THE -I WILLIIISOH & LIPSCOMB'S ; "Chin 1111," Main SU, DOTlll. Tc Is Headquarters for nil grades of Crock ery, Glassware. Tinware and House Furnishing Goods. We have some fine Imported dinner and tea sets, also a few la? ge pieces of fine bric-a-brac, which we will sell at a sacrifice. W1LUAMS0I S LIPSCOMB'S "China Hall,' ' Main St., Danville, Ta We guarantee prices on arl grades of goods we carry and defy competition. We will not be undersold. It will pay you to give us a call be fore purchasing. Vol. VII-N0.3 REIDSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1895; $1 PER YEAR Weekly Review DEV7GQG3 -Leader Liquors and Cigars, If -FOREIGN AND Beers, flies and Porter. All Goods Warranted Pure. 1010111101111101111 BISK, PURE MOUNTAIN WHISKIES. plegg's European House, HOTEL AND pposite Depot, 368 South Elm Street GREENSBORO, N. C.a MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS UN EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLANS. 0STERS, GAME AND ALL THE DELICACIES OF THE MARKET IN SEASON. CUISINE, SERVICE AND APPOINTMENTS THOROUGHLY MOD ERN AND STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. NEATLY FUR NISHED LODGING ROOMS, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL- MEN. CAR T L A N E Is Ready for Spring Orders. All New SUITINGS TROUSERINGS Are in. Call and see the new Goods, pretty and neat Patterns. The style ot coats is n t as long as last season but long enough to look neat. We have a full line of the LATEST NOVELTIES In Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs and Shirts of "Cleutt, Coon & Co." brand, and all kinds of Furnishings. Greensboro, - - - N. C. SMITH & MORRISON are his Special Agents at Reidsville. 1 HINK A neat Piano-bed Buggy, with steel tires, inch thick, steel axle oil tempered steel springs, wrought-irou -clips and bolts, second growth hickory wheels, NO; i leathei wing cushion and back, WARRANTED, for only $37.50, with rubber storm apron or lap robe the same buggy we sold last spring for $45. Have sold these buggies tor fifteen months and every one has given per fect satisfaction. We have contracted for five cars ; will re ceive our third car this month. We have a cheaper buggy for $32.50. We have the inside track for 1895. Buggy harness, $5.00 up. Thanking you for your liberal patronage for '94, We are yours tor '95, NEWELL MATTHEWS, 337 South Elm St , Greensboro, N. C. Extra Fine E3-cOLD BY MARK MRS. J. A. ROACH & REIDSVILLE, N. C. YOUR PRIVILEGE . . . . Do you fDBCELL Have Opened an Entirely New Stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Brushes, Combs, Cigars, Tobaccos, Landreths Fresh Garden Seeds, Trusses, &c, Next Door to P. H. Williamson & Co. Our stock being bought at the latest prices, we propose giving our customers the advantage of all discounts. "Prescriptions Filled at Reduced Bates. Calls Attended to Either Day or Night. Your Friends, IPurcell & ln- DOMESTIC-1 $4 Greensboro, N. C. RESTAURANT OF l8 ! Featherbone Corset. Boned with Featherbone, Latest Style, Correct in Shape, Extra Long Waist, Best Materials, Absolutely Unbreakable FEATHERBONE WAIST. Sateens, Patent Expansion Busts, Perfect Form and Comfort, Recommended by Eminent Physicians. WE are authorized to refund the money for FEATHERBONE Corsets or Waists, if not en tirely Satisfactory afUr FOUIl WEEKS TRIAL know what is is? Why Dudley. jJODtEY A Skating Episode. I knew I was too stout To venture safely out On the Ice, But dainty Nellie Black, In her brand new eealakin Back, Looked so nice I I caught a fleeting glance As she looked at me askance. Skimming by, That eet my blood all re With a reckless, mad desire Fora try. Bo I struck out from the shore , ' A hundred feet or more, , Quite at case. Then I thought I'd try my skates, Cutting frilla and figure eights, If you please. I was getting on quite well When I spied my dainty liell Coming back. How I neither know nor care, But my feet went in the air Bang I Crackl The Impression that I made Was not great, I'm afraid. Upon NelJ, But I'm sure I left my mark On the ice In Central park , Where I fell! fi., -New York Evening Bun. 1 k 'r-'-S fWENTWORTlI WHISPERS. The News Happenings in and Around the County Seat. This has been a dull week with your scribe. Very few country peo ple have come to town, being busy stripping tobacco, cleaning up, and some have commenced plowing. The Revenuers have been busy lately. They raided ana cut up a distillery between this place and Reidsville, near Mr. Talley's. We hear that several persons will have business in next term of the Federal Court at Greensboro. Our town now has another doctor, who lately lived at Stoneville Dr. Baldinie. He is boarding with John G. Mitchell, and is quite arristocratic in his prof ession as he will hereafter f'ractice only ra his omce m the jau. lis reason for getting dissatisfied with Stoneville was his alleged disa greement and reported ill-treatment to a woman claiming to be his wife. le was lately up in Federal Court for illicitly manufacturing smoking tobacco. Ho has concluded to re main here during the spring and part of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Morphis spent several days on a visit to Madison this week. - Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Withers and daughter, Miss Beas, are on a visit to relatives in the State of Stokes. We learn that our young friend, tiigene Pratt, son of Mr. Joe Pratt, of the Providence church neighboi- hood, is quite sick with typhoid fever, and that a good many persons in that vacinity have died with that complaint recently. Dr. J. li. Smith, of Stoneville, wa in our town last Monday on prores- ional business. He had several calls whie hero. Hope he will como over again soon . h resh fish from Pan river are sold in our town, caught in gill nets. They are of the yellow cat variety. The rpd horse has not made its appearance yet. Marque. A Religions Study of a Kaptlst Town. The familiar differences of theology and practice which elsewhere divide Christians become here (Westerly, R. ,) however, minor and unimportant in the presence 01 a contioversy which rends the religious, social and commercial life of Westerly to its foundations. The one great fact con cerning the town, the shadow upon its existence, the block in the path of its progress, the strange, distressing and bewildering occurence which weekly chills its religious enthusiasm, is the observance of different holy days by two parties who, denying each other by their most apparent feature, keep up the ghastly farce of calling each other "brother." Three of the Baptist churches keep Satur day and disregard Sunday. The membership of these societies. if not now numerically half the com munity, is practically more than half of it. It includes the proprietors of arge machine shops and many shop keepers and employers of labor. Until lately, it was impossible on Saturday to make a purchase at a single retail shop in town ; the sup plies for the day's table had to be bought on Friday. On Saturday, Sunday-keeping Christians are em barrassed in their work by the cessa tion of labor on the part of half the population, as on Sunday, Sabbath- keepers are by that of the other half. No device could more completely disorganize society or disturb busi ness. The consciences of Sabbath observers are offended on every Saturday by the behavior of their neighbors, while on Sunday Lord's Day Christians are awakened by the scream 01 tactory whistles, go to church to the unedifying music of lawn-mowers, pray and sing amid the shouts of boys at play, and listen for the benediction over the rumble of carts. It is a singular sensation for New England Christians, sons of the Puritans, to reflect that while they are at worship, drills are re sounding in the quarries, and that the machinery of the factories is in operation. The Forum. Asking. " He stole from my bodice a rose. My cheek was its color the while; But, ah! The sly rogue, he well knows Had he aaked it, I mast have said no. Yes, I remember that occasion. I was young then. I am not old now, I had not a pain or an ache. My blood was healthy, But now, woe is me! I do not see a well day. 1 have these drag ging down pains, this constant weak ness, and I fen all the time worn ana weary. My husband sayf, he hardly dares to ask me to put a red rose in my bodice now, its color mocks my cheeks. O, that 1 might once again be well? You can, Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is the best remedy known tor the ills from which women suffer. It's guar anteed to cure in all cases of "temale weaknesses," irregularities, displace ments and kindred ailments, Its a great tonic and nervine. The Kesalt of m Trial, Cannelton, Ind, "I have used Sim mons Liver Regulator, manufactured bv J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, and found that for indigestion and liyer complaint it is the best medicine I ever used.' E. E. Clark. Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid; the powder to be taken dry, or made it into tea. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts. braises, sores, nlcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, cores and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, trice 2 sets, per box For sale by Purcell & Dudley and W, S. Alien. THE PIEDMONT BANK, op- GREENSBORO, N. C. Capital, 70,000.00. Surplus, 7,000.00 J. Iff. WALKER, Prest. SAM'L L. TROGDON, Vice-Prest. R.G.VAUGHN, Cashier. DIRECTORS J.M WALKERx- Leaf Tobacco, of Bevfll & Walker. 8.L TROGDON, Clerk of U. S. Court. LAWRENCE S. HOLT. Capitalist and M'f'r Cotton Goods, Burlington, N. C. JOHN N. WYLLIE, Tobacco M'f'r of J. N. Wyllie A Co., Danville Va. Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Manufacturers solicited. We would be pleased to correspond with any who contemplate opening bank accounts, or whose present bank accommodations are not satisfactory, FANCY NEW YORK STATE SEED POTATOES 62.50 per barrell, fob Richmond, Send in your Orders Quick. W. F. SEYMOUR, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANT IN BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, Fruits and Produce Generally. No. 1317 Cary Street, N. B Liberal advances made on Consignments when Bills of Lading accompany Draft. Sales and checks remitted daily. Err.p'ies returned same day re ceived. Reference First National Pank of Richmond, Brad street's and Dunn's Agencies, the wholesale merchants of our city, M. A. White, heidsville, N. C. Give me trial shipment. Tin. tih. Tin. Since the tariff has been reduced on tin plate, we can give you 1st Class Roofing Tin at what 2nd and 3rd class tin tormerly cost, and by covering your house with tin jou can rest easy at night for you have a Fire Proof Root over your head. SLATE. SLATE. Well, get us to cover your building with slate, which is Fire Proof Storm Proof, never has to be painted, in fact, it is just what you want, because ic will "Last for three Fore vers and then make good half-SOles.5' It will stay there until the moss grows on it and costs very little more than high-grade roofing tin. GUTTERING AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed Remember we DO NOT put on leaky roofs. Give us a trial. Your friend. H. R. REIDSVILLE, - Special Attention Paid to Repairing and Painting of Buggies and Carriages. W. IP. HORNER, -MANUFACTURER OF- Drays.iSpring Trucks, Delivery & Farm Wagons Warehouse and Factory Trucks Made at Short Notice. Ptton Street, - - - DanviUe, Va. hats: We have just received all the Latest Shapes in SPRING HATS Big lots of the latest styles NECKWEAR and full Dress Shirts in. But Remember we are still Selling OVERCOATS, HEAVY SUITS And Wool and Silk Underwear at less than Manufacturers' Cost THEY MUST To make room for our Large Spring Stcck. Very Respectfully, C M. VANS! OKY & (JO., LEADING CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS, 236 and 238 South Elm St., GREENSBORO, N. C. j-fc has It"1 111ft gjrayai'--' El in mvij j I M. DOUGLAS. Counsellor at Law. J. S. HUNTER, Wholesale Jobbing of J. .V. Scott & Co. ROB T. M. SLOAN, Agent Southern Express Co. H. W. COBB, Leaf Tobacco, Buyer for the American Tobacco Company I DRED PEACOCK, President Greensboro Female College. RICHMOND, VA. FORD - - N. C. 1 HATS GO Drop in and see us, R McDUFFIE'S . . . CLEARING SALE OF FURNITURE, GHIH A CROCKERY & GLASSWARE Continues until further notice, as the weather . - a J I been most nntavoranie ana large numoers nrpvnted bv the intense cold and heavy flood and snows from coming to town, and getting the benefit of the Bargains as they are going. Respectfully, South Elm St, . Greensboro, K. C me, REVOLUTION IN LIGHTING Invention of a North Carolinian Calcula ted toBrlnK About Big; Change. An-illuminating gas to vie with electricity and completely eclipse the present coal gas is said to be about to come into use. It is also said that gas bills will then be only at the rate of five cents a thousand cubic feet. The new" gas is acetylene, made by a simple process. Maj. Turner More head discovered it in his laboratory in Spray, M. O. He was experiment ing to reduce certain refractory compounds of alluminum and cal cium by the agency of his electric furnace. His efforts were not very success ful in that, but while he was at work there came to his notice a peculiar heavy semi metallic mass, a fusion of lime and powdered anthracite, which when thrown into water de composed and emitted a gas that burned brightly. He found that water and limestone and coal dust had produced that rare and expensive Uluminant known as acetylene, and the discovery startled him. Acetylene has been known to chemists since.the time of Humphrey Davy, if not before. It is the sim plest compound of hydrogen and car bon bearing the name of hydrocar bon, and can be made the starting point for the production of all of the beautiful aniline dyes as well as the numberless series of organic com pounds which are being turned out m sucn quantities irom trie great chemical factories of Germany. For merly it was little more than a chem ical curiosity. isot alone has this discovery of acetylene elements a commercial ad vantage, but already chemists have begun to speculate on it as a means of revealing the mysteries of the for mation of earth and the planets, and the composition of the sun. Maj. Aiorehead is working away quite extensively on his discovery and it is said he will have things ready for the market in the very near future. Those who have seen the light de clare it to be far superior to either gas or electricity, having neither heat or 'flicker. Greensboro Iie- c rd. DR. HARTMAN Said in a Recent lecture on Chronic Catarrh and Consumption. Catarrh of the lungs is, ordinarily, known as consumption; also called tuberculosis. In these cases the ca tarrh has usually found its way into the lungs by the gradual extension ol the disease from the throat through the bronchial tubes. Consumption is the natural termination ot all cases of neglected chronic catarrh. Every one who is airlicted with chronic ca tarrh is liable to be attacked with consumption at any time. In the first stages ol the disease re ru na is a sure cure; in the later stages of the diseases Pe ru na can be relied upon to produce great benefit, and in a large per cent of cases produce a permanent cure. All the- .lttieted with this dread disease should begin at once the following treatment : After all other means have been tried in vain ; after doctors have pro nounced the case hopeless and friends have given up in despair ; after the patient has lost all faith and the in cessant care of attendants seems futile, still there is hope in Pe ru na. Send for a free copy of Family Phy sician, No. 2, a complete treatise on chronic catarrh, cougs, colds, la- grippe and consumption. Address The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturmg Company, Columbus, Ohio. For free book on cancer, aaaress Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. The Moon Hid In Shame. No wonder the moon hid its face last night ! It was expected that it would do so in shame during the closing hours of the Douglass Legis lature. It was a very appropriate action. Greensboro Record. "Perhaps you would not think so, but a verv large proportion of d;seases in New York comes from carelessness about catching cold," says Dr, Cyrus Edson. "It is snch a simple thing and so com mon that very few people, unless it is a case of pneumonia, pay any attention to a cold. There are a great many cases of catarrh and consumption which have their origin in the neglect of the simplest precaution of every day life. The most sensible advice is, when you have one. g t rid of it as soon as possiole. By all means do not neglect it." Dr. Edson does not tell you how to cure a cold but we will. Take C'hamber'ain's ovn Remedy. It will relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the secretions and soon effect a permanent cure. 25 and 50 cen bottles for sale by Purcell v Dudley Reidsville, and Jesse Carter, Madison. Dr. Broughton Created a Sensation. A telegram from Roanoke says that Rev. L G. Broughton created a sensation Sunday night in his ser mon of a series on scenes in the life of a fast young man, by uncompli mentary references to a well-known young man, the son of a wealthy and prominent citizen, in such a manner, as to leave no donbt as to the identity of the person referred to. The incident is the topic of much talk, and no little criticism in Roan oke. Dr. Broughton also paid his respects to tha popular amusements, and baseball came in for a share of condemnation. Did You Kver Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for vour troubles? If not. sret a bottle now and eet relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cui e of all female complaints. fixertinc a wonderful direct influence in fiving strength and tone to the organs, f you have loss ot appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting 6pells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melan choly or troubled with dizzy spells. Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only 50c. at f urr cell & Dudley's and W. S. Allen's drug stores. . Free Pills. Send vour address to H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box ot Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you ot meir merits. 1 nese Fa ills are easy in action and are parucn- arly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. Thev are guaranteed to be nerfactlv free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable, They do not weaken by their action, but bv eivin? tone to the stomach and bowels ereatlv invieorate the system. Regular, size 25c per box. Sold by Pur cell & Dudley, and W, S. Allen, drug Keidsvuie. Tananese Liver Pellets are small, but great in their effects; no griping; 50 doses a 5 cts. mcnarason oc r tu i u( uicuuwm. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOUMTEBX PURE Work of the Legislature. GENERAL ACTS. To repeal the county-goverament law ; to provide for the election by the people of three additional justices in each county ; to repeal the election law and provide for a new election system ; to provide for the adoption of school text-books by county boards of education, instead of by the State board ; to prevent prize-fighting, by fine and imprisonment; to extend for two years the time for exchang ing old State bonds for 4 per cent; to provide for aid of public schools by local assessments; to restore 6 per cent, as the legal rate of interest; to fix minimum rate of charges for sell ing leaf tobacco in warehouses; to create a western criminal circuit court of Buncombe, madison, Hay wood and Henderson counties; to create an eastern criminal court cir cuit of New Hanover, Mecklenburg, Halifax, Vance, Warren, Edge combe and several other counties; to require railways to redeem unused tickets; to appropriate $10,000 to complete the Confederate monument at Raleigh ; to define butter and reg ulate its sale; to prevent adulteration and misbranding of food and food products ; restore Mitchell county to tha Ninth Congressional District; to regulate building and loan associa tions and provide for examination of their affairs by the State; to require the payment in cash on demand of all scrip, checks, due bills, or other evidences of debt issued by any cor poration. Towns incorporated : Biltmore, South Biltmore, Guilford College. Steele's Mills, Burnsville, Spring Hope, Boonville, Belmont and Peach land. Charters amended: Wilmington, Raleigh, Winston, Morganton, Mt. Airy, Edenton, Greensboro, East Bend, Weldon, Southern Pines, Eliz abeth City, Kinston, Chapel Hill, Old Fort, Mocksville. Concord, Albe marle, Snov Hill, Maigarettesville. Special taxes for counties: Chero kee, Jackson, Haywood, Greene, Mitchell, Graham and Hyde. Banks chartered: Burlington Banking Company, Mechanic's Dime Savings Bank of Raleigh, Bank of Louisburg, Bank of Granville, at Oxford, Wake Banking and Security Company, of Raleigh, Salisbury Loan and Trust Company, Bank of Eden ton, Bank of Tarboro. Appropriations annually to insti tutions. To the University, f 20, 000; to the white Agricultural and Me chanical College, $15,000, regular, and $7,5X) special; to the colored Ag ricultural and Mechanical College, 15,000; to six colored Normal Schools, $1,5mi each :to colored Normal Schools at Winston, 11,000; to the Morganton A pylum for Insane. $100,000; for the Raleigh Asylum, $G2,500, regular, and $8,000 special: to the Goldshoro Asylum, $37,500, regular, and $10, 000 special; to the Soldiers' Home, $8,500; to the Normal and Industrial School, $13,750, regular, and $5,000 special; to the institution for the blind, $3,500, regular, and $6,000 special. The Longest Word. The longest word in the English lan guage is not "smiles, although there is a mile between its first and last letters, (s-mile-s). One of the happiest words, however, is health; real, rugged, robust,, red taced health. 1 here is neither boon nor blessiDg like it. Yet thousands have lost it and it stays los.. This need not be. Myriads have regain ed their health by usinsr Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery An inval uable remedy for consumption or lung scrofula, bronchitis, asthma, cough, heart disease, fever and ague, intermit tent fever, dropsy and many other dis eases, English Spavin Lin'ment removes all hard, soft, or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, spliuts, sweeney, ring bones, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warran ted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Seld by W. S. Allen, Druggist, Reidsville. The Fopa Out Generaled by the Rep. "You may say for me" said a Pop ulist legislator last night "that most of th Populists are utterly disgusted with the doings of this legislature. The Populists made a fatal mistake by holding joint caucuses. The Re publicans were shrewder parliamen tarians and quicker than we, and committed us to most of the deviltry that has disgraced fusion. We ought to have "kept in the middle of the road." and given no opportunity to the Republicans to out general us. I feel that we have made a blunder that will bring odium to the Populist party, and give it a black eye.' The Old Friend And the best friend, that never fails you, i3 Simmons Liver Begu lator, (the Eed Z) that's what you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not be persuaded that anything else will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines ; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel. It acta directly on the Liver, Kidney3 arid Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. This 13 the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to De taken I ' nKrin,vvtn(.a J M-EVERY PACKAGE'S lias the SB Stamp In red en wrapva J. II. ZK1UN CO., fhilaUelyUiajlu, A Chance to Make Money. The times are hard, but there al ways seems to be opportunities for those who are willing to work. In the past month I have made $175 above all expenses, selling Climax Dish Washers, and have attended to my regular business besides. I never 8a w anything that gave as general satisfaction. One should not com plain where they can make over $6 a day, right at home. I have not canvassed any, so anxious are peo ple for tflimax Dish Washers, that they send after them; any lady or gentleman can do as well as I am doing, for anyone can sell what every one wants to buy. I think we should inform each other through the news papers of opportunities Uke this, as there are many willing to work if they only knew of an opening. For full particulars, address the Climax Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. After you have tried the business a week publish the results for the benefit of others, A seyere rheumatic pain in the left shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, a weilknown druggist, of Des Moines, Iowa, for over six months. At times the pain was so severe that he could not lift anything. With all he could do he could not get rid ot it until he applied Cham berlain's Pain Balm. ' I onl) made three applications of it," he says, "and have since been free from all pain." He now recommends it to persons similarly afflicted. It is for sale by Par.ell & Dudley, Reidsville, and Jesse Carter, Madison. A Chicago Maaicinn. Prof. D. C. McAllister, vocal teacher, srudio. Chickenng Hall, residence 446 E. 45th street, Chicago, says: "After suf fering with lagrippe and its effects for over a year I was induced to try Germe teur, which I did with the most satisfac tory results, and I do not hesitate to pronounce it a great remedy." It is not necessary to suffer a year or even a month with grippe or its effects. Dr. King's Royal Germetuer cures it every time and in short order. Si, six for $5. Don't be humbugged! Like other articles of genuine merit the BUCKSKIN BREECHES have many imitators. Some are branded ' Buxkm and others "Buckskin" (without the wcrd Breeches) and so on. E3f"Be sure Buckskin Breeches is branded on the buttons and the trade mark (Buck and Dogs) on the ticket. Rheumatism, neuralgia, headache and pains ot every kind instantly relieved by Johnson's Mognetic Oil. $1.00 size 50 cts.; ,o ct. size 25cts. Richardson & Far ries. Druggists, Greensboro, N. C, H. O. TIMMO.VS, M. D. What the Doctor Says About a "Standing Household Remedy." Atlanta, Ga., Ang. 2Kth, 1A9S. "I take pleasure in stating that I have used Royal Oermetuir extensively in nay practice, and have found it aa nearly a SPECIFIC FOR DY8PEP8IA, Indication, catarrh and nervous debility as any remedy I have ever tried. It U an ex cellent remedy for all STOMACH AND BOWEL TROUBLC8. For weak and debilitated women I think it ia A WONDERFUL REMEDY. As a local application it is a prompt relief for piles, cuts, bruises and sores of all kinds. With my family, it is a standing household remedy." H. C. Timmoms, M. D. Two things which make Oermetuer so popular aa a family remedy are these : It ia so good to take, and it is always harmless. 1.00, s for 95.00. Sold by Druggists. King's Royal Germetner Co., Atlanta, Ga. n oor Health means so much more than f you imagine serious and i iatal diseases result irom trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. IfyouarefeeHns; out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, have no appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine.which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the very first dose if xuon't ttain four Ueth, and It's pleasant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, lrouoies, t Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments i Women's complaints. Get onlv the genuine H has crossed red t b , : .. . i. nnn.r . All ..I kM ar nth. j lines mi vii. "''K-. . . . . - - . .lihiiM n rereint of two ac. stamos we f will sciid set of ten Beautiful World's 1 Fair Vijw and book tree, BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MIX P Brown's ; Iron ; Bitters

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