PRINTING Dial Day 6752 Dial Night 6866 THE EAGLE 'vwmv.’i VOLUME FIFTY (Published Every Wednesday) Cherryville, N. C. NUMBER EIGHT BOY SCOUT FUND DRIVE a*********** ****«,**•>********* ****** THIS WEEK * ■■ * * * * ***********"■ ROTARY CLUB COMMEMORATES GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY IN 1955 ************************** *** i* *****♦*.■♦ * * * * * * * * * * * ********** CHERRYVILLE PC A STOCKHOLDERS TO MEET THURSDAY 24th. T. D. Guriev At The American Local Chairman Le9'®n Hut Here T. D. Gyrley, local chairman, announc-d today that the Cherry \,;ll“ Pot ary. Club was joining in with more than 8,400 other citie. in HO countries of the world in commemorating the 50th anniver sary of the founding of Rotary The birthday of thus world-wide fellowship of business and pro fessional executives was cele brated today by the local Rotary flub at their weekly dinner meei i::sr at Beam’s Inn. A MAN’S LONELINESS LED TO ROTARY IDEA PAUL HARRIS, Founder Herbert J. Taylor President of Rotary International Evanston, 111.—A great adven ture in friendship grew out of the loneliness of a man who had few close friend*. 'rtie man was Paul Harris. He founded a fellowship -hat now flourishes around t*he world. It is known as Notary International. Harris was 06, a lawyer and a liacfcetor when a plan for orgaaiz ed eansaraderie began to revolve is fiv* siind 50 years ago. Ho was a small-town fellow in a big fit'- Born in Racine. Wis„ asd reared in Wallingford, \ t.. he vend to the University of Iowa l aw School, roamed through thd Unit ad States and Europe for five years, then settled in Chicago. SEE*? SOLUTION He had business friends but they were not soc ul triends. He wondered why they eouldn * he botli and discussed the problem with three clients who also were comparative strangers ip Chicago. Oi the night of Feb. 20. 1905. ♦ he four men met in the small of fice of Gustavus Loehr, a mining engineer, in the Unity Building on Chicago’s Loop. The oithers were Silvester Schiele, a coal merchant, .ionJnued on Page 4) The 21st annual meeting of the I stockholders of the Cherryville | Production Credit Association will be held at Cherryville, N. C., j Thursday, February 24, 1955 ! at 10:00 o’clock in the American i Legion Building; according; to an anouncsemont. made by .lohn K. Tyson, secretary-treasurer of the association. In addition to hearing the re | port on the year's operations, and electing two directors for the coming year, .members, will be given an accumulative report on 21 years of service by their as sociation. Mr. James A. Rogers, Director l of Public Relations, Coke: V Pedi greed Seed Company will he the principal speaker. Mir. Rogers is one of the best informed men in southern agriculture and sure \vi.. deliver a timely a:: :■ informative message. “The Cherryville Association, which makes short-term agricul tural loans to farmers jn Gaston. Cleveland, Lincoln. Rutherford. Polk, Burke and McDowell < par ties, is steadily broadening its credit services, and we expect an unusually large attendance ,.f members and guests. Ladies are especially invited." Secretary Ty son said. Stanley A. Lai! Laid To Last Rest Funeral -services were he’d for Stanley Ambrose 1-aii. 77. on Tues uay afternoon at 3:30 o’clock At the First Baptist Church with the pastor, Rev. K- S. EHiott, officiat ing, assisted by Rev. Waldo 'Mul len. pastor of the Second Baptist Church and Rev. Guy Walker, pasi to, of the Temple Baptist Church in Gastonia. The Choir sans: "There will be no Disappointment in Heaven” and -‘Shall W.e Gather at the Riv er". A Solo. "Sunrise Tomor row-’ was rendered Hv Mrs. R. T. .McGinnis. Active palLbearei so:;-; Marl Bail, Key is.. I.ail. Jimmie Mail, Biiiy and Shorty Patterson. Powers were in c ha rye Hubert Hickson and Mr Huss with the members riett- Mellow C! Sunday Class serving as flower . ~I)er M -dames McGinn'. . Del’ Skill. ( arpi Ku.ii, diick *1 Clyde 31 Mr, 187K. l. H.-i; Ralph Kelly H Baxter Beam. Roy Carpenter. Littlejohn. D Water, K.iker. H. Kus T. * rch X. R. ’. Hi., -. Wal lin! Wa Hi Xe: ■ ;! * Dell Beam'! id: Flora Me nda Norton. I.ail was horn Octoos- 25. in Burke County ar.d mov ed to Cherryville 36 year- ago. He was employed at the Khyne Houser X'o. 1 mill and was the oldest employee at the time of his retirement ten years ago. Mr. I.ail worked at. the Rhyne-Houser for 28 years. He was married to Miss Mand-ie Jar Ledford and to this union were horn five children Virsrie A i in a I.ail died at the age of 2 and 1-2 ye«rs. Mr. Mail died Sunday evening about t>:30 o'clock, following an .illness of three yedrs. He had been seriously i'l for the past two months having suffered a stroke on Christmas Day. Surviving are his wife and for.’ children John 1 lii of Gastonia; Ruffin Mail, Junius I.ail and Mrs. Eva Rogers, all of Cherryville. Abo surviving are one brother, J. P. I jail of Drexal and two sisters. Mrs. Roxanna Wilson of Lincoln ton and Mrs. Sam Whistnant of Lawndale. The body was laid to rest in the New Memorial Cemetery under a mound of beautiful flowers. World Day Of Prayer At First Presbyterian Friday At 7:30 P. M. VI! churches of our town are : vited to attend the “World Day : of l'rayer” to be obseived at the i First Presbyterian Church on Fi day, February 25th at 7:30. This World Day of Prayer is sponsored by tlve United Church ; Women, and is for all the churches in town, j ITie program is to he given by I the Women of the Presbyterian I Church. Everyone is asked to j make plans to attend this service , for prayer. FIRST 1955 CHERRY TREE PLANTED Y.-.-cerday, the entire nation celebrated the birthday of ■aoorac V a. famous. Yesterday in Cherryvihe. a group composed of E. V. M my of t.ii? Village Garden Club; Mrs. D. R. Mauney, Jr., chairman of CKerr; vilb City Schools; and Howell Stronpe. owner of the Cherryviil ■ Nurery. ; set o.ut the first flowering- Cherry tree of 1955. The ( herviHi* Xur.-ery will continue to set out trees the -it or rt-t.uest of those who have ordered trees. Select the spot in which you w tie,.: with some s.-r. of red streamer. When the nurseivman arrives at Co: at home, he can -• II plant your tree in its proper place. The Garden C. particular ,rcr win,; it is'set out. T.h of , wci'injr Cherry trees is not closed, however. Them .. • . -a . •• nitty. Place your order to-day with any member of m. th. perron who first mode f h rr\\ o ; Mrs. Raleigh J. P. Tree Month: henton l,. I.a>on, S thi red oh thy i hi ■;.will. ilp_h Sen hu.t you The Garden Chib v .-h e and there u. >• . driv the \ iilagc G.irden Cl the cherry tree tnam. president o Canc-e.s ami Methodist Church Plans For Four Evangelistic Rallies in March last Rites !Sc!J W. R. Carpenter Funeral •• were held for ! William i.ufus i a'i pentcr. vs. Kri i <i.:y mcirning at !! O'clock at St. j John's Lutheran i "h.irch. Rev. \V. J ii. Cobb, a .former pastor, offici ated, assisted by Rev. Rufus ' rthbert.son, pastor of the Christ | Lutheran Church in Stanly. Active )>all bearers were select 'i from the Men's Bible Class of ! St. John's Lutheran church and i the flower hearers were members ; of the Missionary Society, assist j ed by friends of the family. Burial was made in the family j plot in the Lutheran cemetery. I Mr. Carpenter died at home I near Stanley Wednesday, Kehrtt | iy 10th, about i o'clock foilow I bug a serious illness of only a few 'ays, However, he had been in de* ! (lining health for the past two [ He is survived by his second I wife. Airs. Essie Ilulfstetler Cal' ! penler, two sisters. Mrs. Espife !' onk of Dallas and Mrs. Sallie * Garrett of King’s Mountain, h andchildren. His only two ohil ; 'dren, Mrs. Perry London and ! Fitzhugh Carpenter preceded him : in death. HAS BEEN EAGLE READER 1 FOR FORTY-EIGHT YEARS ' Mrs. Andy P. Meade, the for , pier Hiss Carrie Bellamy, wa. a pleasant visitor in our office this eek, and informed us that she b is been reading tin Baglfc for I s' years, and Hill enjoys the pa per very much each week. PHARR HAS BEEN EAGLE READER FOR 28 YEARS Dr. Joe Pharr, who practices his profession of Denistry here, informed us that he has been an | Fugle reader for the past, twenty i eight, years. | He stated he came to Cherry ville 28 years and subscribed for ' the paper and has been a regular subscriber ever since. Board of evangelism of p.t oils: chuiv.n :s making nlan. i'l.iu: !•: aiigelistie Rail'll • So he beid a: f ' illegO OVC].' < on fee, ' t> l.^h s'ten .1. H t Toil and lij.-, eabi o stre-.-Ing tho visa! import a!' Rallies. of the importan: Kvang< .isiic liai rth .Methodist Chijrch in I Charlotte tor tile Ca-toma and ! Charlotte Districts. This meeting i w;. 1 10 A. M. and t ile I *-i IHiliit'.on will he |i; ououilced at . 1'. M. The featured speakers are Dr. C Krnest Thomas raid Bishop lC ten .1. li.u'vH. !)••. .1. Clay .'.it.d'-on. pres ich nt of the Board o: evangelism. will presale. Dili - er will be served by the host Bishop Costen .1 present a timely r.vaiigeiism and Dr ■ on the top e, lire Siim i-me Task". Ka Aniierilltelldem will l:iceil extension in ll A mimeographed repot wir; he jut Sente I. Dr. 1 Harrell will Thomas will evangelism. Cavil District District. Those expected to attend the Kvangeli.stie Rallies in iheir own (ovalities are leaders of tile i hunch. Church School, Superin tendents, Assistant Buperintend w ■ nf Memoership l n Dvation, members of the Commission on Mt mbership and evangelism. t> : ! • .if \\ S C. Prwi de (Is of Youth bellow-tups, the l ha ge Lav evader-., 'he Chair . f the Oil'ivial Board, the ( irvif Leader. . and the pastors. Graveside Service Turnmire Infant i eiraveside .-ivvicea tor the tn ! faut of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turn mi re who was born a*t the Shelby Hospita . last Oiursday night-were held Saturday after noon at .'{ o'clock at Mt. Zion Baptist Church with the pastor, Rev. P. A. Hicks officiating. Garden Club Give 40 Cherry Trees Town of Cherryvilie Give 20 frees Ground - Breaking Ceremony Planned For March 1st. li'roand I>)f :ik ; u .!’.!<•.* far tlic it*\v Miaiii lpa! B.ntiditur . 1 inir of}' North Mountain Str> et near the Old Band Stand .-itv, Thd Mayor. M'r. E- V. Moss and a. town official*, toyothor with city Oiirnitarhs from sturm'd' r , dies and ail : he rontrartoi - w; h\ pre File all to 1 • p:i tint.- a .1 day after: rot lia v invited licii.cmtHO trie I\ M.. o.. Tiles March l.-t. Nuway Club To Have Bazaar Saturday The Xirway Woman’s Cta'a will spouse: a Bine" l’aity and Bazaar a’ the (..lib House nil Saturday. February offth. besrinninp' at 5 o'clock." Como out and brinir the family, enjoy a ireful hotdoir. c dd .link, hambureer or piect of pie. a ad may a found .of Binyo. Home made cakes' be on Services At First Methodist Church i The Keverenu ill'. Choke, Fac tor of First. Methodist (hutch, will continue the series of mess are on "What Methodists Be . and will have as tin morn ;:i subject: "Wli.r We Believe About The Christian Experience”. .-Vt seven o'clock, thet service will he based on Acts 8 with the sub ject: “A Sample of t'ersonal Work”. All the unchurched will find a warm welcome at these services. H.yhw >'r:v,'r V.V'a rvT 1 . a-i. ■■! v T.V V.aa- -liJ.-iic-:: < -s 1 ■ , X !< ■ • '. i. r. - • , .1, >f :-I" Ua■« I'..; .a: a- , :y., ■■■ - 1 T r i yv X ■■ a •.ran-.a •' the Sh.-.i.y H ay. froin .w' ~;.'y ■ W u‘ eca'i.-t ■ . it. : ' sbert ' CHERRY TREES SOLD TiiiS WEEK: Tw-.y , ■ ; > ■ - m UfC’yr i her-ye lit Public *tr*> «:s- - 5 w‘eying i ivitii-. rhii. - i '•.irti-.iirht • ■ -yv let *- Ci ■ - ■! ritrht Mr a:, i MF. M. Foster - >!■ :i■ 11! tVr A'.'ai i-v Houser • i woi-i inig Mr. art.. Mil-'. I . i'. Si:..iaiore - i nii'ight Mr. a , '! X I.. Sc! ■ - 1 tj> iil’ht \! . Nv'vc ia He ten if ! upright. Mrs. Pi-iir Camp - l upright ! A New Jersey Experiment Sta j tion scientist discovert! strepto High School PTA To Meet March 4 The- High School PTA will meet on Friday night, 'March Hh at 8 o’clock at the Starnes Aud&tor Kcv. George L. Riddle, Director of Civil Defense for the T-own of Che.rryville has. secured the ser vices of Mr. H. C. Nicholson, Dep uty Director of Civil Defense, who is thoroughly informed on all pha.-es of Civil Defense to bring a message. Mr. Nicholson was oorn in .Murfreesboro and educated at the North Carolina State College with BS in Education. He was Director j for the Safety Service program for Atlanta. Ga.. American' Nat ional Red Cross from 1937 to 1941. Served in the United Stat es Navy from 1! to 40 an Welfare and Recreation Officer. Eeild Rep resentative for American National Red Cross in Safety Services from 48 to 50. and is now Deputy Di rector in charge of Training for North Carolina Council of Civil Defense. This is a very important meet- ; ing and every member is urged to ! attend. The meeting has been set I at 8 o’clock in order not to con- | ftict with other meetings | West School PTA j To Meet Masdi8 i The West School PTA will meet i r Tuesday, March 8, at 7:39: c io.ik. at the bhwise. j The Rev. Jack H. Cooke will nave ‘he devotions. He will also be the e.sf speaker. All/ parents are mged to attend this meeting. At-i te: drain- prizes will he given. St. Johns Lutheran Church To Observe The Lenten Season .John'.- Lutheran will observe th- Lenten i n'iri n n i n g .. i f h w o \ sh i p whi •> i* A-h \V* d \i-h-. a; 7 The U ;>! ram for i >:u! M.- !ii i ii •xlei Wear.€* Evening* Theme: ”Th- Lord' f a n’-'rinir 7 - Fift i; ary” !. ;'ii i.i m in i.i a i.' Sunday Nlgnif 7:30 O'eloiT VlrVLKhhn 11 Kvehai jpi *>; i\ !’. iji rl'inilii h Kxfhanj H. If lh. L,,<»iy Weeii tfa.t. A "til 4 ■ Aim L Tin V. ' Out; «1J|\ A Mi ll r, T'..i!.v ir'c i ,'fc.l I Prayt f wdav A*rii : a.-. 6- *ii ■ ’Ihrist - its lament” (A'hliii'ii-'tratii'ii m i 'In- !' Eaiti-r Sunday April loth rvifi . "The Li«lit From : li, 0|K*:.i Tomb” y.-j-vko: ‘‘The Passion of 'brisit Its V.ito ,, . R cloy lespedcza nlants, which arc Oi.'ii United free by the' N. C. V.' :'r-' Rftsoujcfs Commission, irov-ii food for ouail and tab J. L Fraley, Jr. Local Chairman J. L. Fraley, Jr., has been ap pointed local chairman of the Boy Scout Fund Drive conduct ed this week to support ‘.he worJf of the Piedmont Council of Boy Scouts of America. Cherryville has four active Boy Scout 'Proo-ps, with approximately 125 Boy Scout members. Troop No. 1 is sponsored by St. John's Lutheran Brotherhood with Howard Davis as Scout Master and Norman C. Warlick, Assistant Scout Master. Troop N(.. II is sponsored by the men of the First- Presbyterian Church with Rev. George L. Rid dle serving as Scout Master. Troop No. Ill is .sponsored by the Rota.a .Club, with Howell Strode a R. .it .Master. Troop NY. !Y is sponsored hy the Canton Men’s Club. K, C. Williams Scout Master, Committees* have been appoint ed and the drive is already mtder way. Be ready to help the Boy Scouts when you are called upon. Funeral Service Held Sunday For. Dorus J. Mauney Funeral service for* Dorus J. Mauney, 7(1, was held Sunday af ternoon. at 3:80 o’clock at the Firsk.j^actisit Church with ‘he pee for. Hew B. S-. EBio-tt. officiating, assisted by Rev George L. Ritf die. pastor of the First Presby terian Church. The choir sang: “What A Friend We Have In Jesus’, “Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me” and “A ide With Me”. Active pallbearers werv: 1’obY y Srhroncf, Carl Dellinger, Hoyle Dt:’inert . Clegg Heafner, Tn y run .tei and Ralph Self. Flowers were in charge of Mb *■’. .y ii Lewis with members of t. ■' ila. : McDowell Sunday Scho 1 , * ia.'.-'. r.ssis-ted by friends of f i : amhy. st i-ving a.-, flower heart-■ •••. Mi. Mauney was born July i, • ■ f ( leyi land County-. i i • . ml his family, mov- I •* . ry v'dU* and he Strew up l ... He was a textile wort , ■ ■ d vi-ked at tie old Cast* i :..,J : • tie Line of his retire ■ ■ ■■ * r\s ago be was work - t»j. . : th>. Nuwr.v Spin rilin' Com •a.: v. He was married to Mias 'LL:,-, .Crowder M’av 13, bllMt and -h:- was boro one da'Mgb . Ft he)' Reece Mauney. YP- Mauney died Saturday a.eH.i: s: at- 7 1.- at the Shell y '■ i 'a. • « re h ! ad been a i-s• fo th< ■ a - . veuti'Cn da; .- . '. i -,\ inp: Milfert -I ictb-r i:or‘-elliMa.e u- to rest in the f'ii I in he ran (. ent* .. .* d ol Ivautif. I J; \ ’ fleeting At Church Of Cod REV. E. W. HOLUriELD The Revival Meet it e held at the Chnn-h of (foil on Raet Main Street isstill . progress. ji* end in sight. It'-v. jv. W. Ilollitield is tile pastor ami Rvaiigetist Vir gil Caldwell is doing the preach ing. The services are being held each evening at 7:(»(» o’clock -vyitJ* good singing each evening. Come out and en.iov the blessings of the L •:;! a.-:.

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