Headquarters for Gorgeous Jewelry Nothing Is More Pevsonal Than A Cjift Of Jewelvy Dellingers Jewel In Social \ Activities | __i A Society"> About People Parties, Clubs and News People You Know Mi***, Miss Daphine Doster of Gibson i spent the week-end here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Falls. Mrs. G. T. Jarrett of Newton spent last Week here with her son, Mr. Roy Jarrett and Mrs. Jarrett. Dr. M^ A. Stroup of Washing ton, D. C. spent several days here last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stroup. student at Catawba College, Salisbury is home with her j mother, Mrs. Carl Summer for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mauney and son, David, of Atlanta, Ga., spent the week-end in Cherry ville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Forest O. David. Mi. David T. McClain, Mrs. Victor Stroup’s father of Ruth erfordton, is recuperating slowly after a iSeri j MUSIC\ BOYS 'TW SHORTS SCHOOL FOR MERRY MAID’S DAFFY DIPLOMATS SOLID SENDERS COMING WED. - THURS., DECEMBER 26-27 BIG DOUBLE SHOW and delightful i efreshments were served hy th hostesses. Full Gospel Church To Give Program The children of the Chevry ville Full Gospel Chorch will give a short play, “Getting Ready for Christinas”, Friday night at 7:30. A special Christinas program, hy the Young People, will be pre sented Sunday night at 8 o’clock. Everyone ia cordially Invited to come. BUY BONDS LOST—Ladies Black Leather change purse in or around Me* Ginnis Grocery Store, Wednes day. Contains money and four rings. Finder keep money and please mail or give the rings to Mrs. John H. Black, Cherryville. NOW PLAYING AT THE LESTER CHERRYVILLE, N. C. » /’ DIAL 4601 THURS.-FRl 2 DAYS | GARLAND “Roient WALKER ClEASON .V < N M PLUS SCREEN SNAPSHOTS sAT.—ONE DAY, DEC. 22 1 TO 11 P. M., Cont. FED. OPERATOR No. 99 STARTS LATE SHOW SUN. NITE 12:02 AND TWO DAYS — MONDAY-TUBS. PEGGY ANN GARNER ALLYN JOSLYN • MICHAEL BUNNE FAYE MARLOWE • MONA FREEMAN Directs by" Produced by GEORGE SEATON • WILLIAM PERLBERG A 20th Century-Fo» Picture • ,0 -PLUS MOVIETONE NEWS ONE DAY ONLY, DEC. 26 1 TO 11 P. M., Cont. gm mmmmmmrnam ■ —— BLIND DETECTIVE "DUNCAN MACLAtN" vs. THE 4-TIIKIE KILLER I KAT UJLLINb * r AUL LANUIUN; FRIDAY, Played by Himsolfi E ' ■ ■ •■-•»>*****.’ - v.-.-.-.v.-.-. .- : S