MooresYlflfle Enterprise,, VOL. VII.. NO 36. MOORESVILLE, N. G, FRIDAY JUNE 6, 1902. Hakry P. Dkaton, Editor ani Ownrr. PRICE .f 1.00 PER YEAR. G G.GGG GGGG Headache? G G G Any kind of an old G G Headache or Neu- G G ralgia cured with G G QUICK HEADACHE CURE G G 4 doses for 10 cents. G G Guaranteed. G G ONLY AT G G GOODMAN'S, G G The Druggist. G GGGGGGG GG ICE, ICE We are now handling Ice by the CAR LOAD, and are pre pared to give the good peo ple, of Mooresville and vicin ity as good Ice service as mr larger cities. " OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS: ICE TICKETS good for 100 lbs. of Ice in 1 lb.. 2 lb and 5 lb. Tickets at 73c. or Sc. per lb. ICE TICKETS good for 100 lbs. Ice in 10 lb. lots up to 100 lbs. 300 lbs. to ton lots, a special price will be given on application. jpWe do not deliver Jess .ban fc. wprth of Ice, as we could not af ford to deliver in less amounts, but " We will Deliver 10 lb. lots to any place in the city. NOTICE CAREFULLY THE PRICE: it) A Hi- Hs ifc, PPr lb. i: 100 lb. lots 4c per lb. 10 JiTThose prices only apply to pai ties who purchase Tickets. H.N. JOHNSTON & CO. Furniture Groceries Ul TO-DATE - LIVERY STABLE, Mooi:i ili.e. N. C. 4 J. n. D EATON, Prop. Telephone. No. 12. Uu.4 Mod:, pood Service. 1 1 . ; 1 I .Ji: , i . DR. S. FRONTS, DEKTI8T Miller (Vi DiMi ilif'Storel'1 I , Settling Estate a Specialty. ZED. V. TURLINGTON, JllOHMEr-AT AW, Jijooresville, '" '- North Carolina CALL OS W. D. PIA It II m Life, Sick, Fire, Accident mid l'Jfct"Glas insurance, Mooresville, N. C, SHORT LOCALS. Enquire Walker is listing taxes. Mrs. M. F. Ncsbit has about fully recovered from her recent at tack of pneumonia. Mr. Will Rousseau spent last Sunday at Statesville with his moth er. Mrs. J. O. Rousseau. Statesville is preparing for a free mail delivery system. The houses are being numbered. Watermelons are ripe. Quite a number have passed through to points over the Western road. Rev. Parker Holmes is able to be out again, but was too unwell to hold prayer-meeting Wednesday night. Fellow-citizens: your road tax has been nearly doubled. Now de mand better roads, and execute the demands. Wanted Will pay highest mar ket price, cash or trade, for butter, eggs and chickens. Geo. O. Corne lius & Co. The continued dry weather has greatly decreased the prospects for corn in this vicinity, hardens are badly parched. On July 8th murderer Connelly and rapists Fleming and Blanton, of Rowan, will be hanged at Salisbury, all of whom are negroes. Cronic bronchial troubles and summer coughs can be quickly re lieved and cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. E. H. Miller fe Co. No services were held at the Methodist church last Sunday night on account of the continued illness of the pastor, Rev. Parker Holmes. A number of vonng people enjoyed a pound party, on last Friday night, it the home ot Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Stowe, three miles north of town. Mrs. Alice Neikirk, of Grassy Creek, who is visiting at Mr. M. F. Nesbivs, is spending a few days with relatives at Perth. She will return to town to-morrow. Rev. V. C. Ridenhour left this morning for Troutman'g where be has accepted a call as pastor ot three churches in that neighbor hood. Concord Tribune, 3rd. Rev. Royal Shannonhouse, of the Enisf onal church, will hold services at the towri-JIall Sunday. altemoon at 4:30 o clock. I ho pnitl.c is cordially invited to attend. Rev. John W. Wakefield, of Con cord, and Miss Josephine K. Coit, of Salisbury, were married Wednes day at the home of the bride at Salisbury. Rev. Dr. W. W. Moore and family, of the Richmond lheological Semi nary, and Mr. H. E. Fries, of Win ston Salem, were giics's at the Central. Hotel Monday night. On last Saturday night Esquire Walker united in marriage Mr. W. P. Stallings and Mrs. Jennie Per kins. In this union the bride and the crot'in each furnished five chilil ren. Din ing the summer kidney irreg ularities lire often caused by exces sive drinking qr being' overheated! Attended to the kiuue at once by using roley s Kidney Cure. h II, Miller Co. Notk Tt-Geo. O. Cornelius & Co. will let you have ice on Sunday from 9 to 10:30 o'clock, a. in., and from 4:! 0 to (5 o'clock, p. m. These hours will be strictly observed ex cept in i as :s of extreme illness. For biliousness use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They leause the stomach and regulute the liver and bo.vycjs, pffpcling quick Lad permanent cure. For sale by Geo. Goodman & Co., drug gist. Cards in out announcing the marriage of Mr. John McNcely, of Charlotte, and Miss Emma Miller, of York county, S. ('., on next Thursday, June 12th. Mr. McNeely is the ehjpst son tit; Mr, and MrsVK. M. McNeely, of this place. Announcement lias been made of the approaching marriage on Thurs day, June 1 2th, of Mr. Tom Knox, of Mount L'lla, and Miss Janie Moore, of Statesville. The groora-to be is a brother ot Mr. R. M. Knox, of this place, and formerly clejkod for D. E. Turner AW ' ' The annual Coolcemee picnic was pulled ofl Tuesday, when about 80 of our young eople enjoyed one of the pleasuntest days ever spent on the bunks of the Yadkin. Coolcemee js a delightful resort aud this yearly outing Is looked forward to with a great deal of interest. My little son had au attack of whooping cough and was threatened witi) pneumonia; but for Chamber lain's Cough Remedy we would have had b serious time of it. It also saved him from several 'severe at tacks of croup. H. J. Strickfaden, editor World-Herald, Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by Geo. O. Good man A Co., druggist. mKIH T Vur a rl4 (Vita Bay. Take LakatjVe RromoQulhihe Tab lets. AU'druggists refund the mon ey if it fail to cure. E. W. Grove's sinaturo on each box. 25 cents ! ilk.,t Hart fir ttnhte A great deal has been said about electric lights for the town recently, but nothing has been done to pro vide such a necessity. Mr. Kipka did not submit a proposition to the board, and as a result the following has been handed in: After looking over the ground Mr. Kipka decided that he could not light the town for less than $90 per year for each arc light, and that it would take twenty arc lights lor tne town, making a total of $1,800 per year for lights. That is more than the taxes amount to each year. Mooresville s credit is fine. She has no debts. $0000 at 4 per cent. bonds could be sold at par. Interest at 4 per cent, on $6,000 will be $240. Enough lights would be taken to nearly pay the expenses of operat ing the plant we will say all out $10 per month $120 per year. Total cost of twenty arc lights per vear $360. Compare with above. We need lights. Let us issue the bonds and get them. Ready to Yield. "I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye for piles and found it a certain cure, ays . it. niereuuu, vriuow Drove, Del. Operations unneces sary to cure piles.' They always yield to DeWitts Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases, all kinds of wounds. Accept no counterfeits. Geo. C. Goodman A Co. A Young Man Drowned. A very distressing affair occurred at McKendrees bridge, on iiura creek, near Amity, on Wednesday about 1 o'clock. Young Burt Mc Lean, aged about 23 years, was in seining in company with his younger brother, Robert McLean, George Moore, Robert Moore and Jim Good man. The four boyg had been m t'le water only a short while when young McLean began to cramp. The paroxysm that carried tne ooy neiow the surface of the water, held hira in its hold until he was drowned. The creek is very shallow not much more than a branch at this season of the year. His comrades waited for several minutes for the body to rise, but this it fuiled to do. When rescued the young man was dead. The funeral took place yesterday at the home, at 12 o'clock and the remains weve -CrQUg!iaaJffiIffana. . 17 . . . . interred at the cemetery. MndaThrm all. "One Minntp Cuwgh Cure beats all other medicines I ever tried for coughs, cold, croup and throat and lung troubles," says D. Scott Curnn of Lognnton, Pa. Ope Minute Cough Cure is the only absolutely sate cough roiucdv which acts un-. mediately. Mothers everywhere testify to the god it has done their little ones, '.roup is so sudden in in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late. It yields at once to One Minute Cough ('tire. Pleas ant to take. Children like it. Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs Geo. C. Goodman A Co. Col. m MarvieoY" " Col. D. A. Lowe Is married. The bride was Miss Cora Henderson and the ceremony was performed at the Methodist parsonage at Lowesville, at 10 o'clock on the morning of June 3rd. Quite a number of friends gathered to witness the ceremony Col. Lowe is a very prominent man. politically and socially, in this sec tion of the State. He is 85 years of rl'c and has rc.nesented Lincoln, Guston and Catawba counties in the State Senate. Hio bride jg a. sinter of Dr. H.V C, Hnii'lu'af.n, of Char lotte. Charlotte Observer. Sprinir fever is another name for biliousness. Is is more serious than most people think. A torpid liver and inactive bowels mean a poisoned system. If neglected,, gcrimio ill ness may ' follow'' such symptoms. DeWitt's Little Early Risers re move all danger by stimulating the liver, opening the bowels and cleans ing the system of impurities. Safe pills. Never gripe. "I have taken DeWitt's Little F:arly Risers for torpid liver every spring for years," writes R. M, Kvcfly, Moiindsvllle, W. Va ""Thoy ' 'do ine more good than anything I have ever tried." Geo. C. Goodman fe Co. Randall News. The farmers are getting ou, f,f heart about their uutlon, the trouble i they can't get It" up. 1 Fruit in this section is not as good as was expected. Miss Minnie Jamison, of Greens boro, is visiting friends and relatives here. Ci;jUi. tt a"g; ci'bW amended an ice cream dumper 'Saturday' evening af'Mr. C. L. Wallers. The evening was very much enjoyed by all. Raudall, June 4, 1902. Tli,u Th la ilriiktan la oa wtttj bo of lh ftaala Laxative BroouhQuinine Tbiu Mm reattdr tbrt tarn eoM la aa HARMLESS We have never heard of a HEADACHE IIus failed to cure, case where it f4ils. 23?"We.want to refund Prepared only by E. Smoke West Cigars, Miss J a1 rgrave died Sat he home of her D.Z.Gray. Miss ;ars old and had th for more than d took place Sun- urdav mori brother-in Hargrave been in fa! a year. 1 day evening. conducted bv her pastor, Rev. W. W. Ph harr, and the remains were I.Jul to rest bv the side of her fritljer in the Coddle Creek burying fcround. Deceased was an aunt of Mr. L. D. Hanrrave. of Charlotte; Mr. II. II. Hargrave, of Salisbury, anikMiss Octa Har grave, of LexiugO. all of whom at tended the fu ieis FOR - ANY i YOU TrayloiFCgy To make your dimes and dollars do double duty, 1 fecial Jales AT ZWWe will take Btad It la Hii Xsaprr. George Schuub, a well known German citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton Volks-zcitung. He knows that this paper aims to advertise only the best in its columns, and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back, he djd not heat. in buying a bottle vd- it for his wile, who for eight weeks hail suffered with the most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He says: "After using the Pain Halm for a few days my wife said tif me, 'I feel as tho.igh born anew,' and before using the entire con ten U of the bottle the un bearable pains had entirely vanished and she could nguin take up her household duties. He is very thankful and hopes that all suffer ing likewise will hcur of her wonder ful recovery. Th;j va.UahQ lini meut i ftf sniw ii.v Ge. C. Good man k Co., dniggtbt Foley's Honey tad Tar forchildrcn.sjtte ture. No opiates. B-4-U Buy Priee Hy Goods ! Large Lot Ladies New Hats to be Sold at a Bargain 1 New lot II Kid Gloves iuc 25c Silk Mitts only . ..,. ., 15c 1,000 yards Embroideries from 2c up 500 Ladies' ll!)c Fans only I'-'- - 5c zuu uaaies pu jhs uMiy oc HituuKorc Iigis lie 4c Handkerchiefs c 10c Handkejjjhiefs 5c 1 Job in tine Parasols .--8lC' A line of fine Samples at half price. See my line of NF;CK VVEAR. 500 pair Boys' I'ants from -. , 15c to 25c Boys' Overalls 25c Pip lnc Curtains 48c pr Fine Lux e Curtains . . ..i)c pair Remember tbc Juua'll". t5.'N. Corset only 48c and OHc JDJEiTST C3-OOXDB Large lot fine Lawns at Cut Prc. See my 10c White Lawn for..6ic Finaniutit kJiwiss only. Shoes and Ladies' Slippers.. 50c pr Ladies' Fine Shoes 95c pr Good Chevl- Ttb,auc.o. 25c lb 7 paokafrog Snuft for 25c '2011)8. Sugar MOORESVILLE RACKET STORE, ' W. P. CARPENTER OWNER. AND SURE! ense of Headache that our POWDERS the money in every H. MILLER & CO., Graduates in Pharmacy. Miss Mary Davis Henderson is en tertaining Misses Stella Richardson and Lula Frazier, of Charlotte, and Miss Mattie Poston, o" Statesville, at a house part v. Mrs. J. II. Frazier, of Charlotte, is chaperoning this bevy of pre'tty young misses. WnrnluK. If you have kidney, or bladder trouble and do not use Foley's Kid ney Cure, you will have only your self to blame for results, as it posi tively cures all forms of kidney and bladder diseases. E. H. Miller A Company. - REASON, WISH attend the PARTMENT STORES. I n VIII I C Department Stores. your CHICKENS and EGGS at Highest Prices. Frank Rohbins, white, who was indicted at the recent term ot court for selling liquor without license, was brought to jail yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Deaton, of Moores ville. Rohbins was arrested at Da vidson, where his family lives, He is charged y polling lUjuor in SQith Ireduil and is held under a bond of ijiiOO Rohbins' character is bad. He lias served a term in the penitentiary for larceny. Tues day's Landmark. How la Avuid Tiaublr. Now is the time to provide your self ami family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera mid Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to lie needed before theuuin mer is over, and if procured now may save yun t Wi to town in the nit; IH ur in your busiest season. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful medicine in uxe for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by Geo. C. Goodman t Co., druggist. -c ( ..71c vd Slippers. Ladies' Slipiiers f?, now.. 1.50 Queen Bess, only.... S-50 Good Smoking; Tobacco ..25(! lb 9 lbs. Rousted Coffee .1.00 fl.00 Jflour! We have just received another car of that fine flour. If in need of any call and get our prices which are the low est. Remember we carry everything found in a gen eral store. :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: - Xabtes ! Don't forget to visit our Millinery Department. Our Milliner is up-to-date and can please you. Call and in spect our line of seasonable aud stylish dress goods, and don't forget Queen Quality Shoes. :: :-: :-: :-: 11 Ulllowarb GREAT IN- SUMMER -OF ALL Millinery, ALSO, Big Reduction in Clothing, Summer Weight Garments, &c. ttr-You can save money, and get the best the market affords- ff JlI Ffc A rVT7 If You are Looking. For the place where your money will go the furthest then come tr l'ie RED FRONT. e ure making strides in progress. If you want Notions, Shoes, Ladies' Hats. Ladies' Skirts, Shirt Waists, Hose, Underwear, Haudkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Window Curtains, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Embroidery, Fine Lining, White Goods, Culhoes, Ging hams. Domestics, Towels, Glassware, China, Crockery. Stationery, Table Cutlery, 11 )oks, liiblcs, Tinware. MEN'S STRAW HATS, Men's Pants, Hoys' SuiU and Punts, Dress Shirts, Work Shirts, Neckwear, Fruit Jars, or a full line of GROCERIES then we can certainly save you money. Lot hitcst stvle Ladies' H;iU just reculvtMl, worth from $1 to 2. new I mbrellas. An elegant one tor A $3.00 WE CREAM Freezes in one minute. A g'to I out alarm (illc. Call und let us kuv( The Red Front WHEN IN NEED of ANYTHING -USUALLY HANDLKI) I5Y AN UP-TO-DATE HARDWARE HOUSF, -YOU SHOULD D. E. TURNER & CO. F.ver before von. CAROLINA Yards at STATFV1LLK, SALISBURY am. WILKKSBORO. Mnrje oud (inutile Jlnnunieiits, Tablets, Cane trtj Coping and Tile. We carry tin most complete line ol Monument and Tablet in the Stale On r prices are lowest. Write for Cala!'!iie. W. L. f'AI.DWKLL. Aokvt, Mooresville. N..('. jflour! -0 VALUES - GOODS! KINDS.- Shoes, &c. ... We sell at fiilc to 75c. His lot of b.ic and plenty of cheaper ones too. FREEZER FOR Toe. alarm chii k fi ou imwicv. r u good one witll- We tan and will. Store, I RANK .VOORE ftanager. KF.F.P 'I MF. NAM K- It Hill liCill OU. MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. (

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