Business Club Miss Clarine Wiggins, above, has been accepted for member ship in the Business club at Mars Hill College at Mars Hill. The ^Business club has a maximum of 20 members who are selected ac cording to scholastic records, Christian character, personal ap pearance and possible future at tainments. The club was organ ized to promote outside interests among the business students and to give some diversion from the general routine. Junior Society Is Organized Sunbury. — The Sunbury school class of Mrs. L. E. Mc Coy was organized into a Jun ior Missionary Society on Sun day morning. The following officers were elected to serve during the next quarter: president, Mills Rid dick; vice president, Jacqueline Pierce; secretary, Frances Hof ler; and treasurer, Margaret Anne White. The society decided to have its regular meeting each first Sunday 'morning at which time lessons will- be taken from the study book, “Tommy Two Wheels”. After a discussion of other matters pretaining to the society and a short discussion h of the Sunday school lesson for ¥ the day, the class was dismissed by a unison prayer. Sunbury Miss Mary Elizabeth Lassiter returned to Williamsburg, Va., on Tuesday after spending the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lassiter. Dr. and Mrs. Royall and chil dren of Newport News, Va., were weekend guests of Mrs. Royall’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker. R. M. Watts, Jr., left Friday for Cheraw, S. C., where he will attend the marriage of his sis ter. Miss Margaret Lassiter of Norfolk spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Lassiter. Mrs. R. E. Lewis of Elizabeth City spent Sunday with her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker. . Misses Mary Kathryn Hofler and Dorothy Byrum of Norfolk spent Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Hofler and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Byrum. Miss Madeline Parker of the Driver school faculty spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker. Hostess Miss Bertha Hill was hostess to the members of her book club on Wednesday. Early spring flower I decorated the lower floor of the Hill home. The ex change of books took place dur ing the business session which was followed with a social hour during which rook was played. Miss Hill assisted by Mrs. J. E. Gregory served a salad course with coffee to Mrs. H. G. Brown, Mrs. J. E. Corbitt, Mrs. j, W. Nixon, Mrs. Margaret C. Riddick, Miss Margaret Jordan and a guest, Miss Essie Whed bee. QUILTING PARTIES Eure. — Mrs. Eugene Mullen entertained a number of her friends Friday afternoon at a quilting' party. Mrs., Greene served refreshments to Mrs. Earnest Smith, Mrs. Charlie Mullen, Mrs. Clarence Mullen, Mrs. Hale Landing. Eure.—Mrs. Gurney Eure had a quilting party Monday after noon. Mrs. Eure served peanut candy to Mrs. Rubea Mulder, Mrs. Tom Stallings, Mrs. Char lie Sawyer, Mrs. R. Hill, Mrs. Jesse Dilday, Mrs. W. R. Hofler, Mrs. Paul Taylor, Mrs. Troy Greene and Miss Lib Eure. j Horses are particularly sus ! ceptible to injury and death from I spoiled and damaged feeds, says I Prof. Earl H. Hostetler* of the I Animal Industry Department at i State College. Read and Use the Want fids BRIGHT JEWELRY COMPANY Jewelers and Silversmiths VIRGINIA DARE HOTEL ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. SUITS Gabardines, Twills, Shetlands to enhance your Easter loveliness. Juniors, Regulars and Half-Sizes. $27.50 to $59.95 II HATS Stetson, Gage, Thornton, ' Dana Marte, Phipps. Felts and Straws in all the newest styles and colors 5% for Easter and Spring. $2.98 to $20 BAGS Fabrics, imitation leath ers in a riot of Spring styles and colors. To see these is to want one. $1.98 to $6.98 DICKIES Lace trimmed and beau tifully tailored Dickies. $1.98 to $4.98 BLOUSES New Blouses in white and fetching stripes and pol ka-dots. $2.29 to $5.95 SCARFS In Squares and Ascots. Assort ed colors and white. Crepes, * Chiffons. 79c to $1.98 GLOVES Fabrics, Kids, Doeskins. Whites, Blacks, Browns, Greens, Reds. $1.00 to $4.50 JEWELRY > Pins, Bracelets, Neck laces, Earrings. Cos- j tume Jewelry from $1.00 - $16.50 A HOSE New Spring shades in guages 45 to 48. North mont, Kayser, No-Mend, Hoffman, to mention a few, in sizes 8V2 to IOV2. 81c to $1.10 COSMETICS PERFUMES Ballard and Smith, Inc. “SUFFOLK’S QUALITY STORE SINCE 1880”