ji SseMr ft**** E9SEVEHS0F ORBSSnOW Fashion Facte vfv :M14 yfw. #ill rVlrfBV. Mid- v6sjfdfr &3*rtii44 .Ml4- &trf«y 6f Addfikld \Msit4cP Vfi-. ;«14‘ $6*9 & £ & Mill* Mr* #'. ,f? D<VMd11y. [tttfffic#. f a-rtd iy.-rHMi frtWyAi', Savins BttttV 411 i>'4 &. {_>. &rt».vrl [ tV<*4 VTv, **14 MW. ]£ Vf rt14~' dtelf' rtf ;4Vr'frv**4 Mr >44 $6/4 r iWrtiltis RSd4«?k, MW: 5&*45yti t 414* rtrtfi- MW. i. ,6 iforfifflV# £ V'i«T!ti^4 .f. & 3M4 $.■ ’P> ■ l^fW-iok M ^VM’fWW T*rt^ $Srt9 f ' jjitfri-, WvWrtW .VPvj t f IfcidHW-* i WttffetW**? t*V » f^w 'feys #51$ Mr >6*4. 4, £>. FfeMl4ff -MVi* Wt*4 &awMv fii4 wdrtkMTid *rt ^if^ftnWowrh *:9ifhi£ M: w»4 $6*-. <£. W**My. MV arid-’ .Mr-- Wo i-1 WrokfAr m^4 * Mr,- awJ* Mr*- Ffejfcy rtf ; r&.>. »?&& * '4Hy# #WJH» MV v>*4 MW. \$4?44y i #&¥kMr MV add Mr* 06wrv | iLvriVy!**’1 :4ft .^kvAday fv £w4a*fe I .6- lJ^avVAy M/. ;$w4 MW. $$"• 1W I t/Vr& a MVwrtS jkfyaHdfrt P i*6*['rtk'(4y vftd •*>' ‘4A*', Wav .a-/ v’ MiS«Ac V >iT-.,44 #A4 j iSykAr rtf fart" 4M* .•>rtAi*/; fih4 4*»»k j» 44M *,<‘4 ‘WVr -v/ rtW Ar*-vrt-ia# J V;s*A - M-v «?-4- M‘c " 4-.*V * v^r; faw* M •4-*a4 >yVA-? •&»*:*.]' ■ A4' <:/V -' ;,A-.‘ 4 .•/%*■•* A'- :«A V. I i * * f « I .1 -r. % Xflc-' ASI • ■; l>r Wf'i^yys- ?»• r1* •*’ ? v ty-y< ft*'. A ,<r +•*..•• • r SpA" '<> A »'»4AV^y/t «• slf VP?; p'i ''r&‘ 4 • Wp;>; A “v" ’1 ' rfi r’V,' -V . V. >ijf. • •] V?-; ' t(p J/yw.* ■•v'A ;vr^- ' '. iMsw* *p**/ Sr’“Af • .V/* If V?V * * f it?. ; • •■'/' :Vf- ?r/i /ft-'i 'if'trt* P: ‘I'fJ t Z' " H :y. ftvry }p#?r'-4k --peS-A p^itftx-i $»*,. ffcp {/, ?%• >5*^'.7 f, y ( fytorfpl+ty » I**--- ji#5 ■ /}. ?*>k fn ijWlMfc / \y? / (4**$# tp/r'-'/n totPI miff, H&Wk ti&ivy > •■’■*, .•tp^/v4 •fhf* r/,*,', $1/' fewfll Pi r Pvto//*j* vy??>A7 if, ftf dhftp&i Hr>), 'p- f‘Z ftiAmap* tirth '/?* p^tPnUi Pit fW(i Mt?. ' V/ MlttWi, Sr. H/l tv, $»!Js^ Hft iiwyyf-r '.petit f»?<e >?/«:. -V//M/ H**f l//VhAf tHld sisiet- Ul-4»V/j VI/ »*(/1 .'-•'/ i f>. tiii'iUlPi »! /Slvh. M/\ £^*1 Hotf / tit Philytti‘t\)lr> zp&tp ift&. Pftfl WP+t her pft/■«#<!«; Ptr Mts.- '1/ I < Hoists JWiss 'teftiitte lr/<?"l»J<f> 9pPtti ls*»t I*** J#«f fi ef, if i. r>rtNfehm„ »m hj.« Nt/iiiv ih gtil-appifitp, Eure's Church Group Has Regular Meet fiure..the Ladies AM Boeieiv Of rlMM-.ll H*M its monthly meet tog to the How? of Mt«. it: >t A^keW, Saturday, IVtaruH 23: A beautiful selection was reatl by M »■'*>.• Joseph fiore, Miss Katie Askew pve a piaoo golo. the devotional was conducted hy MFS, t'ieamoo Bute. Two new members, Mrs; fils* Worth Wliislow and IVtiss Annie Gheene were added to the so* eiety, ttefreshments of jelio and t ake | were sewed to the follow log Mesdames fcjieamun Bure, Pieet* wood fimith, d; Askew, hugene Belton, Norfleet Belton, Joseph Bure, garden Bure, Katie beetle, Oil! Johnson, garland Belton, fiisworth Winslow and M»*s Annie greene, The April meeting wkitl he held with Mrs, Gordon lute, • The society wishes a speedy I recovery fop its member Mrs, | Caroline lure who is a patient in Norfolk General tioapitah .HilllUP .HCT!¥IW|? till %t HeM ll C*eM:&r\Mife — #.- ilfortry Cm*#' rtlfflli s t-p*7*i 11 t*Tl ffert f rVf (SstVW •(Mwi'ty sfc'&vttev atMautteert' i^foti*' fey tins*- itfnss tfrUlmysy r'iferti tfte Wtotttiflfe dfell*g£ cW fit* e^fefersitjy rtf iWiv Cat'cusrufe SMter'^<{t^V[, (if 5^.tftffe StfttrVSl .vr\feic \JW«v fit* M- <& State &** ’>•^11*111: rtf infinite StsteuetVwt-. v-m ckteditet a- i¥i*«fik$ tf sHt :'**&*? *rt«t <£kte»8** feimty tehrtrti te3fch*jJ$ ffeut ftrtetMfcrt c'Uy- ttaclte *fe; ;# £}n<y*»art ftigH *fe<vM iVt ?r»i<fey.- i$|***Hl .v d€- & iitt jX- itfe ’Wm iawi»e* 6{ tit* ;nte*timg: is «> WiMMU* ** itnfefo- i«*fc«S8£ 2S jfcfesitete :tv mvisic- jit* fin*- ]<ws# jjr+ffeq. (&*>***}&*sS3 Ifrtft :fe5^:fe}fewM i|*S3*tte#» telw te**h fin* g*$lf fiW-fe#n firte *i;s^n--.:ln fetes av* m»^*4 :>v aftetsd vf *s ISt^irWay \tfli fcfe-ft- a !<*«s«y* •■vn vvw^tife* V& fit* Si.Htfv.wy feftrfet. Mim Burger Wed T»€eefl(* Haves 'W.iSh "WjjffAW.- V ‘ A (s'fi V? A A “S ' ’ Wiy;?'vffeJiiftyyK, ?>. >?&>- ">,a «AAr.A' .V? A VA-rfdr :*•■£ *m »wp./ 2# -‘rfMOv iVSi-'wt Sfe-zAi fcjWajAV. •H&x.j&tev <V? -Vf v WWd Mb 4. ^jWivAiv ?’'••.•<*■ J^rb^Ar rf? *'*,V#A, ■/&.. xK '/ l>Y’Y., f ri, ' r'. ■ b vf •ft**'?!** £?<v* . f> '.. yjfeWbftAv,<$r <y£ M*£as, >f '.:,> ?V A & .- A'M'f-'vr $(. &■'*&" f*t *y- '•/■ A ' A -V" ■>,. V??V MVd .>.* J V^A $ • o i) ‘y? i, • • ,'. *.:-.; ’.■? •; fi *5 .•'■•‘'? p9r.-f s s-iod w /'-'f -Abs </? » rf f-f-gji ft'* "*/ATS.- *? •' * S,' >}»'"<. ^ eerfrfi'/V.*£ 'fti),1 '-fji yys:S rf '// Mf. ft-tif'-r/tt H. if&rftizftft (ft W , • «*Vyr,. '//-■'/ sy-s/, W'/'wyift&i Mbs. Sfrtipftiifft fit f&i *'*' V*., Wh6ti SbA *1 J/»'/A /■, , tr. r -nrf "A< />•■: -><■■,m; t't a• Arfvftjjj (■' ; A-* wm,y ‘t'ha f/r: 'X" y/ss As? ortA-rf !,» ‘ •.•?’■ s J4 a t and 2 r/ At y ; n w s r r i« a* .?/./ ■ h(Af 'i/AOtbAf, ( 'l»t#rfA fr. Uufsj-Af kdif lbf> FMgA 8h<* WOtA 9 ?(WW Of t-jini with a fitted bO» idlee and a Itm# train, Her finger® |il|y v-ii of iihr.sioft was held in j p!#?. a f/f a ttattdtau of soed OAarl.e. Af/fTa?ftOttrfrf»a V/ith tf*A of fw»f goy/n.- 8be ear'Hed a white zzUti praye? book with a wftit# otAhid aorf shoWvf/ M fas fofoi?© Hay as, sbtar. of Ib» n<‘ntm. was ibe Itfi4«*'s (/tily atteorfattf and sb« was attired ill ft full IftnylH tutwti ot pink taf® feta al»d opt with iriatehiiia hearl rfr ss, and )yer bouijdet was roses.- Mr, L'raoley bower, <b Nntf'ilk, Va.. fl«rvp*l as th@ greotti's best <»»au. The usher* weie t'oirufiahder >lobti Aldrich (V&N) and Lt, Coruttiamler K, tProm f t/HNH>, both of Wash® inatmi: The eoupl left immedbdeiy after Ihp eeremotiy for a short honeymoon and are now at home in Washington, Chowan WMU To Meet On April 2 Trotviiie.—The annual meet ing of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Chowan Saptist Association will be held at Maoe donia Baptist Church Tuesday, April a, beginning at ten a. m, Mrs, John Waeaster of Ha ieigh and Mina Florence Lide of China will be the guest sneakers for the meeting. Mrs. T, Sloan Cuy of Oates vitie Is superintendent of the WMU, and Mra. Otha Riddick of Trotviiie is eeeretary-treasurer, A memorial service will be held during the afternoon session. auS Hfes*. iJlijahr; S'etitea- £rm*rfu»A£ tlier mirth at miw$- JSwejflc 1&5P and? J&®«* ?s^, S$, at* Uifc. £sarte»*$ crfSee; WtaiejjMllte:. — Mr.- a*ut SSps. -Attymonrt: £&*»*& aamwui& $*& mirth a£' * jlttfv &a&tax\ Wia&ai. VfoitfH ft*. (S*»ttfe*tfi3ife■—3®?. atrtflt 3fe»- Sr vm .wnruiw isw m»tfb erf 2t to#;, $Ulfe ffertfe itfetrsfc flflt Hb Brantley To W«IE.l.lUUh Kbmssmlk. —- Mrs,. $ &$&$.']l®i; fVmsie SkawtSey,, *rf &&&&&&, aa*~ r,»vvi«^!^ he: <sag3$$mejs£ <s£ ise* datsgfe3ft?y Mb# &1& El'iaa&ee&i Sttrawefe-Jv fls> E^iwakitt: Jaeftsaai;! Herfrfh..- ,^?.v sm* dtf Mf- 3>ru$ Mira.-; li i-Eptejwiwti fM- Sfev <«S j ft6irfrfi^»'iSte;; $(.. C.. 3Uie» Skawstfl*^ ! * ffiie -3bei^-U*»' erf ittoe Hate Jfosepte j ?.•*-.*,* ^auffltiey, The we&fcisg ■ ■vi.-i.'i grfag*Sffi tCS« tfiem* jJUPtttMrS Soz&oxy Group Holds March Meet -- Thst ■ Tow 8ft Teytowsftiip Mt T;i4«*»«fat> w.to Mrs.. WM W#rtt, I • ve fc'Jy&iw, £?.«*» «**m- 'i bevS Were pfGSbrti, The Edited to sewi;! *«ro doi&rs to Ma £*»vM SmiJey ■ ft? it ft mp» and tof give ftwe dollar to toe W, S, C, ft, f ' v? ItohadetoiKa to help pay $fjt | t>n6r etotbing fttf toe (hildl span-1| ’ toyed by toem sl tih^ ■ Methods^ !| Orphanage, t'";>e Eeltowsb-ip was able to re-1 ob-1 for this ddartof nine dot- j a»rs sent V» the Youth Fund am'- j seven dollars and twenty-five j I rents given to i/ther causes. The program was ted by Alilisj fhddiok, Others taking part were j Ti'itffia Lec Hill arid Beth Ellen Edwards, Air, Collins gave a talk » to the group on the Lenten sea | son and seif denial during this I period, | After an hour of games, the i group was invited to the dining room and , served sandwiches, j Heps) Cola, and cakes, I The April meeting will be with I Beth Ellen Edwards, Mel H-D Club Meets With Mrs. Langston Ariel.—TIk Arid Home Dem onstration Club met with Mrs. H. L, Langston Wednesday after noon, IBooks were exchanged and book reviews were given by Mrs. 11, L, Langston and Mrs.. W. T. Council. Miss Patfctrsdn mention ed the District meeting to be held April 11th at Hertford and urged each member to attend. She also mentioned the Cancer Drive to be had next month. A project report was given by Mrs. W, L. Lawrence. The lesson on "Modern Farm Kitchens and Pasture" wus given by Miss Patiirson and illustrated with posters. Refreshments of cold drinks, crackers and cakes were served to the following: Mesdames W. T. Council, K. L. Felton, li, L. Langston, J. H. Langston, J, H. Howell, Louie; Harrell, J, L, Felton and Miss One Patterson. The club will meet with Mrs. Louise Kamil In April. ^Hear Better twMdUt <vt «!###» mt —-awibsMai fey a4v*m#4 eUfttttmic mmth, <*x# to&tw&K** mh—»tm* *% iwsfcto *♦ ^4 ♦<?!* fih— aiiriiauifctf rodtaw*?, .♦#*»«*« l*»«*rr P*»» ao» bma iry wke, $tten * mawhmmo! adraocf tttac afensidiy <«■»* (A ii*x***»d+ *A hard**' btmriimg petyAm fewt bw» <ld *#J*t*4 wkk imt ap&Mli&r iky heir uw whb fh» diuy fair jwwwrfal device. | Ufaagfo iHlMtffag Aiflb fcrwii** - 7(97 *&sy®4«r 0J4<u W«*-f*fk 10, Va. j I(Si«BfflJ#»»«3E: Pfeaaet sw$ •mm F5S3E& Bdtewe AM booklet. Ko | .......... | Adig&ss*........ Tffj.’wm.......—.State. III II ffl I TIME mill rnilPITinU mT/fW/rm/uaumw LuIIuaIsilR AuowAfcePAfDf You mav bare « mootb4 "f education » the trade school, .chord or coUep of your oun choice, with tuition, up *300 per ordinary school year, prid and *« a mouth living allow ance (*90 if r®“ are marn'd!‘ This offer is open, upon their discharge, to young men IT and over, who enlist in-the new peace time Regular Army for 3 years. Get the full facts at your nearest U S. Army Recruiting Station. U. 8. Army Recruiter will be at Gatesville Post Office from 9 a. m. until 12 noon EACH WEDNESDAY. Every day in Room 302, Post Office Building, Elizabeth City, N. C. temm EXTRA FRESH BREAD! Fratb active yeast goes right to work! No lost action—no extra steps. Helps give sweeter, tastier bread flavor—light, smooth texture—perfect freshness! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-always use Fleischmann s active, fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Dependable for more than 70 years—America’s

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