MooresYiflle VOL. VII.. NO 34. MOORESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY MAY 23. 1902, Harkt P. Deaton, Editor and Owner. PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR. GGGGGGGGG G G G G BATH SP0NGE5 BATH (1 LOVES G AT GOODMAN'S, G G " The Dmggixt. G G & G G G O G G G G G G G ilLLfT" SHORT LOCALS. BUSINESS We are still in the FURNITURE BUSINESS, nud if nothing happens will stay in it for some time to eon.e, so do not believe any false ru mors about our going out of busi ness. We will let you know when we go out of the 3f' Urmture business Our stock is of the best to be bad. No cbeup, shoddy Furniture in our stock. Our price are in the bounds of reason; our expenses are light, We pay cash lor our goods and buy them of the best Factories, direct, that our country affords. WE SELL ON REASONABLE TIME tt re1iJ;1e persons, at Cash Pric es. We do not charge you double be muse vou waut a little indulgence w in payiug for it. We arc Home Folks nd will treat you as our neighbor, nml Md Wit would have others to treat us, so do not purchase any until you come aud let us show you our stock, as we think we can con vince you that we are your friends ly our goods and I-ow Price. II, N, JOHNSTON & CO. Furniture Groceries Up-to-Date STABLE. - N c 5 R LIVERY rloorseville, I SC. Sam Jones, the inimitable, will be in Statesville Monday night. Harvesting will soon be in order, where there is anything to harvest. Mr. C. R. Hambright is building a dwelling in the eastern part of town. The festive bugs have played havoc with the potatoes during the past week. The new dwelling of Mr, James '. Deaton is being painted, while nesting completion. A large number of our citizens attended the 20th of May celebra tion in C harlotte on Tuesday. Wanted--Will pay highest mar ket price, (a. ill or trade, for nutter, eggs and ehii kens. Geo. 0. Corne lius ft Co. On last Monday Templeton, Wil iams A Co. sold 88 bales of cotton to the Mooresville Mills, receiving cents round for it- Sophie McCorkle, an aged and respected negro woman of the town, died suddenly on last Sunday night and was buried Tuesday. Geo. 0. Cornelius Jc" Co. are sell ing ice iney win aeuver iree to any part ot town nve pounds or more. Give us ycur orders. Communion service will be held at Center church next Sunday. Rev. Dr. lharr is being assisted by Rev. C. W. lirown, of Concord church. It is noted in Tuesday's Land mark that Mrs. Sallie Floyd Lanief and Mr. James Frank Watson are to be married on May 28th at East Radford, V a. Ro van Democrats will hold their primaries June 14th to elect dele gates to the county convention, which will elect delegates to the ju dicial, congressional and Slate con ¬ ventions. The State Press Association will meet at Henderson ville June 25-2G. Free entertainment was offered, but the executive committee decided on the nav feature and a rate ot $1 a day at hotels was made. For Sale One house and lot lo cated on Main street, very close to business portion of town. Lot has one acre, a 2-story dwelling in good repair, with 7 rooms. For lurther information call at this office. Recce McClamrock, of near Cana, on Dutchman's creek in Davie coun ty, sustained a greut loss last week when lightning struck his barn, killing two mules and a horse, burn ing his barn, roughness, grain and farming implements. The loss amounts to about $1,500. Admission to Rev. Sam P. Jones' lecture at Statesville on uext Mon day, May 26th, at 8:30 p. m., is 50 and 75 cents. To secure a seat in advance send 75 cents to Rev. J. M. Downum, chairman of ticket com mittee, Statesville, N. C. Ask for reduced rates on railroads. We are indebted lo Miss Kather- ine C. I.entz, one of the '"sweet grad uates, for the following invitation The Citizens of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, request the honor of your presence at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Salem Female Academy, Mav 22ud to 2'Jth inclusive. The annual Cooleemee picnic will take place this year on I uesday June 3. Unite u large number of our Dcoiile take an outing there every year, and the young ones who've paired oil since the last, will attend this year in full force, just to ki ep up the custom, if not lor a day off. Two coaches have been en gaged for the occasion, Round trip tickets will cost 80 cents. Mrs. William Harrop, who lives at Indian Head. N. W. T., Canada, writes toTiiK F.NTKlirMSE us follows: Enclosed 'lid money order to re new my Si (icription to your paper I could nut be without it. l.ant week we had six inches of snow. Have just finished sowing wheat." Mrs. llun op was formerly a Mrs Cornelius, of David urn township. S J n DEATON, Prop. S j Telephone, No. 12. Good Stock. Good Service jj CXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Will Have a Jeweler Several weeks ago The Enter prise stated that a first-class jew eler and watch-maker could find no better location than Mooresville. The item has had the desired effect. The Old Man was notified this week not to do anv more advertising for such an establishment; that a man would be here before the leaves fade again, this indeed is encouraging, for no town the size of ours can af ford to be without a watchmaker and regulator. Hciatle RheuiumlKin I nrnl Altar roar teen Tear of ttufferlnc "I have been afflicted with sciatic hetimatism for fourteen years,' says Josh tMstxr, or uermantown, ;ai. constiil thing I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I did and was immedi ately relieved and in a short time Mar HoatnstBugs 61 3fUes ARM YOURSELF WITH PARIS GREEN, PERSIAN INSECT POWDER, TANGLEFOOT FLY PAPER, POWDER GUNS Jflour! - flour! Smoke Traylor's Key West Cigars. E. II. MILLER & CO. Druggists. "I was able tn JU'fta44itrt ttnruysu1Tered. I tried eveiy- M Ed McPherson, is quite sick and is confined to tu.-iH-d. J Tw!V rooms for ren'i odist, church. Apo"j Wooclsides. far the Meth- to Maltha cured, and I am happy to say it has not since returned." Why not use this liniment and get well? It is for sale by Geo. C. Goodman & Co., A Child Swallowed Pins Mr. W. C. Sherrill, of Miller's Post-office neighborhood, in David son township, was in to see us this week and reports that several weeks ago the 10 months old child of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Davis, swallowed a number of pins, ten of which passed through the child without the child's showing any signs of injuri ous effects. When Mrs. Davis dis covered what the child had done, on examination, she extracted quite number from its throat. The child is now in a healthy condition. Mr. Davis lives on Mr. M. W. White's plantation. Wbnl Thin Folks Need Is a greater power of digesting and assimilating food, tor them Dr. King's New Life Pills work wonders. They tone and regulate the digestive organs, gently expel all poisons from the system, enrich the blood, improve appetite, make healthy flesh. Only 25c. at Geo. C. Goodman & Co.'s. Commercial Hotel Changed Hands For some time past negotiations have been carried on between Messrs. lirawley fe Rogers, proprie tors of the Commercial Hotel, and Mr.- C. I. Gresham, of Greenville, S. C, who was anxious to get hold of the new hotel. On last Thurs day the trade was closed, when the former proprietors re leased the ho tel to Mr. Gresham, who arrived Saturday night and took charge Sunday morning. Mr. Gresham is a man of wide experience in the hotel business, and will no doubt bring the commercial to even a higher standard than it has ever been. Mr. Rogers will resume his old job on the road and be reinstated as a "Knight of the Grip," while Mr. Brawley will continue his residence here. Mrs. J. A. Steele, or Prospect, has purchased a building lot from Mr. C. P. McNeely, lyiDg on Main street opposite the new ho-ue Mr. A. B. Culp. Mr. W. L. Caldwell Jias purchased a lot from Mr. S. A. Low ranee, be yond where Mr. John Houston is building, and will build a handsome dwelling thereon. Mrs. Nesbit continues to improve. A letter from Lowesville to her parents, Air. and Mrs. J. C. Edmis ton, announces Chat Mrs. Boseoe O. Kincaid is very much improved, af ter a severe illness. On last Thursday night Esquire Walker united in matrimony Mr. Iva Lytle and Miss Mollie Henson, and on Saturday night he married Mr. John Henry Lytle and Miss Grovie Maj-es, all of whom are pop ular young people of the southern part of town. The friends of the latter couple gave them an old time serenade. The welkin didn't ring, but cow-bells and plow points did. We have just received another car of that fine flour. If in need of any call and get our prices which are the low est. Remember we carry everything found in a gen eral store. :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: Don't forget to visit our Millinery Department. Our "Milliner is up-to-date and can please you. Call and in spect our line of seasonable and stylish 'dress goods, and don't forget Queen Quality Shoes. : : :-: :-: :-: TH- ILIHowarb&Go- The Spring: Season is Now at its Height FOR EXTRA SPECIAL SALES Our mid-Spring shipments of Seasonable SUMMER GOODS. Also big cuts on stock alseady in. IN MILLINERY- Beautiful assortment of Trimmed Hats. Great Values, from 25c un: all at half price. DOMESTICS Bleached, pretty, smooth finish goods, worth 7ic at 5c. Light weight, Unbleached, 3Jc; Quilt Lining, 2"je; all 1 yard wide. LAWNS A new assortment of 5c Lawns at 2e; Lawns 8c, price now 5e. Proportionate reduction on all Light Goods. 30-inch Percales and Madras worth 15c at 10c per yard. - Foulards and P fgtttl"20c and 25e at 12 Ac. Wash Silks, KOc ut 39c; Wash Silks, 40u at 20c. Everything in Lace and Hamburgs at cost. A MEN'S CLOTHING, &. BOOMER . To realize the high intrinsic value in one of Peck's Tailor-made Suits, and the superb fitting qualities, together with its stylish make-up. COME IN and buy one at SPECIAL SALE PRICES The values will astonish you. Summer weights, medium weights, all weights. Everything for men to wear. Parasols and Umbrellas, 75c to $2.50. Our excellent line of LOW-QUARTERS, SLIPPERS, &c. Extra pretty patterns, reduced to extremely low prices. Very complete line Fans from 5c to If 1.25. There isn't a value in the house that is not worth more than we will ask you for it. Buy now, and get the full benefit of the Spring Gorwia Don't wait for hot weather to rush you in, and make purchases too hurriedly. Style Producers J. P. MILLS COMPANY, Shoe Builders ' Department Stores. rt;We will take your CHICKENS and EGOS at Highest Prices. Kevaal a Uroat Afeeral It is often naked bow such start ling cures, that puzzle the best why sicians, are effected by Dr. King's New Diseevcry for consumption. Here's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and germ-infected mucus, and lets life giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals the Inflamed, cough-worn throat and lungs. Ilard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King'i New Discover, the most infallible rcmei'y for all throat and lung dis eases. Guaranteed bottles 50c. and $1. Trial bottles free at Geo. C. Goodman fc Co.'s. A Noble Undertaking The question of a reformatory for the youthful criminals of the State is once more brought, to the front through the action of the King's Daughters in State convention at Haleigh a lew days ago. The Daughters named a committee to investigate Rnd plan for the carry ing out of this idea. May this be the beginning, the end of which will be the establishment of such an in stitution in the State. Surely we all shall eudorse this movement and lend a helping hand Unit the noble undertaking of the King's Daugh ters may be realized. Concord Tribune. DR. S. FKONTIS. -riEXTIHT Office over Drug Store. E. H. Miller k Cos Settling Estates n Specialty. ZEIJ. V. TURLINGTON, ATTI'ltNEV-AT I. AW, Mooresville, - - North Carolina. CALL ON W. I). l'HMIR rn Life, Sick, Fire, Accident and Plate (Mass Inmirume. Mooresville, N. C. Wm't !! Advie Alter Pajlaff I ar It In a recent article a prominent physician says, "It is uexttoimpos sibl for the physician to get his patients to cany out any prescribed course o( hygiene or diet to the smallest extent; ho has but one re soil lelt, namely, the drug trent nient."When medicines arc used for chronic constipation, the most mild ami gentle obtainable, such as Chamberlain's Stomnch and liver Tablets, should be employed. Their use is not followed by constipation as they leave the bowels in a na tural aud healthy condition. For sale by Geo. C. Goodman & Co. Subscribe for und advertise iu The Enterprise. Tb! t Ifnttur it oa vwmr boi ot lb aaauls Laxative Bromo-Quioiae TabiM 1 nrndf thai tmnm a aaM la aaa a Tenth Annual Commencement A.& M. College, May 25-28. Minaay, Mny J.), 11 a. m., in Christ Church : llaccalaureiite Ser mon, Uev. Randolph 11. McKim, D. 4.r"4-Kuiuuii'l chujili Washing ton, D. C Monday, May 211, (5:30 p. in., Hall of Agricultural Department: Alum ni Address, C H. Williams, Clans ol 1803, Subject: "The Value of He. kcarch." Tuesday, May 27: 5:30 p. m., on College Campus, Dress Parade and Appointment of Officers for next year; 8:30 p. m., in Academy of Music,Commeucement Oration, Tm man J. Hack us, L L., D., Packer In stitute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Subject: "An Age or Inventions and Discov eries. Wednesday, May 28, 11 a. m in APadcmy of Music: Graduating Orations, Prizes, Degrees, Announce ments. Ha laa ! Tim. I have sold Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugar than it. I sold five bottles of it yesterday to threshers that could go no farther, and they are at work again this morning.- II. R. Phelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma. As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day's time. You should keep a bot tle of this m inedy in your house. For sale by Geo. C. Goodmun ( o., druggists. Rev. W. A, Glllon returned from Mooresville yesterday where he as sisted Dr. Pharr in a meeting at Prospect. Mr. Gillon says he spoke to the largest crowd ol his experi ence Sunday morning. Prospect church is one of the largest in the country, and Mr. Gillon estimates that the Sunday congregation num bered seven liuudmt people. Con cord Tribune. Mr. S. S. Denny has a large force of bands at work tearing away the old frame building on Main street. built by Mr. A. A. Holshouserin 186'J for the firm of Moore, McLean & Co. Thus the old landmarks pass away. The new building to be erected on the old site will be of modern design. Mrs. W. R. Grey and children, of Davidson, are visiting at Rev. Dr. Wharey's. 3xbflbnntmg DONE AT THIS OFFICE ON SHORT NOTICE AND MODERATE COST 5 New Arrivals Evry Week 5 Of Eye-Opening Bargains. Among the latest are a nice lot of LADIES' SKIRTS, from 25c to 11.75, bought at a bargain and being sold at half price. A lot of Hoys' Clothing at a big sacrifice. STJITS From l'Jc up to the very fine Serge, worth $3.50, for $1.90. We have both the ltlue and lilack. A new lot of Towels from 2Jc up to the very fine pine Linen Hemstitched ones at 25c, which others charge 33.c for. New lot of PANTS. W e have sold more Pants in the last three months than ever before. The price does if, 10c up for the Pants, worth much more. Embroideries sold by others at 7J to 15c we will sell you at 5c to 10c. Surprising bargains in Ice Cream Freezers, 1 gallon size; regular price $3; our price 75c. Freezes in one minute. 150 dozen Ladies' and Gents' Hose, 3c to 23c per pair Overalls at a saviug of 10c or 15c pair. If you want to save money, come to see ns. More and more people are learning to do so every day." We buy bargains and sell bargains. If vou want bargains, come to The Red Front Store, FRANK MOORE rUnager. B-4-U-Ki.v Price Flv Goods! Large Lot Ladies New Hats to be Sold at a Bargain 1 New lot f 1 Kid Cloyfs 49c 2oc bilk Mitts oi iv 15c 1,000 yards Emt i i ik i ps from Sic up 500 Ladies' 10c Furs i ly 5c 200 Ladies' 5c Fans only 4c 5c Handkerchiefs 3c 4c Handkerchiefs 2c 10c Handkerchiefs 5c Biar Job in tine Parasols 39c A line of tine Sam i. it half price. tSee ni v line of NECKWEAR. 500 pair Boys' I'.uu , fioiu 15c to 25c Boys' Overalls. 25c Fine Luce Curtains 48c pr Iine Laco LurtuniK mc Iveraembcr the famous B. C. N. Corset only 48c and 08c TDJEfST GOODS Large lot fine Lawns ut Cut Prices. See my 10c White liwn for.-GJc Fine Black Lawns only.. Shoes and Slippers. When in need of anything usually handled by au : . UP-TO-DATE HARDWARE HOUSE, You should keep the name I). K. Turner k Co. ever be fore you. It will help you, HE rc yd Ladies' Slippers 50c pr Ladies' Fine Shoes 05c pr Ladies' Slippers now. Queen Bess, only. Groceries. Good Chewing Tobacco 25c lb Good Smoking Tobacco 7 packages Sn'iff for 25c lbs. lUastod Coffee 20 lbs. Sugar 1. 00 . i.:o . 2.50 .25c lb ..1.00 MOORESVILLE RACKET STORE, W. P. CAHHENTER OWNLfi. CAROLINA MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. Yurils ut STATKSVILLK, SALISM'RY and WILKKSBORO. Marble and Granite Monuments, Tahhts, Cent a trij Cojring and Tile. We carry the most complete line ot Monuments and Tablets in the Stale. Our prices are lowest. Write for t 'utalo!iie. W, L, CALDWELL, Aqknt, Mooresville, N. C.

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