CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED WANTED AT ONCE—Clean ers for two houses. Apply at the LESTER THEATRE. Cherryville, N. C. WANTED—To borrow any old Bibles or Testaments with any history connections to be used in exhibition at the church during the month of December. Excel lent care will be taken. Call 2101. FOR SALE-- One five room house. See L. F. Jenkins at Jenk ins Grocery Store on Ballard St. lt-pd. WANTED-AN apartment or house- STEWART SHUMATE or dial 2101. WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE —Five to seven room house in or near town. REV. M. M. HULSEY, Box 338, Cherryville, N. C. lt-p SALESMAN WANTED LOOK HERE! Wanted — Men and Women to start in business on our capital. Sell some 200 farm-home Products. Thousands our Dealers now make quick sal es, big profits. For particulars write Rawleigh's Dept. NCK 43— 192, Richmond, Yra. WANTED TO RENT—Four or five room house. Mrs. HACK GEORGE, 603 S. Styers St., Cher ryville, N. C. FOR SALE FOR SALE—5 1-2 acres land adjoining the city limits with wa ter and light connections availa ble. See D. P. McClurd at Paint Store. 4t-N22 FARM FOR SALE—120 01 more acres. 65 in cultivation with new four-room house, watei anil lights, barn and out-buildings. 4b or 50 thousand feet timber. Goou land, all County terraced for $05 per acre. Two small tracts land—-One 10 acres, other 14 1-2 acres, eiose in town, either tract $05.00 per acre. See me at Ormand's Cm, Bes semer City, X. C. M. FRED ORMAND 3t-N15 FOR SALE—Case Pickup Bail er, in A-l condition. See J. O. Smith at Homesley Chevrolet Co., Cherryville, N. C. 2t-Nl-p FOR SALE—4$ acres good land, 25 in cultivation, goou a mount saw timber; 5-roont paint ed house with electricity, out buildings, good well, pasture from barn to water, on highway; 2 good mules, weight 1225 each bridles, collars, harness, disk bar row, stalk cutter, new planter, etc., at North Brook School, No. 3, W. Cletus Hull. ot-Nb-p o-jl FOR SALE—Certified Cokei Red Heart Seed Wheat, Strand 5 tripple clean. Certified Coker Fulgrain Seed Oats, Strain -3.— C. C. DELLINGER. dt-Ns CHRISTMAS CARDS—I have a full line of Christinas Cards. AH occasion cards., and Scripture Text Stationery. If you want the best Christinas cards see—AR\iL HOMESLE.Y, 200 Keenwood St.. Cherryville, X. C. 3t-NS FOR SALE—Hoy’s Bicycle in good condition. Same as new. 1 also do repair work. R. L. W A ITS. 100 West Main Street. 2t-N'8-p FOR SALE—One 1039 Ford. Just been overhauled and with good Tires in A-l condition. Call Eagle Office. 2t-NS-p MISCELLANEOUS Long Creek FISH CAMP Open Every Night FISH & OYSTERS Chicken on Week-End EGGS—Pay highest market. We •ell feeds jf all kinds. DALltWS FLOUR AND FEED MILLS, North of High School. tf ATHLETES FOOT GERM Kill It For 35c IN ONE HOUR, if not pleased your 35c back. Ask any druggist for this powerful fungicide, TE OL. It's 90 percent alcohol, makes it PENETRATE. The germ can't be killed unless reached. F^pl i PENETRATE, reaches more germs.APPLY FULL STRENGTH for itchy, sweaty or smelly feet. Today at Allen Drug Store. at, LOCAL HAULING Se« me for your local Hauling. Call 4911, SHELL SERVICE STATION. BAINE HALLMAN. 4t-N16-p FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains ef Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tien, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat ing, Nausea, Gas pains, get free •ample, Udga, at ALLEN DRUG "SKI HI stops running fits in ! dogs or we refund your money. Wa know>of no other guaranteed running fits remedy." Houser D^RUG COMPANY. Wa now have electric power to our Hamer Mill and can do your Hamer. Your business will be ap preciated. DALTON FLOUR AND FEED STIIW LOST — Brown Billfold with two out side snaps between Rhyne , Houser Mill No. 1 and Dick's Hill, containing one baby ring, $11.00, in bills, picture stubs and one man’s picture. No name was in the billfold. Finder please return to Eagle Office or to Mrs. Fred Kelly at Dick’s Hill and receive reward. it LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Thomas Love, Assignee, Plaintiff, -VB Maggie Harris, et aL Lefenadants. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT RE-SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue oi »n or der of the Superior Court of Gas ton County made in a civil ac tion therein pending entitled as above, and by reason of an in creased bid made at a prior sale, the undersigned commissionerer ap pointed by me court to sell saiu land described in tde complaint in the said action, will sell the said premises herein described on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1945 at 11:00 O'CLOCK A. M., AT THE COUNTY COURT HOUSE DOOR IN GASTONIA, N. C. to the highest bidder for CASH, and subject to the confirmation of the court, a certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the suburbs of Gastonia, and defined as follows: Lot No. In, as shown on plat recorded in Book No. 1, page 15, in the oltice of the Register of needs for Gaston County. This 10th day of September, 1945. W. H. SANDERS, Commissioner. 4t-N4 NORTH CAROLINA, vi A ST ON COUNTY. Ray McCorkle, Plaintiff, -vs Mary McCorkle, Lefendant. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, Mary McCor kle, will ’ take .notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County for an abso lute divorce, and the said defen dant will further take notice that she is hereby required to appeal before the Clerk of the Superior vourt of Gaston Cocnty at the court House in Gastonia, N. t. on the Sth day of November ,.^45 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or plain tiff will apply to the Court foi Lne leiief demanded in said com 1 this the 8th day of October, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of the Superior Court. .RNEsT R. WARREN, Att'y. for Plaintiff. 4t-Nl NORTH CAROLINA. .ASTON COUNTY. Willie Glenn, Plaintiff, Mary Rob Adams Glenn, Defendant. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT notice of summons The defendant, Mary Rob Adams Glenn, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Gaston County for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years’ separation, and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that she is here by required to appear before the i lerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N- C., on the 5th day of November, 1945 and answei or demur to the complaint in said action, or plaintiff will apply tc the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 5th day of October 1945, PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk Supeior Court. ERNEST R. WARREN, Att'y. for Plaintiff. 4t-Nl NORTH CAROLINA, 0ASTON COUNTY. Pearl M. White, Plaintiff Melvin White, Defendant IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been started in the Superior Court, for Gaston County, for di vorce and the defendant will be required within twenty days of the final publication, or on or be fore November 29th, to appear before the Cleric of the said Court, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintitf, or the plaintitf will apply to the Court, for the relief, demanded in the complaint. This the lt> day of Oct., 1945. PAUL E. MONROE. Clerk of Superior Court. 0. A. WARREN, Atty. 4t-N8 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Sant Peterson, Plaintiff -vs Lucy Peterson, Defendant IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina wherein the plaintiff seeks an ab solute divorce from the defen dant; that said defendant will al so take notice that she is requir ed to appear at the Clerk of Court’s Office at the Courthouse in said County in Gastonia, North Carolina, within twenty days af ter the final publication of this notice and answer or demur to the complaint now on file in the Clerk’s office in said action, oi the plaintiff will apply to the pcourt for the relief demanded u ■aid complaint. This the 16 day of October, 1945. EMMA CORNWELL, Ass’t. Clerk Superior Court. 4t-N15 NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN SUPERIOR COURT GASTON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Theodore R. Howell, , Plaintiff Bessie V. F. W. Howell, Defendant. The defendent above named will hereby take notice that the above named plaintiff has com menced an action in the above designated Court, in which the plaintiff seeks an absolute divorce un grounds of two years separa tion adultery. The said defendant is further and hereby notified to file writ ten answer or otherwise plead to me complaint as filed, in said court, in the office of the Clerk of tne Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, in his oitice in the Gaston County Court House at Gastonia, N. C.J within twenty days after final date of publication of this notice, that if you fail to plead in said cause as aforesaid tne plaintiff will in I term time apply to the Court fori the relief to which said plaintiff! may show himself to be entitled under law and facts of the case. . final date of publication of this notice is November 1, 1945. This the 10th day of October. 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, • Clerk of Superior Court. J. L. HAMME, Att'y for Plaintiff, Gastonia. 4t-N 1 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND Under and Dy virtue of an or der of tiie Clerk ol Superior Court of Gaston County made in a special proceeding entitled 'J. A. Wilkins, Administrator of the Estate of Aaron Q. Webb vs Net less of the branch of servile, ar tie >i. Edwards, Frances E. John son et als", the undersigned com missioner will, on the 19th day of November, 1945 at 12:00 o'clock Noon at the Court House door in Gastonia, N. C-. offer for sale to the highest bidder those certain tracts of land lying and being in Crowders Mountain Township, Gaston County, North Carolina, hounded and described as follows, FIRST TRACT BEGINNING at a stone, Nettie Webb's corner, and runs with her line North 51-1-4 East 8-44 chains to a stone, her corner; thence South 9-1-2 East 5-b2 chains to^a stone; thence South 55 West 9.70 chains to a stone; thence North 3-3-4 East 5.80 chains to the BE GINNING containing 4 1-2 ac res, more or less. See Deed Book 139, Page 19«. SECOND TKAC1 Lying and being in said County, situated on the waters of Crow ders Creek, adjoining lands ol Mrs. Neil, Joseph lSitzer and oth ers: BEGINNING at a r> ck on Mrs. Neil’s line; thence along her line North 51-1-2 West 8 chains and 40 links to a dead Mulberry on the Southern bank of Crowders Creek, Mrs. Neil’s corner; thence up the various courses of the Creek (straight lines front corner to corner) North 83 West. 4 chains and 80 links (to Birch Bitzer’s corner) ; thence along his line South 40-1-2 Last 5.00 chains to a rock, his corner; thence along another line of his South 14-1-2 West 4.00 chains to a small Dog wood and rock, Bitzer s corner; thence South 51 East 4 chains and 75 lisks to a Sweet Gum in the brdhch; thence North 45 East 6 chains and 70 links to the BE GINNING, containing 5-1-8 acres. See Deed Book 34, Page 19. Excepting from this tract, how ever, approximately one-half acre conveyed to T. C. Wellman, as shown in Deed Book 212, Page 115. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit ten percent of his bid, as an ev idence of good faith. This 17th day ot October, 1945. J. A. WILKINS, 4t-N8 Commissioner NOTICE OF ELECTION AND NEW REGISTRATION IN CHER RY V1LLE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT, CHERRYVILLE TOWNSHIP, GASTON COUN TY, NORTH CAROLINA. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in Cherry ville Graded School District, Cher ryville Township, Gaston County, North Carolina, ambraced within the following boundaries: BE GINNING on the Lincoln-Gaston County line where said line cross es the North Carolina State High way No. 150 and runs west with said road to the road leading to St. Mark Church; thence with the said road in a southerly direction to Beaverdam Creek; thence up the said creek to the eastern line of S. Stroup; thence with the eastern line of S. Stroup to the line of Phillip Mauney lands; thence with the northern and western lines of the Phillip Mauney land to the Floyd Mau ney line; thence with the western line of Floyd Mauney to the John S. Stroup line; thence with the southern line of John S. Stroup to North Carolina State highway No. 274; thence with the line of the Fairview School District to the Cleveland County line; thence with the Cleveland-Gaston County line north to the Lipcoln ! County line; thence with the Lin coln-Gaston County line to the beginning, on Tuesday, the 27th day of November, 1945, for the purpose of voting a tax not ex ceeding 15c on each one hundred l dollars valuation on real estate and personal property situated within the above described boun dary to supplement the current expense fund so as to provide a more adequate program for ath letics, music, and band, and to purchase much needed equipment for the science laboratories. The polling place shall be the City Hall, in Cherryville, Gaston County, North Carolina. There shall be a new registration for said election, and Raymond Ran dall is hereby appointed regis trar, and R. F. Smith and W. Blaine Beam judges of the said election. The regestration books will be open at the City Hall, Cherry ville, North Carolina from Satur day, November 3, to and includ ing Saturday, November 17, 1945, and will be open on Saturday, 24th day of November, 1945, as challenge day, at the City Hall, Cherryville, North Carolina. The qualified voters voting in favor of said tax shall vote a bal lot on which shall be printed oi written the word “For Local Tax’’, and the qualified voters voting a gainst said tax shall vote a ballot on which is printed or written tlu words “Against Local Tax”. All by order of the Board of Commissioners of Gaston County, North Carolina, this the 25th day of October, f945. Attest: C. E. DENT, Clerk. R. L. STOWE, Chairman. 4t-N15 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. Avis Kokus, Plaintiff, Go urge Kokus, Lrtfendant. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, George Kokus, will take iu>tice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years’ separation, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is hereby required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., on the 30th. day of November, 1945 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or plain tiff will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 29th. day of October. 1945. EMMA CORNWELL, Assis tant Clerk Superior Court. ERNEST R. WARREN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 4t-N22 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY James W. Nash Ruby Nash IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE The defendant, Ruby Nash, wiP take notice that an action enti tled as above has been commenc ed against her in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, and _that the purpose o said action is to obtain an abso lute divorce from the bonds of matrimony. And the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action within 20 days after the 30th day of November, 1945 or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com This 26th day of October, 1945 Paul E. Monroe Clerk Of The Superior Court 4t-N22 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY, Phillip Loughridge, Plaintiff vs Edna Loughridge, Defendant IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been started in the Superior Court, for Gaston County, for divorce and the defendant will be requir ed within twenty days of the final publication of this notice on or before December 6, 1945 to ap pear before the clerk of the said court, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the court, for the relief, demanded in the complaint. This the 24th day of October, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of Superior Court O. A. WARREN, Attorney for plaintiff. 4t-N22 4T-N22 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Madolena Huffman, Plaintiff Vs. Monroe Huffman, Defendant NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been started in the superior court, for Gaston county, for di vorce and the defendant will be required within twenty days of the final publication of this no tice or before December 6, 1945 to appear before the clerk of the said court, and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plain tiff or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint. - This the 24th day of October, 1945. PAUL E. MONROE, Clerk of Superior Court. O. A. WARREN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 4t-N22 4t-N22. USE EAGLE ADS COMMISSIONERS9 SALE t By virtue of an order in the Superior Court in Special Pro ceeding entitled “Hattie L. Har dy et al. vs. Tom Cooper et al.’’ the undersigned Commissioner will sell at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., on the: 26th day of November, 1945 at 12 o’clock M. the following uescnbed real es tate: TRACT NO. 1: BEGINNING at a stake or stone on East Walnut Avenue in the City of Gastonia, (J., Sadler’s corner, and runs thence with Sadler’s line North i2 West 171 feet to a stone; thence South 78 West 42 feet to a stone; thence South 12 East 171 feet to a stone in the Nor thern margin of said East Walnut Avenue) thence along and with the North boundary of said Ave nue North 78 East 42 leet to the place of BEGINNING, and being the , identical premises men tioned and described in that cer tain deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Book 'Jo. 50, Page 112 from T. A. .lenry et uz., to J. A. Dixon. TRACT NO. 2: BEGINNING at the North side of Walnut Ave nue, Andfcrson Dixon’s corner and runs thence North 12 West with Anderson Dixon’s line 171 feet to the line of Lot No. 13; thence North 82 East with the line of Lot No. 13, 20 feet to the branch and Lot No. 4; Leonard Thomas’ line; thence with the meanders of the branch and Leo nard P. Thomas’ and Joseph J. Thomas’ and Joseph J. Thomas* lines to the North side of Walnut Avenue and Lot No. 1. Joseph J. Thomas’ corner; thence with the North side of Walnut Avenue North 82 East 40 feet to the BE GINNING, and being the same land conveyed by Mrs. R. A. Lat ta to Anderson Dixon and wife, Alice Dixon, being the same pre mises defined and described in a certain deed from Alice McClure to Sara Gardner by deed record ed in Book 438, Page 602 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Gaston County. Terms of sale: One-half cash on day of sale, balance January I, 1946, with the privilege of paying all cash on confirmation. This the 26th day of October, 1945. B. T. FALLS, Commissioner. 4t-N22 BOWEL CLEANING POWER OF INNF.R AID MEDICINE One man recently took INNER AID1 three days and said after ward that he never would have believed his body contained so much filthy substance. He says his stomach, intestines, bowels and whole system were so thor oughly cleansed that his constant headaches came to an end, several rim ply skin eruptions on his face1 'hied up overnight, and even the, ’■beumatic pains in his knee dis- < opr,eared. At present he is an al toe‘ther different man, feeling fine in every way. INNER-AID contains 12 Grea, Herbs; they cleanse bowels, deal •is from stomach, act on slug ish liver and kidneys. Miserable people soon feel different all over. So don’t go on suffering! Get ’NNER-AID. Sold by All Drug Stores herP in Gaston County. Lumber production for the first sixth months of the year was down 10.3 per cent as compared with the first half of 1944. 4-H’ERS TO RECEIVE $125,000 in AWARDS FOR TOP ’46 RE CORDS Rural boys and girls throughout America will receive $125,000 worth of honor awards this year for tneritorious achievements in 4-H Agricultural and home econo mics activities, the National Com mittee on Boys and Girls Club has announced. “These coveted awards, which comprise medals, Chicago Club Congress trips, U. S. Savings Bonds and college scholarships donated by public-spirited indivi duals and industrial organizations, have encouraged rural youth to achieve outstanding records in .production and conservation,” the announcement states. | “The 4-H Cluo activities in (which the awards are given, and their donors, are: National Achi evement - the President of the United States, and National Com mittee; National Leadership - H. A. Moses and Edward F. Wilson; Meat Animal - Thomas E. Wilson; Milk Production and Dairy Foods Demonstrations - Kraft; Victory Garden - Sears Roebuck Founda tion; Canning - Kerr Glass; Food Preparation - Servel; Soil Conser vation - Firestone; Farm Safety - General Motors; Better Methods - Educational Founda. tion; Field Crops and Frozen Foods - International Harvester; Dress Revue - American Viscose; Clothing Achievement - Spool Cot ton; Home Grounds Beautifica tion - Mrs. Charles R. Walgreen Pooltry Swift & Co., and Girls’ Record - Montgomery Ward.” “All these 4-H activities are conducted under the direction of the Extension Service of the State Agricultural College and U. S. Department of Agriculture co operating.” USE EAGLE ADS WOODMEN SET DISTRICT RALLY Piedmont Group Will Hold Meeting In Kannapolis Saturday, Nov. 3. KANNAPOLIS, Oct. 31.—The Piedmont district Woodmen ot the World will hold a meeting in Kannapolis next Saturday, No vember 3, it was announced by R. Frank Patterson, Kannapolis head consul. John Cochran, national WOW director, and Mrs. Harriet T. Don elon, national director of the Woodmen circle, will be featured speakers. Business sessions and a banquet will be held at the Kannapolis Y. M. 0. A. About 400 Woodmen and circle delegates from various towns in the Piedmont section ot North Carolina are expected to attend. Other fraternal leaders expect ed at Saturday’s meeting include ■ larh's A. Hines of Greensboro, national director; Nick Newberry of Charlotte, state manager ot W. O. W.; and Miss Blanch Kakin of Charlotte, state manager of the Woodmen circle. Judge Barington T. Hill ot Wadesboro, state head consul, will be toastmaster at the ban ATHLETES FOOT ITCH Slop It In 5 Minute* Successful Irealmenls must be more ihaa surface applications. Most remedies do not penetrate ■ufiesently. Requires a STRONG PENETRATING MOBILE liquid. Alcohol is VERY MOBILE. Ws suggest Te-ol. It contains 90%. REACHES MORE GERMS FASTER. Fee! it PENETRATE. Most druggists have the test site. Small supply just arrived at (dealer's name). ALLEN DRUG CO. Big j Assortment I INDIVIDUAL | Christmas I Cards Gibson Art - The Finest The Eagle DOUBLE CHECKING — OUR — GOLD STAR BOYS IF YOU HAVE A GOLD STAR IN YOUR WINDOW. TELL US If you have a GOLD STAR in your window give US full particulars; We, the American Home Front Society, wants the name of the man in question, togeth er with the name of his wife, his parents and his address. Also, we want you to tell us where he was working when he entered the service. Also the branch of the service he was in. PLEASE BE AS PROMPT AND AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE IN GIVING THIS I NFORMATI ON. THE AMERICAN HOME FRONT SOCIETY AN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS; WIVES AND WIDOWS.

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