THE EAGLE Published Kvery Thursday is tbs interest of Cherryville ud surrounding Community. Entered as Second Class Mail matter August 18th, 1906, is the Post Office at Cherryville, N. C., under the Act of Congress March 3rd, 1879. mnwtt k HOUSER _Editor and Publisher MRS. CREOLA .HOUSER (Local and Society Editor) Telephones Office, 2101 — Resilence, 2501 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable in Advance One year_— Six months _ Four months _ Tliree months - 11,1* I - IT* ASY«r'Wi*e «epre»eeK -®£ AKD SSCfc jlX'T" PEOPLES f &, TODAY . tai TOMORROW By DON ROBINSON BILLS The other dav I !, of people discus i tolls. “I just hud a lew one won: < ■ ' l in would mo ; i d o you !• : e;U \ hut 3 "Don't talk to bills," said ano. b “Including denii have been ojiv 3; this year ! Of coo - care of rr.y ap; I. up-lit the U Mel-b , ill was Woman, ur bills ix opera tive dic tion and Job couple of new fore we're i I: • tors are gong last nickle of nor saving at once—-all wanting to give stances of how the, ha,1 b howled over, on one m eo -ion another, by th antotmt i.f u: : ad !■■■■ ■ “socializ (1 mm :i«-inc ar.if they suspected fi -!• i would ii ‘riiVir with medical in tigress, that it would make ir.t icinc •> pnfitu-nj football', as.d t! at ;t .would in general, he a had tin - fbt the l!ut they weir tinaniiiious in their opinion that so met dim shoml tv,, ■'one to take -ho fit ..mi al headache out of srekne W hen those present had all .11 a nam'd t,, • ,|u ; plaint ogainst ike im, i.ui- off ’hei • e!’( t •!. talk turned to possible solutions. One man wild was in the insurance business became the chief target of attack. “Why, ’ he was asked, “can’t the insurance companies is sue policies which really pro tect us ag'inst doctors’ hills so there won’t he any need for government insurance?” lie bepan explaining- u't various types of health, insii'-mep his company did i:. ne. Hut was stopped by a young man who said, “I hsui on - of those policies, but when I had stomach trouble and collected on it, the company said they wouldn't insure me any more. Your cmn any and all the others want to insure \vt II. people, but they won't take any chance. on those who are apt to be swk,’ The insurance man e.xplainia that insurance companies ha I t go in for that practice in < rde to keep tales down-—but that ex planation, although understand: able, didn't satisfy this grot.; who were seeking a better solut ion for the care of the sick through non-governmental chan RISK .... .plan “Here’s a possible answer,' an other member of the group said. “When I bought a home before the war I got a 00 per cent mort gage on it. No private organiza tion would have given such a large. mortgage on its- own—Inn this mortgage was guaranteed by the govV-i nroent. That is. Hi ■ transaction was handled hy a hank, hot it was (lone with the tuuiprstaitdmjr that if the bank lost nioitey on the loan tie government would pay the loss. “Why." lie asked, “couldn’t the same thing be worked out with in ; l h insurance? 1 can under stand why insurance companies, winch are in business for profit, i efuse to t ike poor risks. Itnt tt is the people who ate classify d as ‘poor risks’, who need the help I he most. So, instead of having direct government- insurance, pn I :ut the government and the in ui'ance companies could yet to gether, agree ni tin all-inclusive policy from h no one would be hatted, and issue it with the tin del-standing; that the govern ment. would make up f> r any losser incurred by eomp,anh-.s issuing that policy.’’ That plan seemed to meet with the imnedate approval of those who heard it. As far as they could see. it would answer the problem without putting the government di rectly into the insurance business. Periia s the exports could -••• why t'lic particular plan tni.r... ie imprat t i:il, but it liclj'i I ! is.-uic me that there i-s . c rPiir.P ■ ome sound answer which dot tot involve the direct socialr:, :it'n of medicine. In my opinion the majority Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you r bottle of Creomulsion with the un c r standing you must like the way it ouiekly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis succx in l!)2t) tneiv wa.- -an o\ > lire most brilliant eaucah 1 fOl" IhonS.iflUS Of illlfS Ini’ y me; l.-it a |• >in ui . • i' • ■ i inauguration a .i youug rif: fourth t ichest uyiyo-rgiti tj vvi Chicago : a 11 ut-i; 1 y v million dollars, l in yotnv-v n. CALLS I CR ATTACKS t in Chicago which aUractedg^ in die country. People canio^P in i ccasion. Aot a l'-ootbuil >\v. I\o, the occasion was the of thirty as president of the this Voumry; live . University iduwnieiit of seventy ni 10 v. be inaugurated as presi ■;h 'i . l'e t)r. am it on r i o i. 1: i 1 n lie . til ■raid Th’S wt:; ■ i c'hir.-s’ hau - . bitterly >.h nca c -d Doctor 1 i u tell hi. ing, then said quit is a waiter. But Loin it Maynard Hutchins, gi; it it from the late , * r: :c i pA of llar :< . Te' ; s, Doe toy Sandefer ■ 1‘at.h r of the new presi . "1 notice that one of the ok on your son today. , for young Doctor Hut *c e.itaclmd Ly the mwspa a .i nr 1 bif-wi hut hat! been t for i moment, think hat’s *rue. But remem ber, no ( • < Rememh -r !-;c,_s a dead dec.” t the net time senrteo ne attacks vou Tlie !:<••. 11 even the hiim ! iiiooln htiy above 11