CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE-1 gallon glass jugs for milk and syrup and gener al use at the RITZ CAFE. 3t-S20 FOR SALB—One Master De luxe Chevrolet Sedan with radio and heater. Just like new LES TER HOUSER. It-P FOR SALE—Baled Hay, Oats, Lespedeza and Red Clover. CLAULE C. BEAM FOR WOODS A WING — See Clarence Payseur on West Church Street, Cherryville, N. C. HP FOR SALE—rroys Bicycle in good condition. See KATIE SCHRONCE near Depot on East First Street. 1 t_P FOR SALE—Nine Room House and one acre lot on West Carroll St. Plenty of fruit. Own pri vate pump on porch. Will sell reasonable to quick buyer. See MRS. D. D. LEI-WELL, living at the house. lt-p FOR SALE—1 1-2 ton Inter national Truck. See Emmit Clark at Cherryville Ice & Fuel Co. 2t-S13-p FOR SALE—One Circulating Heater in good condition, same as new, and four Dining Room Chairs. MRS. R. L. CAMP, lt-p LOST LOST—Brown Billfold, contain lag drivers license, windshield sticker, No. 4S759932, and other valuable papers. Finder please return to Eagle Office and receive reward. 4t-S27 LOST—Ladies Yellow Gold El gin Watch somewhere in town. Band was broken. Liberal reward to person returning to Mrs. He man Hager at the Ritz Cafe, lt-p FOUND—Near the Carlton mill all kind of Gaskets for an Inter national truck. Owner may get same by seeing Elsie Mae Bright at Myrtle Smith's home near Crouse, and describing the Gas kets and contents of the boxes, and paying for this ad. lt-p WANTED WANTED—Tenant with stock. 40 acres land. Nine room house. Electric lights. Six miles North of Cherryville, near Flaw W. A. Hull, Vale, N. C., R-2. 4t-S20p WANTED— Light Housekeeping work. Apply at the Eagle Office. lt-Pd. MISCELLANEOUS Long Creek FISH CAMP Open Every Night FISH & OYSTERS Chicken on Week-End ATHLETES FOOT GERM Kill It For 35c IN ONE HOUR, if not pleased your 35c back. Ask any druggisi for this powerful fungicide, TE OL. It’s 90 percent alcohol, makes it PENETRATE. The germ can L be killed unless reached. Fepl PENETRATE, reaches mor«. germs.APPLY FULL STRENGTH for itchy, sweaty or smelly feet. Today at Allen Drug Store. a,. EGGS—Pay highest market. We Mil feeds of all kinds. DAL'IOI^S FLOUR AND FEED MILLS, North of High School. tf FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat ing, Nausea, Gas pains, get free aample, Udga, at ALLEN DRUG “SKI HI stops running fits in dogs or we refund your money. We know of no other guaranteed running fits remedy." Houser DRUG COMPANY. We now have electric power to ©Ur Hamer Mill and can do your Hamer. Your business will be ap preciated. OALTON FLOUR AND FEED ST1IW For Light Hauling JOHNNY WHITE 821 East First St. WHILE LYING IN -ZD— LADY NEARLY CHOKED DUE TO STOMACH GAS One lady said a few clays ago that she used to be afraid to go to bed at night. She was swollen with stomach gas, which always got worse when she went to bed, and the gas would rise up m her throat after she lay down and would nearly choke her. She couldn t lie flat. Had to proo her self up on pillows. Recently Ih's lady got INNER-AID and now says gas is’ gone, stomach feels flnt, bowels are regular and she can go to bed and sleep soundly. INNER-AID contains 12 (ire»t Hurls; they cleanse bowels, clear gaa from stomach, act on duggis.n liver and kidneys. Miserable peo ple roon feel different all over. So jon‘t go on suffering! Get IN NBR-AID. Sold by all Drug Stores Serf in Gaston County. LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA. GASTON COUNTY. James E. Baker, , Plaintiff, -vs Vcrdie L». Baker, Defendant. ! IN THE SUPERIOR COURT , NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action for divorce has been staited in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, and the defendant will be required to ap pear before the Clerk of sam I Court within the time prescribed | by law after the final publica tion of this notice in his office in Gastonia, North Carolina, ana answer or demur to the Complaint i of the plaintiff, or this piaintiti i will apply to the Court for the : relief demanded in this Com plaint. This the 17 day of August, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of the Superior Court. P. C. FRONEBERGER, Att’y. for the Plaintiff. 4t-Slb NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Thomas Love, Assignee, Plaintiff, -vs Maggie Harris, et al, Defendant. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT RE-SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the superior court of Gas Ion County made in a civil action therein pending entitled as above, and signed by the clerk of the superior court, end by reason of an increased bid made at a prior sale therein, undersigned com missioner appointed by the court, to sell the lands de^ rihed in the complaint in the said action, will sell the said premises herein des cribed on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 1(1 194S St TJ 00 O’CLOCK A. M. \t the County Court House Door in Gastonia, N. C to the highest bidder for C vSH, but subject to he confirmation of the court, s certain lot or parcel of lana ly ing and being in the suburbs ot Gat tor.ia, and defined as follows: Lot No. Ill, as shown in flat Hook No. 1, page la, in the ot fee of too Registe* of Deed* for >:ud ■ ii: iy. This 20th day of August, 1045. W. H. SANLFRS, COMMISSION Kit. 4t SI 3 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Mrs. Lacy Revels Vereb, Plaintiff -vs Andy Vereb. Defendant NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN SUPERIOR COURT The defendant above nemed is hereby notified that the above named plaintiff has commenced an action in the above described Court seeking an absolute divorce, on grounds shown in the com plaint filed in said court in an ac tion entitled as above. The defedant is also notified, to tile written answer oh other pleading to said complaint, in the, Office of the Clerk of said Court in the Gaston County Court House in Gastonia, North Carolina, with in 20 days after the final publica tion of this notice, that if you fail to plead as aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the said court for re lief entitled to in the action. Final date of publication is, September 13th, 1945 This the 17th day of August, PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of Superior Court J. L. HAMME, Att'y. for plaintiff 4t-S13 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Eugenia Thornburg Gerth, Plaintiff Reinhold A. Gerth, Defendant IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant will take notice that an action a; above has been commenced by the plaintiff in the Superior Court ot Gaston County for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the defendant; And the de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., to file answer or to demur to said complaint of the plaintiff within twenty days after the final ap pearance of this notice, and that if he fails to answer or to de mur to said complaint within the specified above named time, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said complaint. WITNESS: Paul E. Monroe j Clerk Superior Court of Gaston ' County, at his office in Gastonia | N. C. This the 21 day of Aug. 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk Superior Court ot Gaston County. CLAUDE B. WOLTZ, Att'y. for Plaintiff. 4t-S13 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. 1 James V. Loving, -vs Adel Loving IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, Adel Loving will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County for an absolute Divorce and the said defendant will further take notice that she is hereby required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C. on the 22nd day of September 1945, and answer or demur to j the complaint in the said action or | plaintiff will apply to ihe Court I for relief demanded in said Com i plaint. I This the 22nd day ofr August, i 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of the Superioi Court. ERNEST R. WARREN, Att’y. for Plaintiff 4t-S15 GASTON COUNTY. Truman B. Pilgrim, Plaintiff [ Cornelia Ellingburg Pilgrim, Delendant IN TI1E SUPERIOR COURi NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced by the Plaintiff in the Superior Court of Gaston County for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the Defendant; And the Defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Su piior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., to tile answer or to demur to said complaint of the plaintiff within twenty days after the final appearance of this notice, and that if she fails to answer or de mur to said complaint within the specified above named time, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Witness: Paul E. Monroe, Clerk Superior Court of Gaston County, at his office in Gastonia, N. C. This the 21 day of Aug. 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk Superior Court of Gaston County. CLAUDE B. WOLTZ, Att’y. for Plaintiff. 4t-S15 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Hattie L. Hardy (single), Josie L. Bostic, and Grady Bostic, her husband, et al, Plaintiffs Tom Cooper and Mary Cooper his wife, Lena Mae Steele, et al, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendants, Hattie Coop er Anderson and James Ander son, her husband, Edith Douglas, China Stokey, C. L. Slade and Lin wood Slade, his wife; the heirs at law of John Cooper, de ceased; the heirs at law of Mag gie Beam Teague, and the heirs at law of John Dixon, deceased, whose names and whereabouts are unknown, and the Heirs at Law' of Louvina Logan Moore, deceased, who are unknown, TAKE NOTICE th t a petition has been filed in the above action for the sale of lanus ior partition, and in which action said parties and the said unknown heirs at law mentioned, are made parties defendants; and the said parties and heirs at law mentioned will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County on the 10th day of October, 1945, or within ten days thereafter and answer or demur to the petition, or make further defense thereto, or the relief prayed for therein will be granted. Given under my hand this 1st day of September, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of the Superior Court W. H. SANDERS, Attorney. 4t-S27 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Lillie Mae Parton, Plaintiff, -vs John Parton, uetendant. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT j NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, John Parton,' will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court ot Gaston County for an absolute divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that he 1* hereby required to appear befora the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., on the 30th day of September, 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, er plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in &aid com plaint. I This the 30th day of August, I 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of the Superior Court. ERNEST R. WARREN, Atfy. for Plaintiff. 4t-S27 NORTH CAROLINA, GA lON CO •Nil. Mary Walker Eratus, by her next friends, Allen Walker, Plaintiff -vs Henry Fred Fratus, Uefenu-r. r. ,1, THE SUPERIOR COURT SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as abov# has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County to obtain an absolute di vorce upon the grounds of two years separation according to the Statutes of N. C., and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear be fore the Clerk of aaid court with in 20 days of the final publica tion of this notice and answer or demur to tne complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for-the relief de manded in the complaint. This the 24th day of August, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk Superior Court. BISMARCK CAPPS, Att’y- for Plaintiff. 4t-SfJ0 NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Lin coln County, made in the special proceeding entitled “J. W. Crouse and wife, Laura Crouse, et al petitioners, Ex Parte,” the same being a proceeding for partition among the beneficiaries under the last will and Testament of J. W. Crouse, deceased, the undersign ed Commissioner, will ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1945, at 1:00 o’clock P. M., on the premise* in Cherryville Township, Gaston County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, the following valu able real estate: FIRST TRACT: Situate, lying and being in Cherryville Town ship, Gaston County, North Caro lina, bounded and adjoining the lands of John A. F. Aderholdt, E. M. Aderholdt, Wiley Rudisill, E. A. Rudisill and others, and more particularly described, by metes and bounds, as follows: BEGINNING at a Sweet Gum, on the North bank of Beaver Lam Creek, and runs a new line North 45 deg. East 68 poles to a Pop lar, E. M. Aderholdt’s corner; thence with his line North 24 deg. J East 26 poles to a White Oak, E. A. Rudisill's corner; then with his line North 45 deg. West 57 poles ot a stone ; thence-with said line j South 47 deg. W’est 36 poles to| a stone, Rudisill’s corner; thence with another of his lines, North 45 deg. West 65 poles to a stone, his and John A. F. Aderholdi. s corner; thence with Aderholdt’s line South 21 deg. West 97 poles to a small Persimmon, agreed on, on the South bank of said Creek; thence with Beaver Dam Creek, as it.,meanders, to the BEGIN NING, containing by estimation 78 ACRES, be the same more or less. SECOND TRACT: Situate, ly ing and being in Cherryville Township, Gaston County, North Carolina, and being more particu larly described, by metes and bounds, as lollows: BEGINNING at a rock, Rudi sill’s corner, and runs with his line North 38 deg. East 89 1-2 pol es to a stone in said lint; thence a new line South 42 1-2 deg. East 103 poles to a stone, a new corner; thence another new line South 30 deg. West 76 1-4 poles to a rock in E. M. Aderholdt’s i line; thence with his line North 77 deg. West 20 pdles to a stake in the Road; thence North 45 deg. West 44 poles to a stone; thence North 43 deg. West 59 poles to the BEGINNING, con taining 62 1-2 ACRES, be thei same more or less. THIRD TRACT: Situate, lying; and being in Cnerryville Town- j ship, Gaston County, North Car-1 olina, and being more particularly described, by metes and bounds,1 as follows: BEGINNING at a Post Oak on the South side of the Creek, and runs North 12 deg. East, crossing, the Creek, 23 poles to a White' Oak; thence North 29 deg. East 27 1-2 poles to a White Oak; thence North 29 deg. East 27 1-2 poles to a Wlgite U&ta; thence North 13 deg. East 28 poles to a Post Oak; thence North 66 deg. West 4 poles to a Poplar, corner of W. R. Crouse lands; thence with his line South 45 deg. West 69 poles to a stake on the South side of Creek; thence with the meanders of the Creek to the BEGINNING, containing 8 1-2 ACRES, more or less. This 27th day of August, 1945. D. C. CROUSE, | Commissioner. M. T. LEATHERMAN, Att’y. 4t-S27 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Thomas Love, Assignee, Plaintiff, -vs Maggie Harris, et al, Lefenadants. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT RE-SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Gas 1 ton County made in a civil ac ! tion therein pending entitled as above, and by reason of an in creased bid made at a prior sale, the undersigned commissionerer ap , pointed by the court to sell said I land described in tde complaint in I the said action, will sell the said premises herein described on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1945 at 11:00 O’CLOCK A. i M„ AT THE COUNTY ! COURT HOUSE DOOR IN GASTONIA, N. C. I to the highest bidder for CASH, ■ and subject to the confirmation of the court, a certain lot or parcel | of land lying and being in the suburbs of Gastonia, and defined las follows: Lot No. In, as snown on plat |iecorded in Rook No. 1, page 16, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Gaston County. This 10th day of September, | 1945. W. H. SANDERS, Commissioner. 4t-N4 BUY BONDS RFC Offers 8 Plant Properties For Sale John A. Campbell, Jr., Manager of the Charlotte Office of the Re construction Finance Corporation, 317 South Tryon Street, announ ced today that eight plant prop erties are being offered for sale or lease by the RFC, the Disposal Agency designated by the Sur plus Property Board for the sale of producers and capital goods. The plants are: Baltimore, Maryland - Revere Copper and Brass Co., plant that occupies a landsite of 10 1-2 ac res with railroad sidings and pav ed parking. The building is com bination office and factory ot steel frame on concerte base with square feet of floor space. The steel sash containing 196,000 roof is concrete insulated and waterproof. Steam heat is on the premises. The equipment includ es seven overhead bridge cranes —one gantry crane, one mono rail and chain burst. Property is equipped with power, gas, sew er and water lines. The Balti more & Ohio Railroad enters main building. St. Charles, Illinois - Howard Aircraft Corporation plant that occupies a landsite of 29 acres, completely fenced, four miles east of St. Charges. The site in cludes two parking lots of 300 car and 50-car capacities. Four teen buildings include a mill con taining 131,600 square feet ot floor space, a two-story office building with concrete floor and plaster walls and ceiling, and 12 smaller miscellaneous buildings. Power is supplied by government owned lines connecting with the St. Charles Power Co. The plant haj its own sewage disposal sys tem. Property has water, power and light facilities. A railroad spur adjoins the property. tort Wyne, Indiana- - Stude baker Corporation plant that oc cupies 60 acres bounded by May er Road, Railroad tracks and pri vate property. Main one-story building is steel and brick, un conditioned, windowless construc tion and contains 481,082 square feet. The boiler house contains steam genrating and refrigerat ing equipment togethr with 90 JCVA Diesel generators, equip ment - eight overhead cranes from one to ten-ton capacity. Indiana Service Corporation supplies pow er and light. Fort Wayne sup plies the water and Northern In diana Public Service .Company supplies the gas. Two railroad sidings adjoin the property. Miami Springs, Florida—Con solidated V u 1 t e e Corporation plant that occupies a landsite ot 102 acres, six miles northwest oi. Miami. The 13 main buildings con I tain 197,000 square feet of floor | space, are partly air condition ed. The site contains a sewage RECEIVES DISCHARGE WITH 89 POINTS Pvt. Wilbus Craft of Route 2 Cherryville returned home Sept. 1st. with a discharge. He had 89 points to come out with. Wilber was in service four years, two of I these were spent overseas in Ir land, North Africa and Italy. He was wounded in North Africa and has three service stars. disposal plant. Water, light and power facilities are available. The property adjoins Seaboard Air line Railroad. Ann Arbor, Michigan - Ameri can Broach and Machine Company plant that occupies a site of half an acre. The main building is a one-story milltype of wood and brick construction, floor area of 12,800 square feet, and produc tion equipment used in metal ma chining and forming operations. Evansville, Indiana - Republic Aviation Corporation plant that occupies a site of 71 acres. Twen ty-six buildings and two hangers constitute the production unit. Main structures are administra-| tion, assembly and manufacturing, boiler house, service, warehouse in| two sections, and cafeteria. Ma-j chinery and equipment is a num ber of buildings. Facilities cover sewer, water, light and heat. Two sidings from the New i ork Con trail Railroad adjoin property. I Ringwood, New Jersey - Alan Wood Steel Company plant that occupies a site of 877,905 acres in two adjoining tracts, contain ing two ore deposits for produc tion of lump ore and magnetic iron concentrates. Additional acreage available for expansion. There are 27 plant buildings and' 67 one and t\vo-family dwellings. The crushing plant contains 20, 517 square feet floor aiea and i the concentrates plant 27,450 square feet. The equipment con tains mining locomotives and cars miscellaneous machinery. Water ! light and power available. Kail, sidings join property. Milwaukee, v\ isconstn ■ Oilgear Company plant occupies a land site of less than an acre, bound ed by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad and South j Muskego Avenue and West Pierce Street. Main building of five stor ies and basement is constructed of flat slab concrete, containing 118,000 square feet. The struc ture contains a passenger and one freight elevator and three industrial tramrail systems. Wis consin Power and Light Company and Milwaukee Gas Light Compa ny supply power, gas and light. The water is obtained from the City of Milwaukee. Further information of any of these plants can be obtained from the nearest RFC office. The branch serving the two Carolinas is located at 817 South Tryon Street, Charlotte 1, North Caro Cpl. Lester F. Burns Refrigeration Man In India CALCUTTA, ’ INDIA—Kcfrig eration mechanic for a large out fit in the India-Burma theater is the important assignment being held by Cpl. Lester F. Burns of route 2, Cherryville, N. C. He is the member af the 307th Quartermaster Refrigeration Com pany, which has played an im portant part in the theatre func tion. The main objective of the 3074 th was to provide adequate ice, cold storage and refrigeration transportation facilities for the storage and distribution of frozen Meat and other perishables for U. S. and called troops in India and Burma, with paticular con cern for the troops in the Assam area. 17 To 25 Year Old* May Enlist In Marines By Executive Order of the President, volunteer enlistment cah now be effected in the U. S. Marine Corps of any qualified man between the ages of seven teen and twenty-five inclusive. Minors must have parents con sent and 17-year old boys must in addition, produce a birth certi ficate, it is announced by Mojor John M. Grier, Officer ,in Charge of Marine Corps Recrui ting: for the State of North Caro lina, with Headquarters in the Post Office Building at Raleigh. Ex-service men - may reenlist up to the age of thirty-two pro vided they have been discharged within a period of one year prior to enlistment. Any man who re enlists within a period of ninety days will be reappointed to his former rank and given the re mainder ot the ninety days us furlough on full pay. All enlistment s and reenlist ments effected under this prog ram will be in the regular Marine Corps for a period of four years. Applicants should apply in per son, or by writing, to the Raleigh Office for complete information. New Hunting License Will Be Out Monday Raleigh, N, C.—The new hunt ing licenses, delayed because ot inability