SOCIETY NEWS _ Girls Auxiliary Has Christmas Program The Junior Girls ' Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church ob aerved their Christmas Program at the Church Tuuesday P. M. December 18th. The Program opened with the G. A. Watchword, Allegiance and Prayer. This was followed by the Scripture Readings of the Bible of Jesus by Joan Carpenter and Eline PaTker. , Prayer by Mrs. Herbert Hick son. “Meaning of Christmas” as a contest of words was played with Christmas Greetings and pencils. “The Shining Star”- a story was told by Mrs. E. S. Elliott. “The Magic Christmas Tree ’ was told by Mrs. Herbert Hick son. The meeting closed with a chain of sentence Prayers. Re freshments were served to the following: Eline Parker, Joan Car penter, Nellie Sue Russ, Norma Jean Morrow, Mary Ruth Black, Frankie and Sue Dellinger, Shir ley Allen, Carolyn Humphries. Melva Faye Humphries. Geraldine Sneed,; Hickson and Elliott. __ Intermediate Girls’ Missionary Program The Intermediate Girls’ Auxi liary of the First Baptst Church had their Christma* Missonary Program at the home of Mrs. E. S. Elliotts’ on Thursday evening December 13th. Mrs. Odell Dell inger had charge of the program of Christmas songs and stories. During the business session the following were elected for 1946: President — Dorothy Allen Vice President—Juanita Mor row. Secretary — Patricia Beam Treasurer — Betty Jean Huss. Other officers and committees , will be appointed later. At the close of the business ; session all of the girls gathered j in around a lovely Christmas tree and enjoyed drawing num bers for Christmas gifts. This was followed by refreshments being served in Christmas pack ages in keeping with the holiday season. Those present were: Lynn DURING THIS HAPPY SEA SON, WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR SINCERE THANKS TO YOU FOR YOUR PATRO NAGE AND WISH YOU A Very Merry Christmas McGinnis Brothers and I louser Beam, Patriqia Beam, EJeamor Walker, Martha Taylor, Betty Jean Husa, Juanita Morrow, Carolyn Pruitt, Patsy Carpen ter, Ollie Mayhue, Jean Aderholt. Shirley Brooks, Dmrothy Ailten, Joan London, Daphine Dale, Mary Grace Reynolds, Pauline Sneed, Mesdames, E. S3- Elliott, Mary London, and Odell Dell inger. Sunbeams Has Christmas Program Sunbeams of the First Baptist Churuch had their Christmas Pro gram at the church Monday P. M. 2:30 P. M., December 17th. Mrs. Lester Goins and Mrs. For rest Black had charge of the pro gram which consisted of Christ mas stories and songs. At the close of the program, lovely Christmas fruit, and candy were seiwed to those present.. Hostesses for this meeting were the Sunbeams Counselors, Mes d a rues Jack Dale, Lester Goins and Forrest Black. Mr. Vernon Ford who has been ill for several day, is slowly lin ing. Mrs. E. C. Sullivan, Sr. spent the week-enl in Forest City, fhe guest of her daughter, Mrs. W ill iarn Elliott and Dr. Elliott. Miss Gertie Tillman spent the week-end here the guest of her brother, Mr. Everette Tillman and Mrs. Tillman. ^tterrg This is the season of good will, and, looking down the long list of names of those who have shown their good will towards us in 1945, we come to yours. We want to thank you for this good will on your part, and to send just the friend liest of wishes for your happiness and cheer at Christmastime. WALTER HOUSER GROCERY STORE SEASON’S GREETINGS TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS WE SEND OUR WARMEST GREETINGS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS FOR A VERY HAPPY YULETIDE HOLIDAY. MAY YOU EN JOY THE FULL BEAUTY OF THIS MOST JOYOUS SEASON. Dixie Lumber Company Miss Carolyn Halstead who has been in school at Mars Hi£ College since last June, ha* ar rived home to spend the holidays with h«(r parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Halstead. Sgt. Robert Stroup, Miss Loy Stroup and Mis, Carolyn Hal stead made a business t/rip to Charlotte Friday. They report that Christmas shopping the most active for years and that stockB are depleted to the lowest point possible. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zept anti little daughter, Nola Ann, of Baltimore have arrived to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Zept’, mother, Mrs. YV. B. Put nun. Th* many friends h*r* of Mrs. Heman Hall will b* glad to know that her father, Mr. E. L. Craw ford, of Gastonia who has been in the Mayo Hospital, Rochester Minn., underwent a successful operation Thursday and is get ting along as well as could be ex pected. Mrs. Hal> is in Rochester with her father. Henry Yarborough, son of Mj^ and Mrs. Thomas D. Yarborou* of Gastonia, who has been in school at Cherryville and stay ing with his grandmother, Mis. W. G. Stroup, has gone home to spend the Christmas holidays i with his parents. I I MAY WE TAKE THIS OPPOR- § TUNITY TO WISH YOU AND 1 YOUR FAMILY A MERRY ^ 1 CHRISTMAS I ROYAL CAFE if & MANY CHANCES TO COME IN FARMING Now that the war is over, many changes in farm production in North Carolina will be necess ary . if heavy losses, similar to those suffered after the last war, are to avoided, says the sycty seventh annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station, recently released by Director I*. D. Baver. The report cite, the 30 per cent increase in peanut acreage as compared witfi pre-war years as a good example of what has taken place in many phases of crop production. The acreage devoted to tract, crops has been increased by about one-half. The increase in hen* and pullets has been bean considerably more than 50 per cent, and indication* now point to a large surplus of eggs and poultry meat during the coming year. “Tobacco grower* should be on the alert for ways of increasing the quality of the crop and of re ducing production costs,” the re port suggests. “This holds true not only for tobacco but also for all crops and livestock prcifcta. Every eligible farmer should file his AAA performance report and sign an application bfore the New Year. The 1945 domestic crop of i tobacco is the largest on record, or about 60 million pounds more I than last year. Jr TOWERING ABOVE A CARE-BOUND WORLD IS THE CAREFREE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. INDEPENDENT OF TIME, INDEPENDENT OF PLACE, INDEPENDENT OF CIRCUMSTANCE. IT EMBRACES ALL. NONE CAN ESCAPE ITS MAGIC SPELL FOR YOUR MANY EVIDENCES OP GOOD WILL IN I94E WE SINCERELY THANK YOU. W. N. McGinnis Grocery Store A MERRY ' CHRISTMAS THE FRIENDSHIP AND PATRONAGE YOU HAVE ACCORDED US ARE WORTHY IN DEED OF OUR MOST HEARTY AND SINCERE THANKS. MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BE A HAPPY ONE