Farmer's Market . . . is the place to buy. You don't have to spend your money with a mail order house. Look on the classified ad page of The Index. GATES COUNTY INDEX The Only Newspaper Published in and for Gates County The Home Folks . . are featured in every issue of The Index. You can't buy another paper that can make this boast about Gates County. Volume 21, No. 35 Galesville, N. C., Thursday, April 28, 1955 10c per copy 12 Pages—Two Sections Over 300 Peanut Farms ^;ant Increase; II Acres Gatesville.—Revised cotton al lotments notices have been mail- j ed to all producers that received ' additional cotton acreage from the released acreage. April li was the final date for releasing cotton acreage. There were 51.3 acres of cotton released by producers in the county. There was not enough cotton released to make adjust- v ments on all farms where appli- s cations had been filed for addi- 6 tional acreage. Today, April 25. is the closing date for releasing peanut acre- 1 c age. There are over three hun- 1 died producers requesting that ! 1 peanut allotments be increased ' t or adjusted. The County ASC | t Committee will meet tomorrow 1 1 to reallot the 11.3 acres peanuts j v that have been released. W. R. White and Shelton Bojfcce. j Jr., arc checking the farms that c we know about that have wheat r planted. If (here are farms in I jour community having wheat c See FARMS, Page 5 I VFW Ladies; Organize Auxiliary Sunburv.—A group of interest ed ladies from the County met Monday, April 18, to organize the Ladies Auxiliary to the Gates County Memorial Post of the Vet erans of Foreign Wars, and elect ed the following officers: President. Mrs. \V. Hunter Mor gan; First vice Pre-dent. Mrs. R. G. Moiris: Second Vice President, Mrs. R. K Bagley, Jr.; Treasurer, Mis. Sam Pierce: Chaplain, Mrs. P. Hathaway, .1: . Conduct >v.:s, ^ Brook Morgan. Jr.; Guard. Donnis Williams: Trustees. Dalton Parker. Mrs. Hardy cif'een. and Mrs. Ward Blanchard. The Auxila v is act mum tv sj»rvi*,'> a- w porting the National cnildren and wives i £ind disabled vote-ah Rapids, Michigan. Th gam/. I Gates Count; v II also work w,th the Post planning and building the new Post Home wh’ch has already been started on Route 133, tliiei mil s west of Sunburv re in com Home for in Eaton Au'xilia -v All ladies ovc 10 with hus bands. fathers, sons, and brothers who. have been awarded cam paign badges in an\ branch of the Armed Forces are eligible to i'Uii It is hoped the new organiza tion will eventually grow to 100 member . Ail risible ladu , ;r>- ureed to be present fur- t h-■ installation Wedhrsdav. M,:>. 13. at eight, o'clock in tli Sie.bu’-v School Cafeteria whi n members of the Roanoke Fan Auxiliary wd! be- pro cut for the instalbit *, -i ceremonv Anypnc with questions may contact anv of the above iih nt unit'd office) s. 340 Children Get Polio Vaccine Gatesv,lie — There were 340 first and second grade students vaccinated w'h p-ilm preventive injections m Gates Countv last week. Mss Hoy Haves. County Health Nurse, stated. In the Gatesv Hie, Sunhuiv and Hobbsvi lie schools 12b white stu dents were vaccinated while 220 negro students were vaccinated li the liu: kland and T S. Coopei Mrs. Hayes said that 305 stu dents were eligible for the in jections, but only 340 parents iiad signed up before the deadline which was March 30. Paul Edmond Next Gatesville Mayor CaU'sciHe —Paul Edmond has filed for mayor of Gatesville and Lo nie Leo Askew, J. K. Wyatt and Willis P. Taylor have filed for councilmen. The present mayor, J. L. Saw- i yer, didn't file: He has served as : •ivor of Gatesville for the past i ( k ht years and he served two W ,rs op the town council prior that. G. P. Cowper. who has served on the council for the past two years, didn't file this year. Edmond is a member of the coun cil at the present time. r. c. Hawkins, Jr., is the town clerk, but is in a Richmond hos pital and Mrs. Mildred T. Carter ia acting town clerk. The election will be held Tues day, M;i.\ J. Gates County BRIEFS And let us not be weary in •ell doing! for in due season we hall reap, if we faint not. GyJ. :9. The Gatesville Cemetery un erwent extensive i mproveynent ist week. Jack Harrell was busy 1st Thursday afternoon cutting he grass, raking, and moving all he waste. Now that the cleaning as been done, let's keep it that It seems as if everything is hanging these days—even the aine of one of our advertisers. ,ast week we changed the name f J Lloyd Askew, live wire 'arm Bureau Insurance salesman f Gatesville to Lloyd I. Askew. Ve have no idea where the "I" time from, but that's what was n the paper! We had a little more trouble ,ith another Lloyd, too. This ime it was Lloyd M. Wiggins of •unbury, one of our subscribers, leems as if Mr. Wiggins wanted o be sure that he received the iflper so he subscribed for six ears! For two weeks the Wig ins' did not receive a paper. Mrs. Viggins called and We found the rouble to be m the machine at he newspaper plant, I guess th■ xpiration dale. HILO. had it righteju 1! So soriv about the route . but if all f.-.d now: We re v“: v pl< a • .i to know that onvoone like the pa|)er W' 11 not; h to want it for six years' Th Tarheel Bank i, one busy dace come Saturday morning. Tom nine o'clock until 12 noon, md Mr s Sat ah Williams and See BRIEFS, Page 5 SUNDAY FIRE—A fire in Gales late Sunday af:- inoai destroyed two buildings and brought out the Gatesvilie, Win ton and Ahpskie tire departments. (Stall photo.) County Buys 40 Per Cent of Bond Quota Guli'svdio. Paul F Kdioond. Gates County 'Chairman foj U. S. Savings Bonds today r- 'ca . d the. eombrned monthly ami quir t el iy report of S. Si.vnr- Bonds salt - for Gate, County. a ail N orth Carolina. Tin.- avion mum !• .1 m tin Greensboro of.' t,f V,';. .'.or P Johnson. Slate Sait s It.: net- : for Saving Build . -how - Pu! Bend ,-al • ira r. as.ed Pi p r vei.l over Mart'll 1954. \v.lel, tlie .na •tio'n-wade men-use \v:i - Tpei mnt. Durina the lie ! cpu irVr of lh. year. the slate sale:, aurea ed 1.9 last year which is >in p.imls ahead of the iratioi -wide iiH'iea. s> Carolina has sold 27 per eei 1 di See BONDS. Page 5 Projectile Is Born 90 Years Too Soon -v::n Sivir!; ti.rv 1 hat !•:, ai v linn '■ >el li.vd -cHp'driv. ! n■ ■ ( ffa • v th> 1 tv v. vt "!<!•:! (i .! \ t:.- ■ 1 1 <i 1 of i!>.05 and Svatdwi it h,-i heard Hi iUV. , shot V, -for ■ -sva ■ <10 \v; i.. : ivd un Up! H'V. : That thi' •!. Civil MU M 111'' fh-ui V pi. It I ,ay i! ■ (U: fi, .<i b> p. 'i>. Hut in v <-ah', tin' Sep PROJECTILE, Page 5 BEULAH BAPTIST—Here we have a I! <>: * ." bury. showing a neatly outlined front yard an formation concerning the Sunday School and eh trap if n.m-TV. Sun bury- Shrubs, recently plant ■ showing in the picture, are planted a -iKuid the r 'I mc i .iae. outiimiut the c ard, is made with-' itb the trip. Tins chain keeps ears from driving v . iiip and it continues around the huiMim also were completed across the back side last y s ide.. v tew a if; t' a handsome. lnt rich rervt, 1: yri - a amend ill 1 found.'i unds'.io.n and in tile PtP- S : e ! a ' ah an .< .;-,e , ha. b, en ..or 11).">4 niprovencm t S :ir -Photo 1 v Art. . t . too Si I t .a nets of th ch’a'uf l’iii Ne'eaia •a; S ii.ulay A 11. Ho.m ta i. a!;c a f a V'rough '.ea a park - BUSY BAPTISTS—A committee Of the Beulah Baptist Church, Sunbury. is shim li alter a busy day’s work in landscaping their church grounds, one day in laic March h i1 c .t to right the members are: Mrs. F. H. Rountree, next person pouring water Mrs. Ralph O Beiiv 1- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Byrum’s daughter. Milton Byrum. Mrs. Milton Byrum. and Mrs. George Asbcll. This most active committee bought 2a evergreen shrubs from a nearby lutiscry. and with tIn: la Ip of three men not shown, set them out in good shap^^ eedless to say the grounds have been greatly improved. This same group of members are kee, , the plants watered during dry periods, I he Rev. W. V. Brown serves this church along with Hobbsville and Sandy G oss Baptist.--l’hoto by ArU. Ahoskie, Winton Firemen Aid at Gates County Fire Gates. Flames cii-sl roved a blacksmith siioT allot a storage building t:i the heart of Gates into Surfday afternoon and threat ened the entire town. Action by Gotesvil-le. Anoskic inil Winton tire trucks was credit 'd with preventing the flames from spreading through nearby busi T!ie lire burned to, the ground the David Kook b'aeksmith shop .end .1 wari-house -located behind : c \V J Freeman Store. A nearby house, owned by Douglas Freeman Caught lire, but the flames were extinguished after only the window shutters a: the home burned. Tin storage building, which housed merchandise of Freeman s Store was only about ftO leet lrom the store, and at • least nine olivet buddings were within 100 feet of trie burning buddings. ■ The alarm Was sounded about ."GUI p. m.. and tiie fire w.s : ...ught i • have been .started when high waui.s blew a tree Mrs. Doughtie Passes at 82; Rites Friday Catosvdlo Mr- Salhc Kli/.a Doug-hlio. ; ill died at. tin homo nf Iut daughter. Mr- H 11. Stviinn i'. Suffolk, at emht o'clock Wednc-dav> Sin w a a nntiw of (fat,. Count . a nit-mbi r of Harrell'- Methodi-t Church; 'ho wife o1' tin- la to W.l hum J Douahtio. Sr. and tin d .urhtoi of tin lat Com o am 11:. 1 riolt Piland,. Silo is siir\ ivec m four sons; .! M and A T 1 Jour.htio. F.ure. P P> Dcnudvtin Pointer. and \V S Dpu;:b,t to, N. auarta Kail, ,N. Y . seven t. r . Mr.- Virginia Smith. Mi I ov Jmios and Mis. H. 11 Swan -or. Suffolk. Mr- .J .1 tlioi Kodueo. Mis. C \\ . Pirn . Sr (fato-villo, Mr- K 1. Wbifr-i \ Sr. Newport Nows, and Ml- .1 P Turner. Wititcin: two -nr .Mi Minnie Han oil. Cat villi and Mis. Hattie Boom-. Suffolk one brotjur. \V P> Hilar,d. Co a poako. a number ol or and eloldren and jucal-a: an.dehild.i on Funeral services were conduct ol Fridav afternoon a' thn-i oh look at Harrell's M. thmii Chureh The pastor. He\ H A Hi/’oll. conducted file service a - tod h' tho Rev ,1 M Jolt!'! nu tin lb v H K 1 frittH Buriar wa m uio ehureii eemeierv Til. body was i t'liKA'ini In thi Hi hi I it ret' and llofler Futiera Home. Gatesvrlle. N l' where i remained until placed m tin eluireh (>iu- hour b.e.fon tin -er I’all lit a" '- wait ITU Wolfit \ Williford Smith. Chatlu1 T’t : » \ Jit., Cluxtoh Douyhtie. Waliae Hity Douphtic. Tommie Douphtii Hon.oraty pall bearers were th nienibers of tin- Harrell's am Fine Christian Church Mission At Convention Gatcsvilk'. -Mrs. Clyde Euro 1 planninp to attend the Stat Beauticians Convention in Wtl son next Sunday and Mondav May 1 and 2 Music Recital Hobbsvi lie.—Music students c Hobbsville School will hold thoi i recital Friday. April 20. at ‘ o'clock in the school auditomm Mrs. Elton Trotman. music trad er, announced last week The pul ’ lie is cordially invited to attent Inc, x», -f Acreage For 1955 jps Is Probable Rocky Mount North 1 lina Peanut Grower.> a:a advi ed to make preparation;- to hr abb to inerease their I On* a., by from 5 to 10 P' , et. an nounced Joe S. Sue;'. < >a cut \a secretary of the North Carolina Peanut Grower A — , as,. VI. SUSS made th; re ‘"n .a; a da' o'. so that Die peanut farmer w a' be able to take' advance t of an increase m the 1,055 pear.;;’ acreage alMfru r>* d it i '-rant'1 pi part-ment .of Agr 1 i:(' Xiji ill Carolina Peanut Growers A:-social ion has. along with oilier s <:pi f sintativiol the V;;io:i typi pea:iu' growing areas, been endeavoring since Felvt.inry to e, mi an increase in the l/*r»r> ,i- iinnl acre ace ailot :• aerordin: in Sir;:: Mr Sage stated tln> naanmg that three meeting.' with the U. S pern/tni. r.t of Ac-neu'!.U:re of ft Scholarship Awards Go To Buckland, Gatesville GaVsYilie. Glenn Gattaa jlli' 11 i«h Scii. >i iv:mn'i' .it I ho Mennof. Krct'tn.'in .>»•:.»>V h.;> SIOO. sifi'M :iU"l a■.ni;a!i ;uid Mi .- \V.,I c: C Ii. Lo.ui. . M:.. Ni. uru siiifiviib s Pal i - id Btiek!:.i. i Hi ..:, Seiiiii Tlu' i'i • :oi it \ T, la 11 i.ui;: an i I :! >. ai..l i'lM'i; t>f Roll:.lit VI’. 10. S. p'.l.-It.'! .. 1.a iu.i lilln M ii. ';. Cunt \V .■l.'Ur i. thi - h;.i! a \ i . '• i-k :;s ku w::i ubas \vi‘U Ml' ■ v' i ;, ciirrit'ulai- a'C . a v i>\ i • . 's!n nan. an i nan U ;.es'V ] P/.-.a !v j.rt-t svho'oi s: 1 d' last irit*I a isr:. in .. : ../! • i-htu-ks 1'H' rvi'!- ■; • .•«!• May Hi. S?e AWARDS. Page 5 MRS. ALMIRA HINTON li:'u;li h i' . >'i' : tl> ’ i'il'.'l -V.' . i'!: |Kii :• tth-I ■! S, ton. kr.o'.v: w;i.\ ’ i t' 1:1 V l/K a: .0 A : . Viv - !• iv.o ''lot of i-.'-.i M .til hr): : . or.'ft Yi.. Him : ui« hii-lv. r -1 siv.Ai A V" b Song in Her Heart Aged Lady Keeps Diary B> JOHN AP.TZ Nor! nlk VIs • Hint i.i) -!ia> live! .as '] 5 y. a , , r it. ..vo a Mo . \ ! " ! trail about tinvt .VeaYs ajt>) s: f I'm.Is it n.tnv ram : u r' !. r tend worship service- mStndu;:; ft ; at tiiv IJatmsvi.s Coiurreiralio i. i Christian Church. A mvas noi-M I bar. Mi . an.l Mrs. IValnost Dana . avp members. and tak. Mrs. Hi. 1. | toil tc) tlOlh SlMHI-.v School at H •li.rl Mr ’-IVM To Bed With a Song in Her Hea rt :V!.. il.i.jer.V 11:tiL> iliiiv in • -even ve i Ik e ing A paee ialien n.t 1 aiuior Tuesdry, .la: nary a, 1 !*;V> i ha e : i-niificani w < - in Ik le.dV.r, inked hi.iidWHUm. Ti. • ■ lay . .1 a mi. 11 y 'Jo. 1 Jl.T.'i • lay I have been bevy m<> * a ■ >;r.y I had Mi . Kriie. : hi . pin n my heater wont! so I prepared dir tier ami supper fur him. lie pi up and put the weed under t! shelter, lie helped me ealeh soil See LADY. Page 5 ’ills have been held in Wash ington and that a fourth meeting s scheduled in Washington, D. / , Friday. April 29, at which ime representatives of peanut 'rowers throughout the United States will be given an opportu litv to be heard with respect to increased acreage allotments. Mr. Sugg said that he felt that it the hearing in Washington on he 29th that a decision frill be made by the Department of Agriculture to grant an increase n the 1995 peanut acreage allot ment for the Virginia type pea nut. which is produced in North Carolina and Virginia. Mr. Sugg further pointed out that at this time it is not possible to indi cate how much, if any. increase would be granted: however, he stated that representatives of the North Carolina and Virginia area have consistently requested an increase of 10 percent and that he feels that .justification for such an increase has been and will lie presented to the Department of Agriculture. It is recognized. Mr. Sugg said, that some areas are well advanc ed in their crop planting opera tions and that it is beginning to be a little late for an increase; however, he pointed out that based on the efforts of the North Carolina Peanut Growers Asso ciation that a farmer will be justified in. holding open enough land and seed supply to plant a 10 percent increase Should the increase hot come, the land held hack can then be planted into corn or other crops. Mr. Sugg pointed out. If the increase is awarded following the meeting in Washington on April 29th. it will be ample time to get the increas ed allotment planted to peanuts. Gates Man Killed In Suffolk Suffolk. A 22-vcar-oid Gates, was shut to death early Sun day in ait argument over a wbm T.he dead man was Pally Rob nts, Nemo, and hr alleged assail ant. Thomas eSonnyl Washing ton. Nemo, of I5!i Crumpler's Aliev. Suffolk, surrendered to pels' at headquarters here about 3,20 p. m. Hebert'.: body was found lying on tin roadway in front of 216 Forrest Street about 6:10 a. m 111' had been shot through the In ad with a small-eahber pistol. •! , Pullet enu ring bis light tem ple and emerging' from the left lent'pie Tiv shooting apparently oc elli red; 1 he arresting policeman said, after Roberts had made a See ROBERTS, Page 6 Ruritans Hear Dairy Farmer Gates Thr.Gatn - Puritan Club 'Kill flien- pur..' speaker Thurs e. • irgh.t, Ib/ury Ci Shelton, of T i hem, K.laorombi County 1'■ > \ nief and form* r First I) irut' n.yh\va\ Commissioner. : !'.| 'nil pointed out that approxi mate i'\ la pn cent n'f the Nation's population l la: me., and stressed 11.a', farmers -hould w in k harder ioi In 1 ter farm ore a ni/at ion- so as m have inure stable p 'ice sup port • lie indicated that farmers • tvi hill under pretty much of a da tatt.iv.hty to In feeding the . tiaa per cent of the popula The . luh had ewral business mi’i't to nimi up dm mu the meet; a. It win derided among ria cl id.) mrmbr: 1 hat 1 he town ef tl.'i v. a in reat need of i eei light and a'eommittee was appointed In e in work oil this ;v.o. et A (late Hu: star, Soft hall team e in the process of he mp e ganr/.od and President Bob Carroll announced that the dia mond. \yas ready for play and that the ( luh i- earrr to have a panic with some utliei Vlurdan Club in Gates County or el ewhere. Presi dent Carroll also recognized llarvi'v Wallen of Speed. N. C., who accompanied the speaker for the occas: ion. CHURCH SUPPER ' Corupeakc. The Woman’s Society of Christian Service of l> Parker's Methodist Church is - sponsoring a chicken salad sup :t per at the fellowship hall of the e church on Saturday evening e April 30. The supper will be served from 5:30 to 8 p. m.

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