Why Do You SuffQr ? 65,000 KEWAltp For any case of; Toothache that one bottle of Williams & King's Famous Toothache. Remedy wilt, not cure in two minutes.- We ask only a fair trial. For sale by Irvin & Purcell, Reidsville. With. the Headache anU Neural gia when you can be cured in two minutes by the u?e of one ro cent bottle of Williams & King's Fa mous Toothache and Neu-algia Remedy. "A never failing cure:" Irvin & Purceix, wholesale agts Vol. V-No. 52. REIDSVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1894. $1 PER YEAK AY Tf HT TT TIT TT IyEVIE Wo SPECIAL SALE MD It is a it pays preference to cheap stuff, and in order to show the people th it we mean business and not mere talk, we have decided that during the , next two weeks and this offer holds good for two weeks only we will offer our entiire stock of Meiser's Hand-Llade Shoes and allow us to say that we have sold the Heisershoe for years and it is as good a shoe as there is on the market today at the following unheard of prices in. these sizes: 6IZES:-5 5i 6 6i 7 7i 8 8 NO. OF PAIRS: 5 2 4 3 4 1 3 at $4.50. " " 8 2 4 4 2 1 3 at $5. The Above are all StaEdard $6.00 Shoes. We mention sizes that you may think the matter over and knowing your size and the sizes we are offering may take advantage of this liberal offer. Remember, those who first come are first served and have the pick. Every pair guar anteed. We also make big reduc tions on our whole line of cheap and medium-priced shoes. J. i HDTCBERSON & CO. Kernodle Block, Reidsville, N. C. L3 Insure Your Life in This Company and BE SAFE, and Don't "TT TT MB Gi W REIDSVILLE, N. SHOES ! well-known proverb that to - buy good goods in I 1 IS THE THE OLDEST Absolutely Safe ganizations, which Insurance at Less than Cost and life being only 7 Years, While MUTUAL Stands Like The YOU THE CHEAP THE DEADLY BOMB. The Folio Capture the miscreant After lively Chase and the Exchange of $hota Wounded Cared for , ' Amid Great Excitement. .(. Pabts, February 13. Edeon Breton, 23 years old, threw a bomb in the cafe of the Hotel Terminus at the St Lazare railway station Monday even ing. The bomb exploded in the mid dle of the room and wounded twenty persons. An instrumental concert be gan in the cafe, which is on the ground floor of the hotel at eight o clock. (Shortly before nine o'clock, a pale, thin young man, with a light pointed beard, paid for a drink, which he had taken at a table in the middle of the room, and started to leave. When near the door, he turned sud denly, drew a bomb from his coat and threw It toward a group of persons who had sat next to him. tVie homb struck an electric light f fixture, then fell on a marble table and ezplened. The station was tockbu oy the shock. The mirrors, windows and doors were blown to atoms. The ceil ing and floor were rent and the walls were cracked. A dense, offensive smoke filled the cafe for four minutes, and in the ob scurity the bomb thrower escaped. When the smoke cleared away five per sons were found severely wounded and fifteen had sligh t injuries. The bomb had been filled with bullets and rough bits of iron, which had riddled the fur niture and walls and inflicted most of the wounds. After leaving the cafe the bomb thrower started down the street on a run. Three policemen passed the spot in an omnibus at the moment, and they gave chase to the miscreant and soon overhauled him. He drew a revolver and shot one po liceman and a woman in the throng on tkc street, but other policemen, over powered the bomb thrower, and then had some difficulty in protecting him from Ue vengeance of a mob. They succeeded, however, in taking him to a polioe station. The prefect of police,' .11. Laurent, chief secretary to M..Du bost, minister of the interior, and sev eral other high officials were sum moned to the station, and the exami nation of the prisoner was begun, Polioe Commissary Gavrel taking the evidence. Meantime, the sound of the explo ion, the smoke and the cries of the wounded had attracted a great crowd to the Hotel Terminus. Physicians quickly attended to the wounded of whom needed their services. Four or five are probably fatally wounded, but nobody was killed outright. Moat of tlie victims were Injured about the legs 4nd lower part of the body. The prioer seemed calm and com fortable in the polioe station. The re moval of his outside coat had revealed a collarless flannel shirt and the general garb of a LARGEST (Li vijj LJuiLyj S are only temporary and A Monument ESI v6rkiograan. In his pockets W polios had found & pair of brasa koucks, a dagger, a Swedish knife, Bit-chamber revolver and some money. At first he refused to talk, telling' the police that it was their business to find ant who he was. After giving' his name and age he again became silent. Kaln and Wind In Alabama, Montgomery, February 18. Quite a severe wind and rain storm passed oves this section at an early hour yes terday morning. Reports from the in terior are to the effect that consider able damage was done to farms in blowing down fences, barns and negro quarters. No life is reported 'lost, though Beveral people were injured, but not seriously. At Snow Hill a colored Baptist church and school house and a number of negro houses were blown down. At Dunham eleven houses belonging to the Dun ham Lumber company were blown down, burying the occupants in the debris, but not seriously-injurfnany-one. In the town the Union cfrarcii, Just completed and used by the Mtho dists and Baptists, was completely wrecked. Modifications of the Richmond Terminal. New York, February 13.--The modi fications of the Richmond Terminal plan of reorganization that have been substantially agreed upon are a reduc tion of the assessment on the common stock from $125 to 810 per share, and for the assessment a percentage of new bonds and preferred stock will be given as well as common stock on the basis originally contemplated. In conse quence of this change, the underwrit ing syndicate will be reduced 25 per cent. The reduction in the assessment, as well as in the underwriting, is due to the fact that the reorganization com mittee has persuaded some of the float ing debt creditors to accept a portion tt their money in securities and not en tirely in cMh, as at first proposed. Governor Tilnaan'a Latest. WjkSH-rxGTOJf, February 13. There was another legal step taken Monday that will prolong the fight between Governor Tillman, of South Carolina, and the commissioner of patents over the granting of a trade mark for the Palmetto brand of whisky. An appeal from the commissioner s refusal to grant the trade mark was taken to the circuit court on a petition for a writ of mandamus, which' was granted by the court. The commissioner carried this decision to the court of appeals of the District of Co lumbia, where it was reversed. J. Alpheus Johnson, attorney for Gov ernor TUlman, has entered an appeal against the decision of the court of ap peal, and the a'se will now be carried to th-a supreme court of the United State. Mrs. Emilv Thome, who resides at Toledo, Washington says she has never been able to procure any medicine ffr rheumatism that relieves" the pain so quickly and effectually as Chambei Iain's Pain Balm and that she has also used it for lame back with great success. For sale by Irvin & PucelL Reidsville and Jesse Carter. Madison. Itch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock, cured in 30 minutes by Woliord's Sanitary Lotion. Th s never fails. Sold by W, S. Allen, Druggist, Reidsville, N. C. - Ripana Tahules cure headache. Ripans Tabulea cure nausea. MKffi 0F NEW YORK. FIWAWCIAL sets $i8e,oee,o. LIFE IHSURllRCE COEIPiinY Kl AB3ERIGA. and More Secure consequently LIFE RELIABLE IMSURAMC NEWS OF MB WEEK CONDENSED. The honor system at Harvard has been revolutionized. The first fox hunt of the season took place at Annapolis, Md. The faculty of Yale say the students are two boisterous in the diningroom. Disguised as a man. Miss Clara Boedy has left her home in Gallon, O. Mrs. Leland Stanford denied that she la about to marry General Harrison. A new gas company has been given the right to supply the people of Chi cago. A bill to make football a crime has been introduced in the Massachusetts .House.''.'. - Ex-Speaker Titus Sheard says Bourke Cockran promised to vote against the Wilson bill. In the opening game of the billiard tourney at Boston, blosson defeated Schaefer 000 to 247, Bonilla's troops are said to be shoot ing even women and children who sym pathise with Vasquea. Two burglars were driven out of a house in St. Louis by two girls. One burglar was shot. F. C. Butler, secretary of the United States legation in the City of Mexico, denies he wants a divorce. A. second unsuccessful attempt to launch the Old Dominion ship York town was made in Chester. Pa. The yacht Florence and the ships Louisiana and George Curtis, which re ported lost, have reached port. The two Mound Valley train robbers got the death sentence, which in Kan sas means imprisonment for life. F. A. Abell, the Brooklyn baseball magnate, has announced his retirement from active interest in the game. Germany will have war with Russ ia ( within three months, the Kaiser says, 11 the commercial treaty is rejected. A New York draughtsman named Reisner was among the wounded in a railway accident near Compeigne, France. The Russo-Gerraan commercial treaty has been finally signed by the repre sentatives of - the two contracting parties. Bishop Bon acum's trial on a charge of criminal libel, preferred by Father Michael J. Corbett, was begun at Lin coln, Neb,. Union printers started a movement to erect a monument to George W. Childs, no one but union printers to contribute. Andrew Foy, one of the Cronin mur der suspects, took the stand in Cough lin's behalf, and contradicted his wife's testimony against the accused. A Denver woman was held for kill ing her husband, a Pittsburg man for killing his father and two California women for killing their sister. Three of the Olyphant. Ark., train robbers, who killed Conductor Mc Nally, have been convicted of murder and sentenced to be hanged. The British steamship Aspatrla ar rived at Halifax storm damaged. A wave washed four men ovarboard, and a return -wave threw three of them baok on the ship. Prinoesa Colonna, It is said, will not come to the United States until her suit In the French courts is decided, but the ts hiding for fear her children may be stolen. A woman who is said to have refused to marry the late miUiooalr Senator, James U. Fair, was arretted in Cali fornia Tuesday on a ehargre of murder IniEhor blind sister. " m 11 1 1 u 1 1 u INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD Most Unreliable. These thousands Rocks to This SAW E THAT PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS. A Number of Thorn Bent In, Including Home Prominent Southerners. Washtsotos, February 13. The president has sent to the senate the following nominations: : John' Barrett, of Oregon, minister resident and consul general of the United States at Siam. Themas R, Jernigan, of North Caro lina, United States consul general at Shanghai, China. United States consuls Adolph, Bill hard, of " Ohio, at Moscow, Russia; Arthur Declma, of California, at Ma zatlan; John Malcolm Johnston, of South Carolina, at Pernambuco, Brazil; Daniel C. Kennedy, of Missouri, at Malta; Delaware Kemper, of Virginia, at ! Amoy, China; E. G. Mitchell, of Arkansas, at Newcastle, N. S. W.; George W. Nichols, of New York, at CUften, Ont. Marshall H. Williams, associate jus tice of ike supreme court of Arizona. John L. MoAtee, associate justice of th mnrm rtni4. nf ftlrlahrtTna United States attornev Lvttoii Tav- lor, of Tennessee, district of Alaska. United States marshal John M. Hndgin, eastern district of Virginia. Postmasters Virginia: William H. Cnllingworth, Richmond. North Caro lina: W. T. Blackwell, Durham; Mat thias Manly, New Berne; Edwin Barnes, Wilson; J. B. Sherrell, Con cord. Collectors of customs William R. Keenan, district of North Carolina; Thomas W. Robinson, district of Alex andria, Va. TRAGEDY ON A MEXICAN RANCH. The Murder aad Cremation of a Younf Oeatleman and Bride by a Xenperado. Conclati, Mex., February 12. A terrible tragedy was enacted on the ranch of Rafael Severio, near here, last night. -The foreman of the ranch was Henry Wallace, an American, who has lived for several years in Mexico, and was married to Sever io's daughter a short time ago. Up to that time a Mexican named Juan Martinez had held the position of foreman of the ranch. He was discharged to make room for Wallace. This aroused the Azteo blood of Martinez, and he planned to put his successor out of the way. Last night he went to the house occupied by Wallace and his bride. He attacked Wallace in bed, and a des perate hand-to-hand conflict ensued, which resulted in Wallace being fa tally stabbed. His young wife came to his assistance, and was also attacked by the desperate man. who, after mur dering the couple, set fire to the house and burned the bodies of his two vic tims. Martinez was immediately ar rested and confessed to having commit ted the deed. SUSPECTS FOUL PLAY. Sr. MoMUlaa'a Friends Think an Enemy of Hli Fired the Balldlnjr. K.90XTIIXE, Tens., February 13. It has been persistently rumored that the friends of James H. McMillan, who was fatally burned in the Atlanta livery stable fire, suspect some sort of foal play". A friend of his said: "We know that one of the men in the buildlntr, who is not an Atlantir " I 11 1 Than Ml Fool with Assessment and National Or of them have URANG of Gibralter- Century. BE HAD. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report )hs va n mm u 11 v rv AESCULTiTSCSf BUSB owed Mr. McMillan $500, and a note for that amount was in Mr. McMillan's pocketbook. It is missing. We also know that there had been a serious business dispute between the two men. as a result of whioh Mr. McMillan had several times told us that he had been swindled. We will begin investigating the affair tomorrow. A pension check 4ot SfK) is also missing." MR. HOUK'S SUCCESSOR. Revenue Collector Howling-, of the Cincin nati Dint rlrt, Said to Be An Aspirant. Cincinnati, February 13. A new candidate is spoken of for the vacancy in the Third Ohio congressional dis trict, caused by the untimely death of J udge Houk. The new aspirant for the shoes of Judge Houk is no other than Joseph II. Dow ling, of Dayton, at pres ent collector of internal revenue for the Cincinnati internal revenue district of Ohio. It said that' Collector Dowlinsr has for some time had an ambition to go to congress, and that this is the opportunity offered, and that if it should turn out as it is said to be like ly, that ex-Governor Campbell will feel it incumbent .upon him to keep out of politics for a time and to attend to his private business and get into shape, Dowling will announce himself. Died While Seeking Office. Washington, February 13. Prof. Albert Herbert, of Maryland, was found dead in a chair in the sitting room of the Mount Vernon hotel yes terday. He had been here seeking office for six months. On account of the inclement weather he did not go out of doors yesterday, but went to the sitting room, and apparently was sleep ing in a chair. An attendant discov ered that Mr. Herbert died in his chair, and so quietly that none of those seat ed near him were aware of it. In hia pocket was found an application for oflice, signed by Librarian Spofford and others. This application stated that the dead man was a West Point graduate, and had been superintendent of the state military academy of SoutTi Carolina, situated at Columbia, and also had been an examiner in the United States patent oflicor. Twenty IJve In Peril. Mii.wavkke, February 13 There are twenty men on the new in-take tunnel crib and the wind has raised such a sea that it is impossible to take them off. The wind is now blowing aout 40 miles an hour and if it rises very much more, there will great d an ire r of the crib house being washed into the lake and all the men drowned, just as hap pened lat spring. It is snowing- hard and electric cars are verv ims. Rheumatism racks the system like a thumbscrew. It retreats before the power of Hood's Sarsapanlla. which purifies the blood. Any Bank Organizations gone under their average to? IP -(.' -;. - . ' r.. ' '" '.' raws A Chance to Make WSOO-or Better. A slim chance, you fancy. Well, read and judge for yoursolf. You have ca tanh. $5oo is offered for an incurable case of catarrh in the head, by the pro prietors of Pr, Sage Catarrh Remedy. Headache, obstruction of the nose, dis charges falling into the throat, somtimes profuse, watery and acrid at others, thick, tenacious, mucuos, purulent, bl-xxly, putrid and offensive breath; smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of these svmptons likely to be present at once. Dr. Sage's Remedy cures the worst cases. ' Only 50 cents. Sold by druggists everywhere. $500 or a cure Eeither would be accep table. Mother and Child are Doing Will. Mrs. Brown was sick. Her friends said she would never get well, . "What's the trouble? " -O, some kind of female weakness. The doctors have given up her case as hopeless. 'She may livs for some time. they say,, 'but as for a cure, that is quite out of the question. " "I don't believe it," said a woman who heard the sad news. "I don't believe she's any worse off than I was five years ago, from the same trouble, and I don't look much like a dead woman, do I?" She certainly did not, with her red plump cheeks bright eyes, and 150 pounds o good healthy bone and flesh. "I am going to see her and tell her how she can get well." She did so. She advised Mrs. Brown to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Mrs. Brown took the advice also the medicine which cures all kinds of delicate diseases so common amcng women, and got well. That was two years ago. Last month she presented Mr. Brown with a ten-pound son, and mother and child are doing well. CURES RISING . . BREAST . "MOTHER'S FRIEND" offered cbild-beartng woman. I have been a mid-wife for many years, and in each case where "Mother's Friend" had been sited it has accomplished wonders and relieved much suffering. It is the best remedy for rising of . the breast known, and worth the price for that alone. Mas. M. M. Brdstkr, ' Montgomery, Ala. I can tell all expectant mothers if they will use a few bottle (if Mother's Friend they will po through the ordeal without any pain and xuSering. Mas. May Kukhim, AxgusviUe, N. D. Tsed Mother's Friend before birth ot my eighth child. Will never cease its praise. Una. J. F. JUuobk, Coluaa, Cal. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt if price, $1.50 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR. CO.. Sold by all druggists. Atlakta. Jv f u l!5 0 try to Sell CO hi 111