I MERRY I I HAPPY CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR VoL. 40 (Published Every Thursday) CHKRRYVILLE, N. C. MUINJJAl, LmYfcMJttkK z-i, ~ r' g1 m-r-m ^1^11 f ■' Y . .YY' V ‘ ' The Employees Of The Eagle Wishes All A Merry Christmas L MEMORIAL BUILDING HERE Textile Mills Pay Bonus And Give I reals All Mills Closed Down Ai Six O-Clock Satur day Morning For The Christmas Holidays. RHYNE-HOUSEk f.iANur AC'i UiwNG CO. i tit- Uiij iH-.n i v Uiiij-any .1 n.iii. , NO, .1 ail., Li. . LU LlUVlil iil O VJv OU liivtlli LiilJ morning toi the . i..,, n amt win swi tu. UgUlM On i lliliMli,., i.. ,.,.1,^. . ll.ii'i l>oi -in., ... OlOU.A. al. rnn aiohuay, Ikct-iiii/tr „ •,. 11, l.ji.j, at 2. m i . iu., all Oi lilt I'lllj.lun-L. til iA.il, i..i.,.-., mfc ii.tW.ig .. gtl-LO genier ior c.\c.n....gi-.g v,.-. tcut.g. ...'mo Cl ...-m ...m io u ctt\t so in t guts 11 o in tin- i ini .11.1, t iiiL-111, i 11111 iil. api .1 ciation ior sl i vices iL'inimii uui ...g t-iic pas. war, a m. mole espeeiai.y Umi uinUnig smwce .-u .. .. , given an. during me u.a period, inns helping m.r eunu.iy win im greatest coiiiliet m the ftnrm s msiory. CAKE ION YAI\N IvilLLb iiie annual uu.m.ias pally given by the Carl Lon i am Aiills lor inch i ...pio:. ees >. ..s hem iaiA ,„,y mo, i. mg at tile dull housi. mie p.wgt.u.i . , , .a-,i ini in singing ot t nnsimas carols ale r which Kev. Cn orge L. Kiddle, pa stoi oi tile i ll i i'l'e.'-oyii-i uni i nuivh ui Cher ry villi* mai.t a oriel hut inspiring tail, on .he value oi Chi EmmMioia taii.s were matte by .Ur. S, Al. l-nub-r. All'. Al. E. beais, bi.permu hUei.t, mm ... r. ,„e i R. 1.... A bcautiiul red u..iin’i*ea y :i ban u.u j :w . :,K;i! lu .'u, Carl A. Kudisil 1 by members of C . w ... . a, . bantu t laus w as present .<> .. reel me » tpa.i on a a. present to tluni the 11 < -.. i of fru . ■ .be.-. ... .beautiful lace tu.ee.;.. .. i j. ... ,;C.it.. tiie men weia each'-pi : .. w,,! ,u;:; ; in The Ch;-i-tih.is bm ... .... , ... . , . ^ mvelopi.. wiikh v . e. ..f, , ,i. HOWELL MANUrkC'; LEA INC COf w-. ni i __ The Howell Aianu :.rii.; ■ for the C’hnstiiias Tio. :n.., ... ... ing and .will give the iyet.-. ! , .. December liih, for life v ., stun,. .,o..m They m id their anm. al Ci.i ..-tn.as ; ■ !- o- o'!; • party at ten o’clock ba.urclay more!; g at the ( . ;!, II,m. . . AH the lady employees received hartl-to get nylon host and the men received large bags of fruit, and nuts. The bonus was included in the payroll eh >ck. Many other gifts were exchanged between the Exec utive officials, the office force, Superintendent, overseers and others connected with the mill. DORA YARN MI LIS Tiie Dora Yafn Alill closed down for the Christmas Holidays at Six o’clock Saturday morning. Hon us checks were given to each employee on the payroll. Large bags ot Iruit, nuts, etc., were given to the eni] loyees with all the overseers,.superintend! m and the office force receiv a turkey ranging from 22 to 32 pounds. Alany oJier gifts were exchanged among the employees and officials. All this goes to make this holiday season one of the happiest peace time Christmas they have had. NU-WAY SPINNING COMPANY The Nu-Way Spinning Company held its annual Christmas party Saturday morning at 10:00 o’clock at the Nu-Way Club House, after closing the mill at 6:00 A. Al.. Saturday for the holidays. Air. W. K. Mauney, President, made a short Christ mas talk after which the children wore all given treats of candy and nuts. The lady employees were given nylon hose and tin men received baskets of special as sorted Florida fruits. LOCAL RED CROSS LAUDED BY CHAPTER j The local Red Cross Chapj ter has received a letter of praise from Mrs. R. L. San-1 born. Executive Secretary! for the splendid response j received from Cherry ville I in donations for gifts fc r j soldiers in the Moores Gen eral Hospital and Oteen j Hospital. One special gift mention ed was tho $100.00 sent from the First Methodist ^ Church which went to pur . > ;hase easy chairs for the • hospital patients. Other churches sent cash dona tions for records while oth ers sent packages and also cash donations The Cher ryville people really showed the Christmas spirit in their many gifts and donations. LT. JAMES L. BEAM HOME WITH DISCHARGE T.t. Janies L. Ram, Jr., is home an terminal leave. 11 ■ received hi., discharge on Recnnbcr Dili.' Lt. Beam has been ill lh - Navy for three and one-half years and has been stationed in Norfolk practically the entire time, Mn Beam, the former Miss Lola M e Stroup, who has been making in r home in Norfolk with !ic:r husband returner! homo with him. I.t Beam is the only s— of Mr. ard Mrs. Janies L. B. T 5 WILLIAM O ’ fisGER SETS HIS DISCHARGE T 5 William, C. Dehingor re ceived his disehai e n Deco her tth.. from ton Tnigg, 1! ■ arrived in th« r u*< *>n Novem ber 20th., after -n tiding thirty months overseas. He served in b >th the European and South Pacific. T 5 Dellinger has been in tbe service forty-two month1' He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dellinger and has accepted a position with Jarrotts Jewcly Shop as watchmaker. I D’S ] METHODIST CHURCH CilFURY V1L1.E, X. C. i Hear Fellow Church Members And Friends: \\ ii> n the Wise Men came to Jesus they presented unto him ! W’ii is; ge:d,- and trank incense, anti myrth. You will notice that the I first gift was gold. < aurch needs a gift of gold. You need not be told that our i Imile Mg nas b"en destroyed by fire. This you already know. W hat you want to know is how great is our need. The answer is i thirty-five thousand dollars (Sd5.000.0UA We had thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) insurance, seven do i. ml dollars (7,000.00) in Government bonds, and two thous and dollars ($2,000.00) rn building and loan. The architect from tin land of Church Extension told the members of the building i nti-ii:u- that if they could secure an additional thirty-£:ve thous a d nd: .rs ($3a.000.00) that they would have a reasonable cer j t;.«. !;. <>;' re placing the building and providing more adequate Sun ; day X-. ii ; jtvict'. 1 icily t.os is the picture of the need on the ; part ef i.dr Church for the g!£t of gold. We : i) m infers of tie- building committee would like for you | to fn ; i at tie enter upon the task of leading in the rebuilding of our l>. loved Church with humble spirits. Without your prayers and 1 whole fe.ii ted co-operation the task will be beyond us. We are : pioc. eding in the faith that we will all work together until once | again \w are walking down the aisle of our beaut/ful Church. If S we ki.otv pur l.ea>ts we want and must have your help. How much or how many dollars shall each one give? The ulti mate decision lests, of course, with the individual, We know, how ever, that we will all have to give and give until it hurts. If you have been carrying your part of the financial load of the Church you will do so in this, and by your doing so and carrying some of the load that will he neglected by someone else out Church 1 will o * • more be rowdy for our worship of our Heavenly Father. You can help if you will see some member of the building com mittee and not wait to bo solicited. We want to pay the bills as we go and we want to be hack in our Church by July 1, 1946. Re i mi i..f r we are counting on you to make some sacrifice in this mat* 'ef. • Tin; BUILDING COMMITTEE: I . WEIIUNT. Chairman : C. lULMESLEY, Secretary Hi I,LIARD HA R KELSON. Treasurer W. ft. BEAM i TR ' C YKPENTER M. IT HOYLE G. s I’.eii visit i-g his mother, Mrs. i E, P. Eaker i i Belmont and lvsi brother. Mi Roy Eaker in Flori 'da. pfc. Enker ha* been in the I r i s' if e for four and one-half soars, being one of the first Cherryville boys to be drafted. He spent twenty one months overseas in the European Theatre of War. Before he wa_ discharg ed here was staHoned at Camp JIucKall in the eastern part of the state. Lt. Cmdr. Robert J. Morrison UNSR Expected Home Lt. Commander Robert L Morrison. I1 SNR who has been stationed at Anacos tia Naval Air Base. Wash ington was released to inac tive duty on Dec. 21 and is expected home Christmas Day. Lt. Cmdr. Morrison is a son of Dr. and Mrs. R. J, Morrison here. Cpl. Heman Eaker Gets His Discharge Cpl. Heman Eaker has re turned home with his dis charge. He has been in the service for two and one half years. Cpl. Falser received his dis^pgrge from Greens boro on December Gth, where he was last staioned. Prior to being stationed at Greensboro he was station ed at Fort Benjamin Harri son, Indianapolis, Ind. Cpl. Eaker is a son of Mrs. Ed Eaker of Belmont and the late Mr. Eaker. His wife is the former Miss Bobbie Mc Iiiird. Cpl. and Mrs. Eaker will make their home in Bel , month where he will re sume his former duties with ihe Full Fashioned Hosiery Cafeteria. T 4 Robert D. Camp Good Conduct Medal T 4 Robert D. Camp was awarded the Good Conduct Medal for “Exemplary be haviour, efficiency and fid elity” in a ceremony at Ft. Jackson, S. C., on December 8, 1945. T 4 Camp is a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Camp. His wife is the for-| mer Miss Vera Quinn. For Soldiers Of World War Two Tryon Post No. 100 Membership Has An En rollment of Approximately 225. rl he Tryon Post No. 100 of the American Legion have taken seeps for the erection of a building suitable for a memorial to the soldiers of World War II. W. Blaine Beam, Post Commander announces that the local post has purchased a lot next to the ball park as the site for this memorial building. This lot which is 150 by 150 feet faces on North Pink and Church Streets and is considered co be a most attractive location. Although there are no definite plans as yet as to the size, construction, and plans for the building, members <>t the Legion are at work on this phase of the project, solicitations from the public will be made to finance the ? recti on of the Memorial Hall. Many communities all over the country are making similar plans so that a liv ing memorial can be made to those who served their coun try in the recent strife and it is w'ell that the Cherryville Post has undertaken such a project. The debt owed to the service men, many of whom gave their lives, ia one which the people of our great nation can never repay and the erection ol this Memorial Hall is one of the small things that the people of Cherryville? can do as a measure of their appreciation for the sacrifices and hardships which the men from this community endured during the war. Membership in the Tryon Post No. 100 has grown from approximately 80 to 225 in the last year and in«r« and more men are returing from the far corners of the earth. The proposed building will offer them a suitable place for meetings and it is hoped that the public will re -.pond whole heartedly in this plan. Watch the Eagle for further details as to wrhen solic tations w11! begin and also for construction details. Of lcials of the local Post are: Post Commander W. Blaine {(■am, ,1. U Campbell, Vice Commander; J. Cliff Stroup, Vice Commander; and Howard Davis, Adjutant. Read The Annual Christmas Greetings In This Issue Of The Eagie Those sending Christmas greetings through the col umns of the Eagle today are: Rhyne Houser Manu facturing Company, No. 1| and No. 2, mills, Dora Yarn Mills, Carlton Yarn Mills, Howell Manufacturing Com pany. Mauney Cotton Com pany, Mauney Gin and Feed Company, Gaston Bonded Warehouse, Town erf Cherryviile, Cheyryville Building and Loan Associ ation, Putnam Hardware Company, Galloway’s De partment Store, Kestef Groome Furniture Company, Western Auto Associate Store, McGinnis Brothers & Houser, Dixie Lumber Com pany Walter Houser Groc ery Store, Royal Cafe, W. N. McGinnis Grocery Store, Dixie Home Super Market, 1 he Ritz Cafe. Cherryviile Foundry Works, Costner Shoe Shop, Peoples Barber Shop, J. & B. Tire $ervice, L. C. McDowell, Long’s Metal Shop. Jarretts Jewel ry Shop, Hubs Barber Shop, Harrelson Company, Inc., Boggs Men’s Shop, Sanitary Market, Farmers Union Supply Company, Central Cafe, Ballard Brothers Grocery Store, Southern Bell Telphone Company, Elite Beauty Salon, Mar Jean Shoppe, Central Bowl ing Center, Sinclair Service Station, Nuway Grocery Store, Waldensian Bakery, Homesley Chevrolet Com pany’, Roy & Troy Grocery & Market, Sanitary Barber Shop, Allen Drug Company, Hugh Harrelson, Harold Waters, Coley Shoe Shop, Modern Dry Cleaners. Goldi ners Department Store, F. E. Davis, Upchurch De partment Store, Jones’ Jew elers, Peoples’ Dry Clean erh, Economy Home and Auto Store, Cherryville Ice & Fuel Co., Carpenter Fur niture & Undertaking, Cher ryville Nat’l. Bank, E. E. McDowell, Smith’s General Repair Service, Howell’s Ready-to-wear, N. B. Boy les Grocery Store, City Mar ket, Roses 5, 10 & 25c Store, G. C. McGinnis Gro cery, Moss Radio Service, Kiser Grocery Store, Dell ingers Jewel Store, J. C. Jenkins, Abernethys Shoe Shop, Cherryville-Hall Hard ware Co., Service Insurance Co.. Harrelson Table Sup ply Co., Allrans Flower Shop, Shell Service Sta tion, The Diner, Modernette Beauty Salon, D. J. W. Payne, Dr. F. M. Houser, Ur. E. S. Wehunt, Dr. Joe Pharr, Houser Drug Co., Sullivan Motor Co., Belk Matthews Co., Helms’ Store. Sgt. Fred O. Dellinger Get* Hi* Discharge Sgt. Fred O. Dellinger, discharged from Ft. Bragg Dellinger has returned home with his discharge. He wag discharged from Ft. Bragg on December 18th. Sgt. Dellinger has bfeen in the service for thirty two months and served over seas eighteen months. He was in the Pacific Theatre of War.