Thursday, January 25, 1912. THE CAROLINA UNION FARMER -'J Parcels Post. Farmer Who Would Consider It n Disgrace, Says Barrett, To Be Skinned In, a Horse-Trade, Fool C‘d by Politicians Fvery Day About Parcels Post and Other Political Measures. To the Officers and yjeinbe the Farmers’ Union : ^fhc main reason, the American farmer is not now and has ? for sonie years been enjoying the bene- of a general parcels post, is his own laziness. Added to that, per- is his practice of letting tlie politician give him a toy to play with and distract his a*:tL'ition, when he begins to seriously demand 2- general parcels post. The same •"ole applies to other needed legisla tion. ^ he hardest reforms or measure-3 to enact into law are these fav -rc-I hy the overwhelming majority of people, but for which this same ^^^j'ority will not develop suTciejit energy to get out and make a figi.-t - n't,- • ® -^nere are no reasonable men in America opposed to a general par- post, except those few who ^ sve, or think they have, a selfish ^nterest in defeating it or postpon- it. Yet we have the spectacle, hese years, of representatives of farmers striving in vain to ob- ^"^in the crystalizing into legislation 3- measure , self-evidently just, ^^id Self-evidently popular. The express companies have been ^ ^rged with maintaining a ricli powerful lobby against the par- post. Other interests have Gen plastered with the same in- P^ctment. It would not be surpris- Or unnatural if either, or both, ^^cusations, were well-founded. Fut all the express lobbies, and the other lobbies in America *'°uldn’t prevent the enactment of a general parcels post, if the Amer- farmer, whose vote controls ^‘^^gress, brought sufficient press- „■ to bear on his representative '■^^d senator to get results. tinder treaty agreements, wc y ^'*^ve a general parcels post /considerable more than half ^^'^dized nations of the world, possible to mail an eleven- to^T^^ Package from San Francisco Dondon, to St. Petersburg, \^i- ^l^na, Paris, Berlin, Hon Kong, to negroes in Port-au-Prince, ^yti, for twelve cents a pound. it costs sixteen cents a pound senator, and make your support of him in the next election contingent upon his supporting a general parcels post bill. Talk about “prac tical politics,” that’s practical poli tics with a vengeance. You insist upon a straight answer. though, and then you must follow up the answer with letters prodding him until his vote is actually re corded for a general parcels post. Be from Missouri. You would e\ erlastingly keep your eyes peeled to keep yourself from being skin ned in a horse trade. You’d think i*' a disgrace to admit you had palm ed off on you a spavined or wind galled nag. Yet you get skinned, time after time, in important poli tical measures by the fellow you’re laying to represent you and attend to your business. Isn’t it about the time you applied the same vigilance to politics you do, or ought to do, to horse-trading and business gen erally ? CHARLES S. BARRETT. Washington, D. C., Jan. i8, 191:^. /T Farmers’ Union Badges. We will have a number of Farm ers’ Union Badges which we will give away to subscribers sending us 85 cents for a years subscription to the Carolina Union Farmer, either new or renewal subscriptions will count in this offer. These badges have heavy gold filled rim and will wear a long] time. The regular price for this badge is 25 cents. Address: The Carolina Union Farmer, Gastonia, N. C. the tf) ^tiil the same package from your f^unty county scat ad ^he bulk into three or four Th ^ President has recommended Ij l^^^cels post on the rural free de- tio^*^^ routes, with an investiga- er ^ to the advisability of a gen- hu^ .P^ycels post. That is progress, slo variety—very and tortuous. suppose you sit down right » Write your representative and Heme Protection For Farmers This is what is offered by the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association Oi North Carolina Insures property at about half usual rate, against fire WIND or lightning. No other company offers such low rates with such safe pro tection. If your County is not organized, send applica tion for insurance to Central Branch, Raleigh, N. C. The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association B>x Z64 Raleigh, North Carolina 4®*ARetits Wanted in every Farmers Union in North Carolina. S top Buying Sweat Pads! Use Nameless i Adjustablo Collars, irour hor?6s In working con* , Ig Cl ayslntlie year. No Ilamns and keop yn dition3tiad to buy or I’ads to bother with. Fits any horse, Indestructible, cheapest and best. Ask yo-nr dealer—take no other; If ho does not keep them, send for orr catalog and intn^uctory price. Agents Wanted. Write today. iohnioff-Stoenn Co.,847- Stale SI., Caro.ll1cli. THE TEXAS COMPANY Manufacturers of TEXACO / The Mark of Quality PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Gasolines, Naphthas, Burning Oils Lubricating Oils, Greases, Etc. Texaco Roofing Texaco Road Materials ALL KINDS OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Distributing Places AU Through The South BUY your next BUGGY Direct from US and SAVE $25,00 on the BEST GRADE and EASIEST RUNNING Buggy ever sold at the price from FACTORY DIRECT to the user. Our Famous Buggies FUllY GUARANTEED f“ I 101* y where the most exacting conditions are enforced. Best Air-Seasoned Stock, Best Workmanship, Thor ough Inspection. Built for strength and durability. CATALOG SENT BY REQUEST FREE It contains illustrations and descriptions of over a hundred styles of High-Grade Buggies and Harness. It is brimful of VEHICLE VALUES. WRITE for it NOW—It costs you nothing. MR. J. R. RIVES, SANFORD. N. C., State BusinoKS Agent of tlio Farmsrs’ Co-ofierative UnUtn, having had considerable business experience with us, reooinmends and endorses our Vehicles aud Harness and oar Square Dealings. If you deslro any In formation coaeerning us you may write to MR. RIVES. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. DON’T FAIL to write lor ouf Catalog Now. It will save you money. Malsby-Shipp Company DEPARTMENT E ATLANTA, GEORGIA CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE!! Give us your orders now for plants as fine aa ean be grown—strong, stocky, \ngorou8 and healthy—To in* sure the very earliest heading and good prices set ns soon as possible before wet freezing weather sets in. If sot deep onr plants will stand the severest cold an'd freezing without injury. Southern Express will deliver them safely, quickly and cheaply—£'ar4y Jersey Wakefield— Charleston Wakefield—Succession etc. Single 1,000, $1.2S 2.000 and over Sh 00 per 1,000 Special prices to the Union Business Agents who order for the members. W. L. KIVETT, High Point, N. C. The Commercial National Bank of Charlotte, N. C. ,. Capital and Surplus $860,000.00 Gross Assets $2,800,000.00 We solicit Accounts of Manufacturers, Merchants, Farmers, Capitalists, Administrators, Executors, etc. Certificate of Deposits and Savings Accounts Bear 4 per cent Interest Compounded Quarterly. CALL AND SEE US A. G. BRENIZER, Preiident Wf E. HOLT, 2nd. Vice-Preiideot ^ R. A. DUNN, Ist. Vice-Presideot A. T. SUMMEY. Cukier •: ; V ■