THE LONE RANGER • - BY FRAN STRIKER WHAT 00 YOU MEM, ANDV' how could mu HAvej BUILT THIS BARN ?J the’oouble A" US ED TO 6E MINE. THE BRAND STANDS FOR“ANDY Andrews: Mil!) SXT. BUT HOW? r HOMESTEADED THIS RAN6E, PUT UP THE BUIL0IN6S (STOCKED IT WITH GOOO cattle, then, ten TEARS AGO I HIRED A DOUBLE -CROSS/N' .FOREMAN NAMED -a "RUCK" MASON.' HE FRAMED A CROOKED RUSTLIN ' CHARGE. I WAS SENT TO PRISON, THEN HE FORGED A 0/LL-OF-SALE AND STOLE THE PLACE FROM MY WIFE. SHE DIED. J~ I'lFARWeO T HE TINSM/TK TRADE IN PRISON. SINCE t GOT OUT I'VE JUST BEEN DRIFTIN'. NO BODY RECOGNISES ME, NOT EVEN "RUCK" MASON. THAT WAS H/M WE SAW OUTSIDE! GOLLY ( GEE, ANDY, DO YOU THINK THOSE GUN* MEN RECOGNIZED YOU? NO, AND NEITHER DID “ROCK‘MASON! THEY NABBED ME BY ACCI ~ DENT! Th» Imh Kin/" In Distnbuifd by King FuiiiKt Syndicate. WHAT use HAVE THEY GCSTFOi?X TINSMITH? IOUNNO. FROM THE LOOKS O' THIS BARN, WITH ALL THOSE STALLS, MASON MUST BE OEALIN' IN STOLEN HORSES] iSH-H-H- SOMEBODY COMING! J Distributed by King lutnres SyndKstr.l IT'S THAT FELLOW THEY CALL "CURLEY" HE'S GOT A CLUB AND x— LyEAH.WE'D I BETTER ™ PLAY UNCON , SCIOUS/ ir-jr-' HEY, YOU TWO, LOOK ALIVE! THERE'S WORK TO BE DONE.' hanovaawj TFtKMvrm I SAID LOOK AL/i/E. YVH LAZY critteRsTtz GETJJPf YOU'RE HERE J* TUH WORK, NOT TO SLEEP/ rr-vA 11 OH H H ru show you you can't—A 1/ A SMART-TALKIN' BUTTON WHO WANTS TO FIGHT, EH? -- WE'D BETTER I DO AS HE M SAYS, DAN !jm THAT'S BETTER? GRAB THEM FIXIN' TOOLS OF YOURS AND I'LL SHOW YUH,! '—j^y/HATTO DO/ yVS7«T ^ I \ NO CHANCE FOR A BOY AND AN OLD GEEZER LIKE AAE TO STAND UP AGAINST YOU. WHAT'S TO BE DONE? COME s OVER HERE AND I'LL SHOW YUH. I'LL BRING VPUR TOOLS, ANDY SEE .THAT WATER TANK? IT LEAKS.WE WANT IT FIXED PRONTO/}-— A TANK THAT SIZE SHOULD KAE IN THE 3RRAL/NOT in A BARN. Oulribulcd Uf Kinf F» •*•■»€ NEVER MIND WHERE IT IS. IF YOU AND THE KID WANT TO STAY HEALTHY, FIX IT/ y~ / ^\r~yrsr— GET BUSY AND FIX THAT TANK. THE BOSS WILL CHECK ON YOOj— BOSS, EH ? TD UKE TO SEE THAT DOUBLE - CROSSIN WHAT'D YOU SAY?^ NOTHIN'. WE MIGHT AS WELL GET TOj WORK,, PAN. J— THE DOOR WILL BE LOCKED, B SO DON'T riTRV SNEAKIN' AWAY/ something must have happened TO DAN. WE'LL START SEARCH ING FOR HIM. r T 111 ■ I ■ — meanwhile.. ISl** ! Inch LSmtioti t REV. ROBERT H. HARPER t The Christian’s Place in the Life of His Nation. Lesson for December 9: Mat thew 5:13-16, 43-48; I Peter 2:13-17. Memory Selection: Psalms 33: , 12. “Ye are the salt of the earth.” Salt makes its presence known. It . has a saving quality. The Christian must be a stable and. saving influence. Light depends upon its source. The best of men have no light in themselves; they shine, like the moon, only with reflected light, with a glory that comes from afar. And every light is made to shine—its place is not under a bushel but on a candlestick. As a Christian’s life shines, men see his good works and g'lorify the Father—for the good the Christ ian does and for his wholesome influence. You must preserve your poise in wrongs done you. Don't “fight the devil with fire”—he has more fire than you. Don't “stoop to conqueror,” for in winning that way you will be conquered. Do more than love those who love you. It is hard to love some per sons, but try. True sonship to God requires you to love even your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you. Good citizenship is Christian duty. Protest the wrongs that in jure the souls of your people. Exercise your franchise; vote your convictions. But be an ex ample of high citizenship in obeying “every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake,” and by “well-doing” you may “put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.” Given them no. cause to attack your character as a cit izen. Honoring all men, loving the brotherhood, fearing God, and honoring the king, you will have your high place in the life of the nation. RFC Disposes Of Building Materials Charlotte.—Many items of in terest to building' contractors and allied trades will be available to purchasers of surplus govern ment property of the type dele gated to the Reconstruction Fin ance Corporation for disposal on December 1, in accordance with RFC’s Charlotte Agency List No. C-43. Their latest catalog, dated November 20, has been sent to their extensive list of prospec tive purchasers of such material in the two Carolinas. Offers for property described in it will be considered after the ten-day waiting period, and purchasers will be notified. Items offered are for sale in large or small quantities on a negotiated price basis and include pipe fittings, steel nipples vary ing from 3/4 inches to 11/2 inch es, steel flanges, button head rivets and pipe plug's, many of which are suitable for use in plumbing and electrical construc tion. Other surplus property in the catalog includes water tanks, chest handles, draw bolts, miscel laneous aluminum alloy clamps and phosphur bronze clamps, an oil tank and a tank immersion heater. Two autoclaves, used in forming plywood, treating tim ber and for similar purposes are included in the latest listing is sued by the Charlotte Agency. Locations specified aVe: Col umbia, Sumter and Harleyville, South Carolina, and Raleigh, Burlington, * Weeksville, Spruce Pine and Camp Butner, North Carolina. The RFC Disposing Agency serving the two Carolinas is lo cated at 317 South Try on Street, Charlotte 2, N. C.