’S DENNIS O'KEEFE • HEIEN WAlKER JUNE HAVOC \ EDDIE I'Rochestsr) ANDERSON —PLUS— YOU’LL LIKE THIS LILLF, MARLENF. SATURDAY:—1 DAY ONLY MILLER WRIGHT ^ kvs knew'Qi —PLUS— NEWS—CART.—COMEDY 3 STOOGES MASTER KEY ‘8) COM NG> • PELI. FOR ABONO SONG TO REMEMBER TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN tim&ppm iTARTS L. S. SUN. NITE A MON.-TUES. — 2 DAYS U ’ YVOHHE DeCARLB' ROD CAMERON i DAVID BRUCE fl —ADDED— MOVIETONE NEWS ■VED. ONE DAY AUG. 29

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