mooresYiiie VOL. VI.. NO 48. MOORESVILLE, N 0., FRIDAY Sept. 1:5, 1'JOl. IIakuv P. Dkatcin, Eonou and OwxKis. PKlCE $1.00 PER YEAR. ?! s v. v v : v 5 GROSS Groves Chill Tonic just arrived 35c a bottle. GOODMAN y 9 4 GEO. C. V'. rv . I ) . : -. ntA Ailc 1 1 r 1 1 v .s . i ill ii l: anu vnsi in fisiiti p u R E IS HEYOND A DOUBT THE BEST PURE LARD ON THIS MARKET. S I 0 N We have sold it lor seven years aud find that it gives satisfac tion to all. 11' you want good lard be sure aud try our Simon Pure. MORNING GLORY CDFFFEIS Wended, No. 2, Java and Mocha, at 30c per pound. Java and Mocha, blended, No. 3, at 25e per pound. Java and Mocha, blended, No. 4, at 20c per pound. F. H. & I, special. No. 1, at 20c. I" " " No. 5, at 15c. " " " No. 6, at 12ie. You will get your money value in the above coilecs. We guarantee our No. 0 collee to make a better eup of coffee than Aybuckle. CREAM OF WHEAT Just received a fresh case; also OAT FLAKE. Fruit jars in one quart aud half gallon sizes at bottom prices; also extra jar rubbers 5c a dozen. King's Fruit powders 15 cents per pac kage. Fresh Crackers We always keep them fresh. If you want something good try mil Zephyr Wafers in 1 pound packages; also Uueeda Biscuits in 3c packages. H. N. JOHNSTON & CO. Furniture and Groceries. ffFl'H NE SO. 4. SHORT LOCALS. The Kentucky drill is advertised by D. E. Turner & Co. will meet at Tuesday, the Concord Preshterry Thiratvre church on 24th. Be Serious! Take Council with the Wise and Deposit your Money with the Bank of Mooresville. We are not a savings bunk, but votiWij saveyour money by depositing your small earnings with us until you ji(.-t enough to put ou interest ,.r to invest in some other way. We take any amount from One Dollar and upward. We want accounts, large or small, and extend the Mime courtesy to all depositors. Respectfully, S. '. Raskin, President. -. ii. MNf.ixy, Cashier. J. II. Alley has moved with his family to the Bost farm in Davidson township. A good four room house for rent, near Academy. Apply to J. H. Cloaninger. Fleischmann compressed yeast, received fresh every day by Rogers the Grocer. Black, brown, gray and blue water proof goods, 44 inches wide at 38c. J. W. Kistler & Co. Communion eri'Lee.q Will be held at Piospect church ou next Sunday. Preparatory services begin to day. The small child of Mr. and Mrs. Van Johnston, of the Salem church neighborhood, died last Sunday of scarlet fever. Mr. C. E. Hawthorn received in telligence Monday announcing the death of his brother Feuster, which occurred at Jacksonville, Fla., on Sunday. Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C, says; "I took medicine 20 years for asthma but one bottle of One Min ute Cough Cure did me more good than any thing else during that lime. Best cough cure." Geo. C. Goodman & Co. Mr. Sam E. McNeely left Monday morning for Charlotte. He has se cured a position with the Southern Bell Telephone Company and will be located at Greenville, S. C, tempor arily. Don't wait until you become chronically constipated but take De Witt's Little Early Risers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. Geo, C. Good man & Co. Mr. Sumpter Brawlev, of David son township and well known here, has secured a position in the ollice of the Southern Express Company at Charlotte and entered upon his duties there last week. If your child or ward has gone away from home to attend school there is nothing you can do for him that he would enjoy more than Thk Ekikucuise. Send .u your sub- scription. Mr. Cowan Steele left last Satur day for his home at Gleenwood Springs, Colo., after a visit to his relatives in thjs vicinity. Mr. Steele is a railroad engineer, anil stands high in railroad circles. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard st. Port Huron, Mich., writes: "I have tried many pills and laxatives but De Witt's Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever used." They never grip. Geo. C. Goodmun &Co. While coining in town Tuesday Dr. Hunter, of Huntersville, was driving along Main street in front of Mr. J. E. Sherrill's, when his horse shied at the train. As a re sult one front wheel to his buggy was completely shattered. Get only the best Hn-.vkes' crys tallized lenses. Don't worry aud irritate your eyes with thuk old pair of glasses if they do not suit you. Call in and let us lit you with a pair that will a great so-irce of comfort to you. Only at Goodman's drug store. Ou Wednssday morning at 10 o'clcok at tho home of the bride's father, Mr. David Alexander, of China Grove, Miss Nannie Alex and and Mr. Earl Atwell were mar ried. Mr. Atwell is a son of Mr. J. A. Atwell, of this vicinity. Norris Silver, North Stratford. N. H.: "I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when sulk-ring ith a cough doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved uie tho set'oud aud ihirtt uluiost cured V nnirmmi rntiotTinu IN Azrleultnrr. Eiittiiwrlii-.', Mlmnlf Ail. mill loll. hi MjuulV'tminir. a rutnliiiiiillim of Iftciry mid priirtire. nf niuily uml riiiimiul truliiiiiif Tuition yt a i-;ir. Total fTTt'ti!0. iiirlniliiiff rlotliinr ami"i. Tuirty tearh-i-rn.14 ntutliMitK, Nt-t Suasion bt'itin? Ki'I'O'Ii'Iht Itli. is res in and John F. Davis Wharey entertained See Goodman & Co.'s ad. Cotton pickers are in demand. It pays to advertise in Tut: Entek I'liisi; and now is the time. Everyone indebted to me peet fully requested to come settle at once. M iss Bessie Wednesday uiirht in honor of Miss Moore, of Yorkville, S. C. Jay Patterson, of Statesville, has charge of the telephone line, having succeeded Dick Anderson, resigned. Last Sunday, the Stli, was the first anniversary of the Galveston horror, wheu seven thousand lives were lost. Today, Charlotte will have a hang ing bee. Will Monroe, the negro rapist, is doomed to die between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock. . I will keep the best beef and pork sold on this market and will not be undersold by anyone. Leave your orders with me. John F. Davis. A delightful straw ride was given Tuesday night complimentary to Mjsses Rankin, Allen and Moore, guests of Miss Annie Rankin. The public road between this place and Prospect church is in bud condition, and should receive prompt attention by the ones in authority. Going out of the general merchan dise business, therefore we offer our entire line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, etc., at cost. J. W. Kistler & Co. Lost On night of 10th, between depot and Dr. Caldwell's residence, a lady's purse, containing some mon ey, trunk check and key. .Finder leave same at this ollice or with the postmaster. B. W. Pursell, of Kinteisville, Pa., says he suffered 25 years with piles and could obtain no relief until De- Witts Witch Hazel Salve effected a permanent cure. Counterfeits are worthless. Geo, C. Goodman & Co. It is rumored that Mr. John F. Davis will move away from here. There is no truth whatever in the rumor. He will open a beef market at Davidson in a few days, but it will not interfere with his business here. Mr.-Robert Deaton, of the Amity neighborhood, reports that the grasshoppers in his section arc des troying the corn blades to sued an extent that the fanners in his sec tion wilt not make m great deal fodder. A never tailing cure for cuts, burns, scalds, ulcers, wounds and sores is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin affections. Accept only the genuine. Geo. C. Goodman & Co. Miss Lula Grey writes from Charles Town, W. Va., that she will arrive about the last of the month. She will visit the Washington City and Georgetown schools before returning. School Opened Monday. J receiving the new school books. i Exchangeable for the old. Also general school supplies for both teachers aud pupils. Respectfully, E.-H. MILLER & CO. TheCIosin: Season's Clong Attractions. Preparatory to the arrival of our Autumn Goods we will continue our sale of medium weight and sum mer materials at Less Than Half Price. Novelties, New Goods of all descriptions in the latest styles will begin to arrive very soon And Will Be On Display. The counter of 25 cents and $1.00 Shoes, 2 to 3 pairs of a kind, Women's, children's and men's still Attract Bargain Seekers. Splendidly assorted and well numbered, our choice variety of Sample Hats at Wholesale Prices in every conceivable well-shaped block, cause many to discard the worn article and don the new. So low prices, you know. J. P. MILLS & CO.. STYLE PRODUCERS SHOE BUILDERS. PROTif Chi CLOTHf 1 5.50 2.50 a. I E 5 . ik- -iT nrmo A 9Sc r "I- I Is- 5Sc L. i alleached at a Silk-at YOUR CASH Your G-oods From the EAP CASH STORE. CHEAP VERY CHEAP I N. C.COI.I I..H- Agriculture and Mechani RALEIUH N. C. X . -.x . . . V" . V- '. r' K me. lo day f ain a well man. C. Goodman & Co. Messrs II. N. Howard and J. F, Brawley, of the firm of . N, How ard A Co., are in the north selecting a choice line of millinery, which will be added to their other departments. This new department will be in charge of an experienced trimmer. They are also buying a full line of eeueral merchandise for the fall trade. Geo, W. Lane. Pewauio, Mich, writes: "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indiges tion and atomaeh trouble thut 1 ever ued. For yeurs I sull'ered from dyspepsia, at times compelling me to stay in bed and causing me un told agony. I am completely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In re commending it to friends who suf fer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid. Geo. C GikmI 11)11 ii & Co. Mrs. Eliza Willel'ord, widow of the late Jesse Willeford, of Concord, (ia.-d hijjt Saturday and was buried Sunday. Mr. Willeford was once a very prominent citizen of Calmiriis and a brave Confederate soldier, who died in Texas a few years ago. When you want a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in ef feet. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at G. C. Goodman & Co s drug store, Mr. J. D. Keen, of Dunn, N. C, contemplates moving to this place to engage in the photograph busi ness. He says he will rent, huy or build a suitable place for his ga1 ley. Have vou a sense of fullness in the region ot your stomach after eat- i inn' If so you will be benefited by using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also cure belching aud sour stomuch. They regulate the bowels too. Price, 25 cents. Sold by Geo. C. Goodman ik Co. Mrs. F. S. Stnrrctte has returned from Philadelphia, where with the assistance of her sister, Miss Nannie Alexander, of Concord, she made her pattern hats. These, with all the latest styles, will be displayed nt Iter ul..if, Hi, towli'i a old stand, goon utter their arrival. . I have already received quite a large lot of baby hoods, .ready-to-wear hats, kid gloves, etc. Give me a call before making your purchase. Respectfully, Mus. F. S. Stakkktte. Many physicians are uow pres cribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure reg- i ularly having found that it is the best prescription they cau write be i cause it is the one prepemtion which ; contains the clement ni rceesary to digest not only home kind of lood i but nil kind and it tlieietore cures indigestion aud dyspepsia no matter what its cause. W. ( . Goodman & Co. Mr. John F. Davis exhibited on the streets this week a cotton stalk measuring more than six feet in height, that contained 75 shapes aud blossoms and only about 7 green bolls. He has live acres that is in that condition, which is very dis couraiiinif. There are many fields in nil sections in, the same condition To ( arc A uia la Ou liny. Take Laxative Broino Ouinine Tab lets. All druggists retiuid the mon ey if it fails tor urc. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25. 110.00 Suits to $8.50 Suits ti $4.50 Suits t 50 Job Suits PANTS, fine $1.50 pants o $2.'M pants oi Job in Overall' $1.00 Overall 50ct Overalls' Boys' Overalls 2000 Yds. Barker 2000 Yds. Calico, per" yd. 500 Yds. good Lavoi, Fine Organdies and'Lawns to go cost. 2,000 yards of gixilamance at 4c NOTIONS. . 25c Sailors, lug lob, at ac Children's 25c Soilors, big job, nt 5c Men's Fine Hats, bis job. at 4Sc Ladies Hats to close out cheap. Umbrellas, good quality, at 32c Umbrellas, fine qunlity. 3!)e Umbrellas, finer quality, 48c $1.50 Parasols (or $1.15 150 Fine Shirts, job, .18c 75e Shirts for 48c $1.50 Fine Shirts for Big job in Work, Shirts at Fine Sox Home made Fine Sox .ien s Tieav.y -cmujc wn - -Men's Heavy S'ips, per pair, Hair Brushes Shaving Brushes Tooth liiushes Pins, 280 lor pnpers of needles for 98e 39e 3c 8c TK- 20e 5c lc 3c lc lc lc 3c Blacking per box Soap per cake 2 balls or thread lor Envelopes, good, per pack, Sewing machine oil 4c per bottle. Big lot of Hamburg and Insertions to arrive Friday. Good Brooms 19c Crocks. Jugs and Jars cheap. Big lot of Trunks CHEAP. Big lot of Telescopes CHEAP. Big lot of Grips VERY CHEAP. GROCERIES. 17 lbs Standard Granulated Sugar f.r $1.00. 10 lbs Best Green Cotlee for $1.00. 15 lbs of Soda for 25c. 20 lbs of Rice for $1.00. Schnapps Tobacco 30c. "More Goods for the Same Money, and the Same Goods for Less noney,' AT THE MOORESVILLE RACKET STORE, W. P. CARPENTER. Owner. Sick Pocket-books Made Hale and Hearty. Still a greater cut than was made here last week. Summer goods must move. Everybody kliowns how low thino-a sold hei- hist, wonk Yrm ran et then lower now than ever. We bar out nothins that has a summer look on it. We are going to face the music and sing the tune to lowest prices. Listen to the Ceremonies : Lawns of the 5c kind at .'ic; the T'.'c kind at 4e: 121c organdies and lawns now cut to 7.U-; line lawns, to "15 and 18c kind, now 10c: white or gandies, the 35c kind, now l'Jc; white organdie, the 25c kind, now 12c; 25c mercerized chambray, now 15c; men's low cut Prime Albert ties ieg ular price always $1.50, cut to $1.00 to clean them out. Ladies aud Misses Oxfords like you would get them nt a fire sale. A good soled tie for 75c, worth $1.00;' $1.50 ties going nt $1.00: better grade worth $1.75 uow $1.30. Sample shoes less than wholesale prices. New shipment of trunks and bags to go cheap. Fruit jars at a reckless price quarts and half gallons. Loeknort Mason jars urc the best, thickest and h:ie a better shoulder, Quarts c per dozen; J gallons at $1.00. Mooresville Institute, Mooresville, N. C. Next Session Begins September 2, 1901. Vur patronage Is respectfully solicited. F. P. ROCKETT, Picixcii-ai LULA P. RODGERS, Assistant. Fob Sale The W. M. Knox farm, half a mile from Jit. Mourneon the Southern Railwm : 225 acres. Ap ply to W. P. Kxi'.x, Chaitotte. N, C. The election off bunds held lust Tuesday, did li"! create a big stir as is usual on eh--lion day. The issue nmounted to about 4 lo 1 against bonds, t A small fire occurred Wednesday morning at Dr. 1 hurl's. A servant had emptied some ashes in the eonl bin, from wa'u-Ii a small flame was started. NTT damage was done. Mr. W. B. lhu her, the Grand Lecturer for the Masons ot North Carolina preached an able sermon at tho Methodist church on last Sunday night to a lare and inter ested congregation. He will deliver a public address at Academy Hall tonight on the "Moral 'J'enchinH of Masonry." Everybody is invited, especially the ladies. On last Saturday the Mooresville baseball team crossed bats with the Davidson team and won the victory inascoruof 11 to 10. Another game will be played tomorrow after noon at three o clock on the Davitl son groupd. Our boys ore goiug down determined to win. Calvin Shinn. son of Mr. J. C. Shiun has typhoid fever. He ar rived homo last week from West Va., where he had gone several mouths airo to work ill tho coh! mines. There are many others the coal mlninn sections of West Virginia that are anxious to return home, beiiitf dissatisfied with the employment. Monday niizht about 10 o'clock while the' Winston freight was shift ing nround in the yard at this place a cylinder head blew out. llie ex illusion was heard in all parts of town, uud fragments of the slcum tank were thrown in all directions, Let us serve you quick. Truly. CORNELIUS BROS. Our custo IT IS USELESS FOR U S TO TELL YOU UAT WC 'lavp u'wa.vs l,en licndquarters for bargains, nM I I I L me just the same today. That our goods have always given perfect satisfaction. We just wish to call your attention to these facts. Always come to THE RED FRONT STORE. The place where the profits are shared with you. I ' onuto We have always sold the best shoes for the least money, who have bought them know where of we speak CALICOSI Our Line of Calicos have just been repliuished with be able Calico, at reasonable prices. rail aud winter We are buying early iu order to be able to sell chr our Hue before you buy. It will pay you. TlNWAREI ou positively can not make anv mistake in get aiis, iftuiicr1 - - -t Groceries. 11 lbs srood irreen cotfee for $1.00, Lcverings et, ter than Arbuckles, coffee essence at 5c. He sure and makes vour eoll'ec better. Ihose lish ic oml fir. ..or hnv Xiro ril l' fw III Sllolll' meat llllll and a little cheaper than others. Fall of the year is here. The nights are getting longest anmo n ifn luml; a nd rend them, such ones as '"The Prince o f , , nn , nr.... .1 1 , I " .....r. I. ...... . V. , --J... - . that we have. "Sainantha at Saratoga, for instance. t ome through our line it won t cost you a cent to see them. We are yours for Husiness. XT HE RED FRONT STORED r 1 V. -THE 1NCOMPARARLE KENTUCKY DISC DRILLS ! CO err- V rJsgC i Cfi D. E- TURNER & CO- THE NORTH CAROLINA SUTt NORMAL AD INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. LITERARY CLASSICAL SCIENTIFIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PEDAGOGICAL MUSICAL I Annual expenses fHK) to $HC; for non-residents of the Stiitc $100. Faculty of DO members. Prac tice and Observation School of about 250 pupils. To .-ci!ic board in the dormitories all free-tuition nppliciii ions should be made before July Session opens September 1 tit h. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT CHARLES D. MclVER. (iiecnsboro, N. C. i

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