Society Items NEWS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Fashion Facts ■ Personals Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Flem ming of South Norfolk spent Saturday with Mr. Flemming’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Flemming. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Tay lor and Mrs. Humphries of Kinston spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eure. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hofler, Jr., and children of Windsor spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cowper, and Mrs. J. L. Hofler, Sr. After spending 10 days with his parents, John R. Eure, M. M. M. 2/c, left Sunday for Holly wood, Florida. Miss Frances Newsome spent the weekend with her father in Winton. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Parker and family of Norfolk visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Parker a few days last week. Miss Mable Baines of Ports mouth spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Baines. Mrs. Edward Weeks is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Riddick. Carlton Worrell, U. S. Navy, left Thursday for overseas duty. Mr. and Mrs. Gurney P. Hood of Raleigh spent Thanks giving with their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Hood. Miss Virginia Speers of West Jefferson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hofler. Mrs. C. M. Lawrence, Mrs. C. C. Walters and Mary Ann Hofler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stephens at.Bevern. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hofler, Mrs. O. C. Turner, Misses Vir ginia Speer and Hasseltine Hofler visited in Manteo Sun day. Mrs. Margaret Lawrence of Suffolk, Mrs. Etta Hayes and Miss Eva Hayes visited Mrs. F. W. Blanchard Wednesday. Charlie Parker, Jr., is spend ing this week with his uncle, R. M, Parker in Norfolk. Mrs. Elizabeth Crouse spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Olivia Hobbs and aunt, Mrs. Charles Johnson at Hert ford. WSCS Officers Of Kittrell's Elected Gates.—The W.S.C.S. of Kit trell’s Church met with Mrs. J. S. Umphette Wednesday, No vember 15. Mrs. E. O. Parker assisted by Mrs. J. E. Carroll and Mrs. Clyde Burton, was in charge of the service. The program entitled, “The Work of Deaconness in a Strange Land”, was presented by Mrs. C. V. Cross, Mrs. D. A. Willey and Mrs. C. T. Derby. The nominating committee brought in th=' new slate of of ficers for 1945, which are as follows: President, Mrs. D. A. Willey; vice president, Mrs. C. T. Der by; recording secretary, Mrs. R. E. Miller; corresponding secre tary, Mrs. Clyde Burton; treas urer, Mrs. J. S. Umphlette; sec retary of Christian Social Rela tions and Local Church Activi ties, Mrs. C. V. Cross; secretary of spiritual life, Mrs. D. A. Wil ley; secretary of supplies, Mrs. Thomas Parker; secretary of missionary education, Mrs. C. A. Guthrie; secretary of youth work, Mrs. C. V. Cross; secretary of student work, Mrs. M. T. Har rell; secretary of literature and publication, Mrs. G. L. Gatling. A gift from the society was presented to Mrs. T. J. White head by Mrs. C. V. Cross. A social hour followed the bus ines session and refreshments were served by Mrs. Umphette. T. A. Vaughan and Carolyn Gatling United in Ceremony at Gatesville The marriage of Miss Carolyn Wilson Gatling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Gatling of Gates, to Thomas Arthur Vaughan, Jr., son of Mrs. Mary Jones Vaughan of Franklin, Va., and the late Mr. Vaughan, was solemnized November 18 in St. Mary’s Epis copal Church, Gatesville. The ceremony wias performed by the Rev. John Hare Bonner. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of white faille taffeta fash ioned with a deep yoke of mar quisette outlined with bands of shirred taffeta, long sleeves tap ered to points over the hands, basque bodice with the fullness of the gathered skirt forming a wide round train. Her fingertip veil fell from a Juliet cap of pearls. She canned a bouquet of bridal roses. Her matron of honor, Mrs. J. Norpaan Mayo, of Kinston, wore a gown of pink brocade taffeta with net skirt. Her head gear was of net. She carried an arm bouquet of orchid chrysanthe mums. The mother of the bride wore a dress of aquatone crepe, and her flowers were a corsage of pink roses. The groom’s mother was dressed in grey crepe with sequin trimming; her flowers were a corsage of pink roses. J. B. Johnson of Franklin was best man. The ushers were L. R. Edwards and Marion Whit field, also of Franklin. Miss Clarine Gatling was mis tress of ceremonies. The wedding music was rendered by Mrs. G. L. Gatling. Just before the cere mony Mr. William John Hayes sang The Twenty-third Psalm. Immediately after the cere mony, there was a reception at the home of the bride’s parents. Later Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan left for a northern wedding trip. The bride wore for traveling a green suit with black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Zion WSCS Names Mrs. J. W. Hudgins The W. S. C. S. of Zion Metho dist Church recently held its Nov ember meeting and elected the following officers for the com ing year: President, Mrs. J. W. Hudgins, Sr.; vice president, Mrs. J. P. H. Blanchard; recording secretary, Mrs. Georgia Brown; assistant secretary, Mrs. Darlie Bunch; treasurer, Mrs. Rob Brown; cor responding secretary, Mrs. Earle Blanchard; superintendent of children’s work, Mrs. W. M. Spi vey; mission study leader, Mrs. J. W. Hudgins, Jr.; spiritual life leader, Mrs. W. E. Brown; local treasurer, Mrs. W. A. Brown; parsonage committee, Mrs. O. L. Brown, chairman, Mrs. Earle Blanchard and Miss Alice Spivey. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Georgia Brown. Twelve members and two visitors were present. 'the meeting was presided over by Mrs. J. W. Hudgins, Sr., pre sident. “Deaconess Work’’ was discussed by Mrs. W. M. Spivey and Mrs. J. W. Hudgins, Jr. PughHintonHome After 31 Months Chief Warrant Officer Pugh Hinton and his wife and daugh ter, Floanne, of Phoebus, are visiting Mr. Hinton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hinton, in Gatesville. Mr. Hinton who has been in the Marshall Islands, is home for the first time in 31 months. After a furlough, he will report to Pearl Harbor for further as signment. WAC DECORATED.— Corp. Grace Sharkey of Philadelphia, stationed with the WACs in England, has been awarded the Soldier’s Medal for saving the lives of the crew of a Libera tor bomber which crashed and burned. She saved the crew seconds before an explosion blew the plane to bits. Cotton Ginning ’Way Under 1943 Census report shows that 2,086 bales of cotton were gin ned in Gates county from the crop of 1944 prior to November 14, according to A. C. Mat thews, special agent of the De partment of Commerce. This figure compares with 3,047 bales ginned in the coun ty over the same period from the crop of 1943, Mr. Matthews said. BIRTHS Mr .and Mrs. Wallace Rid dick announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Hope, born November 5. Alice Wiggins In CollegeWho’sWho Miss Alice Wiggins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiggins of Sunbury who will receive her A. B. degree from East Caro lina Teacher’s College in De cember, is among those students who will be listed in the 1944 ’45 issue of Who’s Who Among Students In American Universi ties and Colleges. The book will be released in April. The purpose of Who’s Who is to serve as an incentive for stu dents to gef the most out of their college careers, as a means of compensation to students for what they have already done and as a standard of measure ment for students. Alice has been a member of the Emerson Society, Y. W. C. A., home economics club. Dur ing her sophomore and Junior years, she was treasurer and re porter for the home economics club, chairman of the Emerson Inter-Society Committee, mar shal, Emerson Society, college marshal, member Wilson Hall house committee, associate edi tor of the Tecoan (college an nual). During the summer of ’43 she was secretary of the woman’s judiciary and during the summer of ’44, president of Buy "HIS" Christmas Gifts Now! MEN'S ROBES for Christinas Rayons Flannels Gabardine Blanket $6.95 to $20.00 We suggest that while we have our complete Holiday Shipments of Robes, to select one now. With a small deposit we will LAY-A-WAY for Christmas. We are now displaying the most complete line we have ever shown. b»Wen H. J. & COMPANY, INC. Smart Togs for Men and Boys ' SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA TUNE IN WLPM PAILY AT 6:15 P. M. the student cooperative govern ment association. Alice was a member of the Sunbury graduating class of 1940. IF THROAT ISSOREM IF A COLD has given you a miserable sore throat, here’s how to relieve the - suffering. DO THIS NOW—Melt a smau lump of VapoRub on your tongue and feel the comforting medication slowly trickle down your throat bathing the irritated membranes —bringing blessed relief where you want it, when you want it. DO THIS TONIQHT — Rub throat, chest with VapoRub. Its long con tinued poultice-and-vapor action loosens phlegm, relieves irritation, eases cough- t ing, invites v restful sleep. v V VAPORUB With Suggestion If for ‘HIM’ from JOS. P. HALL DRUG CO. MEN’S FITTED CASES— $7.00 to $14.98 MEN’S UNFITTED CASES— $1.19 to $5.00 PIPES — $1.00 to $5.00 Kaywood and Yellowbole. TOBACCO POUCHES— $1.00 to $1.50 Odorless, featherweight, keeps tobacco moist. PIPE SMOKERS’ TRAVELING KIT — $1.00 Sanitary and safe method for your pipe accessories. SPECIAL: John Middleton Variety Kit — $1.00 Five famous pipe tobaccos, a blend for every taste. In han dy mailing cartons. SHAVINGS BOWLS — $1.00 Yardley, Stagg, Bergamot and Batter-Up. MEN’S SHAVING SETS — $1.10 to $5.00 2- and 3-Piece Sets including Men’s Talcum, Lotion, Bowl, and Cream. We have them in Yardley, Prep, Kentucky Club, Seaforth and Mem— (Boxed). We suggest that you give “HIM” Bergamot for Christ mas. Men’s toiletries in the old-fashioned tang of. “Berga mot”. • JOS. P. 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