THE CAROLINA UNION FARMER [Thursday, October 3, 1912. aolly Sl Wynne •Jewelry Co. Everything in Jewelry. 128 Fayettville St, Raleigh, N. C. Prompt attention given to Mail Orders. bookkeeping and SHORTHAND / Taught by SpeciaUsts. School thoroughly reliable, positions for all our graduates. No vacations. For literature, address the ^ GREENSBORO COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ‘ Greensboro, N. C. -4- FEAXHER PILLOWS Wllh every order for one of our fceather Beds at the ridiculously low pr ee of ' ^e iDclude a 6-ib. pair of Kealher Pulows •^Kbh! i'Veight prepaid on all. Best Ticking. New CI S. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send cash with order. Vtiie proposition for AGENTS. TURNER & CORNWELL, Dept. 19, Charlotte, N. C. Reference: Commercial National Bank. Veterinary Course at Home $1500 can be made by taking our Veterinary course at home during spare time. Taught in simp lest English. Diploma granted. Graduates as sisted in getting loca tions or iiositions. Cost within reach of all. Satisfaction guaranteed. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS The London Veterinary Correspondence School London, Ontario, Canada Dr. E. H. Baldwin writes; “I took the course for my own benefit on the fann, but the success I had started me in practice anc now I am going night and day. Yourcoursc has been worth thousands to "le, and will be to any -.*an.’’ ^&Homc- seekers Opportuni ty ^ ^that was Overlooked Tsin Georgia and Alabama along tht Central of Georgia’s 2000 miles of modern railway. The land will earn more net money than that which costs three or four limes as much where unimprov^ land is sciirco. Long growing sea.sons with abun dant rainfall, make extra crops each year. Mild climate, ideal for fruit and truck. But the greatest, opportunity is for the general farmer, in home markets, at good prices, for all he produces. Proof of this in “Alabama and Georgia,” a book of pictures and signed letters, mailed free. Also. “How to Find tho Farm You Want.” Write TODAY. J. r. Jackson, Agricultural Aleut, C, oE Ga. Ry 277 West Broad Street, Savannah, Georgia. How to Get Rich! Make $5.00 to $10.00 aOayl Snap Your Fingers I at Small | Pay! Read This Letter Texai, 1>J12. P. W. aoodiiian. Pros. Ketal Tailuriiu t>. Boro's a iiicturo of iiiy store, showius joii the now front i just had pul in. It will h« | two years next month that I started with you. When 1 left nr old jiosilion 1 was carninx I $l'2 a week. Thinss are diHeront now. If 1 don't make 815 a day I think hiitiness is bad. UAIPH H. BOUTON. Let Me Start You in Business—You Can’t Lose ^ Don't lie satisiied with a salary. No man can afford to pay more than half what you earn. ■■ , in business for yourself. 1 will show you how—will start you up and furnish U«t Every Garment Union-Made Shipped Express Prepaid everythint. A 2c Stamp Puts You in Business for Yourself Mt company hai set aaMo a certain •um to advance our buiiness where we are not represotite^i This money enahlei nio to make an unheard-of offer. 1 furnish everylliinj;—a com plete outfit, with newest aamplcs. | larKe fashion plates, tape measure, etc,—without charging you ONE cent for it. This on- 1 ahUt ANY man to start on tho road to fortune without I riskinx a cent. I will teach you. 1 will give you the I benefit of my experience. You can start at where most I men quit. My plan enables you to make big money from f the very s^rt. I originated the plan of starting men in I fur themselves. 1 originated the plan of furnishing EVERYTH INU free. I am the first to put out a complete I outflt and furnish my representatives their own clothes at actual factory price. Start Making Money Now Poa’t l>Hlt>t,—don't «•!*. Only on, npraMDUtlT, m muiU loeap Illy. t»n..Blyni,k«niy,i»«»loll,rtoONKiiiMi. Ho vrite iiftit I I kw,y *Io,« to Emiy «tre,t by X»tllnc your UIttt to tbo moll-box. I I A (lootol win do. Aiiaroli uw furootiollj, P. W. Goodman, Praildoot I Hmg«l Tailoring Co., 842 Regal Bldg., Chicago A 10c. Can of Red Devil Pulverized Lye equals two 10c. cans of Hard Lye or two 10c. Balls of Potash. You do not waste Red Devil, because the can is opened and closed quicitly and easily. Red Devil Lye dissolves in just a moment iu cold or hot water. No trouble to use— no danger of using too much as you meas ure just the amount required. One can of RED DEVIL Pulverized Lye makes more and better soap than two cans of Hard Lye or two cans of Potash, and does it in fifteen minutes, without boiling. Once you make soap by the directions on the label, eitlior hard or soft soap, by boiling or by Uie cold process, you will never use any other lye. No t ino lost chopping cans and dissolving balls. In Big 4}^-inch Cans, Only 10c. Each. Save the Labels. Tliey Are Valuable. WM. SCHIELD MF6. CO., St. Louis, Mo. Suits Made to Measure $10.S0 UP, EXPRESS PAID At Wholesale Prices to Members of F. E. & C. U. ol A. Ask the Secretary of your Local t o show you our lineof woolen sam ples. If he hasn’t it, write to us at once. We will send ii to you FREE. Fit and satisfaction absolutely guaranteed—no risk to you. Producers & Consumers Alliance TAILORS TO MEN AND YOUNG MlN 2n 10 241 S. MARKET ST.. CHICAGO \Ve have contract and trade arrange ments with J. R. Rives, S. B. A., North Carolina Partners’ Union. HOG FENCE , O C Inches cents; I AO high lOarod 100other styles of Hog,, > Kami and iJiwn Fencing.' Buy from factory dlrMt . anil save dealers pr”*\** Large Catalogue 1 , ' KITSEUMAN BROS. ’box 213 Munelo, Ind. 24 BULBS FOR 10c. Together with a Complete Treatise on tha Culture of Hardy Bulbs both Indoors and out, and our beautiful Catalogue— AI.l. FOU lO UKX’l’S. These 24 Bulbs, 3eachof 8 different kinds, will make beautiful pots ol flowers for winter orlorely ea rly iprii.g flowers for the garden. Plant now. Our Catalogue of Ilyaeinths, Tulips, Narcissiio, Lilies, llar 'y IManta and rare winter-blooraing planu rree t» »ll. Hin Lew'e Childs. Floral Park. N. Y. Your Iricomc F’ro^o XJio F’arm PURPORTS VOU A.NL> FA.MILY. Xotliel co^^ This makes ours the Best Policy lor you^ Write to ciJry J punter onU Bro.. Slate yX-aenls. Union Central L.,|fe IrifBUPaiicc Co., Ralotfllv* N. C. [ FOR SALE! Wood-working plant complete, located in good timber settlement and on niEin line of railroad in small town Also the following farms, viz : 838 acres, 216 acres dairy farm, complete ; 18,000 acres cut over lands, and 12,000 acres cut over and partly cut over. We want several large timber tracts. The Monroe Insurance and Investment Co. ivioimroe:. in. c. THE AMERICAN FARMER The whole world is more or less depended on the Successful American Farmer. i To be successful you must have good credit and money. Our years of experience and financial help are always at the Farmers command. Through the aid of the Bank, many small farmers have grown to be large and successful. COME AND LETS TALK IT OVER THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANiP COTTON EXCHANGE PLACE RALEIGH, - - - NORTH CAROLINA. B. S. JERMAN, Pres. E. B. CROW, Cashier. 763 acres of cut over land, 4 miles from Keyser and 11-2 miles from side track on the Seaboard Air Line. Good level land. Farms in the same section making a bale of cotton per acre, and 50 bushels of corn, and this land is just as good, and can be cleared and stumped for $7.00 per acre. Price for QUICK SALE, $8.00 per acre. W. C. WARLICK, PINEBLUFF, - - - NORTH CAROLINA We Make It Easy For you to possess the VERY BEST PIANO VALUES obtainable lor the least money. Onr line is composed ol leaders ol the varlons grades, and onr personal gnarantee is behind every piano we sell. Fnll parttcnlars will be mailed npon reqnest. DARNELL & THOMAS RALEIGH, N. C. No Farm is Complete Without One of our modem, up-to-date grist making high-grade table meal and products. Made of finest material— strong, durable, noiseless, and has ^ and better grinding capacity. disk feeding device. Every Mill Gtiarani«»* Represented. Send for catalog, which explains the truction and many advantages of tne p whil« struction and many advantages GRIST MILL. Don’t delay. Write now for prices you think of it. Yadkin Valley Mill & Lumber Conip*"^ Ronda, North CaroUna

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