THE CAROLINA UNION FARMER Thursday, January 2$, Ipl^- Country Home Department Conducted by Mrs.^ E. D. Nail, Sanford, N. G., to whom all Matter for this Department Should be Sent Over and Over Again. Over and over again, No matter which way I turn I always find in the Book of life Some lesson I have to learn; I must take my turn at the mill, I must grind out the golden grain, I must work at my task with a res olute will. Over and over again. We cannot measure the need. Of even the tiniest flower. Nor check the flow of the golden sands That run through a single hour; But the morning dew must fall. And the sun and summer rain Must do their part, and perform it all Over and over again. Over and over again. The brook through the meadow flows. And over and over again The pondrous mill-wheel goes; Once doing will not suffice, Though doing be not in vain And a blessing, failing us once or twice May come if we try again. The path that has once been trod Is never so rough to the feet. And the lesson we once have learned Je never so hard to repeat; Though sorrowful tears may fall. And the heart to its depths be driven. With storm and tempest, we need them all To render us meet for heaven. Sei,ected To Hem Table-Linen. When heming table-linen by hand, especially the heavy double damask, it is much easier to work rapidly, and obtain a neat fine stitch, if the edges of the hem are dampened. This softens the linen, so that when the hem is turned you can make a tiny over-and-over stitch. Keep/ the emery-bag close by, for the dampened linen will rust your needle if it is not frequently cleaned. If the edges of fine linen for handkerchiefs or lingerie are slightly dampened before rolling to whip on a lace edge, it will be easier to roll neatly. Disobedient Children. It is universally admitted that a disobedient child must be a great trial to its mother, and it is not surprising when she loses patience with the little rebel. Mothers often make the mistake of trying to rea son with a young child—it cannot understand what its mother is talk-, ing about. The chief thing is to make the child do what it is- told to do, because father and mother say so. When it is older, it may be talked to, and reasoned with. Many children disobey, not always be cause they are naughty or wilful, but because they have grown accus tomed to the mother’s somewhat lengthy and uninteresting explana tions of why a certain thing should be done or left undone. In spite of every care, sicknesses of various kinds befall most chil dren during their earlier years. Even with health and sanitary sur roundings, childish ailments cannot be avoided, and even when the sick ness is slight, the necessity for care, cannot be too strongly emphasized. A child that has been properly trained to obey its mother or nurse when well, will likely prove tract able when sick, but the child who has always had his own way, will be irritable and impatient when medicine, or perhaps food which he dislikes is offered to him. Barache in Children. One of the most distressing com mon ailments, from which children of all ages suffer is earache. It may arise from nothing more serious than a cold, which attacks the throat, and extends upward tcT the ear, but in too many cases it denotes the presence of inflammation of the drum of the ear. The slightest pres sure will cause agonizing pain, the child cannot lay its head down, whereas in ordinary earache from cold, relief will be obtained on lay ing the head on a warm pillow. When the pain does not rapidly subside upon the application of re peated hot fermentations, or bag'^ of hot saltj-. together with a mild aperient, medical advice should be sought at once, or the consequences may be very serious. The mem brane of the drum of the ear is ex tremely sensitive,' and every sound from without only reaches our brain through the movement pr-D- dticed by it on this membrane. The differences of sound are all recog nizable only by the sensitiveness of the tympanic membrane, and in- flamation of the middle ear is sometimes followed by perforation of this membrane, the inflamation fluid thus escaping into the outer ear. There is then a so-called “run ning from the ear,” which lasts a variable time, according to the case. Children’s Voices. It does seem too bad that some American children should have such disagreeable voices, when otherwise they are so bright and attractive. Why is this? Because our children are imitative and if our voices are not well modulated, neither are theirs. Throat special ists claim that our climate is in clined to sharpen the tones, yet with proper care^ a certain sweetness, and a low pitch may be maintained. Most mothers read aloud to their children. Let this be done with constant watching of articulation. This will prove a good exercise for the mother, as well as a means of culture for the child. Another point that is noticeable in our young peo ple, is that they call their messages from a distance, instead of going to the person and speaking quietly. This shouting through the house is very unpleasant, and forms a bad habit. , Dressing for Burns. When a burn or scald is not se vere, but enough to ridden the skin and cause much pain, the best dress ing is oil of some kind, the best of all is carron oil, that is olive oil and lime water in equal parts. The great thing is to keep the imjured surface from contact with the air, therefore lint or cotton wool should be used. In an emergency a thick coating of flour over the oil will do, till a more suitable covering can be prepared. A saturated solution of carbonate of soda applied by means of lint or soft cloth kept wetted from time to time is another good remedy for burns or scalds which are not very severe, but whenever a large surface of the body is in volved, the danger of prostration is too great for cold water to be safely used. In cases of very severe burns it must be remembered that the clothing should not be removed un til some form of dressing is ready for application, so that the injured surface may not be exposed to the air one minute longer than is neces sary, also that any such clothing must bd carefully cut away, not pulled off, and every effort must be directed towards treating the patient for shock.—Every Wom an’s Magazine. Margaret’s Unfortunate Day. “If Margaret Reed hasn’t had about as unfortunate a day as ever fell to a girl’s lot. Why, mother, just listen, “Edith Parks threw her arm over the back of her chair and stretched her feet to the fire. This morning she put on that pretty pink dress she has just finished. We were all admiring it, at breakfast, when her father tipped his coffee down the entire length. Think of i1! Well, she got into that old shabby blue gown, swallowed a cup of coffee, snatched a doughnut and was off to school. Half way there, she discovered she had forgotten her French theme; back she pasted, reached the school building just in the nick of time to get a tardy mark. Next she had an oral eighteenth century literature contest. Litera ture is Margaret’s strong point) and she was counting on it to bring her marks up for the year. Rasse- las’ was the only thing of any ac count that Margaret wasn’t up oH) and what do you think mother. Miss Jones actually sprung Rasse- las’ on Margaret. She didn’t kno'V whether it was a story or a system of philosophoy, so she couldn’t even make a bluff at it. “She had tne same luck in a written mathematics examination this afternoon, which means that she has the whole thing -o review next year. This evening as a fiting wind-up, she invited^ lot of us in to a Welsh rarebit- After we were all ready for it, went back on her—never did such a thing before to my knowledge- The queer .part of it is, mother, she doesn’t seem to realize her hard luck one bit. When I bade hec good night, I said, “Well, Margaret) you have had a day of it, haven t you?” She looked at me as if didn’t comprehend in the lenst- Such luck! I reminded her. Oh! Then she laughed. Wasn’t that Rasselas’ affair ridiculous? “There mother! That’s just the way she takes everything—no fus^> at all. When her father spilled hi= coffee this morning, she looked up in that whimsical way of hers— know she adores her father. I sUp pose that helped some. I’ve ha my bath, father, said she. 0 course we had to laugh, and that^’ all there was to it. Going without her breakfast, and running bac after the theme, and getting l^t^ didn’t give her a pang. The bt^^ ature failure was ridiculous, and ih^ prospect of reviewing mathematiu^ was unpleasant, but might be worsc- And when the rarebit went back uU her, who wants an old rarebit auY way? she declared, and went iut^ late ch the closet and brought out a P of cookies. Did you ever see su^^ a girl? And mother, when I ^ home tonight and turned m) Stevenson calendar, what do y^-, think I read ? Our business in t u® world is not to succeed, but to coU^ tinue to fall in good spirits. If t’‘^ didn’t express Margaret to pcvf^^ tion.—The Wellspring. Lime as a Fertilizer. In this day when farmers reaching out to secure maximU^^ yields, and to grow clovers falfa on their lands, the use of ‘ is becoming more widespread year. There is no doubt that great majority of the soil in 1-^* ton belt is deficient in lime an judicious use would pay well- KITSELMAN Bold dlrtot U> 8*^- prlc«s on 30 d thedMiUra proUt. . and Pomltry F«n*e * 1 m CENTS A All wir«6 are Sl'7?»W W rod epool of Ido»‘ Barbed Wire •L40' free showing 190 stylo* a' ^ speeial fcloes tr> i>»rinet-8 1^*^ ^ t3 KITStlKAH CB03.