The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of — and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. *««( //; *-CC€€A4Mi Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is OASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY8 The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TUI eiNTAUN eOMOAMV. Schedule of Trains Leaving Mooresville No. 10 for Statesville.. 9:00 a. m. No. 26 for W-Salem_9 05 a. m. No. 28 for Charlotte —H :8G a. m. No. 28 for W-Salem...12:06 p.m. No. 27 for Charlotte_4:42 p. m. No. 25 from W-Salem„7:20 p. m. No. 15 for Charlotte_7:25 p. m. N«. 24 for Statesville_7:47 p. m %A. F. and A. M.% /g2sa Moores Till e Lodge No. 496, A. F. & A. M., meets on the 1st Saturday at 3 p. m.. and the 3d Friday at 7:30 p. m.t of each month. A11 members requested to be present, and visiting brethren cordially invited. MOORB8VILLE LODGE NO. 244, 1. O. O. F.—Meets every Tuesday evening 8:00 o’clock. All members are reques ted to attend. Visiting brothers are always welcome. Degree work most every evening, JR. O. U. A. M — Meets every Thursday night at 8:00 o’clock in Junior Hall. Mem bers invited to be present. Visitors al ways welcome. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ALBERT L. STARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. C»ll0otlea* and Imu. Otttaa In Bank Building. MOORESVIUE, N. C. DR. S. FRONTIS, ■ Dentist. Offloe over Hitler's Drug Storu. KOORESVILLE, H. C | ZEB. V. TURLINGTON, y Attorney and Coonselor At-Law. 1 KOORESVILLE. A C. i|or- ■ ---—““ j Dr. Paul W. Troutman i ^DENTISTS j Of floe over Bank or Mooretrrille. .! Maaratvllla. • - Barth Carolina. j. DR. C. U. VOILS, ?: DENTIST Merchants and Farmers’ Bank ijv. u Building, Phone 206. . Maaraarllla. • Barth Carallna. J. C. McLEAN, Itbif Public. T ansfer of Real Estate a Specialty. .e Office Up-stairs. R. W. Freese ft Co. Dr. Brem Found Dead in Bed. As a waiter, sent from Gresham’s restaurant, entered the room of Dr. Charles F. Brem, in the Harty building on North Tryon street, Charlotte, Friday, he discovered Dr. Brem lying across the bed. It was discovered that he has no marks on' his person to indicate that he had taken his own life, so after the phy sicians made an examination they gave it out that he probably caipe to his death as a result of an attack of asthama, which produced violent coughing apells. Dr. Brem was 64 years old and had been in bad health for some time. His death was quite a shock to his many friends, and the suddenness with which he passed away caused no little alarm. It was thought for a while that foul play had been en acted, but as soon as his body was examined all fears passed away. It is not known at what hour Dr. Brem died. He was'half dressed when found and it was not known whether he passed away while pre paring to retire or while dressing Friday morning. He was at one time a prominent practicing physi cian and recently has been in the insurance business. He was grad uated at Bellevue Medical College and won distinction as a practition A Generous and Charltabla Wish. "I wish all might know of the bene fit I received from yonr Foley’s Kidney Remedy,’’ says I. N. Regan, Farmer, Mo. His kidneys and blabder gave him so mnch pain, misery and annoyance, he could not work, nor sleep. He says Foley’s Kidney Remedy completely cured him. Miller-White Co. A Terrible Disaster. Last Saturday morning about 1:30 o’clock unknown enemies blew up the Los Angeles Times building, re sulting in the death of a score or more employees and the total de struction of a half million dollars worth of property. It is alleged by the management of the paper that the horrible affair is due to the hos tile feeling against the paper for its stand against organized labor. Dy namite and other explosives are said to have been used, experts giving the opinion as that of nitro glycer ine. The disaster is one of greater magnitude than any on the Pacific coast since the San Francisco earth quake. It's the World's ■•*». No one has ever made a salve, oint nent or balm to compare with Bnck len’s Arnica Salve. It’s the one per fect healer of onts, corns, burns, sores, braises, scalds, boils, Ulcers, eczema, salt rheum. For sore eyes, cold Sores, chapped hands or sprains, its supreme. Infallible for piles. Only 85c at Miller White Go., and Geo. O. Goodman A Co. W. L. CooM LIVERYMAN. Horses and Moles Bought and Sold. Gdod Teams • - Phone No. 12 PELLAGRA ITS LESSON. The importance of pellagra as a lisease was brought to the news laper reading public last week when hia obscure malady claimed for its hctim one of the best known editors if our State. John M. Julian, edi or of the Salisbury Post, was a rnblic spirited man, and a man whose ife, taken at the very* meridian of ts usefulness, was of great value as i public asset. A terrible disease! Like some wild >east of the jungle that emerges inder cover of darkness, seizes its rictim, and escapes without being leen, so pellagra, of unknown >rigin and destined to strike next we