CHARLEYS CORNER Charlie Coggins Tot Dellinger Road Cherryville, N. C. Res. Phone. 6661 Lots for Sale on South Depot Street. Five Beautiful Lots on Bates Avenue, now ready to !«> 3 room House and 9 Lots, size 215 front, 196x210 foot deep. All wooded area. Priced cheap. 10 acres of Land, 6 1*2 miles out, large modern built chicken house with water and lights on good sand -day road. A nice new large 4 room j House on Mary’s Grove Road, bath, hardwood floors, tile kitchen and bath plas tered walls. A nice 4 room House on Mary’s Grove Road. Excell ent location, with bath. | j A beautiful new 5 room' House on 2 acre plot, pic ture windows, hardwood floors, tile kitchen and bath, i Located on Bates Avenue j Extension. A nice 4 room House 1 1-2 miles out with all town con veniences. Practically new. Choice town House and Lot for sale. First house on S. Jacob St. beside Amoco Service Station. 6 rooms, bath, hall, large porches, brick smoke house. Excell ent repair. Lot size 75 x 121. Landscaping and Seeding Lawns - building Septic Tanks, and Hauling Dirt. Service with a Smile. For complete information see Charles W. Coggins or call 6661 and I’ll see you. WATT’S BICYCLE SHOP is now located under the v.'herryville Meu’s Shop, for merly occupied by Rays ihoe Shop. New and used Bicycles, tf For Sale - 7 room house with bath on Bates Ave., close in, good location. Reason for selling - house is too large. See HENRY CARPEN TER, or Dial 9105 tf CLOSEOUT SALE USED RECORDS 5c Each CROUSE GROCERY Crouse, N. C. hT&T TELEVISION REPAIR Phone 6794 For Prompt & Professional Service on your TV, Radio, or Special Equipment. Call Kenneth Sigmon I«ay: 6794 Night: 6038 Call Ben Hawkins Day: 6794 Night: 6854 We also Pick-Up & Deliver TUBES CHECKED FREE TP WANTED—Neat appear ing Man or Woman, 25 to 50 years of age, with car and good education for Special type Route work in Cherry ville. Write Box 312, Kings Mountain, N. C. “ A1NT1NG-— PAINTING For your PAINTING Ne«d». „ or call JACK W. BEAM, route, N C„ R-l. Phone CW ’Title 665S_“ LET JACK RABBIT develop your KODAK FILM Leave Them At NEWTON’S v MUSIC SHOP WhM you nood wnwthhn from tho Drug Storo, rtmember our name and number I We call for your I prescriptions and \ deliver the medicines at no extra charge! HOUSER DRUG ISENHOUR T. V. SERVICE LOCAL HEADQUARTERS FOR SYLVANIA PICTURE TUBES and RECEIVING TUBES l Alliance Tenrta-Rotors Top Quality Parts for TV and RADIO FASTER SERVICE LOWER SERVICE CHARGES Phone 6016 MARY’S GROVE ROAD DAYBERRY'S Shoe Shop and Paint Store Shoe Repairing Laces> Polish, Work Shoes, Dog Collars name imprinted, Keys Made While You Wait, Sherwin Williams Paints PHONE 9168 , We Give S. & H. Green Stamps MIDOLEBROOKS JEWELERS 105 W. Main St. Cherryville, N. C. For Expei 1 Watch - J Clock & Jewelry I Repair. tf WIRING REPAIRING For Your Residential Wiring and Repair Call Me At Lincolnton RE-5-2629 BILL COSTNER HOUSE MOVING GEO. D. BEAM House Moving Co. Free Estimates Tel. 6311 P. O. Box 604 Cherryville N. C. FRESH EGGS AT UPCHURCH FEED & SEED STORE PHONE 9101 Jewelry PHONE 9/07 -airtb FOI* ALL OCCASIONS" "GIFTS .HAT LAST" DELLINGER'S JEWEL SHOP Featuring One of The Moat Complete Stocks of Watches, Diamonds & Wedding Rings Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing - Engraving & Diamond Setting At Moderate World’s Famous Makes of Sterling Silver Flatware, China, Crystal and Gifts All Worn 107 E. Main St. Guaranteed Cherry ville, 1*. C. BRING YOUR WASHING TO THE Washerette S. Oak Street i Phone 6742 Res. 44SI JARRETT’S RADIO and TELEVISION SHOP IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Let Us Repair Your Television or Radio We do it right at reasonable cost. Your Business will be greatly appreciated. Jarrett’s Radio and Television Shop FOR SALE-6 room House with bath, two miles out on George Hallman road. J. P* Hartman house. Can be seen by contacting Jim Sherrill at Sher rill’s Service Station & Garage on E. Main St., Phone 5832. FOR RENT — Store Building 25 x 85 with 40 x 85 side parking lot on North Mountain Street. PHONE 6151. 4t-J26 FOLKS- Let our ex perienced men pour your floors, walks & drive ways. Free esti mates. DEDMOND TRANSIT CONCRETE MIX CO. P. O. Box 1146 Shelby, N. C. 12-2P-0O FOR SALK — Oat Straw and Wheat Straw. Also Lespedeza Seed. J. D. McLURD. Crouse, X. C. 2t-J 1'9-pd To Relieve Misery of 0^660 When You Need A - PLUMBER For New Or Repair Work CALL W. D. BEAM 2061 - Waco All Our Work Guaranteed We Have State License. tf. FOR SALE Small wood working Shop, consisting of Craftsman machinery namely: Circular Saw Jointer Shaper Grinder Drill Press Wood Lathe Cut-Off Saw Sander Mortiser Jig Saw Electric Drill Many hand tools and other items. SEE J. DEAN STYERS Administrator Estate of W. J T. Styers Phone 6836 Cherryville- N. C. TF FOR sale Ml RENT—4 room House with hot water on Highway 150. See FRANC WRIGHT, 405 Weaver St. 4t-JlS _ FOR WEII. FORINT, and 20 I inch casing furbished. $2.00 per foot. All work guaranteed, 5 years experience. Prompt service. C. E. SETZER, Catawba, N. C. Pho',e Collect 2921 or 2927 4t-F23-pd FOR SALE — New Perfetvion Oil Stove, table top in a A-l condition. Priced for quick sale. Call 5842. Cherrvville, N. C. 3t-J19-p BIGELOW - SANFORD and FIRTH Carpets Expertly installed by a certified carpet mechanic as recommenced by the Carpet Laying Institute. Call or write us tor samples and pricet. No obligation, of course. Perry Furniture & Carpet Co. SHELBY, N. C. DIAL 7426 CHERRYVILLE ICE & FUEL CO. SINCE 1920 Kerosene — Fuel Oil — Motor Oil Gasoline & Grease — Warm Morning Heaters — PHONE 6861 CHERRYVILLE ICE & FUEL CO. QUALITY — SERVICE — APPRECIATION BEAM BROTHERS Day Phone 6775 Night 6840 Bulldozing Digging Basements Septic Tanks Grading Yards HAULING GRAVEL, SAND, TOPSOIL AND DIRT H. L Beam, Jr. Donald Beam 4t-J26 j WANTED — Home Keeper to j attend to two children. Parents | work at night. MRS. DAISY i FARMER, 310 W. Main St., Cher ryville. N. C. ltpd ! NODELAY IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION i We can now give you^ j “Next Week” Instal lation on * Insulation j * Weatherstripping | * Storm Windows j I and Doors. * Other Home Im-j provements. Highest Quality Lowest Prices Easiest Terms NORMAN HARRIS & SON ! SHELBY, N. C. jPhor.-s: 2-1407 and I 8073 OATS FOB ^ALE—John Will Stroupe near Farnsworth Store, South of Oherryville. 2t-J19-p LOANS Quick Confidential SEE Paul H.McGinnis AT I City Loan AND Finance Corp. Telephone 6650 101 S. MTN. ST Cherryville, N. C. | YOUR HOME TOO! ; EVEN IF you are careful | and watchful of your home, j there are many place* where fire can start. I CARE helps to prevent fire | but Insurance pays for the j fire ydu cannot prevent! In sure your home adequately to prevent financial ios*. HEMAM R HALL — Rhone 4111 — | 115 S- Mountain Street CHERRYVILLE. N. C. SINCE 1919 Serving Cherryville with Quality Petroli um Products. CALL 6361 or 5533 Let US Fill your Fuel Tanks NOW with that Clean Burning Cities Service FUEL OIL AND KEROSENE Accommodating SERVICE NATIONAL OIL CO., Inc. Cherryville, N. C. E. r Sellers M CHERRYVILLE NURSERY THE BEST IN ORNAMENTAL PLANTS SHADE & FLOWERING TREES Lawns » A Specialty HDWELL STRDUP OWNER W. HWY. ISO. CHERRYVILLE. N. C. BATTERIES $9.95 Exchange Auto Batteries Guaranteed 12 Mo. Don't Push — Call Us 6421 Erskin Wimberlys Western Auto Assoc. Store FOR SALE-Nice 5 room House on 102 E. Ballard St. Recently remodeled at cost of $2,300, electric water heater, shower in bath on lot 74 ft. front, 175 ft .deep. Contact MR. OSCAR DEVINE at same address. ltp FOR SALE—One used Coronet, practically new. In case. If inter ested please see M1RS. ESSIE NEIL. It-p BABY SITTER—I am looking for a baby sitter and a full time house keeper. If interested get in touch with HILTON JENNINGS, Rhyne Houser No. 2, 701 South Maple Street. ltpd FRIEL QUINN M "O HOUSER PINES DAVIS TIRES $13.49 Plus Tax - Recapable Tires 6:70 s 15 WEARWELL DON’T TAKE CHANCES WITH UNSAFE TIRES • SEE ERSKIN WIMBERLY - WHERE ONLY $1.50 WEEKLY WILL PUT A nEW' TIRE ON YOUR CAR. Erskin Wimberlys Western Auto Assoc. Store FOR RENT — Six room] House, newly decorated both and out. All modern conveniences. Call 9282 or 9231. TF j The Bid on the Methodist Parsonage of the Old Cher ryville Circuit, located on Highway No. 182, 1 mile west of North Brook No. 1 School, will be held open until January 28th. The bid stands at present at $3,675. It must be raised 5% each tin.e. l'ha lop tutfder is Mr. i.ddn? fttiello-is. It LOOK TO HOTPONT FOR THE FINEST FIRST HOTPOINT HOTPOINT HOTPOINT HOTPOINT HOTPOINT HOTPOINT ■OTPOINT FIRESTONE HOME & AUTG SUPPLY W. W. Beam Cherryville, N. C. Nwe Residential in Pines, 100 x 166 ft PHONE S788 Day and 5584 Night 4tF9pd BEEF for your freez er. Will #ell on foot or dressed, ready for the deep freeze. Stall fed. JIM SHERRILL, at Main Street Service Station. lt-pd WANTED—PISTOliS. Anyone who has any pistols for sale, bring them to People’s Barber Shop on January 26th and 27th. A man will he there to buy them. ltpd 1955 Model Tappan Electric Range On Display At The Farmers Union Hardware MASONARY CONTRACTOR All kinds Brick, Con crete, Block and Tile Work. Oon-re^e Porches Drive Ways—Walk Ways-Basements, etc PHONE 6165 Requay Street North H. CARL BEAM 4tJ2t> WANTED TO BUY — Pair of Matsd Mare Mules, about 1000 each. No trader need apply. Have plenty of Straw for sale. \Y. (!. Moss, 150 Highway East, 3 miles of Oherryville. Telephone 5177. ;H>126Jpd HEADQUARTERS FOR V - BELTS and PLANET JUNIOR GASOLINE GARDEN TRACTOR Farmers Union Hardware CUSTOM MADE PICTURE FRAMES Frames for Prints, Diplo mas, Photographs, Mirrors, Coats of Arms, etc. Prices range from $1.00 up. SHERRILL CRANFORD Phone 9427 2t-Jl9-^>ri K0!t SALE — Lespedeaa, Oat and Wheat Hay and also Leape deza Seed. See ('. C. HOUSER, one mile north of Crouse. 2tJ19p Now RCA VICTOR TELEVISION brings you top value... peak performance... at every price level. See the greatest values in the history of RCA Victor Television! No matter which model you choose ... no matter how much you pay ... you can be sure of getting famous RCA Victor de pendability and quality. Fran top-performing new 17 inch table models to big-screen 21 inch TV and even 24-inch television masterpieces, RCA Victor’s the value! vSSQgfrx Come in todayl NOTE TO DEALER; Furnish your newspaper "C" sire patch ! of any of the following RCA Victor set* MODKL NUMKR j 175450 215521 17S451 21S522 21S501 215623 ! 21S502 21S525 21S503 21553* 21S504 215637 21S505 21554* 21S506 245529 21S517 245531 21S518 >45532 21S519 w H» "U-OMr'' Mm-Wl vmH' picture contrail wMi ultaMirfNIit md dark tona tafoty glau ... tadodlrf to oR Dot too 4 lowest priced RCA Victor nK. Maw VW M« 59% proof or roadobitttyl POR UHf—Now f Hmi fokor toon p_ hcMvc -Outdi Action- 1 twRdi to and from VHP. C area, UHF and VHP. (0 I FIRESTONE Home & Auto Supply 500 E. Main St. Phone 6032 W. W. Beam Chenyviile, N .C.