ane CAHOUN^ Vnion FARMER Vol. VI-No. 28. RALEIGH. N. C. JULY 18, 1912 THE HEALTH HABIT. Elbert Hubbard in Cosmopolitan. F A MAN is sent to the penitentiary it is because he has dis obeyed the laws of the land. Such an one is disgraced in the eyes of his friends and of society. If a man is sick it is because he has violated the laws of nature, that is to say, the laws of God. And such an one, in stead of feeling disgraced, often feels sorry for himself and explains his sad plight to anyone any everyone who will lis ten. Man is made to be well and happy and useful. And if a person is happy, the probabilities are he will be well; and in order to keep well he has to be useful. Health is the most natural thing in the world. Nature is on our side. Health is the norm, and all nature .tends thitherward. Physicians nowadays do not talk about curing people. All the wise and good physician can do is to put the patient in line with nature. Na ture heals, and all the healing forces of nature are perfectly natural. We know the rules of health. Everyone of common intelligence is familiar with them. The trouble is that many men consider themselves excep tions; and postponed punishment does not deter them from violating the laws of nature. We must not only know the rules of health and bear them in mind, but we must bring to bear will to see that we live them. We have the knowledge, but we lack the technique; that is to say, we haven’t got the habit. Health is a habit, and a vast number of people in America are get ting it. They make it their business to be well every day and all the time, and the rules whereby they succeed are endorsed by every physi cian. First, think health, not disease. Keep your mind on the ideal, and picture the strong, happy, self-re liant person that you would like to be. Breathe deeply in the open air, holding the breath, then expelling it slowly through the nostrils. As a people, we eat about one-third more than we really need, and so our energies are consumed in getting rid of the waste. The greatest disturber of health is fear. Fear means impaired cir culation; impaired circulation means* impaired digestion; imperfect diges tion affects the entire program of life. To eliminate fear we must breathe more and eat less; work more and loatf less; praise more and scold less; love more and hate less. Get the Health Habit, and assoclat contagious. with people who have it. It’s Jj One Dollar a Year. -1. I' • ti I I! I! II I i! ■ I ^ :