A (Sermon By Bishop A. P. Robinson “Th® Prince of Peace’’ Isaiah 9:6 "For unto ue a child is born, unto u„ a Son is given; and the govenment shall be upon His shoulder; and His nam® shall be called, Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, T’iie Prince of Peace." four cnristmaa days have come and gone since w® nave enjoyed one of Peace among the nations of the £lobe. In approaching the celebration of our Saviour's birth we should have our hear;* filled with gratitude to our Bless. BLACK’S PRESCRIPTION For COLDS and COUGHS Due to COLDS Don't Lose a Nights Sleep by Coughing. GET A BOTTLE OF BLACK’S PRESCRIPTION TODAY AT ANY DRUG STORE PRICE 35c ed Mastar that th*r« ha, bean a cessation of hostilities among- the major nations. It was a wonder ful achievement the United Nation* , have accomplished, be yond our dream, and recognized' as a feat staggering the imagma^ tion of the mind. Who is ablt? to measure the great and infinite? importance of such a tremendous military victory in defeating the greatest foes ever organized foi* aggresion, exploration a*id de. trudi>on in the history of -t world? As a civilized people let us not underestimate the success ful conquest of these hostile am. fierce enemies. Christmas on the day of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is here again in 1946 and in time for multiplied millions of solders and sailors to return in time to observe, in many nations around the world, (our I nation particularly,) this most ! event day. A world long in hot conflict, with every battle of the warrior with confused noise, and garments collect in blood,” has calmed. The Great Prince of Peace has made intervention and caused wars to cease to the ends of the world once more. What is the best lesson we have learned from all our victories? “This is That” we know this Chris’mas season the God, and Saviours of the old world are found to be no Gods at all and no Saviours. Adolf Hitler is not a Saviour! The emperor, of Ja pan with their Sun Worshipers and Shintorism are discredited i by a wiser knowledge of “The Prince ot Peace.” I We find that Budda, Moham med, Mahatmi, Ghandi, Haile ! Selasae, haw been shelved as leader, and redeemers and seldom are mentioned in the larger sense they had been be fore this great sha’keup and shakedown of all theroms and facts. We discover that Materialism is helpless to approach the divine understanding of things beauii ful, good and true. And we see that money is no good to deliver us from the terrible c&ndition, of hunger, famine, exposure, and ruin. Our God is ndt silver and gold and bras'* given by ben’s arts and devices.” It is going to take something moi« than money to pay the overwhelming debt of I $277,000,000,000 of a national debt. It is now the time to throw this plan of borrowing into re-1 serve and put our people to work j by the job to pay this debt. K the nation is wealthy enough to loan the government 20 billion dollars every three months, it is wealthy enough to pay it off at the same rate and tve are con fident someone in authority will use widsom In this matter while money is so easy and pay it off or reasonably reduce it! If we had prosperity by loan ing and spending it and thank God we did have prosperity! We know that we can have the same amount of prosperity by paying it back at the same rate. There should be a half, a turning back a Reversal of our debts. It will not take a slogan like grace, grit, and greenback; but it will take OBITUARY On November 30, 1945 the gentle spirit of Mrs. Mary Cath erine Leford Leonhardt passed to her eternal home after an di nes* of one day, and several years of declining health. Mrs. Leonhardt was the daugh ter of Jume, Ledford and Amue Hailey Leuford and was born August 12, 1800, her stay upon earth being 85 years, 3 months, and 18 days. In early girlhood she accepted Christ and beeame fe member of Bess’ Chapel Metho dist church, where she remained a faithful and loyal member until the end. In 1880 she waa united in mar riage with William L. Leonhardt. Mercy, justice and truth te save u* from a calamity! In conclusion, we affirm that “this is that”, God has taught us all other Saviours are gone; obviously, there is left standing erect and bold over all the ruin and devastions of the second World War only one God and Saviour, the Lord .Jesus Christ. He i„ the Prince of Peace and we can come to the world this Christmas season with the same salutuation we Heard at the nativity of the Prince of Peace, “Fear not; For behold I bring unto you good tiding* of great joy which shall be to all people, for unto you is bom this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.,, Oh, Glory to God in the hightest and on earth, peace, good will toward men”. The husband and three children, Mrs. Sallie Howell, Clarence K., and Lee J. Leonhardt preceded her in death. She is survived by four children Ramon L. and Dor aa Leonhardt and M s. Ed Led ford of this commit i,y, Mis. L. L. Willis of Vale. Surviving' also are Id grand-children anu 8 gr a itand-children, and one aisfei, Mrs. Francis Spake of Chase City, Virginia. A brother, John Ledford died several years ago. Mrs. Leonhardt had reached the ripe age of 85 years, and has fulfilled her destined mission as wife and mother. She was kind, sympathetic and understanding. She was a faithful wife, a devot ed mother and a loving grand mother. She was an inspiration to those who W'ere closely asso ciated with her. Her influence will be a precious memory in the lives of her relatives and friends. She has fought a good fight, she has kept the faith, she has finished her course; henceforth there is laid up for her a crown of righteousness. The family wishes to thank the neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and sym pathy shown them during the sieknes4 and death of this loved one, and also for the beautiful floral offering. May God bless each of you. Cotton Ginning Report To Dec. 1 Census report shows that 4817 bales of cotton were ginned in Gaston County, N. C., from the /crop of 19*5 prior to December 1st. as comparad with 6501 b 1 es for the crop of 1944. USE EAGLE ADS | W.W.V.V.V.WAViWW TERMITES RATS. ROACHES. BED BUGS. ANTS. & ETC. QUICKLY ELIMIN ATED at LOW COST Free inspection! and estimates EF I R D S Exterminating Co. PHONE 1663 Box 821 GASTONIA. N. C. ‘W/AVAWW.WWVWM ASK THOSE WE SERVE ABOUT CHARLOTTE, N. C. SPECIAL NOTICE I am agency for the Raw leigh Product* and have a nice Christmaa line. Anyone in need of any item Call 43S1 and I will be glad te make the Delivery. SYDNEY B. WEAVER I How women aW giris mky get wanted relief (rom^functiona^erlodl^ptin Cardul Is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought HIM from the cramp-like agony and oer roua strain or functional pertodio distress. Here's how it may knp: 1 Taken like a tqnta, it should stlmulaU ADDfltit9< Aid dsU* tlon,* thus help build re sistance tor the “ttnef’ to come. V m% Started 3 da ye be 1 mm lore "your time" It ft should help relieve / pain due to purely tone* ' tlonal periodic causes. Try Cardul. If It helps, you'd he glad you did. V CARPIJI H