TO SANTA LETTERS Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl seven yean •Id in the second grade. Mrs Ho vis is my teacher. I want yot to bring me a doll baby, candj and apples and oranges. I hav< a little brother five years old. H< wants a gun and holsters, candy apples and oranges. Don’t for get my big brother. Rachel Carpenter, Dallas, N. C., Route 1, Box 332. Dear Santa Claus: We l-ove you very much. 1 Built to go plates Tra-Valet br cflmEO A sturdy, smartly tai'orr 1 toilet kit in your choice of fine leathers. Large capac ity, Wide opening. Wash able piaStic lining. An ideal traveling companion. $5.00 to $10.00 MIDDLEBROOKS JEWELERS Phone 5671 West Main Street Cherryvitle, N. C. JOY THEATRE Kings Mtn., N. C. if our Cinemascope Theatre There’s More Fun At The Movies Late Shows Every Mon.-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. F riday-Saturday Double Feature JOHN WAYNE in “HONDO” Also Johnny Weissmuller “Devil Goddess’ PLUS CARTOON Late Show Sat. Night Also Showing Mon., Tues., Wed. Ray Milland, Joan Collins, Farley Granger in “The Girl In The Red Velvet Swing” Cinemascope — Technicolor PLUS LATEST NEWS want you to bring .me a Zylaphone , and some nuts, and candy. My little brother wants a gun and a tricycle and I want you to help your self to something to cat. Ponola and Jimmy Self, Route 1, Cherryville. Dear Santa Claus: t I am a little girl in the second ' grade. I try hard to make good ! grades. I love my teacher very much. I want you to bring me a tiny tear doll and a surprize toy. Some candy, fruit and nuts. Don’t forget the other girls and boys. Your friend, Carol Hallman. Dear Santa Claus; My name is Cindy Sabetlie. I am four years old. I live at 412 North Pine Street across from Mrs. Baber’s house. I waved at you today at the pretty parade. I eat my food and drink my milk every day. T go to Sunday School every Sunday. _ I am quiet in churuch. I am going to take my offering to Sunbeams for boys and girls for Jesus. Please bring me a thing to make pies with, a little stove with pots and pans and a little type writer with money in it so I can play store. Also bring a new red dress for my Red Riding Hood doll. ’ v Remember to come to my house and to Jennie Lynn’s house and all the other children’s houses. Bye, Cindy Sabettie. Dear Santa Claus: My name is Kathie Jane Lack ey. I am four years old. I have [ 'KINGS MOUNTAIN BESSEMER CITY DRIVE-IN THEATRE ALL NIGHT SHOW Friday and Saturday 6 BIG FEATURES | FEATURE NO. 1 "The Last Outpost" \ RONALD REAGAN* RHONDOA FLEMING FEATURE NO. 2 "Pony Express' CHARLTON HESTON j RHONDOA FLEMING j FEATURE NO. 2 ReapThe Wild Wind ' JOHN WAYNE SUSAN HAYWARD FEATURE NO. 4 The Bridges At Tokio-Ri” WILLIAM HOLDEN GRACE KELLY FEATURE NO. 5 "Rear Window" JAMES STEWART GRACE KELLY FEATURE NO. 6 "Jack Slade” MARK STEVENS NoflCE ! On Saturday Night these Features will be Reversed. been a good little girl. Please bring me a doll with clothes and a crib, a pink baton, a nice tea set and a surprise. Please be nice to- the other lit | tie boys and girls. hank you, Kathie Jane Lackey MEN’S SUITS Bring your old suit that you can’t use and trade it in for one of our beautiful newj Suits. Liberal allow ance on old Suit. Harrelson, Co., Inc. THE LESTER THEATRE “The Family Theatre Where Friends Meet4 Thursday & Friday "The View From Popeys Head" “-and she learned the truth—Her husband was a NEGRO—" SATURDAY Double Feature "The White Witch Doctor" and — "City of Bad Men' CARTOON — SERIAL Monday & Tuesday j Top Gun' With j STERLING HAYDEN j Action - Thrills - Excitement [ CARTOON & COMEDY j _ NEXT Wed., Thurs., & Fri. AUD1E MURPHY j — in — "To Hell and Bade"! TOPS IN ENTERTAIN- : MENT OF THE YEAR j notTce'! Watch next weeks Eagle for startling an-l nouncement a b o u t j I ALL WEEK i SHOWS: 1-3-5-7-9 WEBB STARTS SUNDAY VAN JOHNSON DEBORAH KERR in END OF THE AFFAIR” DOTY'S MEN'S SHOP IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GIFTS FOR MEN IN CHERRYVILLE VISIT OUR SHOP FOR STYLE AND PRICES Don't Forget To Register For Your "Hearts Desire" Drawing Saturday,.Dec. 24, at 2 - You don't have to be present to win. — Name will be posted on window. DOTY'S MEN'S SHOP JAMES DOTY, MANAGER JUST IN TIME For Santa Loads and loads of brand new merchan dise just arrived espe cially for Christmas. FOR THE LADIES; Hose Slips Blouses Skirts Bags P antes Sweaters Suits Coats Dresses Bermuda Shorts Pajamas Gownr Bras Housecoats Lounging Sets Toppers FOR THE MEN j Socks by Interwoven' Ties by Wembley 1 Dobbs Hats Mark Twain Shirts j Paris Belts Higgins Slacks English Sportcoats | Ranfair Topcoats Pajamas Block Sport Shirts Bud Berma Sport Shirts Griffin Suits Sweaters FOR THE BOY Tom Sawyer Boy’s Wear Shirts Pants Suits Sportcoats Socks FOR THE GIRLS Sweaters Skirts Dresses Coats When in Doubt Give a “GIFT CERTIFI CATE FROM GUY’S Use our Lay-a-way plan REMEMBER ALL GIFTS WRAPPED FREE GUY'S CLOTHING STORE Cherryville, N. C. vuvuvwAnuuwuwwimm Kathleen Ragan Circle Meeting The Kathleen Ragan Circle of St. John’s Lutheran Church met Monday night. December 5th, at the home of Miss Sue Jenks. * Mrs. J. Garland Sherrill was program leader for the night. The group sang, “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear”. Responsive read ing and prayer followed. A Christ mas play entitled, “What Do the Christmas Carols Say” by Mrs. Walter J. Knutson was then pre sented. Characters in the play were: Narrator, Mrs. Ben Dellinger; Mrs. A.. Mrs. J. Garland Sherrill; Karen, the child, Judy Fitzhugh; Angel, Mrs. Bill Black; Mary, Miss Sara Froneberger; Joseph, Miss Sue Jenks; Two Shepherds, Mrs. Dwight Jenks. Mrs. Bill Fitz hugh; Three1 Wise Men, Mrs. John Moose, Mrs. Bill George and Mrs. Dave Farris. The program was closed with the singing of “Joy To The World” by the group. Mrs. Ben Dellinger, chairman, conducted the business session of the meeting. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and called the roll. The treasurer gave her report and received the offering for the night. Mrs. J. M. Froneberger, Sr., was welcomed as a new member. Miss Jenks served delicious te freshments to the following mem bers; Mesdames Bill Black, D. O. Rudisill, Bill George, J. Garland Sherrill, Wl. P. Fitzhugh, J. Ben Dellinger, W. G. Cobb, Dwight Jenks, Dave’ Farris, Marshall Ag ner, John Moose, Misses. Sara Froneberger, Ruby Moose and Judy Fitzhugh. David Af. Black Weds Florida Girl David Morrison Black, CherTy ville native who is now working in Fort Meade, Fla., took a Fort Meade girl. Miss Helen Pauline Crawford, for his bride Wednes day afternoon in a 5 o’clock cere mo’nv in Fort. Meade Presbyterian Church. The double ring ritual was read for the couple by the church’s minister, the Rev. I. D. Borders. Clayton Curtis played the organ and Mrs. Charles Harrison was vocalist. Both are of Fort Meade. Given in marriage by her broth er, Robert Bruce Crawford, of Fort Meade, the bride wore a street-length dress of blue lace, highlighted with pearl embroidery and topped with fitted jacket. She w< re a pink hat with flirtation veil and carried a white orchid surrounded by pink sweetheart Mrs. David R. Yarn. Jr., of Fort Meade, who attended the bride a:-, matron of honor, wore a prin cess style dress of raw silver slate with matching hat and carried a bouquet of happiness roses. Forrest N. McCullers was Mr. Black’s best man and Thomas A. Cochrane and Charles S. Harrison were ushers. All three are of f-ort Meade. Mr?. Black is a daughter of Mrs. Robert Bruce Crawford, Sr., of Fort Meade and the late Mr. : Crawford. | The bridegroom's parents are , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Black of j Cherryville. He is employed as : area physical education director i f the Fort Meade Public Schools. He and his bride will continue to reside in Fort Meade. CLARA SULLIVAN CIRCLE MEETING Mrs. W. B. Rhyne and Mrs, ! Judson Black were joint hostesses to the members of the Clara Sul livan Circle of St. John’s Luth I eran Church Monday night, De I cent her 5th, at 7:30 o’clock at the home of the former, j The meeting was called to or der by the Circle Chairman, Miss i Marie Huss. Mrs. George Lohr had charge of the porgram. The topic was: “What Do The Christ mas Carols Say ” Mrs. Lohr read the scripture and the group sang, “It Came Upon The Midnight Clear.” The devotion period was closed with prayer by the leader. The program was given as a play in which th« Christmas Story was retold. The Manger Scene was arranged on a table and the miniature figures were used in de niciting the story. Those assist ing Mrs. Lohr in presenting the program were: Mesdames Clyde Brown, Mark Dixon, Roy Houser. Stewart Shumate and Miss Marie Huss. In the conclusion the hymn, “Joy To The World" was sung. Tha chairman conducted me I Miriness session. A report on the j Thank Offering was made. Mrs. Rc^y Houser, was appointed as chairman on the bereavement committee from tha Circle during the months of January and Feb ruary. Mrs. Houser conducted a short planning session at which time she secured the names of those who could be called upon, for services in time of need. Mrs. Rill Houser reported on the Read ing Course. Coupons were dicuss ed and plans for the General Clean-up Dav were made. Miss Marie Huss and Mrs. Stewart Shu mate, committee on the T. B. pa tient brought a pretty Christmas wrapped package fo rthe patient. The chairman passed out attrac tive book markers from the Gen eral President. Mrs. D. R. Man The meeting was closed with the Missionary Benediction. During the social hour the host ess served delightful refreshments carrying out the Christmas motif. Those present were: Mesdames George Lohr, W. B. Rhyne, Stew art Shumate, Mark Dixon, Fred K. Houser, Bill Houser, Roy Houser, Clyde Brown, Carlyle Summer and Miss Marie Huss. Baptist Missionary Society Meets Mrs. W. H. Williams presided over the meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the First I Baptist Church on Monday even ing, December 5th, from seven till eight o’clodk. Seventy-two women of the church gathered for an hour of inspiration and fellowship. The meeting was op ened with “The Woman’s Hymn ’ followed by the watchword: “All the ends of the world shall re member and turn unto the Lord.’’ After the opening prayer, led by Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Ralph Hoyle read the minutes of the previous meeting and Mrs. Johnny Mostel ler gave the treasurer’s report and announced that $656.00 had been contributed to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering to date and other contributions were still coming in. i Mrs. Jonn i’ostc.: gave the young peoples’ report in which she thanked the W. M. S., for both the leaders who were pro vided for the young peoples’ mis sion study course and for the re freshments. Mrs. Williams then turned the meeting over to Mrs. L. L. Chas tain, program leader, who con ducted a most inspirational pro gram on the subject: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” The hymn was sung and favorite Bible ver ses on prayer were spontaneously quoted bv members present. Mrs. Chastain' talked on “Prayer”. Letters from Missionairies were read by Mrs. Benfield, Victor Stroupe, R. C. Sharpe, and Mat tit Tedder. Mrs. J. Cliff Stroupe gave a most inspirational talk on, "Prayer—-Have Faith in God”. After the count of the mem bers present by circles it was found that the Business Women’s Circle had the largest percentage present with 91.69r. Mrs. L. L. Chastain who was wearing the attendance pin for the Ann Jud son Circles’ largest percentage lust month, presented the pin to Mrs. Maud Seism, leader of the B.W.C. . The meeting closed with the chorus of a hymn and “Amen sung by the group. High School PTA Met Thursday The Cherryville High School Parent-Teacher Association met on Thursday, December 1, at 7:30 in the evening. Mrs. R. J. Allran and Mrs. Roy Carpenter, mem bers of the Hospitality Commit tee, welcomed the members as they entered the high school building, and directed them to the Home Economics Department where the meeting was held. The officers for this year were installed hy Superintendent F. L. I,arson who used the standard and impressive installation service. These officers are as follows: Mr. Stewart Shumate, president; Mr. N. S. Cranford, first vice presi dent; Mrs. J. A. Blackwelder, second vice president: Mrs. Keith Long, secretary; and Mr. Paul Crocker .treasurer. Mr. 1 Arson spoke briefly on the importance and significance of parent-teacher cooperation. Mr. Shumate introduced Bar bara Tweed, a sophomore, to lead in devotions. During the business meeting a number of items of business were discused and ap pro v e d . Hospitality, Program, Publicity and Publications Com mittees were appointed by the president. A report of proceeds from the Halloween Carnival was gvien. The group discussed worth while projects for which this money might be used and it was agreed that the group would pur chase a new duplicator for the Ihigh school office and a banquet setting consisting of a table cloth, punch howl, and candlesticks for the Home Economics Department. The groups voted to award a prize of $5 to the Home Room having the largest percentage of parents present at each meeting. Mrs. Sappenfield's section of the Junior Class won the award this month. Mr. Cranford, Program Chair man, opened the program by lead ing in group singing. He then pre sented Miss Betty Shealy who in troduced several students from j her classes. Varion White, Cath erine Duncan and Beatrice Jen kins told of the work being done by the first, second and third year Home Economics Classes. Mary Frances Carpenter, Shirley Tow ery and Patricia Sigmon modeled outfits which they had made in their class work. The group prayed togetner the Lord’s Prayer and adjourned to enjoy a period of fellowship with refreshments. ‘•WHAT THE DUCHESS WON'T TELL IN HER MEMOIRS” Secrets the Duchess of Wind sor wouldn’t allow to be included in her forthcoming memoirs, will be featured in a two-part series, by Elsa Maxwell. Starts in the December 11th issue of The American Weekly Magazine in Colorgravure with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Your Local Newsdealer RBGISTER FOR $20 Two $10 Cash Prizes to be given away each Saturday Dec. 10, 17, 24, and 31. No obli gation. Just Register. Not necessary to be present to win. Har relson Co., Inc. , Can’t Get Rid of Your Cold? Then try 666. the wide-acthrity med icine, for greatett effectiveneee against all symptoms of all kind* at colds. 666 combines 4 potent, widely prescribed drugs and gives positive dramatic results in a matter of hours. Its combined therapy covers the complete range of all cold symptoms. No other cold remedy can match tititi liquid or 666 Cold Tablets. 666 c -- Pret*Y feet... FROM GOLDINERS ^ owAOWWfe A tailored mule, fashioned for charm at home in black (pink) leather. Flower-lined for dain tiness and broadly-handed to stay put on your foot. Crescent and round brilliants add smart interest. ONLY $2.98 Sweet Steps For YOUR LEISURE HOURS Lined with a pretty flower garden for the daintiness you love ONLY $2.98 Old World Spice On 56 Glamor Pumps A posy-sprigged band encir cles this lovely little low pump White, Red, Blue and light Blue— $2.98 FUR LINED Cozy moccasins, lavishly ^ > lined with fur, pamper her feet and look pretty, too. ONLY $2.98 NEW ■ / GOLDINEB'S