Vnion Farmer ib CO-OPERAXIOIV CHi^RI. ES 'T'HE OTHER DAY I read an editorial on “Co- operation,” written by one of the best known editors in America. I do not always agree with Brisbane’s views or ideas, but he certainly did ram home some effective truths on this subject. Lis ten to this: “Co-operation! There is the great word, the key to progress, the real “tool” with which man builds civilization, happiness and order out of sav agery, misery and chaos. “To c 0-0 p e r a t e is to work together. The descend ants of the primitive man have built the cities that you see, and w'ill build palaces and a civilization above our wildest imaginings, because in his brain, half developed, under the thicky thatched skull of the primitive man, there was already the idea of working to gether.” That is all co-operation is working together. John Jones’ barn burns. Working alone and un aided John Jones would be weeks, maybe months, with his other duties, getting any sort of barn back to house his horse or mule, his cow, and his corn and fodder. But the neighbors round about all come together on a certain day. and in a twinkle John Jones’ barn is up, sound and ready for use. Neighborliness is just another word for co-oper ation helping your friends over the rough places or joining in with him in something of mutual benefit and good. I am risking becoming a bore on this subject, but knowing that no other one thing is as vital and as necessary today as co-operation, pulling to gether of the farmers of America, I am driven to say it over and over and over endlesslj’. For in that way alone can I drive the idea and the im pulse deep into your mind. Did you know that the co-operation of the far mers of the United States brought the parcel post, now in its formative or experimental stage, but de stined to do wonders for not only the farmer but every person who engages in trade; barter or hu man intercourse? For years, the efforts of a few to get parcel post was choked down by the great express interests. Their representatives swarmed S. BARRETT in Washington and even had seats in the legisla tive hall of the nation. Your lawmaker was about as Indifferent to par cel post as he was to a bill to pave the Atlantic ocean. It seemed just an idle dream, so’ far off, so impossible of accomplishment that only a few dreamers believed it would ever come about. That a movement started among the farmers of the country for parcel post. State organization after State organization indorsed it. But that was only the beginning. Congressmen and Sena tors began to get an avalanche of insistent letters from their rural constituency. Then your Con gressman and my Congressman woke up. He saw that this country needed the parcel post and need ed It now. And we got parcel post, and the united demand of the tillers of the soil got it. I cite this as only a little instance of what can be accomplished by the co-operation, for the united voice of the farmer raised in co-operation got what they wanted in this case. You can get It in thousands of other ways by sticking together, working in harmony, putting aside your own , prejudices, obstinate ideas or notions, and joining in the general welfare of the whole, directed by sensible, honest and fearless leaders. More harm has been done every earnest and .purposeful movement for the farmer by pig-head edness, the selfishness, the sheer obstinacy of a few farmers than all the outside opposition ever ; started. You know without the telling that for uncount ed years the fruits of your hard toil have been reaped by others. Why? Because co-operative forces have worked to get it and get It at their own prices. They have fixed their own price for everything you produced and ^ou had to take it. Then they sold it to the consumer at incredible advances over what was paid you. . Do you suppose you can deal with that sort of thing by isolated, futile protests? You had about as soon shoot straws at the moon. But you can get your just share of the value of your products by united, solid unity and purpose of action by co-op6r3,tion. And m no otlior wny. I don’t care a snap if you do get bored and im patient over my constant harping on this theme. I know it is the fundamental principle of success, and I expect to keep hammering away at it so long as I have strength and breath to do so. =aJ^^I5 m o 1! ii '! hi