1 Washington,*' D. C. (NWNS). | -—Although many government of ficials have not yet made up their Blinds as to what disposal should be made of the atomic bomb, I there is a general feeling of re-1 lief here over the decision of Pres j Truman and Prime Minister Att lee to withhold, for the time be ing secret information about a tomic energy. ; 666 COLD PREPARATIONS LIQUID. TABLETS, SALVE, NOSE DROPS Caution use only as directed 1 warfare, what good reason would another nation have for want ing to know how to manufacture it? Aside from possible war use, t iher nations of course want in formation on the practical appli cation < f atom c encr^- m order that the; may dev* >■ > it fm m dustiial uses. lie.ids ot the three nations which share the seciel -ihe Unit-el S • Circat Britain and Canada—agree that j this information should be made j available to others—but not un Ml •■effective entoiceablu safe- , guards against it; usue foi be- j structivt purposes car In dews-( ed. ’ Warn, ;f tier. that time will co- h. n. body knows | Meanwhile our navy and air dice are planning extensive tests of the atomic bomb to find As for the bomb itself, It is the feeling of m*ny here that there is no logical reason for ever releasing the information. For, if it is agreed that the atomic bomb should never be used for all the answers regarding its effectiveness on water as well as land. It is believed that when the world is made fully aware of just what the bomb will do, every nation may realize that another war would mean world suicide. The derision of the Fold Mo tor company to join wth ^the other automobile companies and steel companies in fighting un ion demands for major wage m ieases is roundel ed h**’S to be the greatest blow struck against the unions since the war ended. The automobile unions had hign bopev that Fori would make sat isfactory wage adjustments which they could use as a club , forcing other automobile man ufacturers to do likewise But when Ford aligned itself with th rest of the industry, the unions were immediately put in the posi WE WISH YOU CHEER WE WISH YOU HAPPINESS WE WISH YOU THE MERRIEST AND MOST JOYFUL CHRISTMAS EVER Putman Hardware Co. JAMES L. PUTNAM, Jr., Owner THE BELLS RING OUT JOYFULLY OUR MES SAGE TO YOU THIS CHRISTMAS. MAY IT BE THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS YOU HAVE EVER HAD. HOUSER DRUG CO. tlon if having to fight against a unltad front. As a consequence, the strug gle between labor and manage ment has reached a state tanta mount to civil war, with even the experts unwilling to predict the outcome. More and more, it appears that the final solution will have to come from govern ment, since the split between industry leaders and labor lead ers seems to have reached an impasse too complicated to solve without intervention. It appears likely, for the first time in many years, that management is for once not going to give in and is going to demand that labor do a little “giving in’ for a change. Management apparently intends to insist that labor unions accept a lot more responsibility for j their acts than they have in the [past. Meanwhile, automobile pro duction may be paralyzed until a solution is found. I * * * As an answer to the housuing Shortage, the senate banking committee has asked congress to pass legislation making it possi ble for people to build small homes with a 5 per cent down payment. The proposed plan is to guarantee mortgages up to 95 per cent of the appraised value of small homes and to provide that mortgages be amortized ov er a period of 32 years with in-I terest limited to a maximum of 4 per cent. Under this plan a man could build a $5,000 home by making a down payment of $250 and menthly payments ox under $20. USE EAGLE ADS PIMPLES A RE UGLY! SAN-CURA HELPS GET RID OF THEM "ushI PlMPlSan'd BLACK5 HE AOS. try SA\-Cl'HA. the 4f.-year old medi cated. anti septic ointment. SAN-ri’KA hrinps quirk, merrit ul tt» 1T< H * IN’G SKIN, ECZEMA. MOT. T1KEU FEET, minor CUTS and BURNS Try it TOl'AY. (let Pennine SAN-Cl IU with the white and l» 1 • > JM os>s. 3o< or HOUSER DRUG CO. TERMITES RATS. ROACHES. BED BUGS. ANTS. & ETC. QUICKLY ELIMIN ATED at LOW COST Free inspections and estimates EF I R D S Exterminating Co. PHONE 1663 Box 821 GASTONIA. N. C. ASK THOSE WE SERVE ABOUT SPECIAL NOTICE^ 1 am agency for the Raw-1 leigh Products and have a nice* Christmas line. Anyone in j need ef any item Call 4351 j and I will be glad te make the* Delivery. SYDNEY B. WEAVER I athletes foot itch Stop It la S Minuta tree I mania maat be mere than aorfeee usUcalioei. Mart ramidin do net peuelraU ■aSeieaatlr. Require* a STRONG PENETRATING MOBILE • UqrtA. Alc.h.1 i. VERY MOBILE. *g miieit Te-el. It eonUina 90%. REACHES MORE GERMS FASTER. Feel it PENETRATE. Meet drufgieU have the teat aiae. Small Mipply ]eet anived at (dealer’a name). • ALLEN DRUG CO. m ' e Need a . LAXATIVE? ■lack-Draught I* l.Uaually prompt 2- Uaually thorough 3- Alwaya economical Southern Vets May Purchase Jeeps Southerh veterans of 'World War 11, who have been certified by the Smaller War Plant, Corp oration, will get thfefr prorata share of surplus jeeps currently being released, according to an announcement made today by id i eo Wilson, Regional DH-cU Office of Surplus Property. Coi sumer Goods Division, R. F. C. To obtain a jeep, the veteran residing in the state, of Alabama, i iloiida, Georgia. Miss ssilppi, North Carolina, South Carolina or Tennessee, will send his re-1 ouest to the Regional Office, 10b Pryor Btreet, N. E., Atlanta Georgia, with his certification given by the Smaller War Plants Corporation. These requests must be mailed not later than midnight, December 17, 1945. When all requests have re ceived in the Regional Office, a list of request, will be forwarded to the Central Office in Washing ^on, wherp ati allotment will be made to veterans an a nation-; wide baeie, eo that veteran, m t each state will be given a propor tionate number of vehicle*. . Prices on the jeepe will run as i follows: for 1943, 1944 and 1945 ! models, $695.00; 1942 models, | $695.00 and 1941 models, $598. These price, are based on vehicles in good mechanical condition, and deductions will be made to com pensate for replacement of miss ing parts, and estimated cost of labor required to make repairs. Sales will be in accordance with Reconstruction Finance Corporation sale, conditions. All sales will be made on an “as is” basic, f. o. b. point of lo cation. Every effort will be made to supply the vehicle from the point nearest the purchaser, Wil son stated. Smaller War Plants Corpora tion Certifications, sent by vet erans who are not successful m obtaining jeeps will be returned, he said, and successful purchasers will be asked to remit by certi fied check, cashier's check or postal money orders. ~_arinjart.rtViuMjeli.wu. Eddit—T’nt in a fix at school. I* rank— What’s trrong? Eddie—The Uacher told ms ta write more legible, and if I do She will find out I can’t spsll. BLACK’S PRESCRIPTION For COLDS and COUGHS Due to COLDS Don’t Lose a Nights Sleep by Coughing. GET A BOTTLE OF BLACK'S PRESCRIPTION TODAY AT ANY DRUG STORE PRICE 35c NO MATTER HOW WE TRY TO SAY IT, WE FIND i THE OLD FASHION WAY IS THE BEST. AVERY j MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL. j GALLOWAYS ! i THE BEST WISH WE CAN WISH YOU THIS VIC- j TORIOUS YEAR IS A j Merry, Merry Christmas j AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR i Kester-Groome Furniture Company