I * In Social | Activities \ Society About People Parties, Clubs and News People You Know Sgt. Homer Smith and mother, Mrs John A. Smith of Charlotte spent Tuesday in town with re latives and friends. Miss Billy Beam of Durham is visiting her mother, Mrs. Eli Beam at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carpenter. Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Elliott will return tonight from Raleigh where they attended the State Baptist Convention this week. Mrs. Chrl Summer has been spending a few days in Wadesboro the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Wilkinson and Mr. Wilkin* Lt. Blain Dellinger stationed a: Jackonville, Florida spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. Ben Dellinger. Misses Martha and Janice Rich aids spent the week-end in Lawn dale, the guests of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Lt. Carol Dellinger left Sat urday for Great Falls, Montana after spending a two weeks fur lough with his mother, Mrs. J. Ben Dellinger. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Costner and little daughter <>f Laurinburg spent the week-end here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Costner. Mrs. Robert K. Carpenter spent the week-end in Greens boro .with her daughter, Miss Margaret Carpenter who is a student at Greensboro College. Pvt. Arnium Harrelson, son of Mrs. Lucy Harrelson arrived in (he states last Thursday. He has been in the service three and one half years. Messrs. Wade Homesly and Thomas Jenkins, of Washington, D. C. spent several days here this week with their parents. They are employed with the FBI in Wash ington. Ensign Lloyd L. Summer, Jr., returned home Wednesday night, after completing his course at St. Simon Island, Ga. He has been assigned to the Carrier Lake Champlain in New York and will report for duty November 29t.h Jimmie Reyolds, SIC who has been on the USS Missouri is home on a 24 day 'furlough. He spent several days in Cherryville the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stroup. At present he is visiting friends in Winston Salem. ISgt. Bill Beam has landed in s the states after three years in the < service. He spent thirty months in \ the Aleutian Islands and is now , in Lincoln, Nebraska^ He is ex- | pected to arrive home around Nov ember 21st. , . Mrs. Angus Tindall and daugh ter, Mary Beth arrived home Wed nesday from Hayesville where she spent the last two months with her grandmother Mrs. Iers assisted by her daughter, M-s. Payne, sei-ved a d- licious salad course to the following members: Mrs. H. H. Allen, J. I). Hobbs, J. B. Dellinger, Victor Stroup, D. A. Rudisill, W. F. Starnes, S. M. Butler, R. J. Morrison, J. W. Pay ne, and R. C. Sharpe. Mrs. R. R. Carpenter Entertains Friday Mrs. Robert R. Carpenter en tertained at a cake cutting at her home on Friday night in honor of her cousin, Miss Allie Sue Stroupe, whose marriage to D. Truman Southerland took place Saturday morning at 11:30 o’clock at Con cord Methodist church. After the rehearsal Frida;, night, the wedding party gathered at Mrs. Carpenter’s home, whicl was tastefully decorated with White and Yellow Chrysanthe mums. The bride-to-be cut the two-tiered wedding cake which was served to the guests with ice cream, coffee and salted nuts. Guests included the wedding party consisting pf Miss Allie Sue Stroupe, of Bessemer City and Wilmington, the bride-to-be, Mr V. Truman Southerland of Wil mington, Mr. and Mrs. John Tien ken, Mr. and Mrs. George Fred rick Tienken of Wilmington, Mr and Mrs. Charles K. Williams oi Kinston, Mr. William Kiser of Fay etteville, Mrs. Fred Stroupe of Bessemer City, and Miss Kather ine Weaver of Bessemer City. Mrs. Matthew A. Stroup and Mrs. Odus S. Neill assisted Mrs. Carpenter in serving. N-O-T-I-C-E The Eagle will be puhlishrf next Wednesday in order for the employees’ to observe Thanksgiv ing Day. The merchants are urged to have their copy for advertising in, not later than noon, Wednesday. Call all local news in early as possible. Mrs. Houser Hostess To Junior Bridge Club Mrs. W. H. Houser, Jr., charm ingly entertained the members of the Junior Bridge Club and in vited guests at i\ dessert bridge at her home on Wednesday ev j ening at 7 :30 o’clock. | The rooms were attractively I arranged with beautiful ehrvsan I chennuus and loses. Each table ! >eas centered with bud vases till i d with small ehrysuntemums. Afte several progressions in contract the high score prize went to Miss Marie Iluss and second higii to Mrs. W. P. Fitzlutgh.. Miss Lavinia Kudisill won the bin go prize. Those playing were: Mesdames F. 'M. Houser, Howard Houser, Dewey F. Beam, Crier Beam, Ho ward Robinson, T. A. Carter, Hil lard Harrelson, D. Hunter Rudi sill. Miss Marie Huss, Miss Lavin ia Kudisill, Mrs. Ben R. Kudisill, and Mrs. W. P. Fitdhugh. Visits Eagle Office Mrs. Monroe Randall and Mrs. Steel Allran attended “Open House" at the local school build ing today and were visitors at the Eagle Office where they saw their first printing press making a run. They were also very much interested in the Linotype ma chine, our type setting ’machine. Sgt. arid Mrs. Clyde Brown of Panama City, Florida, spent the week-end here visiting relative* and friends. S Sgt. Sniokev Dellinger will return to Cherryville today, al t"r spending the week at Carolina Beach with friends. He will re port back to camp Saturday. MISS SYBIL SISK LEAVES FOR HOME IN CONCORD FRIDAY Miss Sybil Sisk, Director of Religious Educatiin at the First Methodist church here for the past five months has resigned and will leave Friday for Concord where she will hi- at the home of her patents, Rev. and Mrs. B. A. Sisk. Miss Sisk plans to be married at an early date. She has made many friends while in Cherryville and it is with much regret that the Methodist, as wet] as the community lose this Chris tian worker. NOW PLAYING AT THE DIAL 4601 CHERRYVILLE. N. C. rHURS.-FRIDAY—2 DAYS STARTS L. S. SUN. NITE ' THE £ t&C - 4CZUC1 0 STORY OF THE GREAT | JOHN L. SULLIVAN I _and the women he \ J^avedi THE ^ GREAT JOHN L. Linda DARNELL. Barbara BRITTON and latrodwlnf ' Greg MrCLURE jglik is John l Sullivan PLUS jCOMEDY—Stepping Prett\ SAT —ONE DAY, Nov. 17 I Fed. Operator No. 99 (7) i 12:02 & MON.-TUES. — ! NOV. 1!) & 20 2 DAYS JERRY WALD • ScrMn Pley by Albert Ma,u AJeptetion by Marvin Borsweky • From « Book by Butterfield • Music by Franz Wsiman PLUS NEWS WEDNESDAY—NOV. 21 One DAY Only “EXPERIMENT PERILOUS” — With — HEDY LAMARR GEORGE BRENT PAUL LUCAS —PLUS— SALMON FISHING HI - HO RODEO JUNGLE RAIDER NO. 4 COMING SOON “Anchors Aweigh” “STATE FAIR” “Where Do We Go From Here” “WILD FIRE” (In Technicolor) ; STRAND * DIAL 4601 CHERRYVILLE, N. C. FRI.-SAT.-~NOV. 16 & 17 BANDIT TERROR SCOURGES THE WEST! A MASKED RIDER ROCKETS ACROSS THE RANGE! WRAtt+O** hot on the trail of daarii-daaliiig dnaaradeatl W' Columbia Picture wvw iujiui - vuiuic mun.tnj - iu.wmiiu wuiiimi and Spade Cooley, The King of Western Swing *•>- ^1- -. ^ ' -PLUS NEWS—CART.—SHORT PURPLE MONSTER No. 5 THE PHANTOM No. 4 MON.T-TUES. NOV. 19-20 DOUBLE SHOW Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's The/MIE GLORY 'SSSffFS* \ FEATURE NO. 2 I AUTRY IN IS GREATEST ( PKlUMPH! >ix-gun faction in | ridinisong- ■ ! filled hit! SMILEY BURNETTE FRANCES GRANT IIOHT CRUST DOUOHIOTS CLARA KIMBALL TOURB WED.-THURS., NOV. 21-22 DOUBLE FEATURE “The Rains Came” AND “Under Two Flags”