What is Peace? lEACE is more than the absence of war. Peace is a friendly JL handclasp, small talk on a front porch, friends in for dinner. Peace is a birthday party, a Christmas tree, an Easter service in a white church. Peace is telling someone where the Smiths live, laughing at a joke, asking a neighbor what you can do when there’s sickness in his house. Peace is people helping instead of hurting one another, trusting instead of suspecting, tolerating instead of hating. Peace is forgetfulness of creed and color. It’s meeting on equal terms. It’s honoring a man for what he is instead of defaming him for what he isn’t. This is peace. And until we have all this, we won’t have real peace — the feeling in our hearts that all is right once more. Right now, we can make a good start towards this goal. For, right now, in out local community campaign, we haw the chance to help our neighbor. To help him regardless of who he is or how he worships. To act together in mutual trust and confidence. And this is democracy in its finest expression. This is part of all we are fighting for. This is what you help to bring about when you contribute to the local com munity chest. Make your contribution today—and make it as big as your heart! Give generously to Your Community War Fund Representing the National War Fund S. M. BUTLER, Local Chairman Cherryville’s Quota $5,051.46 Gaston County Quota $68,263.00 J. HENRY UNEBERGER, COUNTY CHM.1