HOME FRONT HERESAY BY NOVELLA METCALF , This letter to “Santa” is copied from the December issue of "Cikritonian”, the monthly plant new- issued by and for em ployees oi the Carlton Mill Dear Santa Claus, Along about this time every year, all the children begin to write letters to you. They tell you how good they’ve been all year and then tell you what to bring them fcfr Christmas. I am not a child, Santa, and maybe I haven 11 been m good a, I could have I been, but I have a list of requests for you, plus a promise to be better next year. How’s that Pine. Now I’ll get down to tell ing you what I want for Christ mas. When I was a little girl I had a firm conviction that Santa Clause had eveTyth|ng in phat bag he carried on his bark, and would you believe it Santa, I still feel that way about you? Yes, I atilt believe in you and in your ability to bring us what we need. I do hope you have a weakness for flattery. And why not? For goodness sake cause you’re a Man, aren’t you? Now that I know I have your undivided at tention (or have I?,) I will get to my list in earnest. First of all 1 want you to bring u« wmething we can all .1 use and 1 do mean plenty of it. 1 Bring us tolerance. Santa Clause, i because wie need tolerance, Ito help us understand each other. ; And with the understanding we will gain wisdom to help us build a better world. You might bring a special parcel of tolerance to Stalin anl Molotov while you are i about it. You can deliver it to them in Russia and leave direct ion* with them to bring it along , to the next big conference with ; our leaders. This is a special re quest, Santa, and if you forget some of the other things, just be sure you don’t forget this one. Fill Presit Truman’s sock with what he need* most, Santa. That would be confidence of the , American people. You might add j the ability to make the right de cisions for us and for the good of the whole world. He is our leader . and the eyes of the entireworld are on him now. Also tell him to let Russia give him stage fright. Bting capital and Labor what it takes to make them see each other’s point. In fact Santa, it might be a good idea to bring them the same view point.if you could manage it. Now that would be something, wouldn t it. Don’t forget our service men,, either Santa, dear. Most of them . (at least the ones I know) are wanting those discharge pins- j You know the one* they call “Ruptured Ducks.’’ I hope you YUXETIDX “Let not one heart be sad today, May every child be glad and gay, God bless thy children, great and small, In lowly hut or castle hall, And may each soul keep festival At Christmastime. ” We wish all of our friends a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS ROY & TROY GROCERY & MARKET PHONE 2721 “Most Of The Best For The Least” iava « good supply of them onj land bo you’ll have enough to go1 iround. For the ones who don’t lave enough points for one as yet, you might bring some extra points. That would be appreci ited a lot not only by the service nen but by the mothers, wives ind sweethearts as well. _ I fed iure that being such a nice old fellow you will do all you can in bis respect. Don’t forget the gold Star nothers and the wives who have ost their loved ones in the war ust passed, Santa Clause. Bring bem the strength and courage bey need so badly. Be sure and bring Prancer and [Vancer as well as the rest of the ■eindeer to a full stop on the •oof of Mr. C. A. Rudisill’s house bis year. Reach away down in your bag and bring out a great jig package of health for Mr. Rudisill. That is a gift that all ol as here at the Carlton would like for him to have. We miss pirn very niucn and it ivould be i gift for every one at Carlton t.i pave him well and back with us 1V'ht beside the club housi where the Jarrell’s used to live you will find the home of oil' new suuperintendent, Mr. Seals Santa Clause, this will be hi; first Christmas, with us, so^ be sure and give him a real "Carl ton Christmas”. That goes for his family too. Little Mary Leslie Seals wants you to be sure and bring her a new doll buggy, bhe tells me her old one ha* the front broken. Mary Leslie is only three and like me, she has unbounded faith in you, so you’ll just have to come thru for US, wou 1 y°u • PEACE ON EARTH joyous * Christmas ★ Of far greater value than the most precious jewel or the most cost ly gift is happiness and peace of spirit. Could we wish more for you this Christmas season than its attainment? Foe your fine co operation and loyalty to us in 1945 you have our lasting gratitude. ' . Sanitary Barber Sbop (jnrlstmasjoy PEACE ON EARTH-GOOD WILL •••TOWARD ALL MEN--* Every holiday! has its significance, but none can compare with Christmas. It is the one time of the year when self-seek ing gives way to selflessness, and all are united in one common attitude oi good wiil towards our fellowmen. j Our entire personnel joins in wish ing Christmas joy to those whom we have served, and to others as well. Accept our sincere thanks for the privilege of being of help in making ’ ^ 0 truiy merry HOMESLEY CHEVROLET COMPANY We here at the Carlton have already had a swell pre-iChrist mas gift in having Mon Randall come back to work with us. But Santa, I wish you would bring Mon a new collection of jokes and wise cracks, that is, if you can find any he doesn’t already know. He’d appreciate them 1 betchal Don’t forget the folks a* the club house, Santa Clause. Bring Mrs. Stroup what she want, most, and Dear Santa, right now what she wants most is that her prec ious Father be restored to his usual health. He is seriously ill in Memorial Hospital in Char lotte. Remember Jean, too. A. far as I know she wants a sailor right now. Be generous to “Thad” Short also as he i, always gener ous with every one else. Being such a such fellow I feel sure that he will be satisfied with what ever you bring him. Santa, bring Bence her “Mike'' home for Christmas. If you do that I feel sure she won’t care iwhether you bring anything else lor not. As for my other sister “Deed”, I think nothing would suit her better than another hai to add to her collection. The gidd ier the better. She loves those out landish hats. Truly she does, Santa. Just ask anybody! Sant* igno « a'l th s_- letter* you will gee trorn girls asking you to bring them Van Johnson. | Take my advice and bring him to Libby Garrison. Why? Because she is our expert on the livee of Movie Stan. She know* them all from reading everything on the subject she can find. That’s why I think she should get that “dream boat", . Van Johnson. Don’t you agree, Mr. Nicholas? You might bring Mrs. Pearle Henkle two more hands, Santa Clause. Of course she already has two and the additional ones might make her look a little queer and rather like a Chinese idol. But then, think how convenient they would be when about twenty of us go in the lunch room, all demanding service at the same time. Also, she could knit her soldier sons , Glenn and Howard, sweaters at the same time. That would be something! Seriously Santa, do remember the little girl who came to the Clubhouse and asked Mrs. Stroup if there “really were’’ no Santa Clause. Be so good to her that her faith will be restored. I know and you do too that there is a Fanta Clause. What do?s it mat'tr that when we are children we •hink of Santa Clause as a jolly fat man with white whiskers in a red suit or whether (when we are older.) we know him as the Spirit of Christmas? What ever form you may take it’s all one and the same. As long as there i* Goodness. Kindness and Love in this world there will be a Santa Clause. A iiiur a g SPIRIT OF CHRISTMASi^jgi| OUR FOREFATtfiR# | celebrated Christmas sometimes under the m greatest of difficulties, to say nothing of A danger. Today, in warm, lighted homes we A welcome the arrival of Yuletide, without A thought of those early hardships. It might S make our Christmas a little happier, our X hearts a little more thankful, to take thought X •f these things. X lm tho rovoromt opirlt of thlt gloriool tomtom A wo mow with oath and tvary omo of yoo S tho doop fay* which omly HWifa** mm krima A Allen Drug Co. j long about ttoa mlddla of Decem ber when you get that feeling that you should have had all year when you love everybody and you want to make every body happy and we tell everyone we have the "Christmas Spirit , that U to me, just plain old San ta Clause. You agree with me too, don’t you Santa? You see to one who believes, you can be recognized what ever form you may take. And 1 Believe! I guess you are wondering what I am wanting for myself, Santa. Well if my own soldier I is home (and I think he will be) you can Just pass me by this I year. But if I nad only one more wish it would be that you will remember all the little children all over the world. You are known by different name, in different countries. So whether you are known as Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, Kriss Kringle or plain Santa Clause call on every one, everywhere this year. If yojj can’t bring everything we all want, Santa, I feel sure that be ing the wise old man you are, you will at least try to bring us what we need. So, until Christmas Eve when you will breeze around the variou. chimneys, I will say what people usually say when closing a letter to Santa Clause. 4Cour, (not so little) fnend. Novella Metcalf ■ Oiir WASHINGTON REPORTER Congressman Whittington tes tified before a recent Senate Committee hearing that when ever there is a reservoir con structed the Federal Government is authorized to lease the land ... and one-fifth of the amount realized from the leasing goes in to the road and school program • • • Maj. Gen. T. M. Robins, Deputy Chief of Engineer* has testified on the subject of river anl harbor development that: “The authorised river and har bor and floofi control projects contained m the supplemental estimate (just approved - ed) are widely distributed throughout the United State, and are great ly needed by the country from the standpoint of economic re turns and social benefits.'’ • • • Starting as many river and harbor and flood control projects as soon a, possible and pushing them to a rapid conclusion, is an essential element in the Nation’s reconversion program, according to the testimony of Maj. Gen. T. M. Robins, Deputy Chief ot Engineers before a recent session of a Senate Committee. I BRIN«IN<* BEST 1 WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO OLD FRIENDS AND NEW We are quite old-fashioned over here — old-fashioned enough to know that to merit the confidence of the entire community every transaction we make must rest upon the solid foundation of full value given. May good old-fashioned Christ mas cheer brighten for you the hours of this glorious Yuletide season. Coley Shoe Shop HAROLD WATERS Best Wishes For The Holiday Season And A Prosperous 1946 HUGH HARRELSON We are glad to be at home again and wish for each of you a Very MERRY CHRISTMAS and the HAP PIEST NEW YEAR EVER. Beginning January 1, we will be back again with the Waldensian Bakery And will make every possible effort to Supply your Needs. We Appreciate your Patronage and will be HAPPY TO SERVE YOU. HAROLD WATERS HUGH HARRELSON DIAL 3111 DIAL 3741